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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • rob13
    Free Member

    I’m staying up there for a week from next weekend. Will be taking the Eeb so looking forward to getting a few of these in between family stuff! Need to find some tame stuff for the little ones too.

    Free Member

    Where are all the used Mac Rides? We’ve got a weeride and a trailer and both are in plentiful used supply. I want to move on now to a macride before my little one uses her own bike.

    Anyone selling one!?

    Free Member

    Cheers all, looks like I need to consider the potential of sticking with an on board option rather than going to a one solution fits all on the wrist. If the mapping isn’t very good on the wrist then perhaps I should look at the non map fenix. Ive got no smart watch at the moment so having the body metrics would help me.

    I left Garmin when i went from a 500 to a Wahoo Bolt but I might need to look at Garmin again if they’ve upper their game..

    Free Member

    Without wanting to deviate from the Covid links, the thing to remember is everyone has a certain level of stress in their lives and everyone manages different loads in their own way. Some never seem phased by anything and really take a lot of it on, in both private and professional, and others pop at the most minor of deviations in the track. It’s noticing the small things that might set of a trigger which they wouldn’t usually. On reflection there’s probably an element of both in my post viral fatigue, so it’s hard to separate the two.

    Physical health is massive for my mental health and I’ve come to appreciate that over the last 10 years. It gives me focus, and without going overboard, being outside makes me feel better inside.

    To those who have contributed to this, thanks very much for spotlighting the danger of going too soon and for those who are in the thick of it, I hope you get better soon. I’ll listen to what my body tells me over the next couple of weeks and take it easy. I’m hoping to start the year in February now and look forward to getting back to full health ready for the spring.

    Free Member

    Certainly sounds that way. As it is, the anxiety around Covid wasn’t there for me. I wasn’t concerned about catching it and when I did I was just miserable that I had to stay inside for Christmas but I too have a fairly high pressure (at times) job and is shift based. Getting my sleep on track is important so that I can go back to shifts confident that the off days will get me rest for the days and nights on shift. I’ve put stress on myself to get back to work when colleagues have had it around me and have had no symptoms or very mild. I’m double jabbed but they are older and are tripled.

    Free Member

    Thanks @ahsat, last night was my first night of restful sleep since it all went the other way. No waking with headache and a dry mouth and only waking once or twice. As @akbar has explained, the symptoms mirror stress and anxiety, something that I’m familiar with from several years back and something I recognise and counter when I think the water is rising. Unfortunately all of the usual techniques didn’t work to bring the sleep on track and as a result it all turned on its head. There probably is an element of stress in there as there are some big changes coming up but it definitely caught me out!

    I’ll take it easy for the next week and just see how my body responds to light exercise and hopefully the signs will be positive.

    Free Member

    I caught Covid before Xmas, and was out of isolation at NY. The initial infection was just a head cold but I actually have felt far worse after the 10 day isolation than I did before. It’s completely thrown my sleep all over, back pain, tinitus, chest pain, heart racing at night and day, headaches and having to sleep during the day. I’m 40 and before Xmas I was in a decent place. I’ve been putting a lot of it down to over a week of appalling sleep and stress building up in my body but I can’t shift the occasional cough and sinus blockage which comes and goes. It’s a very weird virus.

    Free Member

    Does no one have a solution for those who can’t stand skate type shoes? Ive been hoping someone would make a trail shoe that doubles as a good MTB shoe. Not keen on those trailcross shoes as they feel a bit flimsy

    Free Member

    Explore more local stuff in the NYM and Dales. Get over to the lakes for some big days out. Might even sample France if things go to plan..

    Free Member

    Just for anyone having a particularly bad time of it at the moment, the feeling may last longer than it should, but it is temporary. We all have Peaks and troughs, and some might be bigger or deeper than others but tomorrow or the day after will be better, just hang in there and talk to someone, even if it’s someone you’ve never met before.

    Free Member

    Cooking in the rain IS epic, when there is a canopy over your head. You could the rear hatch as slidepods do. Any cooking in the rear on gas needs to be vented anyway. You could get away with a meths stove like they have in boats but they are slow. Other option is a hot plate but you obviously need electric for that.

    Free Member

    You really don’t need all that ‘stuff’ to have a van to go camping in though. Like the poster above, insulation and a decent bed is what you need.
    If you’re on a site, electric is good. If you’re off grid, then you need to think about what you want to power. There are big power banks for £500 which will power devices for days, although if it’s an E bike, you’ll need mains. A cable RCD is the minimum you could get away with, or there are plug and play kits you can buy to install for a proper go.
    From experience, I’d look to cooking out of the van. You can pick up canister stoves really cheap, or you could install a slide pod style box in the back. The budget way is to get a load of good stacking boxes and keep everything in them. They could form the base of a bed if strong enough.
    Amdro make versatile kits which are function over form and are worth looking at. They could inspire you for ideas on what can be done when you don’t spend fortunes on a rock and roll bed and a kitchen unit.
    A c rail on the side and a canopy or a pull out fiamma awning would be well worth it if you’re after something quick and easy rather than a full on awning. It means you can have somewhere for shade or shelter, you could put up a windbreak around it for a bit more shelter.

    My van is a kombi with 5 seats but I want the versatility of space in the back with seats for the kids but also an overnight option for just me and the bike. I plan to build a bed base which will run over the back of the dropped rear seats, with storage under it for cooking kit and clothing/bike stuff. The bike will run down the side of me. I’ll be building it from furniture ply and the intention is to be able to flat pack it all for garage storage.

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a 4 year old Vito for that, but you could easily get an older van for less. Some of the older vitos or T5s are worth a look. I think this build is full on camper. Depends on whether you’re solo or with family.

    I built a t5 a few years ago and 3 of us did several weeks a year in it. Nowadays I’ve got a caravan but still use the van for bikes and other kit. If you’re just going solo, you could do a self build with all you need for a fraction of the price.

    Free Member

    Amongst the many useful and respectful posts, there are a handful of posters on here who think that throwing insults at someone who doesn’t agree with their point of view is the right way to go about it.

    We started with “three weeks to flatten the curve” through to “2 jabs to return to normal”. This has then moved to “2 not good enough, but 3 will sort you out”. That’s not taking into account that they are now looking to a new vaccine for Omicron, which will inevitably be 4 or more.

    Free Member

    The whole thing isnt sitting well with me at the moment. Omicron is supposedly highly contagious yet relatively mild in SA as it has been reported. Meanwhile the British media are painting it as the apocalypse and unless we ‘think of others’ and get to our nearest centre for an injection then we are likely to end up in serious trouble.

    I’m double jabbed in the under 40s age group as many of my friends and colleagues are. There are a lot of us who have had Covid and likely passed it on over the last few months with mild illness. So whilst the jab might have prevented me from feeling worse with it, its done nothing to protect others I know from getting it.

    I’ve read a couple of opinions on here criticising unvaxxed members of society, and branding them as 2nd class citizens. Frankly I find this a disgusting viewpoint, and a worrying state of mind. If someone chooses not to get vaccinated, then that should be their choice and something which they can make freely. If the vaccine stopped infections then I see a different viewpoint but that isn’t the case. Similarly the idea of those unvaxxed being selfish in clogging hospitals, do we judge others on their unhealthy lifestyles for potentially ending up with an illness or disease which causes them to be hospitalised? Do we need to start picketing at McDonalds or the local Chippy to pour scorn on the obese?

    This virus has damaged society as much as it has taken lives. It has drawn huge divisions across society and instead of people being made to make their own choice on it, they have been coerced and marginalised over it. People should respect the decisions of others, regardless of which side of the fence you sit.

    Free Member

    Just as an update to this, bought a sport crew long this week. Looking forward to doing a few bits with it, making it a bit quieter, fitting some new audio equipment and organising a rear which can be used as an overnighter for me and the bike. Want something that can just be taken in and out. Not much for the Vito but will be self building.

    Free Member

    @the00 thanks for the reply. I seem to be in the wrong part of the country up in the North East as they all seem to be a long way to find one! I’ve seen a long one which looks like it would swallow kit without going down the XL route. Its just the compact model which I’m unsure of. On paper they are a matter of cm’s but in reality that can be significant particularly when trying to park in a tight spot.

    Free Member

    I really liked Cytronex when I tried a load of bikes back to back at the cycle show. The way they delivered power and the amount of it made for a decent ride, better than mine dedicated e-commuters

    Free Member

    I like it. Like the big logo, the geometry sounds similar to the E Sommet but with the option of mullet or full 29 and a flip chip it moves the game on.

    The charging port is in a bad spot, so hopefully it’ll be moved but those saying it looks like an e bike, is there some other magic way you’ve considered to hide the large battery? Until tech catches up with smaller battery sizes then that design will be set for a while.

    Will be interested to see and hear more about it in the coming months. I stopped short of buying the Aether 9 and instead went full fat EP8 and think it was the right choice. I love e-mtbs and I’m not old or unfit enough to need one. They’re just brilliant fun up or down hill. Good to see a company like Bird getting on board with the technology.

    Free Member

    Fine at the trail centre but will carry rucksack otheewise. Osprey pack here and a full bladder and usual pack bits mean that it needs to be pulled tight to stop it sliding down. Once it’s on, I don’t really feel it.

    Free Member

    I actually like a nice car still, and as it would be the main family motor, then it has to have some appeal. That said, I want to chop my wife’s vehicle in once this one is sorted so I might get something a bit more interesting to replace that.

    When the caravan is on the back of the car, the only option is to carry inside or on top. I’m not a fan of putting them on the roof, the road bike not so much but definitely not lifting 25kg of ebike up there!

    Length of the eSommet is about 120cm with the wheels off. Takes moments to whip them on/off. Usually to carry it anywhere I take it inside with the seats down and one wheel off but that is with me riding solo.

    Pro-ace is still pretty new and with fairly strong prices but look like a decent van.

    Free Member

    Looking for something at the moment which will satisfy pulling a caravan, put bikes in (all in the caravan at the moment) but still be decent to drive.

    Looking at the price of used vans at present puts me off. Looking for something decent and upto 5 years old so Vito’s are about £25k and T6s over £30k. Lot of cash for few creature comforts..

    I did fancy an A6 or Passat/Superb estate but they’re not useful for carrying children and bikes, it’s one or the other.

    Don’t want to look like I’ve given up on life so Picassos and Zafiras are out. S-Max? Anything else worth looking at?

    Free Member

    As I understand it, Shimano warranty is transferable to the 2nd owner?

    I bought an ep8 equipped bike a few months back and i’ve put a few hundred fun miles on it in that time. I’ve done the rest on my roadie and gravel non assisted. I gave up motorbikes a few years ago so the e-bike is the ideal mid-point for enjoying more in less time, but still getting a good workout.

    There’s always some good trolling from the anti – e establishment. Maybe they should try one, they might actually enjoy it and realise its not all about the pasties.

    Free Member

    Had to check whether this was supposed to be recent, as I think its been an excellent summer after a very slow start. I was up in Scotland for 2 weeks in glorious dry (too hot) weather, with only a drop of rain. The lochs up there looking dry.

    I’m back home now in the North East and before I went and since i’ve been back its been warm, and generally dry. Been out a few times this week and it was a bit windier than i’d have liked, but could easily see where the big thunder showers were so rode around them. Not a drop fell on me.

    Got quite a bit of time to myself next week so fully expect it to piss down!

    Free Member

    My mate has had both jabs, Sinopharm as he’s overseas. 38 years old. Double clot one to brain, one in the arm. He’s been in a bad way and the docs have saved his limb before thinning his blood enough to avoid open heart surgery. I’m single jabbed at 39. Most of me wishes I’d not bothered having a jab at all given the level of risk and the fact that it seems to spread anyway.

    Free Member

    John & Ringo on a hardtail?

    Free Member

    Are any of these gravel bike able? I’m up there next week for a week and planning on taking trailer to tow youngest so gravel bike it is (the full DH Eeb has to stay at home). There’s some opportunity to get out by myself as well so I’m looking at potential routes around 15-20 miles for that 1-2hr slot.

    Free Member

    I need to contact Wahoo about my Bolt. The screen inside must have cracked as I’ve got a black mark slowly migrating from the top left downward. Don’t know whether a repair is possible.

    Free Member

    I’m new to eMTB myself, and dived in at the deep end with a Vitus ESommet. I’d have never bought a full on enduro bike if it had been manual but wanted at least this year on one and it came up available.

    I’m (road) bike fit and entering middle age so I don’t fit the old or knackered brackets but can relate to your experience Weeksy. On the Vitus, it’s running the Shimano EP8 motor which between on and off, the only thing you might notice is the slight whirr. Other than that, you can’t feel the transition.

    Did some routes around Dalby red and found myself a lot of the time above the limiter but only just as the heavy DD casing tyres and 24kg of bike means an effort to keep it spinning.

    On steep uphills though, it excels and clearing section after section means that if a normal route for a less tech rider like me is 7mph AVG, then with eMTB it’s 11 mph AVG. I was climbing a beast of an old quarry track the other day and I got to the top with my HR screaming at near maximum but I was climbing it much quicker (still below limiter) than I would have been on a bike.

    I think most people who haven’t ridden one think they go round with minimum input at the limit all the time. It might on the flat in turbo but to get to the limit on the climbs you still have to be working hard.

    Free Member

    Anyone see this post? Its not showing up on the forum.

    Free Member

    Yeah sorry about the bike terms, it’s just when talking about eMTB I still see them as bikes. I hate the term Acoustic, analogue etc. They’re just bikes.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, got the bits I’ll check the mech and chain.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an order in for one, but looks like it might be June before the Pike 140 select are back in. Give them a ring or drop them an email. Couldn’t be more helpful as I also kept trying to order daily without success.

    Just wish I’d made a firm decision a month or two ago. Been hoping something from LBS would come in to test but their prices have shot up and the other direct I was considering is now saying August for any more bikes.

    Free Member

    Glad I’ve found this thread. Waiting on a Bird Aether and tyre choice is the Maxxis range – DHF, DHR2, Assegai, Rekon and Dissector. Ive been a long time away from MTBs so confidence is required! Got the fitness from years of road work but skills will be lacking. From the conversation above, sounds like the DHR2 might be the tyre for front and rear to give some of that confidence? I’ve had a few crashes on road and before that on the MTB and it’s always been front end washouts which made me more and more tentative with cornering.

    Free Member

    Shocked when I saw this, the Gradient is a bike I’ve lusted after since I first saw it a few years ago. RIP

    Free Member

    When I was in Bike Scene Guisborough a couple of months back they had some in. Might be worth giving them a ring as I don’t think they were advertising them either.

    Free Member

    Great idea, still a drive for me but it’s in the area. I think besides the fact that we have a few areas dotted about – Sutton, Hamsterley, Guisborough (although no official stuff) there doesn’t seem to be that many woods around on a local basis with a few trails on. Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.

    Free Member

    I asked a question a couple of weeks back about a similar position i.e something can go up and down and the long way round. I ended up getting a few recommendations for either the Sonder Cortex or the Signal. The signal is definitely a good looking bike, more so than the Cortex but think FS would probably triumph. I’ve not ridden one of these modern slack hardtails though and only have a 69 degree 26er to reference. Im set on going for a 29, I’ve just got to decide which one fits best. I’m already well served for gravel and road.

    Free Member

    Dear me read this thread from the start, sounds like triggers broom! Id say now is your chance to cash in. Stick it on here, at least we know what it’s had done!

    Buy an estate with a towbar and lash the MX to a trailer, or buy a Kombi van.

    Free Member

    Id be tempted to buy an EBike as they do offer a completely different experience however, there’s just too many stories like these all over the place. Until their reliability is better, it’s an expensive and risky game once the warranty goes. Running costs are high enough without having to replace motors.

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