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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • roady_tony
    Free Member

    was no hack titusrider, amazing to think these days you can just dump 10000000000s or records into excel and manip. as you want, back in the day GROUP BY, HAVING and OUTER JOINS were the mark of a great SQL writer 🙂

    Free Member

    wouldnt it be a nice surprise if something like Force India walked away with it this year 🙂

    Rain and first race in the new cars should be exciting.

    RTL+R5L for me at 6am for sure! cost me 60quid in total for all the freesat channels too – bargain, oh yeah inc. a PVR recordable HD reciever! (B&Q half price kit and then bought extra LNB of ebay!)

    Free Member

    when does it open for next years?

    ps.”how tech tech techy is it really? is it like a 7stanes black, red, mix? i heard its quite rooty, which is what i love(d) – watching it brought back a lot of 24h memories before my accident – never rode 24h in the UK…hmmmm juices flowing….makes me want to do it next year! is there anything similar mid-year/end of summer in Scotland????”

    Free Member

    aye druidh we saw ya (ps i follow your blog)

    looked like a muddy mess in parts? well organised? did you have to clock in EVERY lap?!?!….

    how tech tech techy is it really? is it like a 7stanes black, red, mix? i heard its quite rooty, which is what i love(d) – watching it brought back a lot of 24h memories before my accident – never rode 24h in the UK…hmmmm juices flowing….makes me want to do it next year! is there anything similar mid-year/end of summer in Scotland????

    Free Member

    YoKaiser : watch it on lower pressures and hard cornering….

    Free Member

    im sorry but the simple answer to the above is one size DOES NOT fit all.
    just as we are all different in the things we like to eat, we are all different in the way we run, cycle, play football and drive – quite simply its always worth going to a professional shop and getting a analysis if you intend to do more than 30mins of running on a regular basis – if it proves that your a neutral, then great buy what you want, otherwise its going to save you pain and injuries in the future.
    for every post on here that says ‘ive ran in 15quid trainers’ there probably 1000 people who did the same and now have crap knees, ankles and sore back.

    Free Member

    ? bump. before i order the bracket and lnb online today…

    Free Member

    so i dont need an arm/bracket or a 2nd lnb, one of those monoblocks with the 2lnb in them wouldbe fine?

    Free Member

    hmmm now i am a bit more confused, although thanks for the responses – looking at that digital spy….i thought the gap of 9 degrees would mean a huge distance between the 2 lnb’s?? ive been looking a ebay brackets that have a big arm/….urmmm am i looking at the wrong things?
    maybe those 2lnbs in one (monoblock are they called) would work then??? and i think they have inbuilt disqeccy things too….

    Free Member

    once again ! thankyou!

    Free Member

    Hey everyone – i found the issue with my external html, it was coding error, i had a div like this

    <div id = “my_div” />

    html stuff

    javascript stuff
    alert(“ran script!”);


    the extra / at the top line stopped the SCRIPT section from working in IE8 and previous versions, but working in all others.
    when i removed the script, the load worked fine
    when i removed the extra ‘/’ and put back the script it worked in IE8 (and previous)

    crikey thats 2 days of looking!!!!!!!!!

    thanks to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    @nixie – html externals contain html and javascript code wrapped in <script /script> tags as per normal.
    and i am doing the same as you , building the tabs dynamically in JQuery, loading the content (the external html/jscript) when clicked.
    if i include jscript in the external html, IE8 wont load it at all, the other browers do & execute the jscript inside the <script /script> tags.

    @patrick- cant really do that as it complex to load external files using jsfiddle.

    Free Member

    thanks for the advice everyone!
    have tried going though the security settings on IE8, am running XAMPP and IE8 settings are set to INTRANET and LOW and checked all scripting settings to enabled as required…
    I’d already gone through DEBUG, it doesnt tell me much because i’m loading the .HTML (with the javascript inside it) dynamically. it reports NO errors

    I’ve yet to see a working example on the internet, the only one i’ve found is using <iframe> .

    if i remove the javascript, the .html loads with no problems. i add it, it just doesnt load.
    it all works in chrome/fox , also with no errors.

    i’ll keep hunting around.

    if anyone could prove this is working for them, that would be fekin awesome 😉

    Free Member

    yes jquery, but thats the point, when i run it in chrome/fox the external html files that hold the <script… javascript .. /script> commands execute when the external file is loaded, which is fine. IE8 just will not load the file at all – so there is some display text above the javascript which fails to load in IE8 and the javascript itself, chrome/fox works fine. if i REMOVE the <script> stuff, IE8 loads the file and displays the text….

    Free Member

    yes he added a new ‘scream’ to ROTJ , vader now screams ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’ the same as EPIII (what an arrogant f****r)
    oh and CGI’d some more rocks, and characters and stuff
    oh and made the OBI WAN sandpeople-scare-away scream in EPIV sound like he got kicked in the balls!

    i mean , if the DVD SE were in *HIS* words “the ultimate way i wanted to see the films”, why try and make them more like the utter s*** he wants to call the prequels just to try and mask his utter failure of writing, directing and producing anything since he made millions off the back of his 1 brilliant idea (that others actually executed and made them fantastic films to enjoy)

    Free Member

    none of them cos LUCAS HAS RAPED MY MIND TOO MANY TIMES with his changes


    ok, Star Wars Ep IV SE DVD.

    NO BLURAY!!!

    Free Member

    seems he’s getting a lot of bad-press for his latest war movie, not only is it a dire film full of rubbish lines and acting (as per EPi-iii), but the industry is getting a bit wound up about his saying no Studio would show it because it was an ‘all black’ film and he has financed it all himself…. yet the Studio’s HAVE made and funded ‘all black’ films before, and there is a whole GENRE of low-budget blakc films for decades they just didnt want to show George because its utter utter crap….
    Lucas just talks utter rubbish to ‘try’ and make it sound like he’s still some hip director ‘goin against The Man’ yet in reality is what everyone has said above. an utter buffoon.

    Free Member

    lucas can shove it, he said he made the ‘definitive’ version of the classic 3, so why then made more changes for the BluRay release, just so THEY could be more like the PREQUELS. in the words of ””kin darth vader in now the prequels and the original ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo;………

    what he should have done was rebought back every copy of I-III and crammed it up his ass….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    tasty bike!!!!

    I’m thinking of those wheels for my P-X uncle john – how are you finding them? whats the min tyre width you can put on the them for roadie use?

    Nice work with the cables.!

    Free Member

    a good tea pot is the way to go with a steel filter
    +1 trickydisco
    then some good leaves (although teabags do make a nice cuppa for sure)
    Assam is my fave at the mo.

    i love Tea and Coffee and have probably 8 cups a day , usually mostly tea, with 2 cups of coffee at lunchtime-ish.

    i have no problem admitting i am addicted.

    i NEED it in the morning. full stop!

    we’ve had some addiction to substances since forever – apes eat some types of leaves for a high, early man chewed leaves too, then theres the cocoa bean, tobacco etc, its been with us a looooooooong time. dont worry about it. 😉

    Free Member

    ummm perhaps i’m daft here, cos i use conti UST’s on Mavic UST rims / valves, and i find it works sweet with a track pump – if i have any problems i usually go all around the seated tyre pinching it ‘outwards’ and then try once more, then its done.

    getting the tyre on usually destroys my IT soft hands

    Free Member

    thanks INH and mininthenorth – i keep forgetting BING has OS mapping, looks like sustrans route 55/70 cheshire cycleway would be good to get out to “cat and fiddle” via the forest – judging by some google street view it looks well signed too – as i hate having to carry a ton of maps 😉

    thanks for the tip on the cafe near the wizard pub 😉

    Free Member

    what surfer said, plus my 2cents :
    wear knee length socks, keep my calf’s walm in this crappy weather, dont fill with water, dont need leggings, and try and get compression ones because they make you run faster (ok no they dont, but i feel better with them!)

    Free Member

    oolite for Elite fans, i’ve just started playing it, ah it brings back memories of B&W tv’s, 48k’s and tape loading and hours of fun…

    Free Member

    quite a few changed details from the book – but overall a fantastic BBC drama, a jewel in an otherwise lackluster year of drama on the bbc – especially over christmas too, and that goes for all channels!

    Estella – pfft. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again :
    got Gillian in it, nuff said.
    Miss Havisham, Miss Ravisham 😉

    Free Member

    got Gillian in it, nuff said.
    Miss Havisham, Miss Ravisham 😉

    Free Member

    hmmm ok , might think on it a bit – the bigger alien laptops seem to have better spec but they rocket up in price!

    Free Member

    get an indoor trainer and watch some christmas smooze film on C5 – no point in busting an ankle for the sake of a tempo paced ride.

    Free Member

    had this, due to compressed disc on L4/5 caused mega problems with the nerve even after a long rest and did everything described by anyone above…
    almost went insane…
    after 2 years went and got a series of prolotherapy injects in the area,
    8 weeks of injections and riding like a demon – no problems since, that was 4 years ago.

    “The Wharfedale Clinic, otley, leeds” will give you contact details via google search.

    fantastic clinic, guy i had was a fell runner and cyclist.

    whatever happens – hope you get it fixed soon,

    injuries like this SUCK.

    Free Member

    I hate these shows – at least we dont pay licence fee money to it, unlike all the BBC crap (julia walks across iceland – what a joke that was! Top Gear – what a pile of scripted rubbish, ETC ETC) anyway – i love a good rant at the BBC and rubbish stuff it produces – make em have adverts – the only good thing they cover, they sell off to sky (f1) to make/save a quick buck – then pay clarkson another million for next years “i’ll win the challenges and everyone else is a fool”

    where is the real adventure programs these days? real people doing it with a camcorder and thier whits….no backup crews!….mark baumont gets 55 mins of tv program on the bbc for his stuff (check out his rowing to the Pole) – and then they want to sell it us on DVD!!!!!!!


    Free Member

    ….and by the time you finish the game, the user no longer needs it, or has found a ‘neat way’ of doing it in Excel than only he understands….

    great jokes btw 🙂

    Free Member

    lets not forget Senna also crashed into people, he crashed into Mansell’s williams after Williams said Senna wasnt going to drive for them next year – was the last race of the season i remember.
    and of course
    senna v prost!!!!!!!!!!

    so lets not all hark on about schumi and crashing – recent commentators have said damon hill need not have tried to pass schumi as he was coming back across the circuit after his crash as he could not go anywhere else with front broken suspension – if he had braked and gone on the other side he would have been fine. Some could say Coulthard’s braking on the racing line in the wet at spa stole a title from schumi that year – did McLaren give him a team order? did they cheat? when JPM rammed schumi in the tunnel in monaco – was that delibrate, will we hear in years to come JPM was given a wink and a nod? who knows what goes on!

    there’s also the thoughts that the FIA was quite willing to let Williams and all its techno gadgetry win for a while because of a beef with McLaren at the time – it was only when ferrari was on its knees and going to leave F1 were things changed and ferrari’s power base inside the FIA began to increase.

    and of course SPYGATE stuff too!

    i’m not defending or supporting anyone, but lets not all get selective memory here just because we dont like someone
    sometimes for a title, its not just about the driver in the car, or the car, the team, the team bosses, the deals done over dinners, the deals done on the private jet and boats, the politics done around the table, that all in all contributed to some of the modern F1 championship past winners.

    Free Member

    set yourself a goal for the morning – afternoon and end-of-day, match this goal with a treat – say chocolate, cake, latte etc.
    then set yourself a weekly target to complete the goals above, match this target with buying some new bike bits.

    job done.

    Free Member

    Sorry about the NZ red/black comment, a little harsh in retrospect, i guess its what you rode and what your used to .
    For sure NZ has great trails for all levels and the OP will have plenty of fun out there.
    (although i still strongly feel AKL road riding is utter hell, having done it for 7 years.)

    Free Member

    further to above
    1) ensure your bike boots and gear are PRISTINE when arriving in NZ, the inspection guys can be kind or cruel depending. best not to try and hide anything from them, you wont get away with it

    2) dont hire from the trailer guys at the main entry to Rotorua MTB area as the bikes are horrible – ( hire from in town) mine had no tread, no grips on the pedals and leaky shock, a bent seat post, and thats after i took the first one they gave me back… and see (3)

    3) airlines lose bike boxes / delay them if they dont have space on the plane (hence why i had to do (2) ) mine was delayed 3 days, guess where, LONDON!!!!!!!! i was told when i arrived at US.

    4) no offence to kiwi’s but if you’ve ridden black stuff in the UK, you’ll pee all over the NZ trails, they are mostly red grade at most –
    Rotorua is soil based and is pretty sweet, Auckland is sandy based and rooty and is crap, go to Rotorua instead. Lake Taupo has some really great stuff, soil based too, and some non-dedicated area’s that are really nice trails, look for stuff around the Huka falls. Wellington has great stuff. non dedicated trails out in the country can be hard to find without the kennet book mentioned above.
    South island – didnt race much there, although there are some good trails i hear.

    5) dont ride on the road, at least not in AUCKLAND – car drivers hate you and weave into you and are very very aggressive.

    Free Member

    hmmm i’m keen to do this also on my cross bike as well as road

    the SJS stuff seem just the ticket


    how does one do the front der. with it going under the BB ??

    Free Member

    no mention of CHURCH JESUS or RELIGION in any of the above.

    not that i have any religion anyway, just sayin’

    Free Member

    seems ARGOS has the best deal at the mo on new bundles

    PS3 320gb + karate kid bluray (!) + PS MOVE + FIFA 12 + 2 GAMES from a certain selection (out of which i’d choose GT5 and Dirt2 !!!) for 249quid!

    i guess i could sell the bluray, and fifa12 off on ebay…?

    whens that Star Wars game coming out of the Move 😉
    Now i am the master!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    after an big ride out there , there cafe was truly awesome. sad indeed.

    unless of course the new owners also produce great cake! :S

    Free Member

    i got the chinook style one – its awesome, although i find its better when the battery in the copter is just off full charge as its easier to control.

    outside its a nightmare, as wind can take it and you end up having to negotiate a field full of cows and pats to get the copter back 🙁

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