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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • roady_tony
    Free Member

    on reflection of a week or so, and reading a lot of comments on the web,
    i’d like to say that its an ok film but not perfect and should have been something better from someone like Ridley.

    but hey,
    at least it didnt have


    Free Member

    @deluded – he’s already started the Sequel! Like Alien, set in the same world as original BladeRunner but ‘said’ it would not include Deckar.
    (up to now, he may be fibbing…)

    Free Member

    @deluded +1 on that review.

    i do question though just when the director and writer have to then put in the effort to explain lots of things that clearly should not need explaining when they are totally KEY to the story and the plot, The Goo for one, if it was such a major factor in everything that happened it should really have had a decent Scientist (of which there are many on the Ship, as it was after all a science vessel) take samples and tell us a few things they may ‘think’ it is.

    …and of course no one asked all the relevant questions about how 2 people could get lost when one of them is the mapping engineer, and they have a biiiiiiiiig map of the place already on the Ship (and presumably in that day and age could see it in a HUD on their helmet screen) , and yadayadayada 1001 other problems with the film too.

    Free Member
    have a MASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIVE sale on some of them!

    Free Member

    @adrianmurray – thanks for the links – some interesting reading.

    bizarre thing is, ive been doing this for years and never had cramp until now, even on big runs and rides on the same day… – i think the suspect could be the new shoes – i did get them very very very cheap even though top branded and the right size and for my running style too, but you never know that the box may say something and the insides maybe be else.

    i’m going to order my old asics again and see how that goes.

    if it aint broke, i should not to tried and fix it!

    thanks all

    Free Member

    @adrianmurray – thanks for the links – some interesting reading.

    bizarre thing is, ive been doing this for years and never had cramp until now, even on big runs and rides on the same day… – i think the suspect could be the new shoes – i did get them very very very cheap even though top branded and the right size and for my running style too, but you never know that the box may say something and the insides maybe be else.

    i’m going to order my old asics again and see how that goes.

    if it aint broke, i should not to tried and fix it!

    thanks all

    Free Member

    hmmm so different planets, kinda makes me wonder if at the end of Prometh., when the David and Shaw head out , do they actually make it, or are THEY the ones we find crashed at the beginning of Alien, and perhaps thats because there is that ‘new’ Alien on board that we see born out of the SJ? or perhaps, the ‘new’ Alien causes a lot of SJ in there ships to depart the Prometh. planet and one crashes on LV426 for Alien to find.

    it does open up a whole new plotline to tie in Prometh. and Alien together now if they are on 2 different planets.

    hey, what about the timeline now then? was Prometh set well before Alien?
    it still also doesnt explain the holographic images of the SJ’s running away and one getting its head chopped off, which, incidentally, was dated at 2000 years ago (any significance in that!?)

    Free Member

    edit: and for a final huge big plot hole….

    the SJ’s are running around their own site with big helmets on (they found one with it on at the start of the movie) and yet when woken up from his sleep, he didnt have one, ah yes you say, because he’s in a chamber that has air and doesnt need it right….but he then leaves that with no helmet walks across the planet with no breathable air to the escape pod to try and kill the last remaining survivor (why he does that i dont know) with NO HELMET ON…. hmmmm (and then get alien’d)

    Free Member

    saw it yesterday,

    i think people need to remember about Davids constant mentioning Human and him as a ROBOT – that might shed some light on their attitude towards us – face it, look at the attitude towards David from us Humans , and we created David, so we end up doing and saying anything to ‘him’ that we like and treat him like an object. The Engineers did the same to us when they awoke, they created us from 1 of them + the goo, and realising that we had managed to get there and wake them up was more of a ‘look at all these GeneticModed things around!’

    i think the whole ‘reason behind why they created us’ was missed out on purpose, David clearly asking the question at the end, so to better promote a sequel – and in the end , leaving it open to us to decide, after all if we think there is a GOD out there , why did he create us is one of the biggest questions of all.

    I’m still undecided/unclear about various other points, like :
    – were the Engineers on their way back to Earth before “an accident” and what accident that was they were running from??
    – why did the Engineers leave markers on earth in civilisations to take us to a place with this ‘goo of aliens’,
    -if its the same place thats found in ALIEN and ALIENS why is there no wreckage of the other ship, the lifepods, the body of Weyland and others
    – if its the same place as ALIEN and ALIENS, why was it so different in terms of Canisters of Goo and BIG HUMAN FACE, when in ALIEN/S it was Eggs and no HUMAN FACE.
    – the chest busted jockey was in fact not in his seat, unlike how it was found in ALIEN
    – the ALIEN at the end of the movie, was that a ‘new’ ALIEN as a mate of ENGINEERS DNA and the SNAKEY GOO THING – ? it could not be in my mind, because on the wall of the big HUMAN FACE was the outline of the mother Alien, and 1 Alien egg in green underneath it….

    it suggests to me Ridley has other ideas that are not yet explained, and perhaps can only be in a sequel.

    EDIT: the point about the goo being put into the guy by David seems to be that it was an experiment issued by Wayland, although i get that, its not a great way to perform an experiment in reality as you have no control over anything! plus was the ‘baby alien’ a by product of this or did David/Waylan actually know that could take place? if not, it was a bit of a reach to think the entire race if ALIEN was created by that 1.4 mins of shaggin?

    Free Member

    forget Austria , good evening Moldova!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    hello AUSTRIA judgess
    :-) :-D :-p

    Free Member

    ahhh i wondered what FYR meant – see i’ve learned something from EUROVISION today!

    Free Member

    i’m still hoping that IT companies decide to retrain experienced IT job seekers rather than complaining no one knows how to Program anymore…. (after years of outsourcing programming to various other countries that now become too expensive and have zero initiative and require a lot of management and handholding (IMHE) )

    Free Member

    i think everyone has missed the most important question ever regards to independence if/when it happens….

    who will Scotland send to EUROVISION 2015 !!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    all i can say is , DC your an ar****le. he could not even congratulate him when he got pole – swallow your words about him being finished DC and admit your wrong (like in SPA 98), quick to say how Lewis was the ‘real’ pole man despite him/team cheating on the fuel levels….oh and lets not mention your pathetic attempt at DTM last week eh? perhaps you should retire from that DC ;-)

    ok rant over

    should be a great race, anyone betting on a safety car?

    Free Member

    sorry – i thought this had something to do with Buffy The Vampire…

    moving along

    Free Member

    i did the same thing a few years ago, and echo what people have already said.
    i got some North Face trekking/walking shirts with vents etc that worked really well, but pretty much whatever you wear will be ‘damp’!
    rain is usually fine, hard, quick , over.

    foodwise, unfortunately you really do have to stay away from touristy area’s these days to get something authentic, even backpacker places these days seem surrounded by rubbish food – get to local places you wont regret it!!!! (and the people are pretty friendly too, treat them and their ways with respect and its all smiles)

    enjoy and have fun

    Free Member

    what honeybadgerx said!

    Free Member


    actually looked like a good band with traditional music – gets my vote.

    Free Member

    had a 250K petrol, lovely engine, car fell apart, constantly back to the dealer for this and that. hated it in the end. made a massive loss on it.

    best car I ever owned – Toyota Supra TT, owned for 3.5 years, hardly spent a penny on it (apart from FUEL, eeek 9mpg sometimes! oh and rear tyres)

    Free Member

    PROPERTY – prices are as low as they can go, invest now.
    GOLD – history of economics, when economies crash – soon the EURO crashes and drags all our economies with it, China’s exports will slow as the EU is one of its main importers and they will also suffer, and everyone will invest in GOLD. rose 16% in recent months from a ‘low’ which is still some sort of 20 year high!

    Free Member

    PROPERTY or GOLD, done.

    Free Member

    jeez no one recommend the older shape Jag, you can get a lota car for your money, and yeah i know its a Ford underneath, but the engine is sweet, and looks a lot nicer.

    Free Member

    i love a good rant. first though :

    was riding on lovely country lane on a rare scottish sunny day, tractor coming the other way, pulls off and lets me through, we wave at each other – nice.

    was riding on a not so lovely rainy day in scotland, came up to a massive puddle, and never riding through it due to the lovely potholes around here, had to straddle the middle of the road, almost past it, oncoming car actually had a driver that looks ahead and slows and waits , i thumbs up , she waves. nice.

    driving on busy A road, rider in front of us catches up to his pals at a dedicated bus stop, slows and half/almost pulls in with no signal, we have to brake and stop , he doesnt stop as as his 2 mates on bling bling carbon bikes and too tight lycra for their arses all pull out directly in front of us without looking, wobbling around trying to clip in, we are almost at a standstill with a pile of cars behind us, they ride 3 abreast for a while and then single file trying to chat to each other but wobbling to the center as they look back to talk – eventually we get past with a wide berth. i’m all for waiting behind cyclists and give them plenty of space, but this case got me angry, because i just know a load of car users will use these kind of incidents to tarnish our name.

    Free Member

    thanks for the quick reply.

    Q? where do you pay TAX – i’m guessing UK on your UK tax returns on the income you repatriate. they must have had to clear it with the NZ tax authorities to not withhold tax from your payments.

    Free Member

    cheaper oil, cheaper fuel, cheaper business costs, cheaper shipping, cheaper bikes, less oil.

    Free Member

    hmm did London really need all the more officespace hotelspace and swanky 20 apts at 10million+ or however much it cost…

    plus no mention of the environmental impact

    1.6bn – most of it from Qatar, how about saving the 1.6bn loan and bringing down the price of oil ;-)

    Free Member


    so originally when the plot details and teaser were out, it looked like these Space Jockey aliens were some kind of intelligent race that the ‘Alien’ took over / escaped captivity/ came from somewhere else, humans and intelligent race coop to keep alien contained’

    now it seems its got a more generic plotline of

    humans discover star map, goto star, intelligent aliens used it as a trick to say ‘if they can get here, they are a threat and need destroying, send in the Alien to their homeplanet, Human crew mess up that plan and Alien escape, runs amoc, Ship crashes into Lv426…”
    ??? hmmm im hoping its not the case!


    Free Member

    “Time to quit biking, take up smoking and start necking hundreds of pies.”

    i knew this biking stuff was bad for you!

    Free Member


    yup far too much about the presenters having fun than serious reviews!!!
    i record it and ffwd most of the crap

    Free Member

    ohhhhhhhh yeah!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    funny this should come up, i’ve been worring about this for a year now,
    low hr and blood pressure caused me to pass out a few times when i had gastroentoritus (sp!) in egypt

    low hr and blood pressure caused me to pass out when i had some kinda of sudden sore throat/vomiting bug in the uk

    and….recently went in the hospital for ‘the snip’ and passed out due to low HR, low blood pressure on the operating table – just as they tugged at the tube that makes you feel like you been kicked in the goolies!

    despite seeing the GP on all occasions, and the one above they called some big-Dr-bod who sorted me out with drips and slapping me around the face – no one seems much concerned!!!!!!

    Free Member

    promote how its good for Scotland, good for Communities and good for the NHS bill and how everyone looks with admiration to countries how actively promote cycling and new cycle ways – instead of just thinking its a current “gimmick”… but at the end of the day, money talks, and just imagine how much of that Edinburgh tram link could have been put into covered cycle lanes and free park and ride and bike-a-rent….

    Free Member

    preorder? i did not even see that – i assumed it was ready to go as it was already heavily discounted.
    i’m about to push the BUY button myself – just trying to see if there is an in car charger for it somewhere….

    Free Member

    well it has its own website based that has firmware updates…
    i know its not going to be a long term investment, but considering the way Tech changes these days, for the price, if it lasts longer than a year then thats pretty cool – and for just playing on the net and music/vid watching, not like its going to suddenly stop doing that.

    its got a hdmi output too, so it should be able to play HD via that, but as previously stated i thinks its weakest point is the Screen resolution.

    ahhhh and its also not got ‘n’ wireless….

    hmmm but neither have some of its more expensive rivals.

    with these Tablet things, can you plug in a MOBILE BROADBAND dongle and access the web too? (via USB)

    Free Member

    the Arnie bit of the film is actually the best bit i thought, they did his face a 1000 times better than Bridges in TRON 2.0
    it was Ultimately a pointless film, it showed us nothing we didnt already know did not move the plot line on at all, and just introduced us to a new character who was easily killed off and didnt have to be referenced in any other movie.

    there was a flaw that was introduced in T3 and T4 in that how the hell did Skynet suddenly build all these big flying robots/water robots/cycle and ground robots/ T400/600/800/1000 machines in a matter of a couple of years after a world nuclear holocaust with no man power, (or even robot power if you see just where they were up to at the end of T3)

    i’m getting quite tired of them putting women in action roles who are stick thin and couldnt survive a breath of wind, let alone someone chucking them across the room or muscling a jet fighter around. just check out Battleship to name a few.
    Carrie Anne Moss in mAtrix FTW!

    Free Member

    i just hope theres going to be a load of ‘new’ programming companies and jobs out there for all these developers…

    Free Member

    bah are we really seeing cars developing performance or just tyre usage issues, seems

    track is cool : mercedes team & mclaren good (and alonso)
    track is medium : mclaren good
    track is hot : RBR & Lotus
    track is wet : alonso

    not dissing it, as it makes for interesting races,

    its kinda reminding me of the time we had the new rule regs and the new tyre compounds a few years back and 1 race we would have Ferrari on pole and the next Force India!!!!!!!!

    DiResta did good work on a 2 stop – fortunate though with Button dropping out.

    Free Member

    will check out the club – i’m sure a few years ago i took a look but couldnt find anything – sounds like an Arran trip in the planning…(outside of midge season!!!!!!!!!)

    Free Member

    i remember running up it one year, yeah i was training for something or other, but also when i stopped i got swamped by midges – so i never stopped again!

    Its a lovely ascent from anywhere really, Arran really is a nice place esp. out of season – whisky, food, cafe’s, coastlines, walking and roadying….

    would be wondrous if they built an 8 Stane there! :)

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