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  • Midweek Movies: Huck that hump day!
  • rmacattack
    Free Member

    Syrians shooting down american missiles with american hardware, while americans sell hardware to the middle east. War is big business ,i would rather puppet May had kept her trap shut and not have got involved. Enough to sort out on our own doorstep. Now let’s tally up how many innocents get killed with the stray missiles ‘ rocket man’ shoots.

    Free Member

    you don’t want loops in your armoured, it creates a stress point in the cable so when fill is applied, depending on how brutal its packed or the weight, or sharp pointy stones, have a greater chance to damage the cable. Dust is as good as sand. 600mm with an armoured is deep enough.

    Free Member

    In a supermarket one time, somebody dropped what must have been 98% pure methane. Gasping for air but each inhale just caused more vomit inducing stench to be breathed in.

    Free Member

    come on mike, even you couldn’t argue the #trump, #brexit media fiasco that has been pushing over a year now is only relevant in the media because the left push it daily.

    Free Member

    lol, that had to be intentional, there’s no way you could flook that.

    Free Member

    I’m sure most right wingers actively want everything to be constantly shit so they’ve got plenty to moan about

    Interesting logic as the only people doing the moaning in the media at the moment are the liberal loony left.

    Free Member

    Also good these forums to see how liberals think the world can be turned around into a utopia. It didn’t after 5 million years it’s not going to today or tomorrow.

    Free Member

    How do you stop people killing each other in the short term?

    Unfortunately you can’t in a human rights scenario. The ultimate short term solution is simply to execute all the know gang leaders and kingpins. Will be a lot of years off before we get to judge dredd stage. A more humane approach is to round up the know kingpins and lock them away for a very long time as a deterrent to the scroutes that worship them. Then everything will descend into anarchy . It also won’t  matter somebody else will simply take over the ‘turf’.

    There is no solution long or short term, man will eradicate themselves anyway. The situation is too far in the gutter. Stay in school , get a good education so you can live in gated communities and wealthy areas is the only solution.

    Free Member

    well it is relevant. people were stopped and searched simply from the area they came from or the religion they chose. They were just unlucky not to have the liberal left on their side at the time. How is this any different to what is being asked of in london now?

    Free Member

    where was all the support and outrage for school kids stopped from going to school because the had to walk through a unionist area? or the car full of family members stopped and searched at all hours because they were of an non protestant religion?  circa n.i from 1960-2000

    Free Member

    The sheer use of blinkers and twisting on this site for a bit of a rant is tiresome. Young black males were being stopped simply because they are the majority of the perpetrators. It’s not racism. I doubt little lizzy is packing a 5 inch blade in her asda bag incase a deal goes wrong.

    Free Member

    I don’t think we should be toning down ‘muck’ spreading. It’s pure raw effluent shite and farm waste. Wouldn’t be so bad if it’s manure. Absolutely foul disgusting stuff that is eventually leading to massive health and environmental implications.

    Free Member

    jezza kyle?

    Free Member

    I hear liverpool fans have a new mentor. conor mc gregor is going to train them up and show them the ropes on how to perfectly execute bus window smashing.

    Free Member

    Wolf alice. oh and ben howard

    Free Member

    Vincent was being hunted by police after a distraction burglary in which a man in his 70s was targeted in Farningham, Kent in November last year.

    Not his first time, gladly it was his last. good riddance to a stain on the human dna.

    Free Member

    Well with that sentence alone you have condemned yourself as the lowest of the bottom feeders

    So what do you do, just stand there and watch them do anything and everything to you and your family?Maybe help them carry out the telly? What if kids are in the house? As if the armchair pacifists on here wouldn’t try to do anything if people came barging into their homes shouting threats.

    Free Member

    In my small minded and limited opinion, you lose your rights as soon as you break the law. If i was in this guys shoes i would have did the same thing. The human race needs a bit of thinning , let’s start with the bottom feeders who have nothing to offer, unfortunately this one didn’t die. My tax money will now go to rehabilitate him and send him off on his merry way to be in and out of the system until he’s taken out by another of the same like,or old age.

    Maybe i should have saved this post for the dailyrag.

    Free Member

    can we get a pop-up top trumps going? most i’ve had is a big 18 block, anymore advances on this?

    im seeing 25 on previous posts.  maybe a prize if you get 50, new samsung maybe.

    Free Member

    I have full winters on atm. When they wear out im going all season. Could be the brand but they are noisy and feel draggy. They are squirmy when taking a corner at speed. Got them cheap and have enjoyed them from september until now, but i cant see how they will be of use from now until sept/oct.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Can we not have all the community payback criminals clearing this all up?

    It will affect their safe space and beliefs. That’s what’s wrong with things. Years back this would have been the solution , but we are slowly devolving  ourselves.

    Free Member

    Mountain bikers are just as bad – I went to a trail centre in Wales and was shocked at the numbers of plastic drink bottles thrown by the trail for the first couple of miles riding away from the trail centre. There were no footpaths so it can only have been people on bikes.

    Hear hear

    Free Member

    It’s so bad round here also, what has caused this spike? more people with access to cars now than there ever was before? A me me me attitude that has spiralled within the last 10 years?  Council cuts ,not using the resources for refuse collection?

    There is a few that have took it upon themselves to tackle the problem. A local community gathers a stretch of road every month or bi monthly and gathers heaps of black bags full of rubbish. There is 2 or 3 local folk that have a whip around and gather up a bag or 2. Without these few people alone i can’t image the state.

    Free Member

    the summit wasn’t too bad. how about a nature one like ‘blue planet ‘or ‘planet earth’.

    Free Member

    pocket spring all the way imo. how tight are we talking of a turn?

    they can take a bit of bending before any issues.

    Free Member

    Tarquin, has that roll of the tongue sound.

    Free Member

    You have offended those that get offended. What it seems to me is, there is a group of people in society  who like to look for things to get upset and rowdy about, even if its nothing to do with them or affects their views or beliefs.

    Free Member

    Just blocked 8 pop-ups there now. No doubt it’s to say I’ve won a phone or I’ve got a virus. Stw the new Facebook of data harvesting?

    Free Member

    I was going to tune in on Sunday after a piece on country file.  But to me it’s a chore now to watch it. I used to think it was great. Then the jezza scandal came. I give it a chance with Evans et al  and even checked out the grand tour. But I just seem to have no interest anymore.

    Free Member

    It’s not ok , but what you gonna do. it’s been going on since the beginning of time and will continue to. It didn’t just start when Trump was elected. I’m sure if you scraped around you would find anything on every US congress person since the modern US was formed.My whole argument is that since he was elected in  it’s been a plastering match in every media outlet. I don’t care about facts and figures, i just want this drivel of every airwave and channel until the next election comes along.

    Free Member

    This adds weight to a narrative of pay offs and silencing people with issues, and complaints

    Like this doesn’t happen in  every department and industry in the whole world?

    Free Member

    well today’s big journalistic topic should interest a lot of you’s on here today. I dont think ive ever seen so desperate scraping the bottom of the barrel interviews like this before. As i said a few posts up it’s cringey and embarrassing what these democrats are pulling on the american people now.

    Free Member

    dear god , that mumsnet is a scary place.

    Free Member

    jez everybody knows by now in 2018 you don’t have a say unless its fitting to the current policies and agenda. free speech died before 1980.

    Free Member

    nope, f1 is still dead to me. illl stick to wrc and the dh when its back on.

    Free Member

    The thing is politics has always been dirty, always been scandal. But now it’s the new hip trend wagon to trump bash. The new saturday night trivial topic. Every politician ever was an asshole and everybody on here knows that.

    Free Member

    it’s getting pathetic now this media hounding. must be a year now , i’m sick of this crap in the news daily, on par with brexit talk.what relevance does a woman that had an affair with an old man got to do with anything? Then you have these stupid snl sketches showing up on youtube which are just plain cringey and embarrassing. Has nobody got anything going on with their lives that they watch these jimmy (insert surname) shows just to see what trump diss they can give.

    *disclaimer: i support no political parties whatsoever, i just want normal news and tv back.

    Free Member

    bright neon pink with a fluro yellow soul. got to love biking attire.

    Free Member

    Im not deleting it as i’m not influential enough or use it enough to make an impact. Your data is mined by every site as soon as you log  onto your computer so if facebook aren’t doing it another website will.

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