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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • R.lepecha
    Full Member

    think the point elfins trying to make is that your comment could be read as a pretty immature point of view and a massive generalisation based on a stereotype about homosexual males… with age that view will hopefully change. i hope you dont take offence at this comment dude

    I understand what you are saying in full there phil. Just I have come to that conclusion from the homosexuals I have known and do know.

    Saying that I also know some that are not feminine.

    I cant edit that post, bugger. I didn’t think about it in its entirety when I was typing it, my bad.

    Full Member

    Oh right ok. Thought so.

    Why Elfin?

    Full Member

    I’ll hold your coat while you tell him that…

    O.k, So maybe I should say generally more feminine.

    Full Member

    You’re quite young, aren’t you?

    Yes Elfin I am. As stated in my profile.

    Full Member

    Apparently so…

    Just think about it, I’m not trying to be offensive to homosexual’s in this comment but homosexuals are generally more feminine than us manly males as some one of you seem to think you are. Typically females are more sensitive than men so a homosexual looking at that thread could be seriously offended by what he was saying.

    Full Member

    The pictures are taken at different angles, the bikes are the same, apart from the bottom on is cleaner.

    You can make out the front mech over the largest chainring on the top picture, and you can just make out the red stripe around the tyre, but it’s more pronounced on the lower image because of the more sideways on angle.

    See where it says USA on the rear triangle? its a different colour.

    Full Member

    Oh the thread I was posting on.

    Full Member

    Im from the south, wear lycra and have two sets of spd’s?
    Bugger me, i thought this was a cycling forum?

    oh no, your going against the rules!

    Full Member

    And their lycra and their shaved legs and the fact they mount their helmet light right at the top of the helmet which not only looks ghey, but the branches then knock it off . They ride ghey named bikes like ‘on-one’ wtf is that all about? Generally they seem to come from oop North, which used to be the last bastion of real British Manhood, but what’s happened to em all, they’ve all gone soft and stupid now.

    compared to southerners who have always been soft?

    Full Member

    Homophobia is in inaccurate term for what your trying to express, strictly speaking it means fear of Benders, propagated by the benders themselves in their desire for acceptance as a lifestyle choice. More accurately the term homosexualmisia should be suggested, neither in my case are true, but maybe ‘homosexual inrideo’ would be more appropriate. If as we are agreed all users of SPDS are that way inclined, which is my suspicion, it has to be said.

    You are clearly being scared of homosexuals because you are scared to use SPD’s because you think they are homosexual.

    Full Member

    I don’t care what you think about SPDs, but homophobia is a really stupid way to express it.

    Ah, so I take it that it wasn’t aimed towards me because I was in no way homophobic in my posts.
    Misunderstanding on my behalf? Sorry.

    Full Member

    And on top of that there is nearly bugger all room to put any more satellites up there.

    Full Member

    I can’t say I’ve ever connected how I stand on my bike to where I dip my wick (which is what I tend to do before having sex, the ladies love a nice candle). I hope for the gene pool’s sake you are simply a teenager with a misunderstanding of sexuality and pedals. Sounds like a pretty painful mistake for any girls you lure into your love nest.

    I cant actually find the reason to how this connects in anyway to what were talking about.

    Full Member

    I suspect that the OP is southern and rides flat trails with no rocks on them. If faced with riding proper trails in the north would fill his pants with aforementioned ‘fear’ and peg it back down the M1.

    Or hes just a common Southern softie.

    Full Member

    Whereas wearing SPD’s round here will have folk pointing and laughing, kids chasing after you chucking rocks..

    So you live in a highly chav populated estate?

    People pointing will be saying to the other ‘I’m off to knick that bike tonight’ And the Kids throwing rocks at you would be because you have a better bike than them.

    Full Member

    SPD’s give you breast cancer later in life, it’s a well know fact.

    Being a cock leads to early death.

    Full Member

    I wear spds and ride off road. Just because the OP gets ‘the fear’ at the thought probably means that he’s as gay as a lord.


    Full Member

    SPD’s are now only used by silly billies who love the feel of lycra and see nothing wrong in staring at their close friends bottom and marvelling how nicely the saddle fits into the curve of his back garden as he pedals along some made up canal towpath..

    Thats a false idea. I ride clipped in and I dont wear Lycra and neither do my riding buddies.

    Full Member

    People who use Flat’s shouldn’t even be on this forum, what are they on?

    Then what’s the deal with talking to people who dont understand the great use of SPD’s, why are they on here?

    Whats been going on?

    Just because as a forum we’ve proved that theres a lot of idiots who follow stupid fashion trends.
    Have none of them heard of getting a life?


    Full Member

    Can you turn any frame into a s/speed,I’ve got a harp Mary xc ?

    Yes you just need a SS spacer kit and cog, some shorter chainring bolts and a chain tensioner.

    Full Member

    Robbing sods springs to mind.

    Full Member

    I had it once and I found it was because my grips were too thin(foams at the time) I changed to a thicker set of grips and the numbness went.

    Full Member

    If you’re going to crash on the trail there is nothing manlier than not being clipped in and hence being able to leap from your bike, saving yourself from harm so you can mince down to your local cruising spot uninjured.


    Full Member

    And there we have it, the first one to moan about not having received free stickers yet.

    Its not moaning its asking a valid question. If I was moaning I would have said where are my stickers because I should have received them by now.

    Full Member

    yeah to stickers. Just email me your address with “stickers” as the subject

    Sorry to Hijack the thread, have you sent the stickers out yet? Im waiting to recieve mine 🙁

    Full Member

    You will soon become obsessed with the thickness of your beard, the age of your whisky and start to stomp your feet when no one looks at you.

    Then you will become a god of the cycling world. Welcome Aboard.

    Full Member

    Mine was sat right in the centre of the rails. So it cant of been that.

    Full Member

    Yes happened to me too, i think it just rots from accumulated shite

    Ah unfortunate, cos I think there bloody good saddles.

    Full Member

    Im not sure how I broke it like that. But as you can see from the photo its stressed the plastic as well. Saying that Im also not sure how long its been like that so if the foam has been pushed out my weight would be on the plastic which could cause it to stress.

    Full Member

    I would say Sew a new bit on.

    Full Member

    It looks photoshopped.

    Full Member

    Saint is downhill/freeride stuff

    This is the hierarchy.
    * XTR [M980]
    * Deore XT [M770]
    * SLX [M660]
    * Deore [M590]
    * Non-series

    No, its Alivio then Non-Series

    Full Member

    Its pants is FB. I had it for ages and found it a completely useless tool. So deactivated my account. Im 16, what sixteen year old doesnt have FB nowadays? Me! cos its shite. Got twitter though, Follow people like Steve Peat, Gee Atherton, Rob Warner, Lance Armstrong and the like.

    Preffer twitter. Less clutered. Much more intuative to use.

    There are so many spelling mistakes in that I’m sure, But my phone doesnt spell check on Opera.

    Full Member

    Welcome, just my recomendation. Dont bother with a full suspension. If your getting arse ache stand up on the decents, Or maybe you need a change of saddle? Have a fiddle with different saddle angles or something.

    Full Member

    hope could go the same way as raceface. anything is pretty much posible at this moment in the economic climate. Cos really, were still in the shits and only just creeping back out slowly.

    Full Member

    Is the bolt there that holds the air spring to the bottom of the fork leg?

    Full Member

    Should not take anywhere near that long IMHO. I think less than 2 days I would have thought unless you have some really really really uncommon hubs with dodgy non-standard size cartridge(I take it they are cartrige) bearings.

    I say go back tell them to shove the job and do it yourself.

    Full Member

    Weren’t Titus a predominantly American company? So the idea of them being Canadian means jack.

    Full Member

    not quite been SS as long as many on here(I have time though)I think ive had it about 6 months. Not even thought about gears? What would you need them for?

    Full Member

    Its a bike.

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