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  • Sunday Sofa Slouch: Les Gets World Cup Edition
  • rkk01
    Free Member

    Used to be good!!! Went to and "Outward Bound" style resi course there, oh about 1981!!!!!

    Free Member

    Educate yourself in Janner (Plymouth) culture[/url]

    From the Janner textbook – relatives come out with these regularly…

    Member ‘im to me”

    “Fockin’ mentoe”

    Free Member


    AN'NAWIN'T'WUZ- I know it was.
    AVEEDUNUN – Have you taken the necessary steps to complete your course of action?
    AVEEGOTUN – Have you found what you are seeking?
    AVEESEENUN – Have you seen that for which you search?
    BETTURGOGITTEN – I Had better depart and fetch the article for which I was sent.
    BIN-UN-DUNUN – I have been and carried out my alotted task.
    COSTY MUCH DIDA – Are you prepared to tell me how much it cost you?
    CAIN TELLY – I cannot or will not give you the information you seek.
    CRIS – Potato Crisps
    CAW-CRUMPET- a beautiful girl walking by.
    CUS- because
    DIDDY NAWN – Did you know the person of whom we speak?
    DIDDY ABM – Did you have it? Did he/she have it? Did anyone have it?
    EDGE – A structure separating two fields, used instead of the word 'wall' or 'hedge'.
    ESS P'Raps- yes maybe?.
    ESS I WUS-yes i was.
    WAIT ERE FER ER- wait here for her-
    ELLYDOINOV – I don't agree with the way you are performing' your alotted task.
    EVVEE IZZA – How much does the article you are hollding weigh?
    EZYAU – I am in aggreement with you over this particular matter.
    FAATHURGOTUN – My father is in possesion of that which you seek.
    FARIZA – How far away is my destination?
    FERCRISAEIK – For Goodness Sake.
    GIBMEREMIT – Give the item to me for a second.
    GIBMTHABOY – Delegate your task to the apprentice or younger member of staff.
    G'SONUPANGIDDEN – Please go up and get it for me.
    GOYNARY – Are You proposing to go?
    GUSON – I don't see your point of view.
    HOFFIZER – (Police) Officer – there are no other 'aitches' in the Cornish phrases.
    IDN – 1. Is not 2. Hidden (Idnidnizza – It isn't hidden, is it?).
    ILLY – Extremely Steep or mountainous.
    IZZA – Is it?
    KILLUN DIDDY – Did you terminate his existence?.
    LOOKERE- listen to me!
    LIKUN DIDDY – Did you find the expenence pleasureable?.
    LEEBM DIDDY – Did you leave the person?.
    MADORDOA- does it matter?.
    MENTUT DIDDY – Did you actually mean what you said?.
    MYGAR – Good heavens above! Good gracious me!.
    NAWN DIDDY – see 'Diddy Nawn'.
    NAWTHEN WIDDEN – You must have it/eat it on its own as you 'Dawnt Av Nawthen Widden'.
    OLLER TUEN DIDDY – Did you attempt to attract the attention of the other person?
    PURTY WANNA – Wasn't that beautiful?
    PURTY TADYS- When things are going well, or its looking good.
    PARD – Close Friend.
    PALLY WIDDEN WAZZA – Were you a close friend of the person in question?
    PIDDLEDOWN DIDDA – Was it raining heavily at the time?
    RONG WAZZA – Was he perhaps mistaken?
    RUFUZRATS – Not very smooth sounding or feeling (often used in conjuction with car engines). or my plastering.
    SEENUNAVEE – see 'Aveeseenun'.
    SPAWSE- I suppose so.
    STAYLUN – Depriving someone of their posessions.
    TEEONSUH – I would love a cup of tea.
    TELLUNDIDDY – Did you impart the knowledge to the person with whom you were in communication?
    TRURA- Truro a city in Cornwall,
    ULLONAMINIT – Hold on for just a moment.
    VELLAN – Villain or rascal.
    WOSHELIKE – Informal greeting, as in 'Hello' (for use regardless of gender).
    WOSSMARRWIDDEE – Traditional Cornish sympathetic question.
    WOTEEGOYN DO WIDDEN – What are you proposing to do with that which you have acquired?
    WURZTOOEN – Where is the item of which you speak?

    Free Member

    RM – how tall are you?

    I'm 6'3" and ride a 20" Anthem X. The fit is pretty good for most riding, but I've got a lot of seatpost showing and the cockpit feels a tad short compared to my 21" Airborne HT. Overall though, that's no bad thing. The Airborne geometry is long and low, and that bike is minutes faster on climbs – but the Anthem gains with speed and control everywhere else. The Airborne feels properly scary on the descents now.

    Also, I previously tried the XL Anthem (not X), and that was comedy gate riding – horrid.

    so overall – I'd be more tempted with smaller more chuckable frame size, longer stem (but try stock stem first) and seat right up.

    Free Member

    I challenge anyone to sum it up better than this…

    Well look out

    Well I’m sick
    I’m so sick
    Of a lot of people
    Tryin’ to tell me
    What I can and can’t do
    With my life

    And I’m tired
    I’m so tired
    Of a lot of people
    In a lot of high places
    Don’t want you and me
    To enjoy ourselves

    Well I’m through with people
    Who can’t get off their arse
    To help themselves change this government
    And better this society
    ‘Cos it’s shit

    But hold on a second
    I smell burning
    And I see a change
    Comin’ ‘round the bend
    And I suggest to you
    That it takes
    Just five seconds
    Just five seconds
    Of decision
    To realise
    That the time
    Is right
    To start thinkin’ about
    A little…

    Free Member

    I thought this would be about Hebridean mountain biking 🙁

    Free Member

    I had a few close calls commuting during December – so I got a Hump reflective backpack cover, and Mrs rkk01 bought me an Alura Night Vision Jacket.
    Didn't make a shred of difference 👿

    Free Member

    The UK is on a fairly stable piece of continental crust, and unlike the Pacific, the North Atlantic isn't ringed by subduction zones.

    Iceland is one of the nearest plate boundaries to us, but as this is on the mid Atlantic mid ocean ridge it is a constructive plate margin (ie volcanic activity leading to the production of new crustal rock) rather than a destructive plat margin (subduction zone).

    The Alps are indeed the result of active plate movements – the African Plate colliding with Europe – much of the volcanic and seismic activity with this collision is associated with the various micro-plates in the Mediterranean.

    So in geological timecales – yes, but likley to be very far into the future.

    In human timescales – very very unlikely

    Free Member

    Not too keen on the Brera – don't like the truncated fat arse.

    156 and 159 Sportwagons are good lookers – and also liked the "stop gap" 156 based GT coupe.

    Agree – MiTo looks a little bug eyed. Haven't seen a Giulietta in the flesh yet… and was surprised with the similarity to the Astra

    Free Member

    I was quite looking forward to test driving the 1.4 one of these…

    Until Mrs rkk01 pointed out that there was a recession on and that any incoming Government was going to return us all to the workhouse

    Good options list too…

    Free Member

    some people in here cite danger as the problem, others suggest it's about public perception/image and you seem to suggest it's a question of strict obedience of the law

    Well, it may be a surprise to some – but all three of those points apply.

    A red light does not mean "Give Way" (as someone above alluded), or "warning – busy junction ahead". It is a command. It means STOP. It's not personnal, not meant to specifically inconvenience you, or offer you any choice or discretion.

    For those that argue that jumping a light is a "judgement call" – you are correct. Most times, the only person in danger is the rider that takes the (calculated) risk of going through the light.

    As a driver, I've had to take avoiding action to miss a RLJer,

    As a cyclist, I've almost been wiped out by a bus after a RLJer forced traffic to change line through a turn right light controlled junction, and,

    As a pedestrian, I have had to jump out of the way of an RLJer who came through irregardless of pedestrians using the crossing. The old lady walking alongside was not as well placed to evade and just "froze" in the middle of the junction.

    Please tell me that such behaviour is not selfish?

    In each case the "failure of judgement" was to go through on red without any thought for anyone but themselves.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Doom Bar and Tribute.

    Proper Job and Admiral's Ale are also very good.

    Free Member

    theflatboy – the "law abiding" contingent, to use your words, might have complained about other cyclists jumping lights, but they have not used the level of personal attack that was directed at karinofnine and coffeeking.

    Free Member

    I didn't realise anyone still opted to have company cars.

    You get crucified financially unless you're doing 30k+ miles per year…

    Free Member

    Some really arrogant, mis-guided and downright selfish views being expressed on this thread.

    And the aggressive personal attacks on those that don't agree with jumping lights really does confirm what we think of you all…

    Free Member

    very good site[/url]

    Try this – quite an eye opener for me, and most others in the office. Our core beliefs came out close to what we expected, but with quite significant proportions of one of the smaller parties…

    Just dont try to pre-guess whose policies are whose – just go with your instincts on each policy area.

    Free Member

    Our scanner is pretty old, and I'm not confident that it would be much good.

    Anyone have any experience with the specific negative / slide scanners?

    Free Member

    Parliamentary Privilege, which yes, gives them the right to slander left right and centre with immunity.

    Yet they aren't allowed to acuse another of lying within the house…. I guess that would give the game away

    Free Member

    Being a movie "hard man" has nothing to do with a peacock physique.
    The gym monkies mentioned by the OP don't come across as hard – they come across as cartoonish.

    +1 for Eastwood and Bronson

    Hard to me is all about attitude, not size. You need a pyschotic little nutter to make a convincing hard man. (for some reason Robert Carlyle comes to mind…)

    Free Member

    Here we go: south – north – south in under 48 hrs!!!

    mtb-wales thread

    Free Member

    blance off did N-S Wales off road in less than 24 hours last year.

    I believe he is attempting there and back again (S – N – S) sometime in the future…?

    Free Member

    Yet1man – It's not for you to claim anyway (IIRC). It is the seller who has the contract with RM, not you. RM owe you no contractual obligation at all.

    When we had the "issues" described above re birthday cards, we were told straight that we could not place a formal complaint – only the sender could do that, as purchase of the postage stamps constituted a contract between RM and the sender.

    As TJ states, it's up to the sender to sort out where the frame is with RM, and / or reimburse you – especially as the sender did not send recorded as advertised / agreed.

    Free Member

    What a total ar5e

    Seems a reasonable question – even if the practicalities are starkly obvious…

    At one of our previous addresses we very rarely received any mail that looked remotely like birthday cards.

    After one birthday (my son's second?) went by with no cards / pressies we checked with relatives as to what had been sent. Only fairly little gifts etc, but the conclusion was obvious – some thieving scumbag was siphoning anything interesting looking out of the mail.

    We complained to the appropriate bits of Royal Mail and basically got laughed at. A few years later there was a local TV news clip about an invetigation and prosecution of local delivery team members who had been systematically "redistributing" the mail… 👿

    Frankly, someone should take these sort of issues more seriously – and if it needs Police action to increase the profile of this issue, then so be it. RM management seem to accept that it will happen – and based on a few reent TV "investigations"* some RM personnel seem to regard it as some sort of unofficial bonus scheme.

    * May or may not be true depending on TV company's susceptibility to over hype their own investigations and findings…

    Free Member

    Need to be tolerant folks.

    We ride the blue and green at Brechfa with the kids on a regular basis. Both are great fun at whatever speed with the kids. Our son is confident and is starting to keep up with me. Daughter is capable, but prone to strops – especially with bermed corners – but hey it's blue / green and she is a relative newcomer to the sport.

    We move to the sde of the trail when stopped and other riders are (almost) always appreciative. However, from a kid's perspective, I can see that fully kitted adults travelling at speed could be intimidating – especially if you're new to riding singletrack. If its a blue or green, you should anticipate slower / less confident riders.

    The most obvious analogy to me is blue ski runs. Learners / intermediates want to use them to start moving around the mountain. They're still pretty unsteady and lack both confidence and technique. Added to that, to control speed they traverse across and back – putting them in direct path conflict with better skiers who choose to come down the fall line at maximum speed. In skiing the onus is on the better skiier to make allowances.

    Watched this scenario several times this year – and had to conclude that the guys (mainly) using blues as full on race tracks looked to be complete dicks…. and yes, I've done it myself – blue / moderate red, no turns go for it. Just doesn't stack up if there is other traffic though.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – what you say is correct, but is not really my point.

    You simply choose whatever model best suits your own personal prejudices.

    … which works fine for those that make that choice and make it an informed choice. Many don't, they make a choice based family or community norms, or peer or media influence.

    Free Member

    If me and the car were in a suitable condition, it would be in the boot!

    However, having lived in Exeter for a long time – there were often car / deer collisions on the A38 at Haldon Hill…. many of which were fatal for the car occupant.

    Free Member

    resist the urge

    My attempt at conveying restraint.

    But apologies, I am not normally prone to aggression.
    Something in your post must have triggered it – along with the rather unpleasant business of telling highly qualified and capable team members that they might no longer be required…

    Free Member

    public sector is going to get hit hard regardless of who wins, wake up and smell the coffee.

    Thank you for that. I can smell the coffee – in fact, if you were in close proximity I would have to resist the urge for physical violence towards your person.

    Why – because this week I had to tell a father of two, whose wife was made redundant last year, that his job was being put at risk, that's why.

    Free Member

    I think the best hope is for a hung parliament and the Lib Dems gaining the clout to push for electoral reform.


    Any straight thinking folks should vote LibDem this time just to get the electoral reform that this country is screaming out for.

    Even if your not of LibDem persuassion – this is the best chance of a generation (or more) to re-set the political system in this country.

    Free Member

    A rant from a non-Labour voter with a social conscience….

    Lets set out some background – I'm a manager with a global US based corporation. We're a science and engineering based company, and like most US companies are pretty hard-nosed and commercially focused…

    … so then – this public sector waste that can be swept away like autumn leaves – just so much chafe that we can do without / can't afford?

    Or real people, being paid to do work, paying taxes on their earnings and spending the remainder in the economy??

    Lets do the Tory experiment and swap their pay cheques for dole cheques – WTF is that going to do to the economy? All you moany small businessmen (ie the normal arch-capitalists with too small a brain to see how things really work) will then either struggle to make end meet as nobody can buy your services, or shut yourselves away in your recession proofed financial security…

    And who supplies goods and services to the public sector? – YES, THATS RIGHT, the PRIVATE SECTOR.

    My hard nosed, US, commercially focused, dynamic corporation will be looking at a shrinking public sector market share – because we obviously can't afford to support our armed services, decommission our nuclear power stations, build new roads / railways / power stations / airports / schools / hospitals and protect the public and environment from environmental pollution.

    Get with the **** programme – cuts to the public sector directly affect the private sector as well.

    Free Member

    They know that he's a huge liability and knows jack all about the economy

    Free Member

    Descenders should give way – as they tend to have better forward vision.
    When climbing I tend to be doubled over the bars, elbows / wrists down, and vision tends to be closer to the front wheel… lungs heaving and vision blurring…
    Descending you are arse back and eyes up

    Free Member

    Err – am I being thick?
    I read you OP as working FT hours, but over 4 days instead of 5. My sister does this and gets full holiday entitlement.

    Free Member

    Neutered tom – I'd be worried.

    un-neutered, less so

    Free Member

    I fear a contradiction between the "riding" answers (generally very positive) and mental state / energy level responses, which I fear reflect economic uncertainty and pressure.

    Free Member

    On the "lost and found" theme…
    … why, when searching frantically for something that you fail to find, do you find the object that you were last looking frantically for and failed to find???
    I think this mystery is linked with the "garage memory wipe" mystery posted above

    Free Member


    21" Old school geometry long TT race HT
    20" Giant Anthem
    19.5" LT HT

    Free Member

    Has anyone tried phosphoric acid / soldering flux to clean out the bores / clean disc rotors?

    I ask because I've tried acetone and it wasn't particularly effective…

    Free Member

    36 – something about the analytical scientific mind…

    Free Member

    My wife argues that we're all on the spectrum – especially men…

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