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  • Mullet Commencal Meta SX and Meta Power SX models get SHORTER reach and LONGER chainstays!
  • rkk01
    Free Member

    I'm having the same problem – so any fixes, please post!!!

    The iphone software keeps reporting that the username / password aren't compatible for the incoming outgoing mail sever – which is strange as they work ok on web mail login…

    Can get emaiul delivered to my phone, but can't bloody send.

    Tried on IMAP and POP.

    Free Member


    How about dropping the price?

    Seriously. Went to France for 2 weeks hols in August, and before we went everyone was warning us about how "expensive" France had become.

    Yet very drinkable Appelation Controllee wines were in the order of 2.5 – 3 euros per 750 cl bottle. Cider as cheap as 0.99 euro for a 1.5 l bottle (and still very drinkable)

    Didn't see any drunken and aggressive French binge drinkers anywhere.

    This is a problem of social attitudes, not cost

    Free Member

    Well – I've stuck the TrailBlasters on the Anthem, and they do look silly narrow.

    Commuting tyres would probably be the best bet for the majority of the route – but

    a) I'd need to buy some,
    b) There are a few sections were they would be hard work, including a 5 mile fireroad climb and a section of concrete steps under the A470 dual carriageway

    I commuted in on the Michelin WildRace 2.0s yesterday, and they are fast (feel quicker than Crossmarks), but weigh in at 100g (each) heavier than the TBs…

    Free Member

    Driving to Berlin??

    From the West??

    Try one of these

    IGMC 😉

    Free Member

    A cheap holiday in other people's misery

    I don't wanna holiday in the sun
    I wanna go to the new Belsen
    I wanna see some history
    'cause now I got a reasonable economy

    Free Member

    Was there anyone in the front?? Midget driving?

    I'm 6'3" and physically could not get in the driver's seat – which was hard back against the front of the rear seat… You might have got a greased gnat's nadger between the front seat back and the rear seat, but nothing more.

    Similar story on the passenger side – although I could get in the car, the front seat was hard back against the rear. Rendered the car unusable for us.

    Free Member

    All the folk saying plenty of room must be very small or have no need of the rear seats.

    Free Member

    alfa mito multiair 135

    Although if budget / taste stretches to it, the Mito Cloverleaf has the more powerful multiair engine as well as re-tuned suspension.

    Free Member

    Larger and more useful than the 500…

    Free Member

    Wife fancied one a few years ago – so we trundled down the garage for a try, and found out two things:

    a) they are stupid money,

    b) they are too small fo me to drive

    Ended up with a sporty Punto instead – great fun to drive and a lot cheaper

    Free Member

    silicon grease on a cotton bud and smear it round the piston

    Tried cotton buds at first, but found the ends a bit bulky – have now moved on to the thin flat ends of small zip ties… works like a small spatula to smear the grease around the piston.

    Did one bike at the weekend, much improved, but could do with a second run through. Juicy 3s on wife's bike also need the same TLC before big ride this coming w/e

    Free Member

    Lets face it, most of them don't believe in God if they are Paedophiles.

    I don't get that bit either….

    Free Member

    can you be a Muslim and an atheist?

    just as you can be a jew and an atheist.

    I count myself as catholic and an atheist.



    Free Member

    I've had this with juicys and elixirs – a proper pain…

    On mine, the piston that comes out causes constant rubbing on the rotor – which increases the temperature in the system, exacerbating the problem.

    I'm working on a fix – it seems to be working, but I can't convince myself that the problem is fully cured…

    Pads out, push pistons in with a large flat head screwdrive (large to get some leverage on the piston). Hold the "free" piston in with the screwdriver and pump the sticky piston out of the bore (as far as you dare without wanting to pop it out and loose fluid – I find about 2mm is as far as I go.

    Clean off all the manky brake dust and debris from the piston with a thin strip of clean rag or tissue, lube all round the exposed piston with plumbers silicone grease and push back in. Repeat for both pistons until both work smoothly.

    Free Member

    DCW – sounds unrelated. Fuel goes nowhere near the turbo

    less than 2l in a 55l tank…?!

    Free Member

    Look again, they're 20 odd quid.

    Conceded – I thought they had gone up above that.

    Still, I've found that it's not mileage or years that you measure the Shimano ones life by – it's the number of wet rides.

    The 80 mile set was the 2007 (?) Mountain Mayhem. Fitted new before the race, one very wet commute afterwards, and they were dead.

    I've found this on several sets now – they last fine until you get really wet weather, then one or two rides will kill them.

    Free Member

    XT lasts very well for me and is cheap, can't see any reason to look elsewhere myself.

    I used to take that view when they were 20 odd quid. Recessionary price rises on Shimano kit, and one which lasted only 80 miles has changed my mind.

    Free Member

    Mention trading standards, damages and seeking legal advice…. might focus their minds on a bit of customer service…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hoping to do the "Gap from the front door"…

    … if I can get sufficiently motivated tomorrow morning (and providing the weather turns out as forecast)

    Prob somewhere in the order of 80-100 miles. Up the Taf valley, round the classic Gap route and back.

    Free Member

    You want Das Boot in a tin…

    I'm going to recomend an old game for a thinking man's mixture of strategy and action… lots of tension, good mix of simulation and gaming, good graphics (for it's era) and very satisfying.

    Newer versions are also good (although SH5 still needs a good dose of patching and community mods) – but are less laptop friendly. SH3 with the GWX expansion is still the definative in many eyes and is very playable on a good laptop.

    Silent Hunter 3 – should be able to pick it up for £3-4. linky

    Needs to be patched 1.4 patch

    And then – essential, needs the Grey Wolves expansion pack… GWX 3 Gold[/url]

    improves (nearly) all the little things the devs didn't really do justice to.

    GWX 3

    Free Member

    Had you handled a proper firearm before?

    Yep – that was the route cause of my initial reaction.

    Brought up with guns and had gun use / safety drummed into me from the time I could walk. Never, EVER, point a gun at anyone… even as a 6-8 yr old, pointing a cap gun at someone would have earned me a clip arund the ear.

    Free Member

    Tried it once.

    Expected it to be huge fun – and it was. Didn't expect to be hit with the huge ethical impact of aiming a gun at someone and then firing it.

    Bloody expensive on ammo though

    Free Member

    I still want to move to Cornwall

    Monsoon season has started now

    Free Member

    They're just outside my house – surprised they didn't cost more TBH

    Ohh, and see that £10M / km road build figure – that would allow you to calculate the cost of re-routing the road around the dormice habitat rather than going through it…

    You would have needed at least another 1000m even for a minor route revision. Go north and close to resi (compensation / cumpulsory purchase) Go south and you're higher ground / steeper gradients / more rock excavation / cutting. Other alternative is south of iron age hill fort, must be several km further, otter habitat, prob still dormice…..

    Free Member

    Surf-Mat – Member
    Okay which cowardly keyboard warrior is tagging me as fraudulent? Mods – get this sorted now.

    Everything is done completely legimately. In fact we are too cautious at times and don't claim for stuff we could. Sail too close to the wind and the taxman will get you.

    Please remove these tags at once and mods – do your job and warn the person adding them.

    Get the company to buy your (or more correctly its) next bike.

    Would that not be somewhat dishonest? From a moral point of view?

    Agree wholeheartedly. I've had long experience of small businesss owners who seem to pay little or no tax through "utilising" the system and their accountants. From a layman's perspective it comes across as "abusing" the system – more commonly called "taking the p!ss"

    Ohhh, and unsurprisingly, many of them staunchly support right wing political and economic policies and are very very vocal about waste of money in the public sector – the hypocrisy boils my blood

    Free Member

    Regarding the safety of driving slowly – my parents have started trundling around the UK motorway network at 50…

    … we now have serious concerns about the safety of letting them take our kids in the car with them…

    … which troubles me deeply

    Free Member

    Cougar – that is true, but is categorically not my point… and I am a bike rider so try to make doubly sure I get it right.

    My point is – at junctions with limited visibility, say 50m, pulling out in front of traffic at 30 gives you a safe time margin to pull into the flow. A bike doing 60 is actually blind to you until you are partly through the maneuver – not a case of "sorry mate I didn't see you" – more "sorry mate you still weren't there to be seen".

    Naturally this difference in speed applies to all vehicles, but bikes are able to accelerate up to high speed in situations where it is unusual for other road users to be able to.

    Free Member

    Good point about others anticipating though. As you pull out of work here, it's a 40 limit. So you see a gap and think 'oh I've got time' so you think you can go. Except that most people think that 40 is an infringement of their personal liberties so are doing a good 55mph. So you have far less space than you think.

    That's the one area where the whole motorbike SMIDSY thing breaks down. Quite a few junctions near me where the visible distance is fine if the traffic is at the speed limit – but bikes at a significant margin above the limit are potentially on you quicker than the pull out maneuver

    Free Member

    I think you've all got carried away by the marketing men…

    The "M" in mtb was to make it sound 'ard.

    The term ATB "all terrain bike" never quite sold as many bikes. Although I reckon the French still have it right with their term "VTT" – velo tout terrain

    Mtb's have very little to do with mountains. Yes the vertical drop is nice, but it's not essential (or even all that appealing as one climb / one descent) Bikes need a trail to follow anyway – so for me, "mountain" bike is a bit of a bullshit term.

    Free Member

    Lived in and around Exeter for 11 years. It was a lovely place to live as a newly qualified professional – but getting on the housing ladder was costly (compared to earnings), and eventually needing a bigger house for family forced us to move on.

    Would echo comments re living outside Exeter – especially if you are of country background. South and east of Exeter is nobby and expensive. A30 / A377 corridors were cheaper, more rural, and less pretentious – Crediton, Yeoford, Cheriton Bishop, North Tawton etc. Easy access to Exeter, as well as to Dartmoor, N Devon coast and A30 to Cornwall

    Free Member

    If you want all that Cornwall has to offer …. but far fewer semi-rich nobbers from London

    Yep, that about sums it up

    Free Member


    Haven't bought a new desktop since 199something…

    … but during that time I have bought

    – a few new motherboards, normally specced to allow a few years worth of processor life / upgrades

    – several processors (normally as they just slip out of the high priced bracket)

    – a selection of graphics cards – again "last years models" for value vs performance and m/b compatability

    – good quality memory, various storage, oh and at least one new case 😉

    Free Member

    Make sure that you at least try an S-Max.

    Free Member

    Surf-Mat – Member
    There is rather a big difference moving here and holidaying here you complete muppet.

    Yes, you will be one of those affluent incomers who have pushed up property prices beyond what local minimum wage earners could ever hope to afford. The tourists tend to return after their holidays – the emmets, unfortunately, do not.

    Very broadly speaking, there are three "communities" in Cornwall:

    – Long established local families with sustainable businesses (such as farming.. although that's another story) – ie no mortgage on capital, able to turnover capital assets from generation to generation.

    – Those that have moved to Cornwall (say since the early 70s) with sufficient material assets to buy property with little / no mortgage

    – and those (mainly "local" with low qualifications and / or low traditional aspirations) that eek a living on benefits / minimum wage and live in Council or other rented accomodation.

    Of the above, Tinners post is close to the mark. And the comments on controls on internal migration might seem rather unsavoury, but reflect a major problem in many of the UK's rural areas….

    Free Member

    Brother in law was trying to get his young son's compter game working – it was one of his kid's B'Day party

    So lots of 4/5 year olds and all of their rather posh, middle class, thirtysomething mothers.

    Anyhow, with lots of excited kids looking on, and all of their mothers watching… BiL goes for Google, and hits the keyboard with…
    Cracks / Crack Codes.
    I absolutely wet myself

    Free Member

    Colin-T – Member
    trail_rat has it, at least for Mayhem and SITS.

    It does depend on the individual event rules though, for example at Bontrager 24-12 it is NOT a requirement, so Matt Page was able to stop well before midnight in the 12 hour race having achieved an unassailable lead. On the other hand 4th place in the 24 hour race couldn't catch 3rd and couldn't be caught by 5th but still went out for a bonus lap because he wanted to and actually un-lapped himself on 3rd place so does not show on the results as a lap down.

    Some events even run the rule that only laps completed WITHIN the 24 hours count, so its always a good idea to know where you stand before you head out for those final laps.

    The words of a MM final lap specialist…. 😆

    Free Member

    Me neither – was there an awkward one?

    Free Member

    iainc – Member
    rkk01 – just worked out who you are

    HAA – Found out through my dislike of cheese. 😀

    Free Member

    I recomend a book . Who moved my cheese


    I had to read that book before going on a management course. I think it must have been written for the American market, or someplace else where folks need a real simple message…

    Best summed up by these two reviews on…

    Insult to intelligence Thank goodness this book is short, because it is an insult to the intelligence of everyone either on or above Oprah Winfrey wisdom level. I was looking forward to reading this metaphor, but even the authors of fairy tales do not think it necessary to repeat-repeat-repeat their message, which is this case actually fits on one very short page, over and over again. This book could be subtitled: How to Make Lots of Money Writing Very Little, Again and Again

    An Execrable Piece of Tosh Please, if you're going to read this – and I don't recommend that you part with money to do so – read "The Spirit Level" by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett first. In a world where we blame the poor for their poverty and the weak for their weakness, this self-righteous, smug bucket of steaming ordure serves to allow us all to feel happy with the injustices of a society where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Because that's why some folk are poor, isn't it? They're too lazy or too pampered to look for fresh cheese.

    This book is not for people who need help in dealing with "harsh economic realities like losing your job" – you know, the kind that wealthy people have to face. It is a self-serving tome to anaesthetise the comfortably-off from the pain of those at the bottom of the pile. It is Smiles's "Self Help" for the Me Generation. It is wilfully naive and unforgivably simplistic. That the author can put "Dr" in front of his name is the worst condemnation of the educational system I can imagine.

    I've had to give this one star. I begrudge it.

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