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  • rkk01
    Free Member

    I’m also assuming that both Sky and Freesat broadcast in 1080i, not 1080p?

    Free Member

    Its a bit unusual, a GP Practice Manager so the motivation for the employer (the Partners) isnt really financial profit.

    – I have attended the Gestapo customer care training camp, and passed with flying colours…

    – I have completed the old school British industry management communications course on effective internal and external communication.

    – I was booked on the time and appointments management course, but turned up 3 hours late…

    Should tick all the boxes!!

    Free Member

    So Back to the Future wasn’t a comedy film then ?

    Docu-drama??? 😆

    Nah, I crossed out “comedy” to extend your observation across the board.

    Mrs rkk01 wonders were I was during the early 80s (or whenever it was) as I claim not to have seen Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Back to the Future(s), ET, Star Wars, Close Encounters, etc, etc, ad nauseam…

    Free Member

    Mrs rkk01 used to be a hotel & catering manager. Worked in various places, good hotels, chain restaurants and eventually in one of the posher universities.

    Unremittingly hard work and little reward – and as others have said, that goes far beyond the lack of financial reward…

    After we got married she was working from 07:30 to 17:30 every weekday to keep up with the admin of running a number of university catering / conference / entertainment outlets, working again weekday evening if there were any uni or outside functions going on (typically 18:30-03:00) and managing weddings at the weekends and other outside contract events – again typically until very late at night.

    Free Member

    Luckily, British comedy films are much more “true to life”.

    Generalisation of course…, but isn’t there an element of this to many British films?

    Take war films for example (an I’ll use a classic British example…)

    At the end of the Dambusters, do we get:

    “whooop, whoop, we good guys let them evil Nazis have it good and proper”

    or do we get

    “was it really worth the terrible cost in life?”

    Free Member

    Most difficult A Spec race that I have done so far is the historic race car one

    Free Member

    Brake earlier? When I’m “thinking about it” I only brake and accelerate HARD in a straight line, esp RWD…

    … but then, it’s pretty rare that I consciously think about what I’m doing in the heat of the moment

    Free Member

    I know that modern ski touring gear from the likes of Black Diamond, Scarpa etc, has the ability to release or clamp the heel binding, yes, so I guess that would be the best way to go… but can they be skied with only the toe binding? or do they have to be skied alpine style?

    Free Member

    Films made to appeal to their target audience SHOCKER!

    Yes, but it goes beyond that – as per the comments above on the “re-writing of history”

    Free Member

    Only other way to get a pick up is to wait for one to come up in the used car dealership.

    Also had to wait for ages to get the Formula Gran Turismo

    Free Member

    Americans always coming to the rescue

    Free Member

    About a stone here as well 🙁

    No riding in Nov and dec – flu, weather, work and visitng relatives (eating & drinking too much) over Christmas / New Year.

    Shocking. I normally ride throughout the winter, but it has fallen apart this year

    Free Member

    Why add the extra complication. Concentrate on the job in hand.

    My current thoughts are that….

    Alpine skiing is great for the Alps. Lots of snow, lots of vertical and lots of lifts.

    BUT, if we are going to be getting more snowy UK winters, I’d like to be able to get out and ski a bit more locally.

    Tramping around in DH boots for hours with a pair of heavy skiis on my shoulder, for a crappy short DH run doesn’t sound like much fun.

    So, i’m thinking, could the ability to use ski touring kit could make UK winter skiing feasible ??

    Free Member

    Mixed messages there. AV apps?

    Free Member

    Words of banned song should read

    ‘We got the wrong people but the murderers still walk free’?

    Quite right – but that is the often overlooked element of mis-carriage of justice, surely?

    Apply political pressure – whether it be direct, or just indirect pressure on the Police * to get results, and the whole thing is liable to go tits up.

    There were a string of faulty convictions in the UK through the 70s and 80s (and not just terrorist / politcally sensitive ones) – but I well remember the Gov’t of the day being arrogant, condescending and patronising regarding those cases – a question of “who on eartth should question or criticise our system of justice…”

    Shedding light on the politically murky can only be a good thing

    ETA – * or insert “Swedish prosecutor”

    Free Member

    No leaks on US – Israeli relations…

    … as said, probably because of higher internal security classification…
    but Mossad are likely more effective / less restrained than the CIA????

    Free Member

    am sure you can think of other examples of abuse of power if you try really hard I assume in other non third world countries – do only they have “bad” justice?

    Ermmm, UK anyone

    In the words of the (banned) song…

    There were six men in Birmingham
    In Guildford there’s four
    That were picked up and tortured
    And framed by the law
    And the filth got promotion
    But they’re still doing time
    For being Irish in the wrong place
    And at the wrong time
    In Ireland they’ll put you away in the Maze
    In England they’ll keep you for seven twenty eight long days
    God help you if ever you’re caught on these shores
    The coppers need someone
    And they walk through that door

    Free Member

    much of how we ‘do’ Christams is a Victorian invention, much of it courtesy of Albert. As was their want the Victorians tidied up a lot of the more folk customs that surrounded Christmas before. So what we have as Christmas now is only about 100 years old; there have been about 1900 years that may have had a very different look to them

    My grandparents generation used to practice an old (local?) custom on Christmas Eve – could well be a pre-Victorian tradition. Not heard of it outside of my part of the world though, and don’t know of anyone else that does / did practice it…

    …burning a faggot on Christmas Eve

    I kept it up for a while after my grandfather died – but after moving away with work, faggots just became harder to get hold of for the burning.

    The story went – as it was passed down to me, not from Google, that burning a faggot on Christmas Eve brought good luck to the house. On the other hand, if you awoke on Christmas moring and there was some faggot left unburnt – bad luck on the household until next Christmas Eve’s burning

    Free Member

    breaking open a Tennents Super at 08:30

    Is that a celebration …

    … or diagnosis?

    Free Member

    PC, PS3 and wii.

    For 15 years the PC used to be the only games machine (in our house) worth looking at.

    Since getting the PS3, the PC has become a work / networking tool only. I no longer have the time for the sort of games it excels at – flight / military sims, strategy etc, and the games market has all but abandoned the FS sector.

    PS3 (or xbox) is perfect for that short blast between rubbish TV. Cant comment on the xbox, because I haven’t owned one, but PS3 for us gets uesed for…

    GT5 – you won’t be doing that on the xbox
    BluRay – blown away by Pacific on BD – my early Christmas present
    All the normal CoD, kids Lego adventures etc.

    Would try 3D, which the PS3 does, but not going to be first in on the 3D telly spend.

    Contollers – personal taste surely. xbox one looks big and unwieldy to me.

    Oh, and the wii – only ever used by the kids (a lot. Not sure if that’s because they like the wii, or because the grown ups are on the PS3…)

    Free Member

    and another…

    I remember thinking Earth was good as an undergrad. Beyond that, the subject becomes lots of specialist niches

    jeez, lot of geologists on here

    Iain, as you know – we all love the mud…

    Free Member


    NO skiing on the cards for this winter 🙁

    Free Member

    By the time I’d learned to ski, I’d invested too much time and energy to try snowboarding – maybee one day I should.

    Anyhow, I got into mtbing as a surrogate for skiing. Marriage, mortgage and kids meant no skiing between 1995 and 2008 🙁 🙁 🙁

    BUT the reason I took to mtb was that I found it to be very similar to skiing – balance, attacking stance, feeling the grip / getting the edges to bite, whether they be ski edges or edge knobblies on the bike…

    … in other words, I’d imagine that an mtber would take to skiing quite readily.

    Am I the only one who feels these similarities

    Free Member

    The interviewers annoy the hell out of me *

    Thoroughly dislikeable bunch of ….
    The whole contrived TV ethos of how to be a succesful hard arse businessman winds me up.

    At least this series Sugar has had the wit to comment on how the quality of relationships etc is more important to success thatn bullshit and bluster.

    * – I know, it’s telly….

    Free Member

    ‘Ve vas only following orders….’

    Not as off the mark as you might have intended.

    Kettling is an anglicisation of a practice developed by the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front

    KesselIn German the word Kessel (literally a cauldron) is commonly used to refer to an encircled military force, and a Kesselschlacht (cauldron battle) refers to a pincer movement. The common tactic which would leave a Kessel is referred to Keil and Kessel (Keil means wedge). The term is sometimes borrowed for use in English texts about World War II. Another use of Kessel is to refer to Kessel fever, the panic and hopelessness felt by any troops who were surrounded with little or no chance of escape

    Free Member

    I run the standard inter on bars / narrow on helmet setup. Works well.

    Late spring / early autumn commutes I wont bother with the lid lights (as it’s dusky rather than dark) – and it’s very noticeable that the intermediate only on the bars is a fairly diffuse spread. I wouldn’t want just inters when it is properly dark.

    BUT, augmented with the narrow helmet beam oriented to your direct line of sight, excellent.

    Certainly wouldn’t go with anything other than narrow on the helmet – pointless.

    Free Member

    I’m reliably informed that the Audi R8 is better.

    More pretentious, but better.

    Free Member

    From what I (vaguely) remember, snowsports helmets require more side impact protection to pass their required standards (compared to cycle helmets.

    The forward rotating / over the bars scenario seems to be the main consideration in cycle helmet design (and criticism :wink:), but I am fairly sure that ski helmet design gives more consideration to side impact.

    I’ve worn one for the last few years. Never used to, but returning to skking after a mainly mtb’ing kid break, I felt naked without it.

    As others have said – what’s not to like. Warm, comfortable, good goggle mount, skullcandy side pads and even reasonably stylish 😀

    And yes, helpful with flying equipment – in my case an over energetic poma lift release

    Free Member

    Least disruptive measure I’ve seen is positive pressure mat below the floor slab. Shold work provided you’ve got solid concrete floor slab rather than block and beam. Seen this installed for landfill gas protection on commercial premises.

    On the other hand, with a solid floor, risk of radon entry to the house should be lower (possibly excl service entry points).

    Sceptical about radon risk because I’m not sure that you see increased lung cancer deaths in those areas with high radon. I’m from Cornwall, and lived with relatives for a while in a 14th Century Cornish longhouse. Dirt original floors (mix of cement / wood when I was there!!), 3′ thick granite walls, and one of the highest radon producing granites right under the floor. Monitoring didn’t show up particularly high levels of radon.

    I also remember going underground at Wheal Jane mine when it was operational. Notices stated that if you worked under the Ionising RAdiation regulations Regs you needed to have the dose added to your annual dose – but (IIRC) the mine itself, and the workers were not included in the Regs

    Free Member

    Slightly sceptical about radon risk…

    New house, old house? What (general) part of the country?

    Free Member

    That looks like the site, Ta.

    Sounds like you where pleased with service.
    Cheaper than the bike shops – What are they like on delivery?

    Free Member

    IMHO brides les baines is a little too far down the slope for comfort

    Yep – tried that once for a cheapy holiday with Snowcoach – went too cheap and regretted it. self catering in Brides – didn’t relally feel like a skiing holiday at all. GRIM

    Free Member

    As above – Why France???

    I’d go for Italy. Pila is good for families. I also like Cervinia, and Monte Rosa area (both better for intermediates). La Thuile is also supposed to be quite good for families.

    Went with Club Med a few times with the kids when they were 7-8 years old. Was expensive but very good value at the time (circa 5k, two years ago – full board, all inclusive, kids lessons morning and afternoon, evening kids club etc), but the devaluation of the pound against the euro has priced us out now 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m impressed!

    Just in case you missed the vid link I posted a few days ago…

    Free Member

    Can’t pick this up until tomorrow night…

    But can’t wait!

    Free Member

    I’ll be out of the Country.

    Free Member

    At the risk of looking like trolling…. *

    … this thread is begging for a list of such words that are likely to cause infractions – just so we can be sure, and , of course, characterised to avoid causing offence 😉

    * – The Mods have made the principle of their mode of judged moderation clear, but not the detailed point.

    For example, does the word for butt that sounds like a four legged beast of burden, and often characterised with a @ constitute a swear word??

    Free Member

    I’m trying to work out which one you all think is the fit one. I’m not sure there are any fit ones.

    Free Member

    Egghhh??? 😯

    Didn’t have me beer goggles on when I watched it

    Free Member

    quikkie at afan – whites level or the wall?

    Bottom car park 😯 – Rhyslyn

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