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  • Issue 142 International Adventure: Costa Del Climb
  • rkk01
    Free Member

    Is the Tuareg Van Nic’s version of the former Lucky Strike / Black Widow race bike???

    If so I think I might be getting one….

    My Airborne Lucky Strike has developed a crack around the top tube / head tube join.

    I severely miss that bike. Reactions like a razor blade, steerable with twitches of the buttocks, crashable in a eyeblink of lapsed concentration.

    Most / many of the current crop of Ti hardtails have gone the way of shorter, more upright, longer travel – but sometimes you just can’t beat the long stretched out, twitchy, quick as a whippet race bike feel

    Free Member

    feel for your neighbours having to put up with the little fecker barking all the time, I have next door neighbours who have taken in a rescue dog who also barks at anything and everything and its driving me to distraction, I have spoken to them about it and they seemed sympathetic at first but do nothing about it, so having kept a diary of the dogs behaviour I have informed the council who are taking action. People should be more considerate about there neighbours when taking on dogs like this and in the same token the rescue center RSPCA should make sure this type of dog is not housed where it can cause a nuisance. Just another prospective but as nice as the dog is his barking is unacceptable, hope you can find a solution.

    This bit is interesting, and I sympathise – but would also like to pick at the edges a little…

    My question, is where does normal behaviour end and nuisance start? Our dogs do bark, but they do not bark all day long. They bark if people are sniffing around the property, making a noise nearby or sometimes if other dogs are barking. They very rarely bark during “unsociable hours”. So, is ten minutes of barking unacceptable?, and hour, all night?

    Part III of the Environmental Protection Act covers statutory nuisance, but it is difficult to get any useful guidance on what the legal threshold for nuisance might be. I’m concerned that “nuisance” might be whatever the neighbours opinion deems it to be…

    Our neighbours don’t like our dogs barking, and (to our way of thinking) have come across as fairly aggressive, ie – You’re dogs are barking. You don’t keep you’re dogs in the same way as we keep our dogs – therefore do something about it.

    Any sympathy or strong desire to try and resolve the issue has been diminished. We get the feeling it’s a question of you keep your dogs like we keep ours (locked in all day) – or get rid… which is obviously a very emotional position to be put in.

    If our dogs are causing a nuisance, I want to resolve it, but I get the feeling that there is an element of if the neighbours want to complain vociferously we’ve just got to roll over, which is upsetting if it means getting rid of the dogs or drastically changing their lifestyle.

    Free Member

    Those long leads are for utter morons. I feel sick when I see someone with one of those long leads. It just screams “My dog does not respect me as an authority figure because I am to moronic to train him. So I’ll just use this stupid lead to take him for walks.”

    That’s what our dog trainer said – but in a more polite form of words 😆

    Free Member

    Last time I went to N Wales I enjoyed the Marin trail, loved Snowdon and hated CyB.

    I did them in that order mind, so i think by the time I pitched up at CyB I was a little tired, my head wasn’t in it and it was my first visit since the centre moved from the west of the A470….

    Free Member

    The soft brown sandy trail, delicate grass, blue sky and tanned limbs – all so not North Wales

    Free Member

    Blimey. You really think a pissed up Hitler would have been a good thing?


    Teetotal was catastrophic. Hitler was an easy / lazy example.

    What wine for muesli?

    Now there’s a thought – has to be amaretto surely??

    Free Member

    Imagine what the world would like like if the 20th Century’s most infamous teetotaler had got half cut (and a bit more chilled) on a few occasions….

    Can’t say that total abstinence has got a particularly good press – can lead to dangerously obsessive behaviours elsewhere.

    Free Member

    mrs rkk01 fancies an ipad, so that had crossed our minds…

    Also need some new outdoors type clothing (eg a nice windproof / softshell fleece jacket), which always seems expensive in the UK.

    and of course, there is always bike bits – although the recession has dulled the appeal of shiny bits for the bike 🙁

    Free Member

    Issey Miyake ‘L’eau d’Issey’ seems to go down well.

    Started using this for honeymoon and have been ever since… Lovely and fresh

    Free Member

    If you want to kill something then get something that will do the job quickly and properly.

    This, is the most important point in shooting. If you can’t kill, don’t take the shot.

    I sense this is a work in progress and he has asked about poisoned frogs. Give the man a break.

    ps, maybe you should change your name to trollbait?

    so, this is the trolling post

    Free Member

    got ‘im 😈

    Free Member

    Earlier today – handyman lining up his blowpipe sights on the local squirrel menace…

    Free Member

    Which means they’ll hurt more. Like a spoon

    Well, they were drawing blood 😕

    Free Member

    This was on again last night. As emsz posted above ^, Romeo & Juliet – which I have to say, as a young man I would have dismissed (in ignorance) as tosh.

    But bloody hell, rehearsing and performing with “real”* swords.

    One dancer getting stabbed in the hand. The bosses (ie employer) dismissing injuries as part of the job… Does Health and Safety at Work Acts etc not apply to “The Arts”…!?

    Our Company objective is zero accidents – nobody gets hurt

    * real as in steel, not wood or plastic. I guess they didn’t have an edge – looked (and sounded) a bit like fencing foils 😮

    Free Member

    I built up a 305 in December 2008(?).

    I’ve got the Pace RC41XCAM forks, which I believe are the predecessor to the DT ones you refer to. 130mm air – very good match to the frame (I think Pace matched the frame to that fork)

    It’s a good bike. Not as good a climber as other bikes I have / had. it’s quite light (25lb) so I put the slow climbing down to the more upright geometry.

    Free Member

    Perhaps they should finish it off with a wrap of doped cotton?

    Free Member

    a Wellington bomber

    I was going to say that – a Barnes Wallis solution to low weight and high strength.

    Free Member

    Have found a few of my (non road) Ti bike

    Free Member

    Oh come on, you’re just getting carried away with the spangly paint job,

    Nope – I specifically said it would look good in the raw metal…

    the low camera angle

    Yep – that certainly helps

    and the dry ice in the background

    Nope, not worried about the smoke – although the professional studio lighting will definately be helping the overal finished image…

    The nice thing about ti is that it’s simple and restrained and subtle, not like some tart’s boudoir of a carbon fibre rainbow bike

    I agree completely – hence my initial comment about clean simple lines.

    Free Member

    Show us your very own droolworthy slice of Ti bike pron (sic.) why don’t ya.

    Sadly, I don’t have any online hosted photos, and a “quick” trawl of Joolze’s site wasn’t going to turn up any of me riding it without having any old race numbers close at hand. Today, it hangs in the garage as a stripped, craked frame, whilst I contemplate the feasibility / economics of repair 🙁

    Suffice to say, it looked wonderful, rode even better, but being relatively skinny tubed (by today’s standards) didn’t photograph too well.

    Perhaps it is part of the appeal of “big” bikes to the marketeers – photograph well and plenty of room for corporate logos etc?

    The blue big above ^ is what I call a road bike – that looks fast – would be fab with a raw metal polished frame

    Free Member

    Mine is intentionally stealthy. If I’d wanted something loud I’d have bought a plastic one.

    Not really “loudness” that I was refering to – more “quiet, understated beauty”…

    Free Member

    I might upset a few folks now…

    … but none of the above are the sort of gorgeous, droolworthy Ti bike pron that I would have expected.

    IMO a road bike should look fast even standing still – clean lines, simple, eye pleasing beauty etc??

    The qoroz comes close – perhaps if it was a polished frame…

    Free Member

    Airborne used to do one that I really liked the look of…

    … but wasn’t riding road bike at the time, so bought a Lucky Strike.

    Manhattan Project IIRC – lovely looking thing

    Free Member

    Tom was the first one that came to my mind

    Free Member

    Pay back in full with no tax saving – IIRC

    Free Member

    Was it better than Strictly?

    More akin to the prep for an althletics event IMO. Folks training with injuries / recovering from ops made us mtbers look like a bunch of pussycats

    Free Member


    Friend of mine moved out to Sendai about 12 years ago with his Japanese wife. Now has two young kids (youngest can’t be more than 2 yrs)

    We watched the box in horror on Friday evening, but have had an email back saying they were safe.

    Free Member

    Saw this first time around – nasty piece of work.

    Very patronising to his female co-driver, who was actually far more talented (and likeable) than him

    Free Member

    rkk01 – where would your electricity come from? presume you only use juice from hydro or wind power station? If not the extra fuel required to make and transport a new car that uses electricity from a coal burning power station pretty much negates the point of buying an electric car……

    Like I said – I work in the environmental sector. We’re currently doing quite a bit to support the wind and solar generation industry, as well as traditional fossil fuel and nuclear sectors… I am quite well aware that electricity generation has it’s own environmental costs for transport (of raw fuel), infrastructure, generation, transmission etc…

    My consideration of an electric vehicle was based purely on the fiscal measures in place to hurt infernal combustion engine drivers…

    … and like I said,I can’t see that the technology is anywhere near ready for any application other than limited range city runabouts.

    Free Member

    Some of my colleagues are of the opinion that high and rising fuel prices are a good thing. We work in the environmental business, and many of us cycle to work, etc.

    HOWEVER, although reducing driving and car relaince is a GOOD THING, it needs to be achieved through a series of measures. Fuel cost rises alone will hurt our competitive position and harm our economy. Unilaterally forcing drivers off the road without greener personal or public transport alternatives is just plain stupid.

    I have been considering changing car – a new company car would get me into a more CO2 and fuel efficient vehicle (for now – ie by today’s standards).

    As part of my car needs thinking I have considered electric, especially the about to be launched Nissan Leaf – but it couldn’t manage any of my current business trips without running out of juice… and even commuting on a cold day would require me to charge up during the day – using my employer’s electricity?… assuming I have a parking space right next to work?

    More needed to bring the emerging technologies to the fore before penalising everyone for using technology to which there is no viable alternative.

    Free Member

    China syndrome, anyone?

    Free Member

    A mate lives in Sendai with his wife and two young kids. We watched the news images in horror… Amazingly had an email response from them late last night – safe, had “shelter”, but no power, water etc.

    Free Member

    Caerau, amongst any number of run down valleys towns.

    For those who go to Glyncorrwg via the M4 Sarn Park junction, Caerau is between Maesteg and Cwmmer

    Free Member

    ScottChegg – Member
    The AV system is very close to that used to select Ed Millibean as leader of the Labour Party. That’s how dangerous it is.

    You are either ill-informed or well informed and mischievous…

    The Labour Party, any political party, is a very different electorate that the UK population….

    Which system is the “right” system is probably unclear to many of the electorate, myself included – but it is clear that several generations of politicians have abused their electoral power.

    A system that introduces a better reflection of the broad range of views and beliefs held by the British people has to be a good thing. If that means that there is no clear “first past the post” one party takes all winner in the House of Commons, then that too should be a good thing. Make the buggers debate the merits and drawbacks of various policies and courses of action before foisting them on the electorate (after all the HoC is a debating chamber…?).

    One thing is clear (too me) though – the poster above is a disgrace in terms of a referendum on the voting system.

    Tea? anyone?

    Free Member

    Perhaps under a more representative electoral system he wouldn’t need a bulletproof vest at all.

    My point, exactly. That is what made me so mad.

    Free Member

    Ohh, yeah – silly prices… that’s about the same as an away day return to London with a drink and a sarnie from the buffet car 👿

    Free Member


    Free Member

    4 only or 3GS as well?

    Free Member

    If you intend to ride it at or after dusk – WATCH OUT FOR THE CAT

    Free Member

    I thought this was this weeks photo thread….

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