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  • Santa Cruz Megatower 2 joins the downtube storage gang
  • rkk01
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    Particularly after some Garmin accesories (cadence sensors)…

    Free Member

    I’d rather take the lower risk of taking the sample and knowing what I’m dealing with, rather than not knowing and just ripping out potentially asbestos containing material.

    Agreed, if it going to be disturbed anyway. My response was in the context of hora’s fireplace…

    Free Member

    It is the health effects that are chronic – ie they can creep up over a period of many 10s of years…

    Until very recentely, the recognised thinking was that “one fibre can kill you”. HSE always took the line that a single exposure event could lead to chronic or fatal health effects much later on.

    There is some ongoing debate about this, and that view might well be adjusted – but asbestos fibres do remain in the lung once inhaled, so over time even one fibre (or a similar small number) from a single or small number of exposure could result in a long term health impact.

    The cigarette analogy is not appropriate for asbestos.

    to dismiss it as “health and safety gone mad” is plainly stupid.



    Carefully obtain a small sample, double bag the item

    But to do this you need to disturb the material…

    Free Member

    Whole, in a slow cooker, covered in beer / red wine, accompanied by garlic, red onions and mushrooms.

    cook for 7-8 hours…

    Free Member

    That’s lovely…

    Free Member

    It may be “white” cement bound sheet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it only contains chrysotile (white asbestos)…

    If it is an old roof (ie pre mid 1980s or so) it may well contain amosite (brown asbestos) or even crocidolite (blue asbestos, but less likely…)

    Don’t be stupid for the sake of it, treat the material with some caution – so try to keep it intact without abrading or bashing it. Check that the edges aren’t weathered or frayed. Sometimes it is possible to see if the cement binding is crumbling and fibres being released. If this is the case you’d be pretty irresponsible not to bag it.

    Free Member

    More appropriately perhaps…

    “Oi…Get your filthy hands off my

    Free Member

    Bristol is horrid. Squalid, filthy place.

    Couldn’t believe how Cardiff and Bristol could be so different.

    Free Member

    Most of the birds of prey species have recovered incredibly well since the ban on DDT type pesticides and a masive reduction in game keepers targeting raptors and egg collectors going for the nest(although both of these do still happen)

    ETA, not aware that gamekeepers used to kill egg collectors 😆

    Free Member

    Some of the Janes sims where very good, F15 and Longbow 2

    Yep – good balance between accuracy, visuals and immersion…

    Liked the Janes USAF where you could fly a range of aircraft, including the F4 Phantom, across the Nevada desert / ranges

    Free Member

    I’d go for crow or raven.

    Head / neck looks to long in proportion to wing root / shoulder position for a buzzard… (buzzard looks like it has short neck and head, whereas crow / raven has wings more “in the middle” – as do seagulls. The pic is silhouetted, so it could be one of the larger gulls.

    ravens not so much as they are an upland bird, they like mountains.

    Not so much these days. Loads of ravens where my parents live, and they are pretty much at sea level. Like buzzards, their numbers have increased dramatically over the last few decades

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yes – and not just steep stuff.

    Will go side to side if I want to keep up pace in a higher gear rather than dropping a cog.

    Steep road climb that comes to mind is the first road bit of the Snowdon climb…

    Free Member

    I bought F4AF – specifically for that campaign environment, but it’s suffered from a lack of time to get into…

    (An immersive environment, eg all the rest of the world going about it’s business, not necessarily fancy graphics, are sooo much more important than modelling all the nobs and buttons…)

    Free Member

    Thanks I was in a panic when posting.

    What’s the panic…

    … trundles off to BBC News website

    Free Member

    If you fancy flying one of these…

    from the rusty old lady

    against a bunch of these…

    and these…

    Then there is a new sim in the pipeline…

    Free Member

    Strange isn’t it since the days of Falcon 4.0 pushing pc’s to the limit we have gone to nearly no flight simulators with these new high powered pc’s capable of photo realism nearly/

    Falcon 4 was the last sim that I spent much dedicated time with, but my PC wasn’t really up to the job. Have tinkered with MS Combat Flight Sim and IL2. Lock On etc since, but never really got the time in to get to grips.

    The earlier EF2000 and Total Air War, (by DiD) were my favourites – such an immersive combat environment.

    This thread was prompted by seeing Lock On: Flaming Cliff 2 and A10 Warthog advertised on amazon.

    Free Member

    BiL used to have an RC helicopter. Fiendishly difficult to fly IIRC -and expensive to crash

    Free Member

    Worst of all (and apologies if someone has already said it…
    …come on here…

    Free Member

    Use the power of the internet to provide a comparison?
    Like people do with their bikes?
    Maybe not then…. 😕

    Free Member

    That sucks but not much you can do. Get another job ?

    Left 10 years ago – doing similar job for more thsan double the salary. That partly reflects additional experience, responsibility and expertise, of course, but wouldn’t have progressed if I had stayed

    Pretty much all of us who were in from / close to the start bailed as we realised that all the promises were BS.

    Quite instructive in the ways of capitlaism – even in a small firm setting. Ironically, I’m not “anti-capitalist” per-se. Just can’t stand for hypocrisy, double dealing and treating people badly. Someone in my current firm said recently – “we respect the person, not the position”. I quite like that.

    Free Member

    Don’t know about the charity thing, but most /many will have been fed some BS at some stage that they later reflect on and which then causes to re-think how they view things.

    I worked for a small, succesful company. Started by a small pool of prefessionals, some of whom were shareholding directors, some of whom were dedicated, motivated staff who worked equally as hard in the hope of building a bigger, more succesful business.

    During the early tears “we are all in this together” – striving to make the business a success. Opportunities for growth and personal promotion and betterment… future directorships dangled etc.

    A few years in and grown by 10x and it’s more them and us. Ladder is being pulled up now. Those that worked hard to grow the business are now getitng fobbed off – they’ve developed hugely as practising professionals and now want the pay and recognition. Pushing at pay reveiws for a fair deal in an increasingly competitive labour market, one answer that comes back is that we only pay ourselves “x”, therefore you have to be “x”-1…

    Of course, find out later that “x” is somewhere close to the tax threshold, as advised by the acountants. A tax efficient figure, which also effectively acts as a cap to the rest of the team. All the while the hypocrites who spin you that line are paying themselves almost as much again in shares from the holding company…

    Free Member

    It’s true to say that there are vastly different average annual rainfall figures across the UK – and living in / near Cardiff, I have to agree that saving water can seem a little pointless….

    If you live in southern / eastern England you probably have (should have) a different perspective.

    That said – storage, transmission, treatment (clean and waste water)and pumping costs all add up – in money and energy.

    I’d be more impressed though if a business posted up that it’s flushes were powered by rainwater harvesting – that would show commitment to a more sustainable infrastructure

    Free Member

    Got into SS by accident (thought I was applying for the Luftwaffe),

    HaHa – that’s where my train of thought was going too!!

    Out of the two the SS definitely has more miles under it though.

    mmmm – might have gone further with gears?
    Moscow perhaps?

    Free Member

    You only have to consider who the people that end up getting kettled are to realise that the police deserve our full support over kettling.

    If it was that simple, kettling wouldn’t be so controversial, would it?

    Free Member

    That FatMAX is still the coolest car shown on this thread… 😉

    Free Member

    The WPP move has everything to do with the requirement on directors to act in the interests of shareholders. With that comes a requirement for Directors to consider where a company should be headquartered in the eventuality that the company derives most of its income overseas, as is the case with WPP.

    I’m sure it does / did…

    entirely legitimate for WPP’s Board to reconsider where they should be headquartered

    and of course, an entirely commercial decision – no need to read any politics into it at all 😉

    Free Member

    W2 + Skyline for 45 miles?

    Did Mr Awesome take a short cut?

    Free Member

    Labour didn’t beleive them – even after 3 Plcs moved offshore (Shire, Wolesey, WPP).

    In light of the cut to corporation tax (which will enable companies to increase internal investment), WPP are now considering moving back to the UK for tax purposes. How is this a bad outcome?

    [cynic mode] Nothing to do with old school cronieism then???

    The wealthy capitalists have always taken / threatened to take their wealth out of the UK with Labour in power, and hey presto – back in the UK to support their blue school pals…[\cynic mode]

    I heard Martin Sorrel (?) on the radio last week – of course, the UK economic climate has improved so much that he is going to bring his business back…..

    ETA regarding full employment – of course we have had it in the past:

    – as serfs working on the masters’ estates.
    – as worker ants in the first flushes of the industrial revolution, large scale population movement – not across countries, but from country to town as the rural poor tried to escape the grinding poverty of working for the only landowner around, and;
    -in wartime

    Free Member

    No idea whether legal or not – but certainly morally reprehensible outside of very limited, closely defined circumstances.

    The clue really is in the name – I don’t know whether this moniker was applied by the Police or the media.

    If the Police came up with the name for this tactic then it really does suggest a desire to deploy aggresive action against members of the public.

    The very idea of the kettle (kessel as used by the Wehrmacht) is to cut off and isolate a large pocket, deny any exit or reinforcement and then apply heat until it boils. ie apply pressure until the contained collapse or fight their way out.

    Applied in civil situations it seems an approach gauaranteed to result in violence.

    Free Member

    iirc one for branch line was to only consider journey which stated and end on that same branch line, so if you used a train to get to the main line your use of that line did not count towards keeping it.

    Interesting – strikes a chord with what I was told (a long time ago) about the Falmouth Branch in Cornwall. The line survived Beeching, but became a sparsely serviced passenger branch.

    Of course, the line actually terminated at Falmouth docks, so had the potential for freight traffic (no idea what the dock freight traffic would have been pre Beeching…)

    My relatives (farmers) would use the Penryn yard to put seasonal freight onto the train service – but all freight services on the branch were cut as being unviable…

    …However, when they looked into it, all receipts for freight traffic were accounted for at Truro – where the Falmouth branch leaves the mainline.

    At a stroke, the economic viability of the branchline was hugely diminished, and the viability of the mainline over stated.

    This was a major double whammy, repeated all over the network – because the viability of the mainline was overstated at the expense of it’s feeder network. Remove the supporting network (all your beloved cycle trails 👿 ) and the mainline starts to look shaky.

    Free Member

    Any ideas where it is leaking from? I know you said the garages had drawn a blank, but if this was from disinterest….

    If it’s a leaky hose, joint or rad then probably not too big an issue. Head gasket or cylinder head would be a diferent matter.

    Are you geting any steam / white smoke in the exhaust?
    Or any brown foamy deposits on the inside of the oil filler cap?
    Any mis-fires or dampness on the plugs…assuming petrol that is!

    Free Member

    I thought AEG were german


    I thought AEG were are german

    Incorrect, it seems.

    Electrolux (Swedish), with German branding where sold in Germany and UK, it seems

    Free Member

    I thought AEG were german

    Yes, I read somewhere that they made the ovens at Auschwitz…

    Sorry to lower the tone, but not a brand I would be comfortable with

    Free Member

    (bit like we kicked the CFC habbit).

    We didn’t – we found alternative refrigerant and aerosol propellant gases…

    Free Member

    Point of view I would expect from dog owners who’s dogs bark and expect their neighbours to live with it. So we should just put up with disruption to our lives been woken up late at night keeping our children awake on school nights, trying to relax in the garden on a summers day or tiding garden in the Autumn winter months with a dog barking its head of next door. Washing my car or fettling with my bike on the driveway with an idiot dog barking at me from a window when his owners do nowt about it. Sorry but you don’t have my sympathy especially when all was well before the dog arrived, quite entitled to complain, tried talking nicely, then put it across in a firmer manner no shouting or swearing just pointing out the effect its having on our and other neighbours lives but seems to fall deaf ears, ignorant dog owners who think its acceptable for their dogs to disrupt peoples lives.

    Ahh, so you didn’t read my post then. We are quite prepared to deal with our dogs if they are a problem. What is quite difficult to define is what threshold becomes a problem.

    I don’t know your situation, but what you describe sounds like a problem. My point was that it is any easy target for complaint, but without a clear test of what constitutes statutory nuisance.

    Barking all day, or barking at all after dark is going to land you in trouble, and rightly so – but what about barking when the local scotes are messing about on your boundary? To me, that’s the. Dog doing it’s job.

    Free Member

    Going to have to record it this week…

    Been a most excellent series though. Good on beeb 4

    Free Member

    2.1″ Rocket Rons have a vast amount more grip

    Can’t argue with that 😮 TrailBlasters always had less grip than a slippery thing with added vaseline…

    … especially if there was any dampness around

    Free Member

    I thought it was the “old slut on junk” that they took offense at?

    Free Member

    I’ve still got a pair of Panaracer TrailBlaster 1.8s for when I want max speed and no grip. At under 400g each you’d struggle to find anything much lighter.

    The fact that they are 10 years old and still have plenty of grip (sorry, tread) tells the story of just how rarely they are suitable…

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