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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • rkk01
    Free Member

    Every power shower I’ve tried has been disappointing… 🙁

    i.e. isn’t the “power” element based on electric water heating rather than on pump assisted shower pressure???
    Also, the oil fired cooker is constantly providing water heating (hence twin hot tanks), so it would be mad to use electricity to hear more water from cold…

    ETA – FunkyDunc, correct – several miles from nearest gas main

    Free Member

    Plymouth Gin is very nice…

    Relatives in Australia have started a craft distillery and make Ink Gin[/url] – haven’t managed to try any yet though…!

    Free Member

    I wondered about that – up Weston Mill…

    Free Member

    with Kevlar armoured tyres, obviously…

    Free Member


    Apples and pears are starting to swell up now – looks like a good crop 🙂

    So, right time to look at some crushing and pressing kit. A bit of googling suggests that smaller ones are quite reasonably priced, but stepping up to 12 or 18L presses escalates the price significantly.

    Now, it worries me that with a 5-6L press I’d end up messing around for ages and ages…

    would that be right?

    And once pressed, is it a question of adding the juice to a large 25L wine fermenting barrel and letting it ferment out?

    Free Member

    Yes – that was my first thoughts…

    I’d need to buy a new spinny disk, whereas the SSD is sort of available

    Free Member

    Cheers all – some good stuff and a few surprises…

    I’d heard from a mate the Springsteen played a fantastic show in MCH. Wouldn’t be a natural choice for me, but you never know!

    Would still love a time capsule to go back and see the Pogues circa 85-86

    Free Member

    This isn’t going to be a future thread on STW2050…

    Free Member

    Son has been playing Witcher 3. I haven’t had a go, but it does look engrossing

    Gran Turismo??? I’m still waiting for the PS4 version – isn’t it rumoured as a 2017 release???

    Free Member

    Jamba derailed by the Wombles 😆

    And saved by a ninja edit!

    Free Member


    We tried to initiate our teenagers into the cutting satire that was Spitting Image.

    We didn’t expect them to “get it” as the obviously didn’t know the cast – but the moment of self indulgence was quite revealing… Today’s politicians are too one dimensional to bother making 3D latex puppets 🙁

    Free Member

    Golden Brown – The Stranglers

    Peaches – The Stranglers

    – quite a naughty song for its day 😆

    Free Member

    Used to stay in some of the smaller villages further up the valley towards Courmayeur… admittedly, not so good for Pila

    ETA – Morgex, Pre St Didier, IIRC

    Free Member

    Ahh well – good to know the brown sticky stuff is as brown, sticky and smelly as I thought it probably was 🙁

    you must have read your recent letter ….

    nope – I asked everyone if they’d had letters and were they worth reading? Response was fairly unanimous 🙁

    25x your desired income is the pot size needed


    Free Member

    You can build immunity, and lose it – and once gone, the sting is worse

    Free Member

    About 160 miles, by road. Surprised it’s not further, and will soon be closer.

    As for the OP’s question, interesting – especially in the current political turmoil

    Free Member

    Lib Dem rehabilitation???

    TBH, the LDs undeservedly took the public’s ire at the last GE – a bit like Remain during EUref

    Free Member

    chuck him out on a fly by – you wanted out – OUT

    Free Member

    Scroll to 2 min 45 seconds

    Free Member

    This one?

    Infrastructure Intelligence[/url]

    Yes – hit my inbox as well.

    HS2 looks doubtful, and as for Gatwick / Heathrow additional runway – well Boris wanted his Island and May is against on noise…

    (TBH, “Boris Island” sounds like a good idea – preferably small and a long way away. I hear St Helena now has a runway and has some experience in dealing with exiles)

    Free Member

    philxx1975 » Has anyone for a minute stopped to think “you know what we might leave and make a success of it” or is that too much ?

    That could happen, but my work with different business sectors makes me believe that it is very, very unlikely 😳

    The key question everyone should ask themselves is:

    “How does the UK make Money”, i.e. how is our National Wealth generated?

    here are a few clues…

    – Not by selling coffee in US chain cafes
    – Not by putting on a uniform and serving your Country
    – Not by treating ill people in hospital
    – Not by being a successful small business building stuff / selling stuff to UK residents

    All of the above just spread the money around society – and serve a good purpose for everyone’s benefit.

    Wealth is GENERATED by
    1. Digging stuff out of the ground and selling it abroad (oil, gas etc)
    2. Farming and fishing and selling it abroad – both small sectors and struggling anyway
    3. Making stuff and selling it abroad
    4. Providing a service and selling it abroad (including financial services, consultancy, engineering)
    5. Inventing stuff and selling the idea / “making stuff” (see above)

    Out of those sectors above – oil, manufacturing and services are our way to “trade” ourselves to a stronger future. Mining / oil and gas have been small / shrinking in the UK as reserves have been depleted by 200 years of industrial activity.

    Manufacturing has been under pressure all my lifetime, with no Govt Industrial Strategy. leaving the EU does nothing to strengthen manufacturing. A large number of manufacturing Companies have stated that they would prefer to be in EU.

    Additionally, to lose / weaken financial services would have a huge negative impact on the overall economy.

    So just saying “leave and make a success of it” kind of ignores how the global economy works…

    Free Member

    Looks like the wheels are coming off the Big Red Bus

    Wanted – driver, bus and new paint job

    The campaign claim:
    Immigration levels could be controlled if the UK left the EU. This would relieve pressure on public services.

    The current claim: Immigration levels can’t be radically reduced by leaving the EU. Fears about immigration did not influence the way people voted.

    Contributions to the EU budget
    The campaign claim:
    We send £350m a week to Brussels, which could be spent on the NHS instead.

    The current claim: The claim was a mistake, and we will not be able to spend that much extra on the NHS.

    The single market
    The campaign claim:
    The UK does not need preferential access to the single market.

    The current claim: The UK should get preferential access to the single market but will not have to accept freedom of movement to get it.

    Free Member

    oh hell you know them actually fought in the war.

    No. I didn’t know that??? Do you?

    I spent my childhood / teenage years growing up with that wartime generation. Being interested in “Airfix” and reading accounts of those in the RN, RAF and the Army, I spent that time actually talking to them.

    Most wouldn’t talk about their experiences directly or publicly, but I guess they were disarmed by a small and interested kid – I vividly remember my Gt Uncle’s account of when his destroyer flotilla were tasked with picking up survivors from Hood (his ship, HMS Echo found none), or another relative’s account of flak over the third Reich and of the utter delight of flying the Mosquito after originally flying Stirlings then Lancasters.

    They were modest men. They would not have wanted their efforts and their mates deaths to be dragged into a political debate – on any side, let alone a right wing agenda not that far removed from what they fought against…

    … Oh, and they were all dead by the end of the 80s

    Free Member

    I’m not sure where I am with Brexit at the moment…

    The anger on social media and reports of abuse on the streets of the U.K. are depressing.

    One of my own FB posts had triggered a feud within my wife’s family. Within my own wider family it’s going to come down to falling out with people I’ve known and felt close to for 40+ years, or shutting up and getting on with it.

    But what should democracy mean?
    17 million people have made a choice I don’t agree with. That is the democratic will of the people, so should be taken forward by Government.

    On the other hand, an unknown proportion of that 17 million have taken the EUref as a green light to express views that I cannot sign up to and that are detrimental to this Country – not just the economic health, but the very fabric of society

    My BIL shared the crying toddler photo. A few clicks showed that he had shared it from someone closely linked with the EDL – an account with diabolical neo-Nazi views and a photo of Jo Cox’s murderer wearing a Nazi slogan t shirt and giving a Hitler salute.

    I don’t believe that my BIL is a racist bigot, but my comments (made in heat of the moment anger) asked whether he was. This is how the far right have infiltrated the mainstream and subverted rational thinking.

    For my own family, I stand back in genuine disbelief as 20&30 Somethings in wider FB friendship groups are openly talking about going back to pounds & ounces and pounds, shillings & pence – “Fwk the EU”

    So – suck it up and move on as many people are sneeringly telling us we have to?

    Or get more involved in campaigning / politics and try to fight for all that’s been achieved over the last 20 years?

    One view represents censorship. The other represents DEMOCRACY

    Free Member

    Yes agreed and the stakes are very high. If I may offer a slight critism OP why sit back with the pop corn, get involved, go to some meetings, ask to see your MP

    Tempted to get involved – wouldn’t mind standing for election even (local etc). Just that the current mood of the country doesn’t seem to fit with my core values 🙁

    Free Member

    May may disagree…

    Free Member

    This is why the petition matters:

    “A lot of things were said in advance of this referendum that we might want to think about again,” said the Conservative former Defence Minister Liam Fox.


    Nothing to do with sore losers, more to do with the lies and misrepresentation

    Free Member

    Blair is not too old, that’s for sure…

    And spurious wars in hot countries, populated by brown people with a different religion, might be where the zeitgeist is at in 5 years

    Free Member

    21st Century would be a good place to start 🙄

    Free Member

    My realistic thoughts:


    1) in EEA, with all of the costs, market access, but none of the benefits,
    2) totally out out, with no market access, but none of the financial cost, trade benefits or social / liberal / environmental benefits
    3) MPs will have stepped up to the job they’re supposed to do and killed off the Brexit movement.

    If 1) we will have just cut off one testicle. We’ll be the laughing stock of the EU having bunged a good deal for a terrible deal – and there’ll be a disappointed and angry groundswell against the main parties. Upside is that we might just retain some of the businesses that actually help generate wealth in this country

    If 2), then we will have complete castration using the two bricks method. No social / liberal moderation, a rampant right wing who are already being very menacing on the streets and deterioration in equality and standing for women, minorities, LGBT community and institutional wilful ignorance as a National virtue. Scotland likely to be independent. Northern Ireland is difficult to call – recognising that much of the North voted Remain and wants to go south is anathema for the Tory and Unionist party, denying the clear will of the people risks fuelling a renewal of republican violence. Petrol and diesel will be £2.00 per litre because of £/$ parity. Oh, and our big employers will have moved certain operations to Ireland (corporate offices) with manufacturing ops closed or relocated to Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, or our newest and fiercest competitor, an independent and resurgent Scotland. Our best talent, artistic community any people with the skills and financial means will have left – a return to 70s values and the 70s brain drain.

    If 3), we’ve all had a very, very lucky wake up call. Politicians will need to tackle the root cause of the deep divisions in society, and very sad to say – make sure FPTP voting is retained to keep a rampant neo-Nazi movement out of Westminster

    ETA – re-reading that makes “Project Fear” seem quite lightweight… 🙁

    Free Member

    No cricket on the green, band in bandstand playing Elgar, or spitfires doing a fly past…?

    Free Member

    Dubliners must be rubbing their hands with glee as the last English-speaking low-tax capital in Europe.

    Yep, Dublin and possibly Edinburgh will be the new capitals of US investment in Europe

    Free Member

    Hehe – that is funny!

    Free Member

    I voted out. Not for a punt, not for a laugh, not because I’m racist or because I’m ignorant.

    Your decision can only be respected. A considered view and conclusion (I’m ignoring the last bit 😉 )

    Free Member

    FTFY 😉

    However, with this, there is no democratic right to change. Therefore, we now have 17 million people forcing 46 65 million people to live with their decision forever.

    Free Member

    The Government can’t possibly know what level of funding the EU may or may not be providing in 2018 which is the earliest date we would have left the EU

    Sorry, that is incorrect. The funding packages have been agreed for the period 2014-2020 (£486M)

    Free Member

    I don’t really understand the point of the petition. We’ve had a debate and a count, everybody had a chance to express their view and the majority said out

    No. We haven’t had a debate.

    We had a ridiculous and depressing exchange of meaningless shit.

    Who debated the economy?
    Who debated immigration?
    Who debated sovereignty?
    Who debated environment?
    Who debated social policy & welfare?
    Who debated employment rights?
    Who debated what our future relationship with Europe looks like?
    Who debated how to make Btitain attractive to investors and more competitive to the EU Countries?

    Can you honestly answer any of the above?
    A “debate” isn’t a slagging match of “shit shit shit / fear fear fear” or “la la la were not listening”

    Free Member

    Signing the petition is not about a second referendum – it’s about getting MPs and particularly the parliamentary Conservative party to do the right thing for the Country.

    Cameron played a blinder yesterday – totally blindsided all the Tory Cowards that signed the letter for him to stay on and do their dirty work – as I posted in one of the other threads:

    Here you go Boris, here’s the keys of No.10. You crapped in the duvet, so you clean it up

    Free Member

    Both Cornwall and Yorkshire councils are asking government to confirm they will still get the same level of funding as they did from the EU. There is a reason they needed EU funding in the first place and the south east doesn’t. Central government doesn’t care about you and never has, so why do you thiink they will now give you tons of money now.

    Quite right.

    I’m a Cornishman living in Wales, and both voted “out”, despite being huge beneficiaries of EU funding. I argued the case that this was not “our own money” (another massive lie), because Westminster had never given a flying fwk about investing in deprived areas.

    What this Country really needs to make it great again is a coherent Industrial Strategy. The disenfranchised and discontent still haven’t seen the replacement of the big, reasonably paid employers of the Industrial Age.

    Coal, steel, shipbuilding, manufacturing weren’t killed by the EU, they were killed by too high pay, lack of flexibility on working conditions, poor quality old school management, crap design and successive Governments with no will to see high skill, high value, high quality manufacturing succeed in a modern world.

    Despite Tory rhetoric (fluffing there own core vote), small businesses are not (or certainly should not be) the “engine room of British prosperity”. They’re too small and run for the comfort and self interest of small business owners. Big, succesful, global businesses are the drivers of a succesful economy. If we want our economy to grow we need to attract inward investment and stop the bleed of companies going abroad.

    That is not a likely Brexit outcome

    Free Member

    I don’t want a 2nd referendum. I didn’t want the first one. The only purpose the petition should serve is to show the powers that be (both home and abroad) that people still feel passionately about staying in the EU.

    Agree with the sentiment, but would add:
    – and to put pressure on MPs to seriously debate any Article 50 Bill and to do the right thing for the interests of this Country

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