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  • Singletrack World’s Super Summer Sizzler Sale
  • rkk01
    Free Member

    Looks quite nice for a modern bike

    Free Member

    What’s with the chunky chain rings? Loads of them ^ look like they’ve been nicked off a disc cutter…

    Free Member

    trailmoggy – nice!

    Some nice bikes, but some fugly ones too. Deep section wheels look bulky, as do chunky mtb type stems…!

    Free Member

    Well thank you turtle – very helpful…

    I had, in fact, started by looking through the various pages of online retailers’ road bikes – hence the appeal for some informed STW input 😉

    Free Member

    So, its this “lack of proof” bit that makes us all uncomfortable

    No I don’t think so.

    Doesn’t the discomfort comes from the failure to behave in the manner expected of a person in a role of responsibility??

    And the seeming sense of immunity of the Police / impotence of victims. Doesn’t sit comfotably with British sense of justice.

    If Joe Public hit a person / pushed them over, then I suspect that exactly the same quality of evidence might result in a conviction.

    Free Member

    There’s a H&S moto in our industry

    “Hands are Handy”

    It’s true

    Free Member


    As someone professionally engaged in the forensic scientific analysis of situations where all evidence is circumstantial (ie, rare to get absolutely positive proof one way or another), I have a number of problems with your quote… (the clues are highlighted below 🙄

    On Thursday a friend of Harwood’s claimed that evidence from a trauma specialist, Alastair Wilson, who raised the hypothesis that analysis of Tomlinson’s blood indicated his internal bleeding could have started before the fall, had been crucial to the acquittal.”It was a vital piece of evidence that wasn’t heard at the inquest. He was never guilty of manslaughter. He may have been guilty of assault for the baton strike, but he didn’t kill him.”

    Each of the words in bold (except friend 😉 ) are used by scientists where there is a lack of proof…

    Free Member

    How do you get around the two contradictory verdicts though…?

    Innocent of manslaughter, as you correctly state.

    But, you choose to ignore this person’s close involvement in an “unlawful killing”. Both verdicts are correct in the eyes of the law.

    Free Member

    Radio 4 summed this up very well this morning – and without descending into a “bleeding hearts” vs “hang em high” type debate…

    1. “Character evidence” was reviewed by judge and not placed before jury, on risk of it being prejudicial. Apparently, because Harwood had admitted he knocked Tomlinson down. The implication was that if this hadn’t been admitted, then the evidence of past complaints would have been admissable – as it showed a “propensity” towards that sort of behaviour.

    2. UK has a very poor record of properly investigating and prosecuting Police Officers. Circa 1500 deaths in custody for one case where officers prosectued (in 1970…?) Prosecution only succeded because manslaughter was dropped for assualt. FFS

    3. Legally, there is a connundrum. Harwood might have been found not guilty of manslaughter, but the inquest still decided on unlawfull killing
    – so “not innocent” either…?

    Free Member

    Get it back to athletics and swimming, nothing else.


    Is that where the modern Olympics started…?

    Free Member

    What, farty noises?
    Like this air cooled Double Wasp…

    Compared to this liquid cooled V12?

    Free Member

    Whilst one conflict is a useful talisman for the journalists etc, the problem is (and has always been) far wider…

    Articles last week about the ex-service prison population, for example.
    All part of the same story – the country does not provide any support mechanism to look after ex service personnel (charities do)

    Free Member

    To come back on my OP – As a family we are inclined towards the “do our own thing” type of outdoor entertainment…

    … and I think that makes it an even bigger shock to see the price of some of these “attractions”

    Regarding balance of operators’ costs vs entry charges – my comments in the OP, regarding the Isle of Man… it does seem the be a very British (or psuedo American) commercialism. Any thoughts on how mainland Eurpoe compares?

    Free Member

    Whereas a bottle of liquid explosive in say a stadium with 80,000 close packed people will be a minor annoyance?


    Explosives need confinement to be effective (speaking as someone who studied explosives in mining…)
    So a packed aluminium tube – be it bus or underground train, and the effects are likely to be devastating.

    In an open arena – has to be very different.
    Not saying that is good – just potentially a different scale of likelihood and effect

    Free Member

    Tempting to regard this as revenue protection rather than security protection, isn’t it….

    Regarding the comparison with airport security – it seems rather fallacious to me. Someone taking a liquid explosive on an aircraft has a good chance of taking down the plane.

    Free Member

    Loads of this type of stuff – ask?

    Ours likes Mama Mia!, Wild Child, Ice Princess etc

    Free Member

    Thanks Roper.

    My son has been to the club four times now – and at 11 came 3rd in an U14 tournament last week…!

    He is pretty good at ballet and has found that background very useful in terms of fitness, and for very quickly picking up the footwork / agility side.

    Main thing at the mo is to let him enjoy. Looking further forward – he is using club kit now, but presumably there is a point when he woill need to get his own?

    Free Member

    What a crock of…

    Daley Thompson banned from promoting Little Chef’s Olympic Breakfast
    2nd September 2007, 09:24


    Its combination of fried bread, bacon and saute potatoes is unlikely to make Little Chef’s Olympic Breakfast first choice for most athletes.

    But when organisers of the 2012 London Games objected to a proposed advertisement for the giant feast, they were not worried about the nation’s health.

    Instead, they were more concerned about protecting the investment of fast-food chain McDonald’s – sponsors of the capital’s sporting showpiece.

    The extraordinary twist came when Little Chef contacted London 2012 to discuss using double Olympic gold medal winner Daley Thompson to plug their breakfast on its 20th anniversary.

    Event bosses said the former decathlete’s voice could only be used for the radio advert next year if his identity was kept secret.

    And they suggested that if the roadside diner chain really wanted to help the Olympic cause they could drop the Olympic Breakfast name altogether.

    London 2012 can lay down the condition because it is backed by two recent acts of Parliament outlawing the use of the Games and its symbols without permission.

    Little Chef marketing man Richard Hillgrove, who contacted London 2012, said: “We were very surprised by their stance. Little Chef has always been able to use the Olympic name. To be told it would be better if we dropped it is very odd.

    “We wanted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Olympic Breakfast and thought of Daley because he is known to be a big fan of it himself.

    “It’s just plain weird to say he can do the advert as long as no one knows he’s doing it. And it’s a shame the London 2012 games can’t support British firms more.”

    All Little Chef’s 196 diners serve the Olympic Breakfast, which gets its name because it takes an Olympian effort to finish it. Apart from Daley – who won gold at the 1980 Moscow Games and in Los Angeles four years later – well-known fans include Prince Harry, model Lisa B and actor Robson Green.

    For £6.99, those willing to take it on get two rashers of crisp back bacon, a British outdoor-reared pork sausage, two griddled eggs, whole cup mushrooms, crispy saute potatoes, fresh griddled tomato, Heinz baked beans and toasted or fried extra-thick bloomer bread.

    The chain had considered Olympic greats such as Kelly Holmes or Colin Jackson before offering Daley £30,000 for the voice work. But their plan has fallen foul of the London Olympics Act 2005, which followed a 1995 Act giving the British Olympics Association power to stop ‘ambush marketing’.

    The new Act makes it a criminal offence, punishable by a £20,000 fine, to advertise using the Olympics without permission. Police can seize goods such as advertising material and charge for their time. 🙄

    Advertisers risk prosecution and being sued if they use words such as ‘summer’, ‘games’ and ‘2012’.

    However, a loophole means Little Chef can use the Olympic Breakfast brand as it was in use before the first Act came into effect. But using an Olympian for advertising it is banned.

    The chain is reconsidering its options after receiving a letter from London 2012 legal manager Alex Kelham last week. She told Little Chef: “If the voice is introduced as an Olympian, or is distinctive enough to be recognisable as such, The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games is likely to object to this.”

    She added: “The International Olympic Committee has appointed McDonald’s as a worldwide partner. McDonald’s has exclusive rights to associate its brand with the Olympic Games to the exclusion of competitors.” 😡

    London 2012 said: “We need to raise £2billion to make the Olympic Games the best ever. This money is all privately raised by selling sponsorship, tickets and official merchandise.

    “The value of the London 2012 brand, the Olympic symbol and the right to associate with the Games is, therefore, crucial to our funding. We have to protect our sponsors’ interests. We have asked Little Chef to reconsider using Olympic terminology.” Hope LC told them to run hither…


    Free Member

    Yep – posted a Q on this plane a few months ago – saw it over Beddau.

    Definately Miss Demeanour. Have seen it a few times since. Normally hear long before seeing!

    Free Member

    Are little Thief sponsoring?

    Does that mean the “Olympic Breakfast is now “banned” 🙁

    Free Member

    Overlap or featheredge ?


    Nah, hot tellies…

    Well, this

    Free Member

    As posted ^^

    Any way of finding more info?

    I have found promotion dates in London Gazette. Any way to link these to Squadron postings?

    Free Member

    Utterly believeable..

    On the other hand, if he had mentioned his lawyers, the doubts might have crept in 😉

    Free Member


    Sorry, is that hand-wringing?

    or neck-wringing?

    Free Member

    Easiest thing I found – ditch the Camelbak…

    .. or reduce the cr@p that lives in it

    Free Member

    You are not being unreasonable if the wall structure is shared.

    For all those suggesting “It’s my wall, I’ll do what I like”, I suggest some further reading….

    Party Wall etc Act

    Free Member

    Weird. Definately linked back to an official coke site. Apple fB app wouldn’t allow removal, but android version did

    Free Member

    Don’t know about others, but the torch “security bubble” and restrictions on non sponsor advertising have turned me off to the whole thing…

    Free Member

    Anyone tried fast jackets? Want something for mtb and ski, but not too roadie looking. Thinking blue iridium / persimmon

    Free Member

    Impressed with ours. Got it for Mayhem, and was a bit dubious about the wind. If you have a bit of tent nous it helps – make sure well guyed and pegged etc. we went for the opposing angle pegs on the guys rather than feet. Either way, mayhem would have been miserable without

    Free Member

    Had a chat in the guitar shop today. Seems like they will be around all year. – rather than being a strict ltd edition. So might be able to compare a few side by side in a few months

    Free Member

    Mayhem bike at, err, Mayhem

    Free Member

    Oh dear… 😳

    I used to have two pairs of Troll(?) lycra climbing pants

    – Flouro yellow with flouro green / orange stripes
    – Black with pink / orange / green (?) harlequin type check


    But, no, I didn’t wear them to the shops…

    Free Member

    again. Seriously?

    Come on, be objective on this.

    I see cars, busses and trucks RLJ (rarely m/cycles, funnily enough – perhaps there’s an attitude there to be learnt?)

    BUT – how frequently?

    Once per day, perhaps a few times on a bad day. What percentage of the overall traffic flow does that represent?

    Compare those observations with cyclists – once every red light? 50% of cyclists at every red light?

    REALLY, there is no comparison between cyclists and other traffic oon this – either in absolute numbers or as a proportion of the overall traffic flow for that vehicle type.

    Free Member

    Why is the cyclist always the bad guy in this? Pedestrians are constantly crossing roads when their light is green (or at places where there is no light at all) and no-one ever says they shouldn’t be doing it.

    Because we do not have a jay walking law in the UK. Except for those locations where there is a “no pedestrians” sign, there is every legal right to cross the road.

    The law doesn’t make it safe to do so – that is the pedestrian’s responsibility. The law merely doesn’t prohibit crossing the road at non-approved crossings…

    … unlike red lights, where the law specifically removes the driver / rider’s responsibility for checking that the way ahead is safe – by mandating that all traffic stops

    Free Member

    I find this sort of nonsense very depressing – illustrates how blinkered and selfish many folks are.

    Safe or unsafe is irrelevant – at some point this becomes a subjective judgment, and that is always dangerous territory.

    Legal / illegal – pretty clear cut, and yes, most of us will break traffic laws. RLJing by motor vehicles is thankfully a lot rarer than for cycles.

    For me, when riding in traffic it comes down to being visible and predictable – So riding in an assertive position in the lane, and acting predictably – i.e. according to the normal rules and conventions of the road.

    Choosing to step outside of these conventions, IMO, make you more vulnerable.

    Free Member

    Always been very impressed with the supermarche in France*.

    Emphasis is on fresh meat, fresh seafood, fresh veg and the obvious link to home cooking

    *3-4 aisles of wines helps…

    Free Member

    Wwwwhoooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ……………………….


    oh, and

    Free Member

    They don’t eat bread, fruit or any other carb based food

    err – I think bread, cheese, veg and red wine are far more significant diet components than meat…

    Main difference I have noticed is the relative contempt for US style food outlets

    Free Member

    Noticed the same in France on previous visits.

    Was even more striking on a recent trip to Holland – I was actually surprised when I saw a larger person, which tuned my eyes in to the fact that there were, indeed, very few…

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