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  • What’s The Cheapest Way To Watch Mountain Biking Now GCN+ Is Closing?
  • rkk01
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    Free Member

    this thread has got more glitchy than a fridge full of EPO and a dodgy fuse

    Free Member

    Ladies and gentlemen I give you the next presidential candidate.

    He’s got the ambition – but would need a Damascene moment to be electable in the US… 🙄

    Anyway – the way USADA have positioned their case, he still has to dodge a looming perjury trial IMO

    Free Member

    Legal – provided it is in a proper case, not loaded, and not exposed.

    Many years ago (and I know, laws have been significantly tightened since…) my father and I took a couple of guns up to London to be checked for their authenticity.

    We travelled by train and tube – no-one batted an eyelid, until two coppers in Green Park (where we were having a sandwich) asked us what we were carrying. They looked a little shocked when we produced a 4-bore, and were very keen to know what we were doing with a very large weapon so close to Buck House. However, they were satisfied with our reason for having the gun there and both us and them went on our way!

    Free Member

    LA really is a nasty piece of work.

    The more I have looked in to this, the more striking this is. and yes, everyone who reaches the top has to have that “killer edge” in terms of competitive determination, but LA is way above and beyond

    Free Member

    McQuaid, in the BBC piece “UCI hits out at Usada evidence delay”

    “It is at very least unusual that Usada would still be gathering evidence against a person after it has found that person guilty.

    Well, Mr McQuaid – perhaps they are gathering evidence about you!

    Free Member

    Interesting comment from blurty as I thought that it was supposed to be a lovely aircraft to fly.

    That’s what I was told by a former Mossie pilot – fantastic to fly. I do remember him saying that the prop tips were unnervingly close though!

    Free Member

    Land’s End 100 for me

    Free Member

    So, is there any footage of this Mossie in action?

    Free Member

    To clarify – I do not like that we are one of the most surveiled societies in the world.

    The Police’s casual observation that they dont have the same sort of CCTV / ANPR networks in Europe was a stark reminder of what sort of society we live in.

    I’d also imagine (rightly or wrongly) that the infamous gallic shrug might be invoked regarding this whole sorry story – not just in France, but likely in Italy, Spain, and a number of other European countries as well…?

    Free Member

    Anyone else rather disturbed by the comments last night / this am…

    …Police having trouble tracking them in France / Europe because of the lack of CCTV / ANPR network.

    Whatever the rights / wrongs of this specific case, I find that almost casual observation to be very worrying

    Free Member

    Ok – I’ll succumb. Used to love these things as a kid – steam and diesel. BUT firmly put it all behind me on going to college… 😳

    … Bit of a shame really, as home to college by train included Class 50 hauled services from Exeter to Salisbury and Class 33 Salisbury to Southampton / Fareham / Portsmouth. 50 from Exeter St Davids to Exeter Central was always loud.

    Did once see a 55 (Gordon Highlander) re-start from St Davids and pull a full railtour up the curve to Central. No understatement to say that the air shook

    Free Member

    Napier must have had a bunch of design engineers with a “think different” brief.

    Didn’t they come up with a “H” shape cylinder config for the Sabre engine in the Typhoon???

    Must have liked solving complex crankshaft gearing problems!

    Free Member

    “Bumped in to” a puma (or something similar) at Fingle Bridge, Devon.

    Just starting to get to a deep dusk, but not by any means dark.

    We were the last car in the car park near the Angler’s rest, and about 20m from the car we disturbed an animal in the dense woods just beyond the stream line – it let out a long, low growl…

    The most blood chilling, hair on neck raising sound I have ever heard.

    (ETA – including having a grizzly bear nudge our tent in the midle of the night, and waking up to find bear prints all over the camp)

    Free Member

    Layback post?

    At 6’3″, I ride a large Anthem X (2010 model IIRC???)….

    I find the fit to be ptretty good – the Anthem is a fairly long bike anyway, which I like.

    Previously had a large Reign, which was shorter, for the same noominal size. Fitted a layback post to that. Standard in-line psot made the bike feel too short.

    Free Member

    at the mo…

    …The Secret Race

    I’m about half way through. Rather topical 😉

    Free Member

    Bruyneel and the others under extreme pressure not to proceed with a hearing…???

    It seems to me like Tygart has got LA royally screwed with the perjury position… If LA is called to give evidence under oath her either has to :-

    – Lie under oath, in order to persist with his previous line
    – Admit that he previously lied under oath, and face the wrap for that
    – Show that everyone else has been lying under oath, and that the lab data is wrong

    Free Member

    Looks like LA will be going to prison….

    Tygart has used the “perjury” word…

    Free Member

    Death Threats ? – WTF…!

    and here

    Tygart also says that LA’s reputation will look 30x worse than it does with the revelations to date – FLIPPIN HECK 😯


    Tygart said, adding that he has valid documents from French Anti-Doping authorities that confirm Armstrong’s six positive doping tests for the banned blood booster EPO on the 1999 Tour, revealed by L’Equipe shortly after the 2005 Tour.

    “Yes, absolutely. It’s major proof, confirmation of his guilt,” Tygart said. “But it’s the ensemble of the proof and the testimonies that we have gathered which constitutes the proof of his cheating.”

    Shit – does that mean they’ve re-tested the 1999 samples…? The Ashenden interview weights the 1999 results as indicative, part of testing research… Tygarts statement sounds a lot more unequivocal

    And LA may be called to testify under oath for the Bruyneel hearing

    Free Member

    if he’s been searching for you, then facebook might suggest him to you?

    Does it work that simply though? The various stuff on FB privacy rules etc suggests that all of the “stalker tracker ” type apps are a scam, because of the privacy rules.

    Another thing I find odd is how some “work” contacts always show as possible connections, whilst others never do. Some of those contacts (both from the always suggested and the never suggested groups) are on my phone list, some are not….?

    Free Member

    Would a “client” have a contact for their social worker? – esp these days with telephone and email contacts on smart phones…

    Very easy then to link that phone address book contact to you… Client has social worker “firstname lastname” in phone directory. Uses smart phone for FB, which then uploads all those contacts to the FB servers. If social worker “firstname lastname” has shared contacts / place of work / friends with you, then you get added to the list of possible connections (- for all parties I assume???)

    Free Member


    USADA file to UCI this week…?

    Wonder if they’ll publish at the same time?

    Free Member

    I have one of the very earliest PCPs.

    Would entirely disagree about the “pointless” comments.

    Free Member

    it does fill in some of the blanks about how things are done and why.

    Indeed – and including explaining some of the “failures”, as well as the succeses – the LA not enterring / pulling out of a race / TH bombing, after a previous demolition job win… (but unseen to the public / race world, also after a blood “donation”)

    ETA – I’m reading the UK version. TBH, not sure where the editiorial differences are… I believe it was down to the more stringent libel laws, so presumably some of the content referring to named individuals has been removed or anonymised…?

    Free Member

    Articles of interest were on road wheels and the de Rosa R838 – so road…

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hamilton’s book is indeed compelling.

    It’s just too joined up to be made up

    Free Member

    Ti + paint 😯


    Free Member

    Yep – with freeagent on this.

    For large number of crimes (acquisitive crime etc) it seems the prison / rehabilitation / re-education debate is open…

    … but for a small minority that tick the “public safety” box, then it is lock them up until…

    Free Member

    Just dropped the oldie Mavic Open 4CDs into the LBS for a nipple tweak and true…

    … but still considering getting a pair of shimano RS80s – price / performance / weight seem a good mix for what I want
    (despite the Mavics being good for their day, they’re about 400g heavier than the Shimanos 😯 )

    ANY-HOW… Question is

    Will the freehub bodies be the same width. The hub on the Mavics is for an 8sp cassette.

    Presumably the RS80s will do 9/10sp – will they work with an 8sp set-up?

    Will the dropout spacings / hub widths etc still be the same…?

    Free Member

    Are you thinking of that book/film by Dan Brown ?

    Not specifically – but it was all part of the discussion and media coverage sparked by a few books that were around at the time…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Didn’t think this was new news…???

    Wasn’t there was a bit of a fuss a few years ago about Mary Magdalene, The Last Supper and stuff like that…

    Free Member

    double post glitchy

    Free Member

    Heard this on the news this am, and rolled my eyes…

    Another example of cyclists not being treated as other road users

    Free Member

    Anyone else reading the Hamilton / Coyle book?

    I’m finding it a very compelling narrative…

    .. OK, most of the stuff has been “out there” before, but the book presents it all in a logical timeframe – gives all the revelations context etc

    Free Member

    steve_b77 – Thanks, useful to know. Looks like the work out just over 1500g for the wheelset.

    Price vs weight look similar to the Fulcrum Racing 3 wheelset

    Anyone using the Fulcrums?
    Need to weight the O4CDs – see what they measure up like. They were light in their day, but the ceramic braking surface has largely worn away.

    ETA – can’t believe that these road wheelsets aren’t much different in weight to a good set of cx wheels 😯

    Free Member

    Those Shimano RS80s look like good wheels for the money…

    Anything I should know about them?
    Are they too cheap
    Prone to pringle?
    not light etc???

    Free Member

    My road bike is rolling on a pair of 32h Mavic Open 4CD rims built on to Ultegra (?) hubs…

    These were popular “back in the day”, but no idea how they weigh up compared to current offerings.

    The rear has suffered a bit with the current road conditions, and could do with a trip to a decent wheelbuilder for a re-tension / true.

    OTH, this thread caught my eye, as a shiny new wheelset might lighten the bike up a bit

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