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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • rkk01
    Free Member

    Lots of indignant outrage, thought I’d wandered into the Daily Wail pages…

    … So, maybe there isn’t much the school can do, apart from to politely ask

    But perhaps your conscience should wonder whether your irresponsible actions have resulted in a LAC being turned into a human golf club – perhaps years after being taken away from sadistic biological parents

    Free Member


    Dropped the wheel into shop today, for a quick true up.

    Only to get a call, err the rim has split at two separate spoke eyes…

    Do I read that as we’ve fubar’ed your wheels 😡

    Now deffo need a new wheel for the Eryri

    Free Member

    In fact, if anyone fancies a jaunt around Snowdonia, entries close at midnight tonight…!

    Etape Eryri[/url]

    Free Member

    Skipped this year’s in preference for trying next week’s Etape Eryri.

    Last year it took a couple of days before the full effects of the Gran Fondo caught up with me 🙁

    Free Member

    Your choice but I’d be at least having a go a truing a wheel myself before blowing £300 odd on new wheels!

    Too true 😉

    Main problem is timing. Need the bike in good shape for next w/e’s Etape Eryri.

    Free Member

    My grandfather made his own…

    H beam, washing machine motor, car fan belt…

    Not sure where he got the chuck from – wouldn’t mind betting he made that as well. He was a capable bodger 😉 and a dab hand at wood turning

    Free Member

    Used to have 1.6TS 156 Sportwagon – lovely car.

    The 1.6 needed to be worked hard, but it performed well and sounded lovey 🙂

    One of my most missed cars

    Free Member

    I have had a play with these, and done some research into old archiving software / formats – but with no success.

    7zip will test the archive and report ok, but won’t extract..

    My background research suggests that early versions of pkzip might have used .001, .002 etc file extensions for spanned archives, rather than .z01, .z02, .zip.

    Anyone know if this is correct?

    Free Member

    What did the nurse look like?

    Relevance – high, I’d say. Petite, flirty mid thirties brunette 😉

    Cant answer your question but what is the difference between a training ride and a normal ride?

    About 3.5hrs…?
    I normally either commute 1hr each way, or go for an hour blast from home.

    Trying to shock the body into (semi)preparedness for June’s Etape Eryri, so Saturday was a 4.5 hr fest of some of the Rhondda’s steepest climbs, topped off by a slog over Rhigos Mountain…

    Free Member

    Most likely you used winzip to span the disks but you can probably uncompress using 7zip or Peazip.

    I think these pre-date Windows acquiring zip. I’ll give it a go though 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve transferred the files onto a hard drive.

    They do have file extensions – indicating the order of each file / disc in the archive, e. g. .001, .002 etc. I have the complete set for each

    Free Member

    See what the files are in the command prompt

    What, just try to run them in the dos “emulator”…?

    Free Member

    There is something on their website about no sleeping mats this year as the factory that made them shut down, and they haven’t been able to find a new supplier.


    Free Member

    Shouldn’t be – I like to be able to see all my files

    Free Member

    Hmmmm – the files don’t have any extensions 🙁

    Free Member


    Thought this thread would be about high end coffee making toys

    Have to 😆 at the cappuccino condescension

    Free Member

    I’m hearing a very dangerous man…

    Free Member

    Chasing Ice

    Best thing I’ve seen on Netflix. Anyone into the Outdoors will be transfixed

    Free Member

    Sounds about fair; if you’d asked me what proportion of the population are irredeemably ****, I’d have gone for about 20%

    I’d say that was a highly Conservative estimate 😆

    Free Member

    My brakes, of all types, also resort to the same mode…

    Back brake pulls to the bar. Front has no / little travel at all…

    Oh, and the rears all seem to get pistons that pump out unevenly / stick so its nigh on impossible to stop the brakes rubbing 😡

    Free Member

    Just watched this on playback…

    Very interesting programme, but my god it reinforced my prejudices.

    Happy to have the chip(s) on my shoulder(s) pointed out to me when that sort of top end capitalism is sooo fooooked up – when the top end are creaming so, so much off of the economies of their respective countries; and leaving absolutely naff all for so many 😡

    I have absolutely no problem with top people earning big money for their skills, talent etc. But nah, that’s not what’s happening here…

    Free Member

    Admittedly, when I was studying this sort of stuff the north polar region was the front line in the Cold War… !

    Free Member

    I think part of the problem is that the billions of dollars worth of satellites buzzing around the world are focussed on places like Korea, Ukraine, Syria, Afgahnistan even Cuba etc
    I cant think of many places less likely to be covered than the arse end of the indian ocean

    Military sats don’t work that way – their orbits are arranged so that they sweep the entire globe. With enough of them, you get the full time coverage of the targets / sensitive areas you want to look at.

    Comms sats are totally different – they sit in a geostationary orbit above the equator, always in the same place. That’s how the northern and southern search arcs have been defined – radii from the geostationary satellite that was receiving the aircraft’s data comms

    Free Member

    The Malaysian authorities have come in for an awful lot of criticism, but what strikes me is the relative lack of support from the countries with huge intelligence gathering capabilities….

    Obama was able to watch a live feed of the Abbotabad raid, and even back in the 80s military satellites were reckoned to be capable of identifying a golf ball on a green…

    … Yet, with the exception of the Chinese data, everything has been “attributable” to civvy systems. Now, I understand the need to protect “capability”, but if there was military intel at play in the background, why weren’t the Aussie Orions prowling the Southern Ocean a week ago ???

    (Like the ‘wegian freighter….)

    Free Member

    Call it bara brith and slap some menyn on it 😛

    Free Member

    It may just be the photo angle,but that guzzi doesn’t look anything special.
    When people say Cafe racer I think more.

    Looked lovely “in the metal”

    Free Member

    I saw one of these Guzzis last year, and fell in love… Had a chat with the rider, asking where he had the custom done, and was astounded to find out it was straight from the catalogue!

    Free Member

    Georgia events proved otherwise.

    Logistically more difficult re overflights.

    Cynically – strategically less important.

    Doesn’t need more than a tickle, just to show that we’re paying attention / give a damn. A single B2 strike to take out the Black Sea fleet???

    Free Member

    Thinking about this last night, watching C4 News…

    Western military is equipped, er, well practised and their diary is a little clearer than it has been.

    Russian military is broke, Cold War kit that they haven’t upgraded. Our political leaders love a quick “surgical strike”, so why the reluctance.

    Free Member

    Last year I replaced 32 bit XP Pro with 64 bit Win 7. Made a very useful difference – something to do with the 64 bit OS allowing better memory utilisation…? (32bit OS not utilising all of the 4GB RAM IIRC)

    Also recommend Malwarebytes and CCleaner

    Free Member

    I dunno if it is luck, there are about 20 planes an hr flying through p268 according to chatter I’ve seen on the flight radar forum. He just had to get on route at a lower alt, throttle back till he picked one up and welly it to catch up.

    Other way around, more like… There’s been talk of the flight going >40,000′ – kick around at 40k, watch for an outbound flight on P268, then trade altitude for (a bit of) speed to slide in behind…

    Just thinking aloud, like…

    Free Member

    The pilot writing in the link provided by edward2000 reads as very “analogue era”, if that makes sense…?

    Free Member

    That last link doesn’t seem to tally as well as the “intercept theory” link*. That looked scarily plausible… and hypothetically stacks up with the pilot having an elaborate flight sim at home (former flight sim user wondering out loud why a very experienced captain, presumably with works paid for access to state of the art simulators, would need a home made set up…)

    ETA *. Because of the satellite ping data

    Free Member

    Hmmm. I’ve got a more modern, cheap, bright LED torch….

    (It’s buried and unused in a car door pocket IIRC)

    … But the maglite is a nice chunky bit of metal and I’ve had it for ages. Like an old bike, it’s a little bit of niceness, in need of something to freshen it up 😉

    Free Member

    No – not spam

    Free Member

    Radio 4 have been covering this story and playing the clip at, it seems, every opportunity 🙂

    Free Member


    There have been a few threads started about Thatcher’s death, inevitable really on this place…

    .. but linked? Sounds bonkers.

    I started the “This week’s No 1?” thread – and certainly not based on reference to any other forum members.

    The music side just seemd a different theme that didn’t sit well within the Right vs Left debates on the main thread 🙁

    Free Member

    You all forgetting your history lessons…

    We kicked them out because they were religious – the whole country is built upon that foundation

    Free Member

    Posted this on the now locked thread…

    Bears repeating, really

    My mind boggles that those who think very highly of Thatcher find it so very hard to accept that a huge number of the population have very different views…
    In the main, I have been very impressed with the measured and balanced tone of the commentary from former adversaries. It would be perhaps a little more dignified, and a lot less provocative if the sycophants were less vocal and a little more measured and balanced in their praise.
    With the exception of close family I have largely been quiet on the subject of Thatcher’s death. The angry young man of 25 yrs ago would have expected rejoicing, but time, age and position has mellowed me… Let the past lie
    BUT, I have found myself becoming increasingly irritated by the tone of many of the supportive commentators – especially Tory MPs on the TV and radio. They should take a leaf out of some of the more balanced commentators book. She was loved by many and utterly, utterly despised by many.
    As well to accept that and move on.
    Trying to ram down everyone’s throat how great she was is going to increase the voice of those who have quietly forgotten

    Free Member

    My mind boggles that those who think very highly of Thatcher find it so very hard to accept that a huge number of the population have very different views…

    In the main, I have been very impressed with the measured and balanced tone of the commentary from former adversaries. It would be perhaps a little more dignified, and a lot less provocative if the sycophants were less vocal and a little more measured and balanced in their praise.

    With the exception of close family I have largely been quiet on the subject of Thatcher’s death. The angry young man of 25 yrs ago would have expected rejoicing, but time, age and position has mellowed me… Let the past lie

    BUT, I have found myself becoming increasingly irritated by the tone of many of the supportive commentators – especially Tory MPs on the TV and radio. They should take a leaf out of some of the more balanced commentators book. She was loved by many and utterly, utterly despised by many.

    As well to accept that and move on.
    Trying to ram down everyone’s throat how great she was is going to increase the voice of those who have quietly forgotten

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