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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • Riksbar
    Full Member

    I can understand why no extra wheels, but as a major barrier to acceptance seems to be short range precluding occasional longer trips, why not come up with a common power connection and battery trailer to increase range and carrying capacity on a temporary basis.
    These could be hired and mean the vehicles remain efficient over everyday short commutes and can step up when the PMs spokesperson wants to visit her mum or for holidays.

    Full Member

    Meanwhile back in the real world

    I am expecting that in reality these forty schools will be the ones next to the forty new hospitals the Tories have promised, and the graduates will go on to find employment in the expanded police service.

    Full Member

    Grosse Pointe Blank
    Mo’ Better Blues
    Tron Legacy
    Full Metal Jacket

    Full Member

    Nothing here!

    Full Member

    Labour or Tory. No difference

    There really is.

    Full Member

    Is this whole “Dido for the NHS” thing just a smoke screen, so that when some other terrible **** gets the job we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief?

    It does sound like the Paul Dacre BBC rumours a few months ago.

    Full Member

    Management in the motor trade is proof that cream isn’t the only thing that floats to the top. Good luck in the new career!

    Full Member

    Does anyone know if Labour ran a serious campaign, or was it a paper candidate?

    I’ve seen reports of Labour canvassers urging people to vote LD. I can imagine Green doing the same as well. How come this discussion is on the Kier Starmer thread rather than the thread dedicated to the leader of the party who were just stomped on in their heartland?

    Full Member

    You are right @edhornby. Boris can’t afford to get divorced again while he is PM.

    True, I heard he had Lord Frost negotiate his pre-nup agreement and then he signed it without reading.

    Full Member

    I’m guessing that unlike the original, she won’t be fitted for conversion to a wartime hospital ship.

    Full Member

    I saw what you did there MG

    Full Member

    Except my 91 year old mum who lives in a care home so has no car and hence driving licence. Her passport renewal was turned down (presumably because she was born in India) although she’s had a passport since she was 18

    Being born abroad this sort of thing genuinely frightens me. As it is I have to keep my passport up to date to work despite having lived in the U.K. from 6 weeks old and the more the Conservatives build in barriers for non-problems the more likely it is that I and others will get caught in the consequences.

    Full Member

    £25. 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Full Member

    I’ve got wide feet and ended up getting Cube shoes from Cycle Factory in Todmorden. Near(ish) to Manchester.

    Full Member

    Like the new packaging as well, simple to open, the magazine arrived intact (all the way to Burnley!) and easily recycled.

    Full Member

    Nothing here

    Full Member

    Which groups are these?

    The ones rioting and damaging people property?

    Usually the extreme left.

    My family’s experience, in Burnley, has clearly been different to yours. It was the extreme right smashing up shops here. Ymmv

    Full Member

    This is the news article that will turn the tide against the government. Come on, who was it?

    Full Member

    Ironically if you back far enough you will find that the origins of the EU lie in the Nazi occupation of France,

    Even more ironically, Churchill proposed a Franco-British union which would have involved a joint citizenship, foreign trade, currency, and military in 1940 as France was being invaded. The nazi origins sound like, well, let’s call it propaganda.

    Full Member

    That’s all very well but but it doesn’t get to the core of the problem, why is she scared when you are the one much more at risk?

    I’m not sure I agree with your reading of the statistics. From the woman’s point of view, whilst it’s true that you resemble a lot of the victims of street crime, you resemble almost all of the perpetrators in one key respect.

    I’d just go back to the advice given earlier, cross the road, change direction or hang back if needed, and call out wrong behaviour when you see it.

    Full Member

    I noticed on the Perseverance/Curiosity mission they used several tethers which would help reduce oscillation, and the manoeuvre was primarily in a decelerating descent with lateral movement kept to a minimum which would also help, but the thruster control is incredible.

    For when you don’t have enough things going in different directions at once…

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Tesco didn’t have any Boursin herb and garlic soft cheese last night.
    **** brexit. Possibly

    I’ve noticed that Sainsbury’s hasn’t had chilled mixed seafood the last couple of times I’ve been in, and that mussels seem to have vanished from their frozen mixed seafood.

    On more verifiable things, Roadies now looking for a visa exemption. How will it affect MTBers?

    Full Member

    Gibson apologists

    Guy? Debbie? The cocktail? Help me out here.

    To be honest I have always felt Leonard Cheshire was a far more inspirational leader.

    Full Member

    This piece gives a good overview without the high speed video.

    Article with pictures, not Daily Heil either!

    Full Member


    If, in 4 years time, I’m doing ok by government policy I would consider voting for them over a party who wanted to tax me to benefit others.

    This may not be germane to this discussion, but did anyone find themselves genuinely worse off the last time Labour were in government? I think I am poorer now than I was in, say, 2005, and I certainly seem to be giving more to charity to cover things like local food poverty.
    I am still comfortable however, I feel that with a fairer tax system (and easier access to a major export market on our doorstep) I and many others will be more prosperous, and the nation will have more opportunities for people to grow richer.

    Full Member

    See, this is where I get a wee bit conflicted. Because if you really, truly believe that your democracy is being overthrown and the election stolen, and that the justice system is equally crooked, then direct action isn’t unreasonable. In fact you could argue it’s brave.

    The fact that you have to be an absolute cretin to actually believe these things is important, but it doesn’t really change those basics. One man’s terrorist, etc.

    The trouble is, we’ve been here before, and luckily nobody was hurt.

    This time it was bigger and people died.

    Full Member

    Makes you wonder why antifa etc don’t do the same?

    People opposed to fascism do infiltrate the police, but when they do they aim to expose corruption and improve things for their whole community and the police, see Small Axe episode 3, Red, White and Blue about Leroy Logan, and Spike Lee’sBlack Kkklansman.

    I guess the point is that fascists are a cancerous growth who will kill a democracy if allowed to grow their influence unchecked, and those who oppose them are not. Opposition to fascism is not equivalency with fascism.

    Full Member

    This history lesson is great but a bit off-topic. Remember that Trump is the first president in 40 years or something not to start a new ground war. Maybe he should be lauded for that?

    Except in the USA.

    Full Member

    Greece did invent democracy, but it died and and Greece was a monarchy well into the 20th century (Phil the Greek). The USA was the first nation of the modern era to have an elected head of state, which is still extant. Think about the way the world was run in 1789.

    (Edit to add Haiti was close but a couple of years later.)

    Full Member

    For me, the big take from this is that the US has been removed as a player on the world stage more effectively than at any time since its founding. Any time it wants to comment on a power transition anywhere else this weeks scenes will be played back.
    As Russian interference through organisations like the Wagner Group is seen more and more in Africa, former Soviet republics, Latin America and other places the US and U.K., formerly the centre of coalitions preventing this, have been almost completely removed from the equation and rendered impotent.
    The US has lost influence in the UN, EU, NATO, WHO and other international bodies, and have no moral heft to promote their way of democracy as exemplary.
    I remember in the 90s thinking the west had won the Cold War, but Putin and his used his sock puppets to win the geopolitical game in the early part of the 21st century.
    I think Trump is acting as his ego and personality dictate, rather than receiving overt signals from Moscow station, but I also think their has been a lot of effort to put him where he is, amplify and promote certain messages amongst his advisors and supporters and disrupt groups and actions which would have stopped this sooner.
    Whoever in the FSB twigged that switching from using ideology driven left wing politicians to ego driven right wing politicians was the best way to achieve their goals was a genius.

    Full Member

    while no doubt Johnson and his successor tell us why those loses, costs and hassles are worth it, so that… well… something about using deregulation to help the North… somehow… time to check out “Britannia Unchained” again…

    I agree, Britannia is now truly unchained. What Hannan, Raab, Patel and the rest of them failed to take into account was, we were riding a bike.

    Full Member

    Considering the PM, responding to a pre-arranged question from a woman who had lost two family members to COVID failed to offer condolences, I was impressed that a 22 year old, coming off playing a premiership football match and getting an unexpected call from the PM at home, had the presence of mind to not only thank the PM but to also thank him on behalf of the families who would get the food. As you say, making feeding hungry families an unpolitical act (on his part at least).

    Full Member

    I live in Burnley, the priest who broke down is the head of my company’s brother in law and we have been putting some contributions together. I still can’t get my head around the fact that we have a conservative MP.

    Full Member

    It’s all right everyone! The German car makers have turned up!


    Full Member

    Have any of the Ministerial Code five deadly sins NOT been broken since the foreword by the PM was published in August?

    There must be no bullying and no harassment; no leaking; no breach of collective responsibility. No misuse of taxpayer money and no actual or perceived conflicts of interest. The precious principles of public life enshrined in this document – integrity, objectivity, accountability, transparency, honesty and leadership in the public interest – must be honoured at all times; as must the political impartiality of our much admired civil service.

    Full Member

    Just heard we’re ‘going to launch the UK’s first rocket by 2022’, so the budget must be for the time machine to stop them from launching the first British satellite using the first British launcher back in 1971, after which the Conservatives cancelled the programme.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Will the Good Law Project take on that gross abuse^^^ of taxpayers money?

    Because we know The Taxpayers Alliance won’t bother!

    Full Member

    He might end up losing by a whisker, but clearly, his approach of lying and creating conflict is quite effective

    The thing is, he won’t have lost by a whisker, he’ll have lost by well over 3 million votes, but due to the bizarre electoral college he will have failed to become president despite a clear popular preference for his opponent by a whisker.

    To put this into context that is the entire populations of both Dakotas, Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska and the District of Columbia.

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