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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Riksbar
    Full Member

    Tom Hixon on line, incredible quality. 40-60kg depending…

    Eg 2.5 kg (often theya re a bit bigger) for £70. =28 a kg.

    Follow this link today two months later and it says a lot about the price of steak, frozen or not.

    Full Member

    You may be pushed by the insurer down a “used” valuation so go find some ads for proof

    If that’s the case I’d be pushing the insurance company to pay for an inspection of any used bike to ensure it is safe, new for old is better for them.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t Alexander Boris dePfeffel live in the No.11 flat as it’s bigger? If so seems appropriate.

    Full Member

    Broken and unfair societies are broken for everyone – I’m in a fairly unusual situation of getting to rub shoulders with both the homeless and generationally poor and the landed and inherited-wealthy – and I see the same self-destructive traits in both because they both feel isolated. We only generally see the damage inequality inflicts on the poor as there so, so many more of them in that unequal equation, and because the wealthy can buy themselves some privacy when their life is crashing.

    Whilst that is true@maccruiskeen, the poorer are more often keen to work to change society in a way which will benefit others like them, whilst the self-destructive privileged tend to seek to perpetuate and entrench and even enhance the system which has damaged them and others. Alexander isn’t looking to make things for anyone other than his posh-boy mates, and that impacts most of us here.

    Full Member

    Surely you mean expanding your lexicon?

    Full Member

    Well said Aziz!

    Full Member

    Slavery was abolished 188 years ago and plays no part on anyone alive today,

    Unless you paid taxes before 2015, in which case you paid for the slave owners to be compensated for the end of slavery (but not for any reparations for the enslaved). Incidentally much of the money was used by this families who received it to fence in common land following the Enclosures Act, something which still has a major effect on English land access and which may play a part in the lives of mountain bikers today.

    Full Member

    G.P.S, I Love You

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Bad luck haters and heretics; my new Garmin surf is now on my wrist – arrived a few moments ago. 🙂

    Looks back at the start of this thread and sees that I posted that I’d bought one two posts above your post. Getting hopes up again now!

    Full Member

    Ordered as well, they also have the tactical ones at a bigger discount.

    Full Member

    Picking up some bits for the kids the other day seem to have accidentally walked out of the shop having got an FTX Kanyon as well. Will be painting it up as my Landy in due course. Any upgrades I need to be thinking of?

    Full Member

    If we’re using the ability to sort out Brexit as a mark of intelligence though, then a can’t help but feel that most are going to come up short!

    I would say using the belief that Brexit can be “sorted out”, and to Britain’s advantage is a useful mark of intelligence. IDS believes both, but can achieve neither.

    I used to work with people who knew him when he was in sales at GEC, their opinion of him wasn’t high.

    Full Member

    The problem is not the opposition “playing politics”, the problem is Alexander Boris DePfeffel Johnson playing government. His actions, manner and style are those of a bossy child playing at being prime minister, issuing orders, dressing up on visits and blustering without doing any of the hard detailed work to achieve things, and without having a genuine political philosophy beyond self promotion to guide what he tries to achieve.

    Full Member

    For an interesting view of a little covered aspect of bomber command’s operations Mast High Over Rotterdam looks at an operation by the light bomber force in 1941 before the better known heavy bomber offensive had got going. It is meticulously researched by a relative of one of the crews and highlights the ineffectiveness of the weapons available early in the war, but also the effect of operations like this in tying up resources which would otherwise have been available for Barbarossa. An old neighbour of mine led the only crew to hit the ship which was the primary target, although without effect.

    Mission to Berlin by Robert F Dorr is a snapshot of an aspect of the8th Air Forces bomber offensive.

    Full Member

    One for the barbecue fans, there’s some good offers at Riverside Garden Centre. Lots of Weber stuff at half price and better.

    Full Member

    I’m still puzzled as to how someone who used sexual favours to obtain £126000 from a public official has a choice about how, when and even whether she submits evidence which she holds.

    Full Member

    The tread title threw me, I’ll need a smaller one for this then The criminal classes obviously can’t plan their finances.

    Full Member

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson tells the 1922 committee of backbench Tory MPs “On a clear road I crashed the car into a ditch” over the Paterson affair.

    That’s what happens when you drive drunk.

    Full Member

    I got a Ribble HT 725 earlier this year. Steel with 27.5 wheels. Looking at the website availability seems to be December or January for most sizes.

    Full Member

    From the Blackpool South MP, he really wants to be an American republican.

    Those Lefties won the war, then kicked out The Tories and built the NHS.

    Full Member

    This is the Chair of the Standards Committee speaking to parliament explaining their decisions.

    Well worth watching

    Full Member

    slavery whitewashing

    So just after Black History Month, we have an article to say that a Johnson relative may have been a white slave but it did them no harm. What a co-incidence when BHM brings up the issue of reparations.

    Reading the article, my take is that Stanley Johnson’s great-grandfather (and Alexander Boris dePfeffel Johnson’s great-great grandfather) was a 43 year old child rapist.

    Full Member

    With a bit of thought this could have been a different outcome, from the numbers, 42 Labour and SNP MP’s were absent, if you had got 60% of them in for the vote it would have been the other way, then again there were over 100 tory MPs who avoided the vote as well, but probably more for image than actual belief!

    I believe a lot of the opposition MPs who missed the vote were isolating, at COP26 or away for pre planned reasons which meant that they were paired with a government MP who also could not vote. The number of Toraidh MPs who missed the vote is exaggerated by this and even with everyone voting it would not have been defeated.

    But this is a travesty of democracy.

    Full Member

    Testing sensors or radar calibration?

    Full Member

    Would love to see more illustrations of Culture ships. They sound amazing in the books.

    I thought from the outside you’d just see an elliptical field enclosure, and with human senses not even that if they didn’t want to be seen.

    Full Member

    For pure capability and personality it has to be IMB’s culture ships, but the Babylon 5 Star Fury is up there for screen spaceships as the only space fighter I’ve ever seen that didn’t fly like an aerodyne but instead on a firing pass would just spin around to keep weapons bearing on its target as it was in a vacuum. And Ivanova flew one!

    Full Member

    Good luck and happy memories!

    Full Member

    I really liked the Jamie Hibberd article. I think the journey from youthful infatuation, through being in a dream job, to it turning sour, and abandonment of a childhood dream to rediscovering the original thing that gave you joy is a one which will strike a lot of chords.

    Full Member

    This seems to sum it up well:

    Full Member

    Many local garages around Burnley with no diesel last night. I can access it from a pump at a local fuel depot with a fuel card but bad for a lot of people. The local depot had even been opening for the public to let some key workers get fuel.

    Full Member

    I think the problem with rejoining, and the damage we’ve done generally, is this:

    We have for many years enjoyed status beyond our station.

    I think it gets even worse than this. Previously, British civil servants had a reputation for being effective legislators and negotiators. This in turn meant that we had a disproportionate amount of leverage in the drafting and implementation of EU rules and regulations. The recent debacle with the appallingly low standards of professional competence shown by Davis, Raab, Frost et al mean that reputation is in tatters, mainly because our government and its supporters had “had enough of experts”.
    If (when) we rejoin we will have moved ourselves from beings facto “rule makers” to “rule-takers” to a far greater extent than was the case before.

    Full Member

    By my understanding, scum is something which has floated to the top, but needs to be removed.

    Full Member

    Agree, I hope my subscription mag doesn’t have as many popups as the website when it arrives.

    Full Member

    @mrmonkfinger, The link is very biased, but pretty much yes.

    Full Member

    I am all for a bit of Brexit bashing, but isn’t this a global issue and not influenced by Brexit?

    Not so much…

    And the reasons…
    Explanation here

    Full Member

    Run the Jewels

    Full Member

    Just picked up the Ribble HT725 base model about 3 weeks ago. Had some Pikes, Guides and a dropper to add and loving the ride so far.

    Full Member

    Hey GF!

    What have I missed?

    I wouldn’t worry, it’ll all be back around in a short while.

Viewing 40 posts - 81 through 120 (of 802 total)