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  • righty
    Free Member

    self employed yes, there is no way I would go paye, even more shirkers lol

    London and south-east ATM but nationwide soon

    Free Member

    op – out of interest – do you pay everybody the same irrespective of ability, effort time keeping,sickness, quality of work etc etc put in

    is there relationship between employee pay and company performance/profits, is there a relationship between company owner pay and company performance and how do the two compare

    maths please, can you do the below:
    ‘pretty good money’ – (tax + travel costs + extra food costs + possibly childcare costs + etc costs)

    I pay people for the shift they do that’s it, be it porter, fitter, it engineer,server engineer or foreman. if people don’t work there is no pay, we don’t employ anyone we just have various consultants for the different roles 🙂
    ATM I don’t feel the need to offer performance related pay but its something I will consider as we grow.
    pretty good money is pretty good money its not my concern what other costs there are, people accept it and work hard or don’t do the work

    Free Member

    its easy unskilled work, its a chilled atmosphere, everyone works as part of a team and the quicker we work the earlier we finish for the same pay so you could be getting £100 for 4 hours work-that’s hardly bad is it?
    That would certainly motive me and I would hope most people

    Free Member

    people think they are owed a 30k plus job 🙄
    with no skills or life experience and just dont seem willing

    Free Member

    the only roles that require a bit more nouce are server decomm/recomm but again not really too difficult

    Free Member

    mosey mtb that is my day job 🙂 and they were looking for another engineer at the time

    MIB Solutions is MY company and to give you an idea of how busy we are we have probably done 400 man days of work in the past 5 weeks :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    London and south east mainly but will be nationwide as needed.
    most roles just require IMO common sense.
    paying between £80-£150 for 6/8hour shift, not wishing to openly recruit so contact me via for more info

    Anyway back to discussion, I dont think I am paying peanuts but still getting plenty of monkeys.Its not rocket science by any means really simple stuff that anyone with an ounce of intelligence could do I suppose there are just too many thick people out there lol

    Free Member

    quality is very good and at that price its a no brainer imo, the only thing I don’t like about mine is a recording is split into multiple files rather than one big one. although its easy to edit into one file with the right software.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    now on jobsite, for the masses 🙁

    Free Member

    judging by lack of resposes demand must exceed supply ATM and you IT guys must be doing well 🙂
    just to recap..entry level helpdesk role in small young UK office of well established Australian IT company , lots of opportunity to progress

    Free Member

    nothing yet, give me your email address

    Free Member

    treaclesponge, my email is in op, i cant see yours in profile tho

    Free Member

    lol I get nothing for this just though it might be nice to have another cyclist in the office

    Free Member

    i’m not a recruiter, its just we need another engineer where I work and there seem to be a few IT types on here so though I would give someone here the opportunity to apply directly for a role and probably get it based on how you come accross rather than srictly whats on your CV, something of a rarity these days.

    Free Member

    I thought that may be asking too much 🙂
    paying up to 25K btw

    Free Member

    I would put an offer in for this
    if its your size, or new ones are only £740 apparently

    Free Member

    there are no parking controls at the south end of the bishops avenue, its not so close at about a mile away but should be a pleasant walk across the heath?HTH

    Free Member

    I have only actually hit 3 peds in my life so this was an interesting experiment in “cyclists” reactions 😉
    for anyone that wants to see the incident that got me so pi**ed off its here

    Free Member

    Depends on the projection LOL

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A brush with a ped is hardly an accident is it lol
    At last we are getting some input from cyclists who have hit peds, cyclists always come off far worse, thereforei have no sympathy for any that get hit by cyclists riding legally and within the speed limit.
    The worse part is if you get taken out by a ped it is not classed as an rta, therefore very hard to pursue damages for your 5k bike and your
    We all have to take responsibility for our actions, all of my incidents with peds were impossible to avoid which is why they happened. Noone got hurt the ped will take notice in future.
    I will continue to ride as fast as possible within the speed limit with MY safety being my primary concern because that’s how I have always ridden.

    Free Member

    the important point is i am looking where i am going am riding defesively and take evasive action wherever possible, but on the roads in question people dash out wildly because they aren’t paying attention
    and probably have the same sad british attitude towards towards cylists as the metal box dwellers 😉
    I will say it again that the most important thing to me is to avoid a collision regardless of who is right or wrong.
    About 3 people on this thread are qualified to comment as they ride the same roads as me and know how bad it is on the a10 throgh the city during peak hours.
    stoner if you can’t hold a decent pace and ride the a10 in rush hour don’t comment 😀

    Free Member

    am i on pistonheads or stw 🙄

    Free Member

    TJ the funny thing is the clip is about me nearly being hit by some twunt of a driver, nothing to do with peds, contrary to all the posts on here 🙄
    just been speaking to the met and am about to downsize for you tube so they can see it

    Free Member

    if we are both standing afterwards then its not exactly an accident worth noting is it

    Free Member

    for the record I don’t go out hunting peds I ride fast and safe and I know my standard is good as in 35 years of riding i have only had 3 accidents- all smidsys 2 cars and 1 ped, suns out now so off for the second ride of the day 😀

    Free Member

    anbyway anyone interested in the incident that prompted my initial post
    can see it here

    its quite big you will need a fast connection

    Free Member

    njee20 -Did i say i hit 20 people at 20mph anywhere in my post you muppet


    Free Member

    I don’t avoid any route, I ride straight down the a10, I ride fast and safe and if the keyboard warriors bother to read rather than making assumtions based on limited information, noone has every been hurt, or recived even a scratch that was a result of my riding.
    maybe they got a fright but thats all :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Can we go back on topic

    Free Member

    f you’ve hit 20 pedestrians you’re a terrible cycle commuter, regardless of how lemming-like the peds are. 15 years of London commuting so far and no notches on my headtube yet.

    well there are a number of factors to consider before you start question my cycling skills, ie time + location.
    At last some other people have responded that actually cycle over london bridge or up/down bishopsgate during peak hours who know how it is, rather than surbiton to to clapham or wherever you commmute lol

    Free Member

    when i cycle is rushour traffic in central london I would have around 20 near misses with peds daily mainly on bishopsgate,so based on that 20 is a few. Most of my collisions were at slower speeds and would end up being a mild shoulder barge and noone was really hurt.
    riding at 20 mph is not too fast hence why it is the speed limit around schools.
    I Know as I was there that in each incident that I was riding appropriately in terms of road position and speed for the conditions and doind my best to avoid any colisions which is the obligation of all road users

    Free Member

    I am not justifying hitting peds at all :roll:, all i was saying was the few times where it happened when they shot out in front of me and were too close for me to take to take evasive action.
    if you are are an experienced cyclist then you know that you will 99.9% of the time come off worse than the ped if you hit them

    Free Member

    lol I am not trolling,

    so it’s alright to go round hitting pedestrians because you are cycling fast and assertively but cars driving fast and assertively too close to you are a problem. Weird.

    If you read my post I said I wasn’t happy hitting peds but if someone steps out from behind a bus less than one metre in front of you and you are travelling at 15-25 mph you will hit them irresspective of what type of vehicle you are riding or driving, and better they got hit by me and learnt a lesson then got hit by a bus or car or whatever.

    In some halcyon world maybe, but in reality, you can’t. The police really will not care, legally they have done nothing wrong.

    look at the website, its purpose is to report bad driving and for the police to investigate

    Free Member

    And what exactly are you expecting the Met to do about these drivers who gave you less space than you’d have liked, but not actually hit you?

    Well if anyone has bothered to look at the website it is intended as a means to report various types of bad driving and for the police to take action in London.
    please start another thread if you want to discuss idiot bike users but this thread is about bad drivers and reporting them 🙄

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashhear- I accept your point and anyone that uses the roads from pedestrian to artics has the ultimate resposibility regardless of who is right or wrong to avoid a collision.
    whilst I don’t commute currently, until recently I rode daily from enfield to peckham and back daily for 2 years and whilst idiot bike users are generally annoying, pedestrians and a fair percentage of vehicles pose a significant danger to cyclists especially if you are riding fast and assertive.Whilst you can’t do much about peds I am sure word will get round that a bike hitting you at 20 plus mpoh hurts I must have hit in excess of 20 peds on that commute 😆 I didn’t feel good about it but I am sure in future they will look where they are going.
    We can however do something about car drivers though and the more of us who care to take action the better.

    Free Member

    who said anything about youtube. I am talking about getting the police and possibly insurance companies to take action against drivers that drive dangerously around cyclists

    Free Member

    whilst some cyclists maybe be danger to themselves, they are hardly dangerous to any other road users.
    can we stay on topic please dangerous driving not riding 😆

    Free Member

    maybe I should rephrase my original post When I said dangerous driving I meant specifically dangerous to me the incident I reported was a driver passing within a foot of me at 50mph.
    Every training ride I go on I would say I experience between 5 and 10 near misses such as the example above.
    I have been riding for more than 35 years and decided that enough is enough and although it is a bit time consuming I am recording all my rides and will be submitting revelant footage to the met police and make sure something is done about it, I will be calling them today to chase up the lack of response. If it is possible to find out offending drivers insurance companies then I will submit the videos to them as well
    my parameters for considering it dangerous to me is if a 4 wheeled vehicle overtakes without giving at least 60cm space, additional factors include relative speed.
    I am sure I am not alone in my experiences and if more of us provided evidence to our local police forces then british driving attitudes might start changing.

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