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  • Les Gets World Cup DH results, report and highlights vids
  • rightplacerighttime
    Free Member

    Shaggy won the solo outright on a singlespeed.

    More importantly though, get yourself some ice tyres.

    Free Member

    This is certainly an issue that is polarising opinion – geddit?

    Of course the answer is:

    STOP BUYING TABLOIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It’s all a load of toss.

    Did anyone see episode 2 of Black Mirror BTW?

    This seems to be a very good bit of evidence in support of how accurate that satire is.

    It also occurred to me that this might be less about Leveson and more about climate change. Because the last episode (I understand – haven’t seen it yet) of frozen planet majors on climate change warnings, the usual bunch of idiots, led by Nigel Lawson, were out attacking it. When that failed to get traction they must have been looking very hard to find something else to smear and discredit the programme with. It’s the same tactic they’ve used very successfully many times before – for example with the most recent IPCC reprot where they found a couple of small errors in the science (e.g. rate of loss of Himalayan glaciers) and tried to use that to discredit the whole of the report.

    Free Member

    Can we have a bit more detail please – you know how food porn works – you need to talk about “textures” and “flavours”

    Free Member

    the food is mental.

    Is this the equivalent of name dropping?

    Have you been there?

    I’m going to start a what’s the best meal you’ve ever had thread.

    Free Member

    but the rest of it seemed ok.

    Her main was V simple compared to the others and looked very boring.

    But can you imagine what response she would have got if she’d screwed up the consomme and served it to the restaurant critics as something else?

    I also thought her chicken starter looked awful – V insipid. I was surprised that she didn’t get picked up on that.

    Go back and look at Ash’s stuff again – in the first round he did a strawberry pud which I’m fairly sure was acclaimed as “faultless”. He had a bit of criticism in a couple of rounds for “lacking flavour” but I think they were just trying to think of things to say because he was always clearly going through each time.

    Free Member

    Ash – completely obvious from the first round.

    Interesting snippet from the end of the prog last night of Steve losing it at El Celler de Can Roca.

    Also, Claire was V poor last night, and yet she didn’t really get criticised.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Our daughter is called Agnes.

    If we’d had another girl instead of Arthur, then she’d have been called Edith, so that name wasn’t used and is spare.

    Free Member

    So, no doubt, she can prove the parents wrong by installing some discipline and order into the “badly behaved” ones, whilst any she can’t control must be some of the “few” ??

    Is that your experience of life? black/white right/wrong?

    Free Member

    pretty sure Mrs experience is parents that are convinced their kids have ADHD rather than misdiagnosis from healthcare professionals.


    But alas the professionals sometimes capitulate for an easy life – like doctors handing out antibiotics when patients demand them but the symptoms say virus.

    Free Member

    According to my wife (teacher of 20 years experience) – it is a massively and incorrectly over-diagnosed condition.

    She says that the vast majority of kids diagnosed ADHD are in fact “badly behaved” but that sticking them on Ritalin seems like an easy solution for their parents.

    I think she said that she has seen “a few” kids that she would class as ADHD.

    Free Member

    No, you have to both start casually looking at rings “as if” you were going to buy one, but you both keep up the pretence that you are just looking out of interest.

    Once it is absolutely clear in your mind which one she “might like” then you have to go and buy it (make sure you get it sized right) so you can “surprise” her at a suitably romantic moment (for example just after you have spent a small fortune on a romantic meal apropos of nothing.

    Free Member

    but wanted to increase the app to get the full picture in focus.

    decrease the aperture = increase the f stop

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Reason for keeping house warm is we have a 3.5 yr old who likes to strip at will and a 4 month old baby.

    That’s not a very good reason.

    Free Member

    Or kill half of the people that live on this one?

    I believe that is the current de facto trajectory.

    Free Member

    Which reminds me – daughter (now eight) woke up at 2 a.m. on Monday and threw up all over her bedroom floor, which is oiled wood (nice high splatter factor) and strewn with her belongings. She then stepped in the vomit before coming downstairs to our room to wake me up.

    It doesn’t end.

    Free Member

    FFS. How do seasoned-dads cope?

    The same way as you are.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ah I see. Sorry, misread the OP.

    Did you have a rotating map board?

    For MTBO (on an orienteering map, probably 1:15,000) you need one. As you ride along you rotate the map so that it is always orientated to the direction you are going, which makes it easier to read on the move.

    At a trailquest type event (what they now call score MTBO !!) you are using a 1:25,000 or 1:50:000 OS map with more widely spaced checkpoints so fast nav isn’t generally so much of an issue.

    Also, you’ll note that the Miry and others have the board mounted a fair way above the handlebars, which also helps.

    Free Member

    I use a Miry map board, but there are some other similar ones available elsewhere these days e.g. Nordmark

    Just google “map board”

    Free Member

    i had problems going from the taint to upper arse, was driving me mad for months – eventually worked out it was caused by an allergy to one of the ingredients in moist toilet wipes!

    Time for a SingleTrack survey.

    Who else uses “moist toilet wipes”?

    Free Member


    And we actually try quite hard to make the right environmental choices.

    I suspect that this calculator won’t produce a figure lower than 1 (less than one earth required to support everyone at this level of consumption) unless you are vegetarian and probably have no car.

    I am hardly reassured by the knowledge that there are a lot of people in India and Africa who fall into that category.

    Free Member

    have you tried a liberal application of Deep Heat in the affected area?

    Free Member

    Whatever it is, I doubt spending an extra £41m on the opening ceremony is going to help much.

    Sir Martin Sorrel says it will.

    Free Member

    Opportunist theft seems to be on the increase. Had a chainsaw knicked from my shed a couple of months ago, a flat across the road was burgled, and have twice recently spotted youths trying car doors as they walk down the street at night, which hasn’t been something I’ve seen before round here. Also fruit knicked from an allotment near mine in the summer!

    Free Member

    You’re looking for the wrong thing.

    I’ve seen such an image and it was to do with “light pollution” – try googling that.

    Free Member

    Maybe you could post a link to this thread on your sister’s fb page.

    But don’t expect a Christmas card.

    Free Member

    As I am a Jon (Jonathan), rather than a John, I frequently get letters with my name wrong.

    My daughter is called Agnes and has often been called / written to as “Angus”, even by people who know she is a girl. Even by people who ought to know better.

    I really couldn’t care less.

    Free Member

    Well, I would say about 3 of them might be amongst the 45 most powerful images of 2011.

    Plently of “more powerful” images here IMHO: Press Photographer of the Year awards.[/url]

    Free Member

    No, because it would be ignored, so pointless except to keep politicians busy.

    Free Member

    No one else reading this as ‘guy with a bit of savvy gets one over on idiot cop’?

    I’m reading it as jolly arrogant twerps spots a chance to show off after watching one too many helmet cam clips.

    Clearly the cop wasn’t one of the finest, but I suspect if the guy had been even slightly contrite then they’d both have ridden on their way after a verbal warning.

    I’d also like to see the bit of footage from just before this when they guy allegedly jumped the red light.

    Free Member

    Long Haired Lover from Liverpool by Little Jimmy Osmond,

    And by way of contrast (I think it might have been this, but hard to recall)

    Down to Earth by Rainbow.

    Free Member

    Guy coming too fast round a blind bend on a single lane road came much closer than I would like to my 8 year old on the way home from school.

    We’ll be discussing riding wide on such corners in order to give yourself a bit more time/room to duck in in similar circs, complete with diagrams, later. It’s quite hard to teach your kids to consider that everyone else on the road is potentially lethal until proved otherwise though.

    I always ride incredibly (painfully) carefully round town (touch wood) these days as I’d rather be over-cautious and alive than morally right and dead.

    Free Member

    Being a train driver is a very respected profession over there as well apparently, less so here

    Still astoundingly well paid though.

    Free Member

    You’ve also got 7 days to send it back for whatever reason. So if you buy it elsewhere then they send you another, just send it back.

    Free Member

    2 years ago we decided to go cycle touring in France with the kids.

    So 4 ferry passengers with bikes.

    At the time the ferry had a “family” special for a car + 4 passengers.

    We asked if we could buy that, but just not bring the car.


    So we had to pay extra to not bring the car!

    Free Member

    We just bought some SFR Vortex for our 8 year old. They came from a proper skate shop rather than a toy shop and the man who sold them to us was wearing Vans and had a tattoo and funny hair, so I guess he knew what he was talking about when he recommended them – cost £40 + £15 for all the safety gear.

    The really good thing about them is that you can adjust the size by about 3 sizes by means of an allen key in the heel, so they should last a while.

    And they have pink trim.

    Blue also available

    Free Member

    molgrips, you’re wrong.

    Free Member


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