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  • Hunt Proven Carbon Race Enduro Wheelset Review – UPDATED (Cracked!)
  • rightplacerighttime
    Free Member

    Only two I've spotted so far that I wish were on my list. Sadly, only one still achievable.

    Once had Afternoon Tea with Eric Morcombe

    danced drunk on a bar table with greg lemond

    Free Member

    I toned mine down a bit.

    Free Member

    Performed stand up comedy on TV
    Was rude to Jimmy Edwards
    Ran drunk down Mount ****
    Windsurfed at Margaret River
    Paraglided at Rhossili
    Danced with Kate Moss (the Kate Moss)
    Worked as a binman
    Worked nights in a porkpie factory
    Ran the KIMM/OMM with Ranulph Fiennes
    Experienced the midnight sun in N Sweden
    Had a chat with Rolf Harris
    Been first on the scene at a couple of serious RTAs
    Built a shed (a good one!)
    Rode the TransAlp
    Appeared in a film, a TV Drama and on a quiz show.
    Stayed awake for 56 hours (without the aid of drugs)

    etc etc…

    I'm quite old though.

    But I'm sure the best is yet to come….

    Free Member

    If there were no religions, we'd have to invent some.

    Free Member

    Makes you a welcher.

    You made a deal and you should stick to it.

    Free Member

    "Please does it get better?"

    Yes, for some of the time.

    IMHE most things worth having take a bit of work – stick at it (but don't feel bad about bunking off occasionally for a rest (and encourage her to do the same)).

    Free Member

    Tank Museum &/or Monkey World – Bovington. Both much better than they sound (really really good).

    Lulworth a bit overrated – try Winspit or Dancing ledge instead followed by a visit to one of the best pubs in the world, the Square and Compass at Worth Matravers.

    Drive to Corfe, walk to Swanage over Nine Barrow Down and Ballard Down – lunch in Earthlights Cafe then get a steam train back.

    Get a ferry from Poole Quay to Brownsea Island.

    Get a ferry from Mudeford Quay, walk round Hengistbury Head, then get the ferry back and buy a pint of prawns to eat while offspring catches crabs with a handline off the quay (do 13 year olds do that anymore – I did!)

    Or nearer to Wimborne, Kingston Lacy House is nice and Badbury Rings is a good place to walk.

    Or Go Ape! at Moors Valley Country Park

    Or on a Tuesday Salisbury has a really good market + an amazing Cathedral + good places to eat (such as Snells Tea Rooms

    I could go on….

    Free Member

    I've shot the pics for the last 2 years. Slideshows here[/url] and here.[/url]

    I've been told that the dates for 2011 are 16/17th Jan.

    Free Member

    Pics of both events now available at[/url] all searchable by rider number

    Free Member

    Sportive pics are now available at[/url%5D.

    I've just about finished sorting/tweaking the CRC pics and am about to upload them to the server before I tag them with rider numbers. In the meantime I've put a small selection on my facebook page

    Free Member

    Neurofen Plus is the strongest I find.

    But probably also the most expensive you can find.

    Is there really any point to paying £3 for branded ibuprofen when you can get the same amount unbranded for 40p?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    A ha! I think I see a way out.

    Let me paint you a picture.

    He puts something round on one of the shelves you have put up for him – it rolls off and smashes.

    He puts something heavy on another of the shelves – the shelf falls down and it smashes.

    He looks for some vital electronic gadget that was in a box that you carried into the house – he finds it smashed under the corner of something heavy.

    He never asks for your help again.

    Free Member

    It's not her, it's you.

    Free Member


    Maybe you should try to think of something you need doing and build it into the deal now/

    e.g. "OK xxxx I'll be over to help you with the move, and by the way, when will you be able to help me with yyyy?"

    Doesn't matter what yyyy is, just so long as you let him know he is going to have to make some pay back.

    Free Member

    Read the first few posts.

    Maybe you should offer to look after the kids all day so your wife can go and help her brother?

    Free Member

    I can't help thinking that a thread about how he behaved after yesterdays stage might be best avoided by people not wanting to find out how he behaved today?

    I can't help thinking that there are a lot of people about who probably have velcro fasteners on all their shoes.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, I'll enjoy the program
    so much more later on now I know the result.

    Free Member

    a doorman friend of mine at a party after the red mist descended following his abuse of steroids to bulk up having deliberately lost weight to gain sympathy in a messy divorce case

    Was he a decent chap before the steroids? or was he always a bit of a loon?

    Free Member

    Can I just state that I totally made up the bit about it being kicked out of the bus by mistake

    I thought you might have. Happy to know my BS detectors are working normally. Or is this a double bluff?

    Free Member

    I just read that Cav didn't actually throw the helmet – apparently he put it on the floor in the which someone then kicked and it fell down the steps at the back.

    But never let the truth stand in the way of a good b!tch, eh

    That may be true – I hope it is.

    But if he hadn't just chucked his bike on the floor it would never have been part of the story.

    Free Member

    I'm sure his sponsors will be jolly happy then – especially his bike and helmet sponsors.

    Free Member

    they didn't actually manage to score any runs in the world cup.

    I think you may have meant "goals" there – but yes

    Free Member

    this is the arrogance that sets apart the occasional winners from the elite

    Au contraire – it is what makes a few really talented sportsmen interesting to the media and punters, but which often stops them from achieving their true potential.

    Free Member

    Just on the passion V self control question. I think there have been lots more sports superstars with self control than without, and losing self control doesn't do anything good for performance – just look at Tiger Woods for example.

    And although McEnroe was a great tennis player, I don't think his petulant outbursts really did him any favours. Compare and contrast Bjorn Borg for example.

    Free Member

    It's OK Kingtut, I've never been bothered about being in a minority. I just say what I think is right.

    Free Member

    is that insulting to people who have to buy their kit too?

    Depends. Was there a crowd of onlookers and a TV crew?

    But on the IKEA table front, I would suggest that on the spectrum of self control, you are not in the middle.

    Free Member

    I'm sure he was calm and reasonable later on. But he still needs to control his petulance when things aren't going so good.

    Free Member

    Why is it insulting?

    I thought I'd explained why I think that?

    Maybe contemptuous is a better word? I just don't think it's right to trash stuff on purpose, particularly in full view of people who might not be able to afford the stuff you are trashing.

    Free Member

    Edit – hang on, I'm thinking about my correct use of English

    Free Member

    but it's not remotely 'insulting' to people who buy their kit!

    I think it is.

    So there we are, you don't, I do.

    Free Member

    please, someone just think of the children.

    Please someone, just think of a better cliche

    Free Member

    I think a professional sportsman who knows there are cameras around should be able to act like a grown up. I'm not insulted to the point where I'm going to write letters in green ink, but like I said, for a person in his position it is poor form and he could/should do better.

    Free Member

    seriously? is this what you think? *shakes head*


    Free Member

    Don't get me wrong, I quite like Cav really and "his" book is a good read, but that stunt was petulant and childish.

    And regards being insulting, what if you were a kid watching that who's worked hard doing your paper round or whatever for weeks in order to save up for your £150 helmet, then you see a pro just chuck his on the ground – I don't think it sets the right tone.

    Free Member

    Going forwards

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I suspect you need more rest 😀

    Free Member

    working link (hopefully)

    Ha ha. I particularly like the bit where he throws his helmet out of the bus door (not).

    What an insult to people who actually have to pay for their cycling kit.

    Free Member

    Grassington pics now available at

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