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  • Government Prepares To Favour Motorists – Again
  • rightplacerighttime
    Free Member


    I can’t agree that it is no better or worse, because that would mean it was the same? Difference may well be slight, but it will produce some different results, particularly if it encourages people to vote for who they really want first rather than voting tactically.

    Free Member

    Thank you.

    Free Member

    You can see it even more clearly in the version without the big “C” in the corner.

    Free Member

    My reaction to similar problems was to go out with a camera and take pictures of our local youth when they persistently knocked on our door, which I then passed on to the police, also after one of them climbed on to the roof of a neighbours car.

    I’ve also been given advice by the police that reacting to provocation can lead to further/worse trouble, but it’s just not in my nature to do nothing, and as it happens the police were well aware of the particular youths that I photographed causing trouble elsewhere.

    Net result in my case was that the trouble stopped, though whether this was because the police spoke to the youths or not I can’t say, though they assure me they did.

    My advice would be to dial 999 every time that you are aware that there is trouble actually in progress and dial the regular police number to report any incident that happens when you’re not there. Also encourage your neighbours to do the same. If you make enough noise (over legitimate complaints) then the police will have to react eventually, and they can become proactive in dealing with youth issues if they choose to – e.g. through PACT actions.

    Other than that you’ll either have to wait a few years for the current crop of youth to get girlfriends or move.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If you like shooting wildlife, how about a macro lens?

    Free Member

    By the same token wrightyson, if you had cancer or a heart attack, or something else that the private companies don’t actually deal with in the UK, I suspect you might still be quite glad to fall back on the NHS.

    Try not to feel too smug about your private health care. You haven’t bought immortality, or even a guarantee of good health, just the chance to get a hernia or a prolapsed disk or something like that sorted out quickly so you can get back to work without your employers losing too much money!

    Free Member

    So I pay my taxes, never missed a penny and decide to get private health care, how is it fair I get taxed again. If it was offered by your employer ernie I’m sure you’d turn it down hey??

    I pay my taxes too, never bloody get ill, yet some of those really sick people who are too sick to work and pay taxes get loads of treatment, how is that fair?

    And they spend all that money on neonatal intensive care for babies who’ve not done a stroke of work in their lives, how is that fair? Sheeesh!

    Free Member

    Nice one.

    It’ll probably still take a while for the results to make it back to the Doc, but I’m interested to know what the result is now. Maybe you can give us an update when you find out something?

    Free Member


    I’ve only watched the first of the three episodes on iplayer.

    Made my last post then started to read back up the comments from the bottom.

    Thanks for that guys.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered to argue with you, but plenty of experts get their diagnoses wrong. Ergo, it’s not easy.

    Free Member

    No, I’m not jumping through hoops for you.

    If you think the assessment of knee injuries is “easy” then that’s fine, but from my personal experience of knee injury and those of friends of mine who have had ongoing problems despite involvement with a wide range of experts, I can’t accept that it is “easy”

    BTW, the “I read a lot” was just a throwaway line. I could have said “But my heart is pure”.

    Free Member

    But I read a lot.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Because it’s not “easy” that’s why.

    Admittedly some people will be better than others at diagnosis, but are you suggesting that there are doctors out there who never get it wrong?

    The implication of what you said is that the OP has got cause for complaint, because whoever treated him in the first place might not have been a knee specialist. But that’s not how healthcare works is it? Part of the “treatment” might well be the process of finding the right specialist.

    And anyway, as every injury is going to be slightly different, no one can ever know for sure whether diagnosis and treatment were optimally effective in a particular case.

    Free Member

    Finally knee injuries are easy to diagnose if the correct person is doing the assessment.

    What a load of twaddle.

    Free Member

    it’s called getting old mate :-)

    Free Member

    but accept I may never know, how much additional damage this has done.

    … or if

    Free Member

    I don’t think you have any reasonable grounds for complaint. They X-rayed you the first time you presented and then continued to try to diagnose and give treatment as the situation deteriorated.

    I can see why you’re frustrated with the most recent wait, but the only way you can have no waiting time to use expensive kit is if they buy so much of it that it stands idle half the time, and people keep complaining about that sort of thing in the NHS!

    Your best bet is clearly to vote yes in the AV referendum and do your bit to try to stop the Tories from ever forming another Government.

    (edit: or start paying for private health care)

    Free Member

    allegedly will cost the uk 30bn

    No, it won’t cost anything. What it will do is mean that some stuff gets made and/or bought and/or consumed a few days later than it would do otherwise.

    This is precisely why the national obsession with GDP is so ludicrous. The sooner we stop thinking that this measure of how fast we can churn through stuff is important the better.

    Have a day off and stop stressing.

    Free Member

    What has GDP got to do with patriotism?

    Did patriotism not exist before the coining of the term GDP?

    Free Member

    I’ve seen Down By Law, I even remembered the icecream quote before reading down the thread. Can’t remember anything else about it though except that it’s got Tom Waits in it, so -1 for me.

    From round about the same period (my college days) how about The Element of Crime, come on, bet no one else has seen that?

    Free Member

    Thinking about worst case scenario – if she does pay rent and then we do split up say a couple of years down the line would she be entitled to a share in the house? Just wondering what the legal implications are?

    Ah, love’s young dream. Good to see that romance is still alive.

    Do you think she’s been dropping hints because she’s thinking of a long term future with you, or because she wants to sponge off you and live rent free whilst she’s looking for better prospects?

    Free Member

    Suunto – it’s what distinguishes my herd.

    Free Member

    Actually some of the responses given above border on the agressive. Not nice whatever the provocation by the old lady. Maybe you’re not the first mountain biker she’s had to deal with whilst out walking her dogs on the footpath

    Try being nice and apologise if necessary.

    And if you don’t then don’t dare complain the next time you come across a car blocking a cycle lane.

    Free Member

    Islabike – expensive but you can trade it in for a bigger one later or get a good lump of your cash back on ebay. If you think of it as rental with a big deposit it’s probably cheaper than buying something from Halfords that will have no residual value.

    Free Member

    Given a new nuke is 1.6GW, tens of MW isn’t really all that significant.

    I think that regardless of scale EROEI is something we should always be thinking about.

    Just looking for info on EROEI of nuclear (other than figures produced by the nuclear industry) and came across this.

    Have to say it’s good to see that there are people out there discussing these things (both sides of the argument) who actually seem to know what they are talking about.

    It’s hard to follow, but interesting, and the discussion in the comments even more so.

    EROEI for nuclear.

    Free Member

    See what I did there?

    Free Member

    Probably depends on your age.

    I remember Monty Python as the highlight of the TV week, Life of Brian as the funniest film I ever saw, the books as illicit goods to be smuggled into school, and the audio tape(!!!) of The Holy Grail as the source of much classroom banter and in jokes in the classroom.

    And of course the heritage of Ripping Yarns, The Ruttles, Fawlty Towers, many of the films by Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam, A Fish called Wanda etc, etc have all helped to keep the memory alive.

    Which may be why I remember vast tracts of it with such fondness.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit – have a look at the clip in the link I posted this morning from the Grauniad – link

    It shows a TSG briefing before the event where the commander is saying that they are going to make Criminal Trespass a priority.

    However, I wouldn’t be surprised if the top bods were envisaging something different to what transpired, i.e. using that against more militant types than those they ended up arresting.

    Free Member

    You’d think that people on here might be a little sensitive to the perils of stereotyping – “those bloody cyclists, jumping red lights and riding on pavements…etc.”

    Or maybe joggers really are all the same?

    Free Member

    Today’s take on events from the Grauniad:
    UK Uncut arrests threaten future protests, lawyer warns

    Free Member

    Just putting on my tinfoil nightcap.

    Free Member

    Down. And what’s worse we were half way through the last episode of SIlk on iPlayer which has also crashed.

    Free Member

    I also find this a bit wierd, though I know several of our friends have separate accounts (and spend (waste) a lot of time discussing who pays for what).

    All our money goes into one account and either of us takes what we need out of it.

    I occasionally hurumph as my wife unpacks another box of Boden cardies, but as that seems to be her only real failing I guess I can’t complain too much.

    If either of us needs something big we would discuss it, but I think we both just know what is acceptable to the other and don’t push it.

    I guess things might be different if we were skint, but we’re not and I think by nature we’re both fairly frugal anyway so we don’t really discuss money much.

    Free Member

    thrown paint was still on the front of the building as the protestors were lifted

    How did they throw the paint on the outside from inside?

    Give the police the chance to get 150ish demonstraters off the streets,they will take it.

    They weren’t on the street either!

    You are completely misreading this. Those UK Uncut types inside were not the ones causing trouble out on the street. But they were the ones the police chose to arrest.

    Did you not hear the female Chief Inspector explaining to them (whilst still inside) that she didn’t want them to go outside because there was a disturbance outside?

    There was no damage inside. It would have been easy for the protestors inside to run amuck but they weren’t were they? They were just taking up space.

    My point really is that in the midst of some much more significant disorder, the police decided to waste their time (and our money) picking on a soft target instead of doing their real jobs.

    V poor performance.

    Free Member

    Which bit was disproportionate? The arresting or the kettling?


    I’m talking specifically about the UK UNcut protestors shown in the video that I refer to above.

    It was the end of the day.

    No damage done.

    Protestors were completely peaceful (as seen in the video as regular shoppers went about their business unworried nearby).

    The protestors had agreed to leave (in fact were cooperqting with police by staying in the store after they had wanted to leave!) and were heard asking if they would be allowed to go to the nearest tube (Greenpark I think) nearby.

    They were well ordered as they came out and were going where they had been asked to go.

    Then outside they (138 of them!) were stopped held and then pulled away individually and taken off to the cells.

    It was absolutely obvious that they were in no way of the same sort of threat as the many violent hooded types seen causing trouble elsewhere more or less with impunity.

    The police chose a soft target and IMO decided to teach them a lesson.

    It will be interesting to see whether or not any of them actually go to court. My bet is that some may accept a caution, but I hope not because actually I think the police will look like idiots in the light of video and other evidence and they will all walk.

    Free Member

    BTW duckman, in what way do you think the video is misleading?

    Free Member

    The people coming relatively quietly out of that shop account for 138 of the 149 arrests made on the day.

    In an account I read somewhere one of the F&M protestors did mention that a box of chocolates got knocked off a shelf but that they picked them up – maybe that was the “clean up”? I’m pretty certain that the “clean up” didn’t refer to thrown paint, smashed windows etc like those occurring elsewhere.

    Come on, stop being an apologist. Yet again the police took disproportionate action against the wrong group of people.

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