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  • Tweedlove ends: Management of world enduro partly to blame says organiser
  • ridingscared
    Free Member

    Last year we went camping with four bikes, roofbox and bootfull of tent, bags etc inc two camping tables and it all fit in nicely.
    Save yourself a shedload of insurance, tax and petrol and dont bother with a ‘bigger’ car.”
    i’d like to see some maths to back that up.

    quality rebuke.

    Touran for me- 2.0 tdise. Loads of space and nearly as quick off the lights as my gti.

    Free Member

    Haven’t bought it since the day Doddy, Chris (smacked arse) Smith and Scott Beaumont were on the uplift at Cwm. Neither doddy or smith could be arsed to say hello or talk to anyone else all day and sat up front. Beaumont on the other hand was the perfect pro, sat with the masses, taking the time to talk to everyone and generally seemed happy to be riding bikes for a living.

    Free Member

    Avoid west wales imho- had to drive miles for a bakery, lots of boarded up pubs. Tenby was okayish but I would imagine it gets a bit boisterous at night given the amount of cctv cameras in the town?

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a set of these as well- heres hoping I’ve got a good set. My oros worked flawlessly, yet my V2’s didn’t. Seems like a lottery whatever you go for.

    Free Member

    Why is spell checker not compulsory on fleabay ?

    because it would prevent me buying a Thompsun seat post for a fiver , in gud condishion.

    Free Member

    ….and another option. chow down at Teohs on north Street, then drink in the Tobacco Factory, over to the Lounge, working up to the Hen and chicken for whatever comedy act they may have on that night?

    Free Member

    Joe Pub(l)ics

    Free Member

    Cedars express is top notch. Manos bar on the triangle is a good choice as is the Park and you could always book upstairs in the Park for a more private drinking session. Square is awesome bit pricey , though if you eat then you can drink in the members only bar later.

    Free Member

    yes you do, but you can relist instantly.

    Free Member

    Re-list- and add the non payer to your banned list. If you are really miffed then wait until the npb lists items for sale, buy the whole lot for way over the odds and then don’t pay. This is especially effective for shops on ebay with lots of buy it now stock, you can clear them out for a few days while they harass you for payment.

    Free Member

    like lummox said- not to put too finer point on it its a sh*thole, I’d rather have a week in work. Never have i seen so many unfinished buildings being looked at by groups of men smoking the bong.

    Free Member

    or a hair dryer for a slightly safer option than a blow torch.

    Free Member

    ….and I would for certain….

    Free Member

    The service in Mud dock used to be laughably bad- is it still that way? and Mardykes opposite the Grain is the cheapest boozer on the city.

    Free Member

    beware the cost of the Curnutt- not cheap to remedy a bad one.

    Free Member

    thats a fair point, and hopefully he’ll be paying his dues to the trail builders who build all the stuff for free?

    Free Member

    suggest he contacts Simon at flyup who always gets asked about trails when he is waiting in the carpark, maybe get some promos for him to leave on the van?

    Free Member

    Backhander neatly sums up Bristol- and agree Canteen maybe not the place for a stag party of the traditional sort.

    Free Member

    The only reason to go to oceana is if you want a fight. The only reason to go to the bierkeller is if you like the smell of sick and warm beer served in plastic glasses.
    Suggest Zero Degrees for food and home brew, or
    Severnshed for food and a nice (but certainly not rowdy) drink afterwards- though may be a bit too quiet but Thekla is 500yds away.
    My current favourite is Canteen on Stokes Croft- food is cheap, beer is good and there is either a dj or band on later with free entry, plus you can walk to the Croft if you want a bit more ‘lively’ . Park street is fine but you’ll struggle for food.

    Free Member

    Bitterness does bring out the worst for sure, as does pressure. As for it being ‘hell’ – well for me hell was working nights in a loud, cold , dirty , dangerous environment year round. Leaving my warm office at 3 on a Friday and being able to go out on my bike or have a pint without having to have a shower ,or being able to login and check the forums out on a monday afternoon, or not going to bed at 7 in the morning and having my cornflakes at 3 in the afternoon is anything but hell. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    Free Member

    hope the person whining about Wills being a useless rich kid who’s never done a days work has an accident in the hills and calls out a rescue chopper then turns it down ‘cos Wills piloting

    How do you think he got the training and the job? You reckon he applied? No, he got given it the same as his house, his cars, his horses,etc. and at the expense of someone not lucky enough to be born into royalty. As for the ‘they’ve done no harm to me’ argument you could apply that to Fred West , next time you pay 20% vat on something, or have to wait 18 months to get a routine operation done, or call an ambulance and have to wait an hour all due to budget cuts then think about who is actually paying for the wedding and the life of privilege and luxury.Its a question or priorities and I want a better country for my kids more than I want to pay for these lot.

    Free Member

    lets organise a mass ride on the day then- show the world we’re not all royalists. Anyone?

    Free Member

    no- I wish them nothing but a shitstorm. Reads like this to me- spoilt rich kid who has never worked a day in his life and has never wanted for anything finds someone who thinks being born into a family makes him a catch, then decides to have a multi million pound wedding paid for by me (and you) and who will then live in a palace paid for by me (and you). On top of which I must now have a day off or I’ll have no childcare. Then we’ll have the constant ‘isn’t she lovely’ crap we had for the other one and in 3 or 4 years time when she realises he is wetter than an otters pocket she’ll be pictured leaving a mayfair nightclub with a rich playboy and we’ll have the inevitable ‘fall from grace’ media storm. Pox on them all.

    Free Member

    Driving up and down my street slowly thus preventing any chance of a ‘street party’ to celebrate the union of an inbred with an airhead paid for by a bankrupt country that would rather spend millions on security , pomp and ceremony for a parasitic extended family than keep libraries in deprived areas open.

    Free Member

    want to see some pics of the holeshot? It has pikes, hope pro 2 on mavics, saints , elixir r etc. I did plan on using it as a 4x bike but rode the dragons back , whites a few times and used it mainly to accompany my 7 yr old on fod singletrack.

    Free Member

    My dialled holeshot sounds ideal.

    Free Member

    Master cylinder is leaking, happened on my touran. You’ll find you need to help the pedal return with your foot after a bit, then it just gives up the ghost. And if its diesel beware, mine needed the flywheel as well and cost me £900 from a respected and trusted garage.

    Free Member

    voucher for a tattoo parlour.

    Free Member

    Commerc 24 on calle commerc is run by a chef who trained at el bulli, just rock up at the bar and have the tasting menu. Cal Pep as someone has said is awesome but get there very early and prepare to spend bucks. The pinchos bar at the square off calle argenteria is excellent but be sure to order your canyas in spanish or they may not let you take a plato and help yourself, you pay by the number of cocktail sticks you have but unfortunately the british reputation tends to make them wary. There is a another small pinchos bar just a little further down toward the beach from argenteria which does a mean chorizo as well. For sheer novelty value find the meat and cava bar in the block between the harbour and the dual carraigeway off the ramblas, don’t know the name but it is like a butchers with a huge hot plate to cook meat of many sorts, plus they only serve cava (the rosada is lush). Agree that the ramblas is pretty shit but the market is definitely worth a look and a stop for a bite. I’m now jealous and hungry.

    Free Member

    you need a guide to get the most out of it imho, we booked a chalet independently and used a contact out there. This place looked nice last time i stayed and is bang on for the funicular

    Lots of the chalets are cheap because it is mainly a winter resort, but be very careful about taking one high up because you need to get home at night.

    Free Member

    theres another les arcs thread doing the rounds – more info there but ph is right, it aint that good lol

    Free Member

    Burns. Apparently its ethically sound as well I’m told.

    Free Member

    more split than whole, 2nd hand bikes depreciate more quickly than korean cars. £500-600?

    Free Member

    Get yourself a guide for a few days, most of the best trails are not waymarked. Trail Addiction or Coolbus Rob will be able to help. Take the furnicular up to 1800, then the gondola to the top for most of the runs. There is also a run that takes you form the base of the auguille rouge right into Bourg, iver 2 km of vertical descending which still rates as the best day i’ve ever had on a bike. The black 8 is another awesome descent. Don’t eat at 1950, its a rip off and have a steak aux girolles at l’alpage (top of 1800). I personally think its better than the pds for the sense of wilderness and back country. you’ve got this to look forward to

    Free Member

    Vitamin C , sauna/plunge combo, some protein food and some low level activity (walk, gentle swim or such like) Don’t be tempted to do absolutley nothing.

    Next time take a protein bar and recovery drink within 20 mins of finishing and stretch to cool down.

    Free Member

    chefs table in a nice restaraunt?

    Free Member

    as above- not worth the paper they are written on.

    Free Member

    Not keen on uplifts for several reasons.
    1. I only know 2 places well enough to comment but in both cases its just as quick to pedal up. Those being FoD and Cwm Carn.

    Are you Lance Armstrong ? You really believe you can ride to the start of the mojo at Cwmcarn or to the top of FOD quicker than the bus, then repeat that 12 times in a day?

    Free Member

    and like theres anyone actually called Timothy living in Bedminster.

    Free Member

    why not download mixtapes, get a bit of everything? Theres a forum out there whatever your genre where people will be downloading mixes for free, then sell your itunes voucher on ebay?

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