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  • rickbst170
    Free Member

    Thanks again guys.

    Having continued to dig into this, I now hear what @nickc was saying. It appears to officially be diagnosed with an ASC, it has to have a significant debilitating impact on daily life. Therefore the conclusion must be that I cannot claim to have an ASC, as my daily life only suffers minor annoyance/nuisance vs significantly debilitating.

    I don’t really know what that means, but pretty sure we are back to the Middle Aged white asshole scenario again. And to Nicks point (I think), I do not need to drain valuable resources or time from those genuinely in need or detract for the seriousness of their situations.

    This has been an introspective journey for sure and having read the majority of the first 7 pages of google search results now, I see myself in approx 70% of common AS traits but recognise they aren’t debilitating for me so ought not be labelled as such. I should therefore use the coping strategies one would employ to solve those issues as it’ll still be useful, but refer to myself in the interim as an asshole. A now slightly more educated one but if it looks like an asshole, smells like an asshole and associates with other assholes (most middle aged exec white guys) then it probably is an asshole. That didn’t work at all but you get the point, probably.

    Free Member

    Well, the whole “inability to lie” piece is fairly relatable. Just had dinner, I was thinking instead of engaging. She asks “what’s wrong” and I simply say “work stuff I’m thinking through”. She knew that was a load of bull so probed and probed. She got concerned I was mad at her, then unhappy with “us”, then perhaps my ex had thrown another grenade I hadn’t told her about, so I said it’s about me and don’t worry and it tel you later. That didn’t go down well as just caused more concern so now she knows I think I’m on the spectrum.

    Her response (which was the reason for this thread in the first place) was good! She said no to worry about it, I’m still me, she still loves me and we can read more about it tonight once kids in bed. I listed the things I do which annoy her and could be attributed to ASC and she said whatever the cause, they’re still annoying but we can find new ways to stop them being so prevalent.

    Basically the end result is positive and nothing to get stressed about. That’s my experience, others may be different but possible helpful for someone else. Though everyone is different and everyone’s partners are different so bear that in mind I guess. Hope this helps. You lot helped me for sure.

    Free Member

    Derail away guys. If there’s a greater good available here then exploit it. To mean if 10 people can benefit from this then capitalise on it. I’ve received enough for now I think so crack on and morph this into whatever helps the most people :)

    Free Member

    I feel like I love my missus and kids and it hurts when they are angry at me. For now that sufficient for me to believe (rightly or wrongly) I’m not a sociopath. I’m not prepared for any form or diagnosis really, so I’ll no go
    Looking for one.

    That said, it doesn’t matter. If the things I do are dick moves and I want to be less of a dick, then whatever strategies are out there I’ll try. Whether they be for sociopathy or something else. I just want to stop feeling like a dick and want to stop treating others as though I would if I were/am a dick.

    Free Member

    @oakleymuppet – it is perfectly plausible that I am too simply a dick. In the way others described, this could simply be an effort at finding an excuse. Either way, researching ASC gives me new ways to try to stop being a dick. Even if I don’t have AS but if the solutions that work for AS people work for me, then it doesn’t really matter about the formal diagnosis, right? If strategies make me less of a dick (actual or perceived) then that’s a win.

    Also, the psycho tests are administered through jobs. I was lucky enough to receive a lot of management training over the years which have forced introspection. I’m not going out looking for tests, I just have done a lot in the past. I’ve also studied management in some detail which has helped understand people quite a lot. People work when they are engaged. Read Maslow hierarchy of needs. Provide people the things they value from an engagement survey (Gallup 12Q etc) and meet Maslow’s hierarchy and people will perform better. I don’t need to understand people, I just need to know that if someone says “I’m not happy with my job” I say “why” and try to make the answer fit a category. Deliver for them against that need and they do better. It’s very binary but works well with large groups (team meeting feedback session), less so 121.

    Free Member

    This is great guys. Thanks so much!

    – thank you for your professional
    Insights. Definitely useful. For clarity, my dad has aspergers (formal diagnosis), my brother has similar traits and dyspraxia, and my son is showing strong traits (to an uneducated eye) which suggests the likelihood of me having a genetic disposition is high enough that when coupled with the “self assessment” bits and pieces (not just a test but reading up on aspergers generally) I’m happy enough with my self diagnosis for now.

    To whomever mentioned my partner and narcissism; she’s not narcissistic. I appreciate you weren’t having a pop at her and were simply sharing info so please don’t take this the wrong way or as me being defensive – she is simply the most caring, nurturing amazing person who is certainly not narcissistic. I didn’t add that for the first year she and I lived together I was quite sick. I could just about hold down my job but did no cleaning, cooking, shopping etc. Then I stopped being sick and managed to pick up/include additional tasks in my routine. This was perceived as being “capable” following my sickness, so the question posed becomes “I know you’re capable, so why don’t you see what needs doing around the house? Are you lazy? Do you not care enough? – they are not self centred narcissistic questions/instructions like “please go and bring me something for my gain” or “you need to do xxx so I can have yyy”. They are just questions looking for answers into why I don’t reciprocate her love and effort in the house.

    Interestingly though, my failed relationship with the kids mum was largely due to her (my ex) being a bar narcissist. I didn’t see it but after I left her (what an ordeal that was) other people pointed it out to me. And wondered how or why I was and still am so passive when she (as I now see) essentially abused me for the whole time we were together. She ruined me. Emotionally and financially whist simultaneously stifling my career. But that’s not the point here. NB anyone who finds themselves in that position – leave. Narcissistic behaviour exploiting ASC persons won’t change or be comprehensible so all you can do is leave and start again for you and the kids. **** terrifying but a necessity which has allowed me to be free. I didn’t know I wasn’t until I left and now see how **** up that relationship was. Scary to leave but worth it. Just make sure you sleep enough to carry on. Sleep is key.

    Reading back my original post shows me I was overwhelmed and overreacted. Not because of labels per se but because it changes everything. I have been trying to find ways to “notice” more of what needs doing in the house. I find if I’m less tired I am more observant. But perhaps this is only because I can take in more information and so am committing things to memory – I see the bin is full, I remember I must empty bin. When tired I don’t have capacity to store that so it doesn’t happen. HOWEVER, If I now realise I’m not being lazy and the part of my brain which notices things doesn’t work when I’m consumed with something else, then the key isn’t sleep. The key is to make notes. To take time to do a walk round and list things which need doing. It’s to incorporate a new sub routine in my daily routine.

    That’s one observation. I felt I needed to consider everything I do from a new paradigm and re-evaluate life in its entirety. Pretty overwhelming! Hence the panic in my “tone”.

    Now that I’ve had 3 days to process it all I realise that actually she loves me dearly and will be supportive I’m sure. It’s just not being able to predict people’s reactions to events makes it difficult to plan the conversation. I think I’ll say “I’ve been reading up on ASC ref my boy and have found that lists are helpful. Committed time for important things helps. Clear instruction etc. Then I weave these into my ways of working and show value. Then we can explore more, together.

    I think saying “oh shit, I’m autistic and will
    Never show you love the way you traditionally expect it so stop hoping it’ll happen because it never will” is probably not great to hear. Instead, quietly putting steps in place to improve the relationship will go down well, and later I can support why they worked with a conversation about ASC off the back of some success. A positive spin on things.

    She loves me and I love her. It’s unconditional so I am not worried about her leaving – unless I push her away (as I do) when it gets difficult for me to talk about.

    Feeling much better about it all but still very new. You guys are great.

    Free Member

    Morning all.

    Thank you all for contributing! Definitely helps with perspective.

    I’ve done a lot of thinking and can answer a few questions I’ve seen (one which seems to have been deleted too).

    1) “perhaps you are just a self centred asshole – a lot of middle aged white men with egos are”. Now deleted. And

    2) “why would a diagnosis help you”

    I think these are intrinsically linked. Maybe I am an asshole. That means I knowingly make decisions to the detriment of others for my personal gain. Whether this is consciously or subconsciously I could be a bad person. Perhaps I don’t have enough regard for others, or simply hold my own worth in such regard I don’t care who I hurt. This makes me a bad person.

    Or…there is an issue with my brain that means I do things which come across as asshole moves but actually we’re with the best intentions and due to ignorance/inability to see the impact from other people’s shoes.

    That means a diagnosis is helpful – it would tell me to stop beating myself up for being an asshole because it’s not my fault and it’s a neurological issue. It’s still an issue, don’t get me wrong but it makes it ok to find another way to solve it. If I’m not ASC then I am an asshole and need to work on more traditional things to stop being an asshole. Like listen to people more, think about myself less etc. If I am ASC then listening isn’t going to fix it, so looking for patterns in social cues or doing more research into the subject will help.

    I guess I’m saying both outcomes make me seem an asshole but one should be punished and the other should be accepted and worked around without guilt or remorse. So a test would help me personally if I went down that route.

    That said, I think I’ve seen enough data now for me to forgive myself and accept I need different solutions so I don’t need a formal test. I’ve forgiven myself so that’s enough.

    Next up, how to move forwards. I don’t think that for now I need to tell anyone. I need to understand more about ASC and educate myself and my immediate family. A label is scary for other people. It changes things. Nothing here is changing other than increased acceptance and willingness to work through things differently. So I don’t need a label at least for now, I need to get them all to understand I need to do things in different ways to give them what they need. If I can get them to accept that point and accept that my ASC is different from the next man, and the next, then I’m not like rain man, I’m still me but stop berating me for forgetting to show you I love you with kisses, or forget to do a load of laundry. Instead give me a list of things with times and due dates ans we will all be happier.

    So what? Well for now I’m more comfortable with myself, have let go of some guilt and look forwards to sensible conversation about how we do things differently to achieve more successful outcomes. I don’t need a diagnosis and I don’t need a label. I need to educate myself and family about what works better and execute those ideas. Actually, as I type
    I’ve realised it probably doesn’t event need a conversation. I’ll just slowly research what works well and implement those things without conversation. Then let the positive outcome speak for themselves and suggest other nee ways to achieve whatever it is that hasn’t been working. Though I guess everyone should
    Do that, ASC or not. If something isn’t working try something else instead of repeating the same thing and expecting a different outcome. A smart guy with mad hair said that once didn’t he?

    Hope this makes sense. Really appreciate your insights everyone. I feel 100 times better today.

    Ps I’m not actually an asshole. I’m really nice and try really really really hard. And outwardly I don’t seem that different so I look “normal” to most people. This whole thing is about my own realisation that I’m different but noone else notices so I can’t be that bad.


    Free Member

    Tagnut69 – do nothing until you have 2hrs free to think it though. It’ll get it the way (see how I haven’t put my phone down for 2hrs yet have 12 jobs to do today).

    It’s kind of nice to type what’s in my head instead of proof read and alter every line. That’s a refreshing new feeling – it’s ok to say what comes out on this thread. Doesn’t matter if I’m blunt as that’s what you all do anyway

    Free Member

    I’m open to seeing a counsellor because I think it could be interesting. I’m very open too, with everyone which is sometimes an issue in some settings.

    That said, I don’t think I need a test to validate anything. Knowing what the root cause is (even self diagnosed) feels like it’s sufficient to allow me to work out how to be better at stuff. It sounds like I have a predisposition to certain outcomes from situations so now I recognise I should not just act on them and need to consider whether that outcome will be perceived as normal. Diagnosis from a professional isn’t necessary

    Free Member

    Thanks all. This is really useful insight.

    I read this and from the second paragraph titled “consequences for conversations” I see at least 90% of those traits.

    Then I read this and it hit me, this is exactly what our challenges have been about during lockdown and perhaps the commute each day previously enabled me to process things better. I also now recognise I need sleep or I’m really really useless.

    Finally I read this blog and that’s the one which made me think “shit, I’ll never really be who I perceive she wants me to be” and it made me anxious about having further conversations about it all.

    The info graphic showing positive traits is exactly me 100%.

    Also, no friends anymore but I put that down to being choiceful. I accidentally had kids young (22 then 24) so lost touch with friends. I made friends at work but always ended up managing them so chose not to befriend potential subordinates – to be potentially everyone – anymore. I’ve since moved away and have lots of nice things which my old mates don’t (I’m from a fairly poor background and my friends are still all skint) so don’t think they’ll want to do what I want to. They all just want to get wasted still but I grew up and barely drink (we all used to be tearaways and they still are from what I see on Facebook). I don’t mind though, I guess I don’t really feel like there’s a benefit other then when I need someone to talk to to process ideas.

    **** knows. Need to go think about anything else. Thanks again though, really really helping.

    Free Member

    Just did that test. 40 out of 50 and says range is 33-50 indicates autism.

    The thing is, I’m not sure whether I answered them honestly or not.

    For example, one question was (paraphrased) “I don’t like being spontaneous, agree or disagree”. I like doing stuff spontaneously because otherwise it’s a huge amount of planning I don’t have interest in. But if someone else says “let’s do this” I’m usually
    Up for it. So, I like it but I don’t drive it. Is that agree or disagree? I also work in a reactive maintenance world so am now accustomed to my routine changing so it’s not as uncomfortable as it was, so it no longer upsets me but is that because I have coping mechanisms?

    I think I am on the spectrum but I guess the question is should I share that info or will it be badly received

    Free Member

    I guess it’s perfectly rational that I could just be an asshole. I’m perfectly normal but inconsiderate and egotistical who puts himself before even thinking about anyone else.

    Maybe that’s the point. It doesn’t matter what the label is/is not, just recognise my limitations and find ways to be better. I can’t remember things which aren’t important to me so I make lists. I ask the missus to write down what she wants and she refuses as she wants me to work it out and stop being spoon fed. It’s an issue but I’ll work out a way at some point I’m sure.

    Maybe I just need to work harder at not being an asshole.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. Stans it is (but being careful to not use it until I’ve removed the old stuff), valve core and spare valve, mech hanger (great shout) and quick link added to the shopping basket. Cheers all!

    Free Member

    Also have a 6” adjustable wrench so that meets the hammer requirement lol

    Free Member

    I switched to flats 2 rides ago. And I have a nice shin dig to show for it, before I even left the garden.

    If you’re a life long spd man then like me you’ll be putting your foot far too far back for flats. We usually put the ball of our foot on the pedal axel with spds, but you need the ball fo your foot in front of the axel for flats. This means you need to relearn/reset the muscle memory.

    It’s important, because with the foot in the spd position you’ll not be able to lift the back of the bike with your feet very easily. Your toes won’t “grip” the pedal and therefore you’ll slip off when you bunny hop. When you land the bunny hop you’ll effectively apply pressure to the back 50% of the pedal and it will spin round and gouge your shin. This is what I learned in the garden day 1 of flats.

    Really concentrate on foot position and it’s absolutely fine. It’s like learning a skill – practice and concentration until the foot position is second nature.

    Also, flats are so very grippy now compared to the late ‘90s, which inspires confidence a whole lot more. I’m using nukeproof neutron composites.

    Hope this helps. Watch videos on foot position, it’s the only thing which will limit progress and cause shin digs in my experience. Very important and easy – simply move your foot to the right place. Just don’t forget to check/do it. It feels odd but makes a world of difference

    Free Member

    I’ve just ordered (but not yet received) a Giro Fixture. Decent reviews, probably one of the cheapest name brand helmets @ £45 which was my main consideration (after fit and safety). Nothing positive or negative to say about it yet, just it’s affordable.

    7idp helmets are cheap and apparently good, but a bit garish for me.

    Free Member

    Same issue. I read citrus fruit skins are a deterrent but no luck here. There’s now shit on top of the orange peel.

    Free Member

    Thanks again everyone!

    Few clarifying points

    1) I’m not fit. I’m not fat, but I’m a long way from fit (asthma, quitting smoker etc. Resting heart rate approx 65, max 182 but I get there quickly and recover slowly – work in progress and hence the bike).

    2) I used to ride XC and enjoy going up as much as I enjoy going down.

    3) I’ve just bought an orange P7 29er (130mm fox rhythm 34) so it should go downwards really well, upwards likely more difficult (which made me think I Might want more low ratio gears).

    4) Went for a 23 mile xc ride with a mate on his Whyte G170 at the weekend. He has a seemingly huge range cassette, didn’t check but possibly a 46 or even 50t. If his rear tyre wasn’t bald and slipping I think he’d have beaten me up the techy hills – and surely a 160mm enduro full susser (or whatever it is) shouldn’t beat a nimble hard tail up basic hills – I put his progress down to his gears rather than his fitness.

    5) ref point 4; my legs gave up at mile 21 and I was spinning a high cadence with no drive in my lowest gear (legs had no power) when he came sailing past at half the cadence. So, maybe it’s not that I need a bigger cassette, I just need bigger legs.

    I love technical climbs and rooty descents. No massive jumps, or scary stuff for now but I intend to get better at the “all mountain” type riding and move away from XC a little once I have the skills/competence/confidence. This is a do-it-all bike really so will have to compromise somewhere.

    Finally I’m on a budget until I convince the other half that I’m committed to riding and it’s not a fad. She doesn’t want me to spend ££££ when right now, the world is tough and cash is king. So, if I need a 20 quid goat, or 20 quid smaller chainring then that’s cool. If, as it seems, I need to STFU and ride, even better.

    I’ll do the latter. Prove my commitment till Xmas then look at what I want. I’m coming from a Giant NRS 2004 and with the exception of the last 4 months, no riding for 10 years so it’s all new to me and hence so many questions.

    Cheers again.

    Free Member

    Thanks docrobster – could well be. Just realised the goat link replaces the knuckle and is not an additional part (ie the new-age mech i referred to isn’t new age and we still use knuckles otherwise it wouldn’t work would it (face palm).

    I’ll leave it until I work out what I need gear wise regarding my local/intended use, then stick a groupset on my Christmas list once I’ve got 6 months under my belt. That may be 1×12 or I’ve seen today 1×13, or maybe no change if it’s not needed once I’m used to it.

    Appreciate a 36t max rear mech is the wrong tool for the job but if it works, doesn’t cause damage to chain/cassette/mech then it’s fine, isn’t it? Maybe a little like running it at 110% capacity so may wear marginally quicker I guess? But if it’s not a significant issue – which it doesn’t seem to be – I’ll leave it alone. If it is an issue I’ll get a goat link as suggested above.

    Learning so much from this forum. All good stuff too. Thanks all!

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    Looks like it already has a variant of a goat link; I assumed it was part of the new-age mech!

    View post on

    Also, point noted ref get used to it. I’ll do that for now.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys (Runs off to google counter steering)…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the above advice guys. Took it out for its first ride today. You were totally right, once out on the trails don’t think about it and just ride. A bike is a bike.

    And what a bike it is! Rolls over roots and rocks with the big wheels, fox 34s just suck up anything big, massive traction climbing with the big wheels and 2.3 tyres, bloody awesome bit of kit.

    I guess the only insights/reflection I can add for anyone else with the same question is really as above; don’t think too much and just feel where you need to be on the bike (middle/front/back). I completely understand now about how modern bikes like this encourage a chin-on-stem, wide elbow approach. It just feels like that’s where you should be. Heels down, push into pedals and plough the way down.

    Love it. Bikes are fun

    Free Member

    Jambo, fence post was my nemesis on my last ride (25mph to 0 almost entirely with my mouth – 13 stitches to put it back together). Haven’t been out since and now have a totally different bike, hence nervousness/compulsion to think things through. You’re probably spot on though with don’t over think it – I do that with pretty much everything.

    NormalMan – thanks for that. Pretty much the opposite of what I was thinking! Really useful.

    Free Member

    Welcome back! I’m just back into riding after 10 years off and also instantly loved it. Got an old bike running to test whether I still like it and fell instantly back in love with it. So much so I’ve just bought a 2018 orange P7 29er.

    Be careful though, I had a big crash and it really hurts. You’ll have forgotten how much it hurts. I was having too much fun, was riding fairly basic hills but was over confident and forgot my skills are 10 years rusty. I wasn’t far enough over the back, I wasn’t concentrating enough, I was on an old bike and didn’t factor that in enough, and I was going far too fast (again lack of recent experience where you reset your ability to match your speed – I guess you need to work up to scaring yourself enough to know what too fast is, and I just went flat out everywhere). I didn’t break anything but did chip 2 teeth, stitches in both lips and gum to put me back together. It’s been 6 weeks now and I’m pretty well healed but it really, really sucks getting hurt and I completely forgot.

    Don’t let you put you off, it hasn’t put me off at all. I do recognise I need to take it steady and 10 years off is a loooong time, so have fun, stay safe and don’t assume you can get back to your old level in less than 6 months. And get a good helmet! Mine split but likely saved me.

    Enjoy it. Bikes are awesome.

    Free Member

    Honourablegeorge – completely agree. It did have a black saddle and dropper but budget constraints meant I couldn’t afford it (I went £150 over budget as it is). Rich kindly took it off and found a spare post and saddle for me so I could still afford the bike, but it does look the dogs danglies with black saddle and dropper. Something for my Xmas list if not sooner.

    The rest of you, keep the home improvement suggestions coming; putting a smile on my face for sure whilst having a tough work day

    Free Member

    Panic over – it’s sold. Ta.

    Free Member

    Maybe we do a build-a-bike thread; someone offer up a frame, other chip in and say “I’ve got a headset which fits that frame”, someone else says “I’ve got a fork with that steerer size” and we can build a STW special?

    Free Member

    Beat me to it. I emailed Northwind at 11pm but he’s replied to say it’s now sold.

    Hope you enjoy it buddy. I’ll keep hunting. Anyone have an opinion on On One Big Dog? Slightly cheaper alternative to a Crush…but are they any good?

    Free Member

    Genuinely laughing at my phone and she’s wondering what I’m reading lmao

    Free Member

    I just bought a new car. Brand new 5 series. Stock isn’t moving quickly and revenue has taken a beating in the car market (from what I’m told) so I got a 54k car for 34k with 18k guaranteed future value, 4 year PCP basically financing 16k at 3.9% apr.

    Is now a good time to buy a car? I’d say yes – as long as you have confidence in your financial position/job security etc etc.

    Free Member

    Thanks again guys.

    1500(ish) new gives choice of Whyte 901, 905 (ok so a little over but worth it), nukeproof scout comp (the race is £1099 but proper entry kit), commencal meta HT ride (second level up and only 1200 direct from commencal) or meta ht essential For 1700, a range of ragleys and possibly a bird build. All would come with warranties etc as are new.

    Second hand though, there are 2017/18 orange crush pro spec at 1100 – damn nice high spec bikes. Or scout comp/Ragley/Whyte/bird for £950 rather than 1500. All come with compromises but great starting spec.

    Or I build one but worried I’ll keep saying “ah, well, just get the XT rather than SLx” etc and it’ll end up at 2k+ and I’ll have to explain myself to my better half which I’d rather avoid. And so if I recognised now I should compromise, an already complete build makes more sense.

    It’s possible too that my work will have C2W soon. HR are saying they’re “a couple of months away” and my Bday is 17/7 so it might all line up for that too.

    Decisions decisions.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies guys. I was debating new vs used but think a 2019/2018 used good condition complete bike makes more sense. I’m seeing lots of “COVID buyers regret” sale adverts; 2020 complete bikes but listed at broadly list price (no one would pay the same for a used hike with no warranty, surely? Must be lack of new stock driving those sales I guess).

    If I’m buying new I’ll finance it and will go up to 1500 I think. Or, I am seeing 2 year old rrp £2k bikes for 1k so that makes more sense for a quality bike. I think I’m settled on 2nd hand.

    Question then is 1k used or build for 1k. My guy says complete bike is the way to go for now to get me started. Lots of decent bikes for around a grand and may be compromising on brakes, or Groupset or whatever, but if I get a full build with the right frame and forks (hardcore Hardtail) I can’t go too far wrong and like you say, no hidden costs (like forgetting to consider inners, purées, tubes, headset, bb etc etc)

    Birthday is in a month so can’t go shopping yet, just trying to decide what I’ll be shopping for when the time comes. Further opinions welcome!

    Free Member

    All kinds of wrong on what was really nothing technically challenging. 7 stitches bottom lip, 3 in the top and 3 in the gum. Stick punctured up into neck/bottom of jaw. Not fun. Grazed every limb but that’s just superficial.

    Lessons learnt – body weight was way too far forwards, blown rear shock needs replacing and not just dealing with (it was like a 200psi pogo stick), don’t bed new rear pads in whilst also having a blown shock (using too much front brake bias as rears hadn’t bedded), and concentrate! Lack of concentration + weight forwards + pogo + no rear brake = face + fence post. Convinced the missus it was the shitty bikes fault so sold it ASAP and new one to be ordered soon (when she recovers from the upset of the whole thing – I said I wanted to talk about bikes last night but was met with “why, you don’t have one and won’t need one” so me thinks she needs more time).

    Free Member

    Thanks for the links gents. Messaged both this evening. Not supposed to be looking until July so have a little work to do to be able to move quickly.

    Free Member

    Bird looks spot on but at 1500 it’s going to be too expensive as only really looking to spend 1k second hand :/

    There’s a long story to go with it but I’m not allowed to build up from a frame as her indoors isn’t keen on it. Dont ask.

    I guess it’s going to be subjective and depend on the bike, my local type of riding, number of bike park days etc. Maybe a better question is simply does a 1 year old Hardtail perform better than a 5 year old full sus (assume same quality manufacturer etc and build for the same purpose – trail HT vs trail FS, Enduro HT vs enduro FS Etc). Comparing Geometry and components I guess seems sensible

    Free Member

    Yeah, beginner is fair. I can see what I’m doing wrong when I ride so hope I’ll progress well but in terms of skill right now, beginner.

    Re buying used…I know what I’m looking for on a 10 year old 26er so assume it’s still the same – headset play, play in bearings/triangles, shock leaks/rebound, cracks in welds/stress points, brakes holding pressure/calliper and master cylinder free from leaks/evidence of previous leaks (stripped paint/decals), wheel bearings/trueness etc. Anything new to check or has changed since 2005? Maybe today’s hardcore bikes typically have hairline cracks around the head tube if they’re taking more brutal poundings?

    I used to build up my bikes from a frame (benefit of dad owning a shop) so handy with a spanner/maintenance

    Free Member

    Thanks John. Interesting you say the full sus is a better all rounder as that’s what I’m starting to think too.

    Not my first bike (used to ride a lot 10 years ago and worked in a bike shop at the weekends growing up – stepdad owned a shop) but having recently started riding again I can see how bad I am. Slow to pick a line, pulling left/right on little drops, don’t feel one with the bike etc. So hoping to progress quickly but need to be sensible and realistic – probably a year or practice (and to test my commitment) before I go £3k beast. Just want to have some fun for a bit and practice, but don’t want to put grow it (technically speaking as I’m not getting any taller) in 6months

    Free Member

    Also, I’m 5’11 so if anyone has a large per above in the right price bracket they’re liking to move on in July, feel free to message me through this thread or direct. Ta.

    Free Member

    Ha! Yeah, that’s me. Turns out you do forget how to ride a bike, or at least you lose your skills. Still as enthusiastic as ever though. Love it (but I did forget what proper pain was like, that’s not so good).

    Healing pretty well, 4 stitches out and top lip healed, and the rest are probably a day or two away. Gum is coming back (they stitched it back together) and swelling is nearly gone. Another week and I reckon my arms and legs will have healed up too, just a few of the deep scabs left. The hole in my neck is a little worrying as it’s pretty deep but seems to be healing well so far.

    I’m leaning towards using the cycle scheme to fund the bike rather than used bike. I’m guessing a new bike depreciates 40% in the first 2 years (1000 bike becomes worth 600) but if I’m getting 42% off a new bike then actually I can get a new one for the price of a 2018 so should go new. Or better value yet, get an ex demo or new old stock which is already discounted and then cycle scheme 42% off that. If I can find any new old stock that is.

    Still seems a touchy subject so can’t get ahead of myself yet…

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. I was thinking HT as I assume I’ll get more bike for the money and won’t need to muck about with bearings and bushes. I’ll open up my search to include full sus.

    I had a crash last week and broke my face. The kids were terrified of what I looked like and the missus cried every time she looked at me so bike talk is off the table for a month. I’m pricing up what I need so I can go into the conversation with numbers in my head of what I need to “invest” before I low ball myself in what is likely to be an already difficult conversation. If it’s 700 then that’s cool, or 1k, or 1500 then whatever but if I telL her I need a grand I can’t then go asking for 1200. Much better to say “I need 1200” and find “guess what, I saved 200 and got what I needed for a grand”.

    Sounds like I’m in the right ballpark though so that’s good. Can’t wait to get back out but need to finish healing first, then get on the road bike for a bit, then buy a mtb. Likely June/July so if anyone is thinking about getting a new one and wants to sell me theirs I’m in the market 6-8 weeks away.

    I enjoy climbing. I know, I must be a weird Lycra clad XC (insert whatever DH riders call XC riders nowadays here). Can I still climb on something like an orange crush or Nukeproof scout? Reviews suggest so but is that saying they climb better than a full DH rig or do they really climb well? I’m keen to get good again but having broken my face already I’m intentionally going to be cautious now (I’m still a child inside and when someone says “that drop looks too big” I’m the first to say “watch this” so I’m trying to be mature). Seems no point getting a full enduro beast but similarly I don’t want an XC race bike which I can’t get gnarly on once I’m competent again. When I’m on manufacturer websites I think I’m supposed to be looking in the trail or enduro sections but don’t want to end up with multiple bikes, I want a do it all jobbie. Better to go trail or enduro for that? Or build something myself (I’m fairly handy with a spanner)?

    I’ve found some new old stock of 2019 orange crush frames. Maybe I go for a new frame and wheel set then build up second hand groupset and brakes? Crush with pikes, then whatever I need to finish it and upgrade little bits over time? Seems sensible to buy the frame and wheels as new, and get decent forks from the off as trying to justify upgrading the expensive bits later is harder than up front cost. Or the Commencal meta ht seems
    To take 27.5 and 29 so I could buy the entry model and upgrade it over time as it’s a solid platform?

    Thanks again guys. Brand names and models are useful ;)

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