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  • How To Support The Brands You Love – Without Spending A Fortune
  • richpips
    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member

    , or get paid by selling lots of photos, doesn't it…

    you're right of course, the absolute measure of merit is money [/quote]

    If you're self employed be you an artist or an engineer, the merit of your work is indicated in some way by the money you earn?

    Free Member

    Hilarious I think we can see easily enough that robotic photography is hardly the apogee of the discipline! Unless they start handing out awards to speed cameras One shouldn't confuse money making with art…

    Remote photography is used more and more in sporting events. Getty and other big press photographers use it at all the major athletic champs.

    In the 100 metres at a big international event there will be a bank of cameras all controlled remotely to capture the race.

    It's not supposed to be art in that instance. It's a record of a person competing in an event.

    Free Member

    I see everyone else is starting to jump on the 'have a go at PP whilst we can' now.

    Grow up.

    You're the one who started it. You're critising a photographer earning his living doing what he know best. Who are you to judge?

    You don't want to buy a photo, then don't. If you want a photographer to show you looking like a riding god in a variety of poses, then commission one to do so.

    Free Member

    Anyone can sit in their ivory tower and hurl insults you know!

    Now seriously, I'm no great shakes as a photographer

    Two statements of fact from PP.

    Free Member

    I think to make a good living doing event photography the setup with the camera in one place and machine gun the shutter is probably the way forward. I've seen it at plenty of triathlons and other events too. No art, no risks taken, just a shot of a racer racing.

    That way you get a picture of everybody, and the more photographs you have of more people, then the more likely you are to sell sufficient to pay your wages.

    Iirc a road photographer said on Monday he had 15K photos online from one of this weekend's gone events. Which suggest there is one of everybody.

    Most riders are not photographers, and are quite happy with any picture of themselves at the race.

    Free Member

    I like them, lightweight grippy, but as others have said, they are fragile, sidewalls especially.

    Free Member

    And if / when your GPS fails? Thats the issue. You crash into a river – teh GPS has a broken screen and the works are shorted out by the water?

    It's not an issue, if I'm going somewhere remote I carry a spare GPS. Plus I've got more than enough skillz not to fall in a river. Though iirc my GPS is waterproof anyway. I've had GPSs for 5 years and never had one breakdown or send me the wrong way.

    Free Member

    Biggest word in that statement is 'If'

    Well I bet I'm more likely to be able to plot the correct route on a map sat in front of my computer than determine one with a map in one hand, a compass in t'other in a windy whiteout.

    Free Member

    I bet they do carry paper maps as well. A paper map can NEVER go wrong!

    Maybe they do carry paper maps as well. However that won't be their primary means of navigation. Paper maps like their GPS generated brethren are often wrong. OS is being regularly updated.

    Free Member

    The relevance is that too many people underestimate these hills. Have the map and the skills to navigate – don't rely on technology.

    Well I follow mountain rescue stats round my area, and I've yet to see an entry saying that someone got deaded or lost due to their GPS. However I do have plenty of knowledge of people who have been in the hills for many many years whom one would term experienced, who have the map and compass skills, yet who still go the wrong way. 180 degree errors, maps blown away, and mistakes due to tiredness etc.

    If you've plotted the correct course on a GPS all you need to do is follow the dots. a -> b-> c-> etc.

    Free Member

    30+ people die each year in the scottish mountains. Its one of the most remote and wild areas in Europe.

    What relevance has that got to having a map as opposed to a GPS.

    I mostly use just a GPS these days, and I do carry a spare one just in case.

    Oh, and I'll bet those guys from RAF Kinloss don't use paper maps, but instead a GPS based system.

    Free Member

    Well if nothing else you might find out from him why he chose to leave, and then chose to not stay in touch once he had.

    My father did something similar to his first family. However he might not tell you anything and indeed might be a c*ck without remorse. ;)

    Free Member

    why the **** would anyone want to ride in the peak on any weekend, nevermind a bank holiday one.

    I do and rarely see anyone. 50 miles on good Friday and saw 3 other riders. Can't say I go to Ladybower much though.

    Free Member

    My guess is that as the chain is thinner than 9/10 speed then it's going to break more often.
    Maybe the chain tool would be a wise investment.

    Free Member

    Ladybower on a Bank Holiday weekend. Did you think this was a little known place that wouldn't attract the crowds. More fool you going there in the first place.

    Free Member

    Magazine cover shot taken with my GF1.


    Free Member

    chillipepper who posts here went to Morocco some years back.

    Free Member

    Congrats to theboatman.

    Best thing for me is I packed my panniers for two days exploring starting tomorrow. New trails, and a pleasant respite from two ill kids this week.

    Free Member

    I too appreciate photoshop/lightroom/aperture/noiseninja/photomatix etc etc.

    They all have their place.

    Agreed, it probably is possible. BUT, what makes the photo set up with lights better than that without and using PS? Just another bit of equipment surely…

    You won't have those black bits showing "blue" which means that all (or most) of the picture will have detail.

    Free Member

    Billingham iirc had a training in fine art so he'd have the creative thing, oh and he shot on film.

    If you'd shot that on film you'd have been knackered (presuming you are not a wizard in the darkroom too)

    Free Member

    I'm not really bothered about technical stuff like that though…it doesnt always result in a good image, it results in a well exposed image which isnt always right for every situation.


    Learn the technical stuff, and choose to ignore it later if you wish. You're trying to build a castle from sand.

    Free Member

    hmmm it is? Theres detail in the whole of the image allowing me to then choose where i want the main emphasis to be etc in photoshop. No details lost to highlights or shadows… a little underexposed maybe…

    Read this.

    Free Member

    the finishng touches need to be done in photshop/aperture

    Or you could have got the lighting right in the first place.

    Free Member

    I've always found I've got more for parting out bikes than the price I originally offered the complete bike for.

    Free Member

    angle grinder does it fast :)

    Free Member

    carradice sqr tour holds loads, that and a bar bag would hold close to 20 litres.

    Free Member

    P clips, but I wouldn't advise it.

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday Dave

    Free Member

    My 2p. We sold up a couple of years back, and spent a few months in our camper. I thought of getting a van and then doing a diy job. Consensus seems to be that unless you are keeping the van for a long time, then this is a waste of money, as proportionally, you'll not get monies spent back. Dependant on where you want to go (in Europe) a caravan would be a nightmare on some of the more minor roads, whereas we only nearly came unstuck once (unmarked low bridge) with our camper.

    As to campervans needing packing away before leaving, the only thing we did was turn off the gas bottle, push in the step and wind in the awning. Two minute tops.

    I wouldn't have one for the odd weekend away though, as storage, depreciation, and basic running costs soon add up, and make hiring one for even 4 weeks of the year seem a better proposition.

    Free Member

    Thx for the reminder.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Strotobiker – sorry if offence was taken, but your offer still suggests that you want to take advantage of someone who needs the money rather than paying fair market value for the work.

    Surely it's not unreasonable that someone who is out of work is asking for something for less than the going rate.

    You don't of course have to oblige if you're too busy raking in the big bucks.

    Free Member

    I've ridden most stuff round the dark peak on a cross bike. Hadn't thought of putting a route together avoiding the big rocks, though something must be possible.

    Free Member

    I'm in. Well over 400 entered now.

    Free Member

    Weather has nothing to do with my being there or otherwise.

    Free Member

    Mmmm car is in the menders.

    a) may arrive

    b) may go for ride with small child local.

    Free Member

    I shal be bringing most things, including a small child.

    Free Member

    richpips – where did you source those bits?

    Ebay for the 4/3rds-FD adaptor (via poland).

    Free Member

    I use the 20mm f/1.7 and a 50mm f/1.4 Canon FD lens which with the adaptor cost £100.

    Free Member

    … the forecast snow.

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