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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • RichJJ
    Free Member

    Some sort of swelling in the Acromioclavicluar Joint which the impact from cycling seems to agrivate. It got realy bad just after I went on a skills course and learned how to pump

    Free Member

    Doing stretches religiously, last few months has been hands off treatment to reduce pain/internal swelling. Been having laser then a combination of short wave pulse and ultrasound twice a week for the last 3 weeks.

    Free Member

    X-ray was clear, have been to GP today for a referral for an MRI scan to see if its just swelling or something else that didn’t show on the x-rays as I dont think I want the injections unless I have to, although the other sujestion of 4 weeks off the bike was even less appealing!!

    Free Member

    If you get 40p per mile for 400 miles per week then you are going to be taxed on some of it. The maximum without being taxed is 45p per mile for first 10,000 and 25p per mile for everything after that. Leasing would be an option worth considering IME. Look at some of the diesel BMW’s, unlimited mileage warranty, car tells you when it wants a service and what it wants (I get 20,000 miles between oil changes) and fuel enconomy is very good, I can get 50+ mpg (got over 62mpg on a 400 mile round trip on Monday and was still home in time for dinner) on a 4 year old 3 series and the new ones are even better.

    Free Member

    Just bought mine, book the coffee van :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve just been in to the ASDA store and checked everywhere including the UHT aisle and nothing ?? Tesco only stock two flavours, not theVanillawhich is the one I was looking for and Waitrose dont have them as I’ve been it there also yesterday. Anyone know where I can get them, apart from online ?


    Free Member

    Can’t find them anywhere on the ASDA website ?

    Free Member

    +1 for “LEAVE IT” “WAIT” and either left or right. Mine always runs along side on the left so that on the road shes on the verge, so never bothered to teach “right” as she just follows, left was more crucial as she gets a bit of nose rub with the spokes if she doesnt turn left quick enough. If sounds a bit cruel but the first time she got a front wheel up her backside was also the last, she now runs behind, or well in front so thats that sorted.

    Free Member

    Get the commercial version of the Henry, looks like a Henry in every way but doesnt say Henry on the outside, dual speed motor and the motor is guaranteed for two years. We have hundreds of them and at least 500 people using them. They last, and I have only ever changed one under warranty. Under £100 (£80 ish ex VAT) However, USE a bag !!

    Free Member

    Have a look at Purple Bike Shed (near Nokia) Highly recommend for quality of work and price.

    Free Member

    Middle age, dunno… but does it come before you race in Vets ?

    A veteran (from Latin vetus, meaning “old”)

    Free Member

    +1 for the HMO approach.

    Free Member

    WorldClassAccident – Member

    Jedi – It is the weekend of August 21st and 22nd this year although you can turn up on the Friday if you want to.

    Not the 20th and 21st then … ?

    Free Member

    I am hoping not to dislocate both shoulders this time

    How TF do you dislocate both shoulders at once?

    By crowd surfing from the stage when somethings missing, the crowd !!

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    Double Decker

    Bloody hell, now getting the answers to ones that I havent even put up !!

    Free Member

    Solar orbiting bodies, I thought maybe Asteroids as Mars has already been used ?

    Free Member

    Sounds good, thanks.

    OK then, the ones that we have done but are not completly sure on or have 2 possible answers…

    Our star cluster ?

    Solar Orbiting bodies ?

    Give us a ?, Anthea as Brucie might have said

    Are you a ? case?

    In the mane, you’ll enjoy this one

    Sounds like a sadistic nut, this one

    Free Member

    Riding before 7, left kids instructions on how the toaster works

    Free Member

    Halfords often do half price deals. Condition normally is that you need to buy something from the Bike Dept and then you can purchase as man cans as you like half price. GT85 itself is a qualifying purchase

    Free Member

    Looking for longer than 10 hour battery for his camping trips, the Sony is only battery backup from what I can see so that would rule that one out.

    Free Member

    Some of the stuff is good and some not so, trial and error really. I bought some of the compresion shorts and vests, got them last year too and consider them value for money. From experience though I would not touch the full Zip top again as the zip was far too stiff, if you looked down it poked your eye out. Fingerless gloves are OK for a season, so bought another pair. Trying the half zip top and socks this time also. No work stand though :cry:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sites blocked through server at work are also blocked on my BB, however, can get Facebook through the app.

    Free Member

    In the washing machine with all the other bike gear, no problem

    Free Member

    4 Season sleeping bags were reduced from £70 to £35 in Millets a week or 2 ago, my son bought one for his scouts camping trip this weekend. As above, most decent sleeping bags do tend to come as ‘mummy bags’ which aids the retention of warmth. As k-sugden says, if you are in a caravan I too would ditch the sleeping bag idea and go for a decent duvet, we have a static and if we are there in really cold weather also use an ‘all night’ electric blanket.

    Free Member

    Interesting fact about (the word) Thailand – it’s one of the few words where Irish people go out of their way to pronounce the “Th”

    We have to, otherwise it sounds like that place that Noddy comes from :lol:

    Free Member

    Quoted £35 for a wheel build at LBS a week ago

    Free Member

    @Harrison, course was looking good at the weekend, a bit wet and a couple of muddy bits but by no means a mud fest, Pants and Co have done a good job so far

    Free Member

    :lol: Water can’t sit on Hills :lol:

    Free Member

    Waiting for this also, on the newsletter mailing list, not this week !!

    Free Member

    M3 down to 2 lanes between 4a and 4

    Free Member

    struggling too

    Free Member

    We got a Border Collie/Lab cross a few years ago from a rescue centre. Great Dog, good with Kids, grew out of chewing phase and we trained her ourselves to suit our needs (never done it before) I take the dog out on the bike, she knows not to run in front on the trails, when we cycle on the road she is on the lead and she runs on the path, I cycle on the road, she never pulls so its not a chore, 15 miles on Saturday morning. As above, most rescue centres wont let you have a dog with kids but we eventually found one that did as we were determined to rehome a rescue dog as it semed wrong to have to buy a pedigree just because we had kids when we didnt intend showing/breding. We even managed to get her as a 10 week old pup so she grew up with the kids and didnt come with unsurmountable baggage. Works for us and wouldnt be without her.

    Free Member

    On the Beeb HD channel also

    Free Member

    from the clutches

    Free Member

    Got to be the Kiwi first and Banana a close second

    Free Member

    Ordered some stuff week before last on Sunday night, delivered Thursday morning.

    Free Member

    Having done in previously and having ordinary DIY skills I would say that with the right tools and enough time its doable IF the bloody door frames are square, if not its time to call someone.

    Free Member

    You need to turn it around and have some fun with them as they wont take no for an answer and wont give up. Something as simple as answer the phone and once they start just leave it to one side, soon you’ll hear the Hello ? Hello ? followed shortly after by the dial tone, you can also use the ‘hes down the bottom of the garden, hang on and I’ll get him for you’ I like to put them on speaker phone now while they ‘wait’ as I like to hear them puffing and sighing before they hang up. Dont get as many as I used to, shame really….

    Free Member

    I’m using a Carlton ‘Isoblade graphite’ Used it every week for last 2 years, nice and light and good balance. I’d highly recomend it, had a Carlton one before that too. Never felt the need to spend big bucks on anything else. Bought it in Sports Direct for £24.99, label said it was marked down from £79.99 ?? Sports Direct is worth a look as they normally have a few decent ones marked down to a reasonable price and you can have a feel of the weight and balance.

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