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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • rhinofive
    Full Member

    as a non-horsist I’ve never heard a good explanation of what happened to animals that were taken into battle for centuries and now seemingly have a breakdown if a gnat farts within a three county radius?

    Full Member

    I’ll try again:

    Three for the price of one: Rigid MtB / flat-bar gravelbike / beach racer


    Full Member

    Three for the price of one: Rigid MtB / flat-bar gravelbike / beach racer

    Ridley Ignite

    Full Member

    rozzer on the bike didn’t have hi-viz on, I know who I blame etc etc etc

    Full Member

    anyone got an e-mail contact for Planet X; their live chat just times out and had no reply to a tweet earlier…….

    Full Member

    didn’t Matthew & Luke (of Bible fame) both say “Sikh and you will find”

    Full Member

    I hold such action in Beauregarde……


    they’ve never suddenly turned violet for no reason

    Kudos for shoe-horning in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reference 😉

    Full Member

    possibly three different permits depending upon where you’re going to / from

    Full Member

    they’ve misunderstood the difference between ‘right of access’ and ‘ownership’?

    As above, if the works are now done I’d not worry about it

    Full Member


    They really are fantastic creatures. You can’t out climb them, out run them or swim away. They’re better (and quicker) at all three

    you don’t need to be able to outrun / climb / swim the bear, just at least one of the people you’re with

    Full Member



    – that’ll probs be cause miss pvc be tied up right now in errrrr pvc. 😜

    what a dirty mind!…….I’d always assumed she was just a fan of modern window frames

    Full Member

    I’ve given up trying to get the photo linked, but stern-looking lady of a certain age near us drove M155 PVC (although not seen it / her recently)

    Full Member

    my and all my chins are in

    Full Member

    just scraped through 45/50; few unlucky guesses on the different colours of cat eyes across a motorway and which colour lights doctors & coastguard have

    Full Member

    scant consolation I’m sure, but at least you had the chance to say goodbye.

    Was talking to a friend yesterday who lost his best man a few days before after he went for a run, came home, showered /changed and then just collapsed.

    Full Member

    I managed to dislocate my shoulder at Grafham Water last year


    Full Member

    I’ll be there, so pre-emptive apologies to anyone who finds themselves stuck behind me when it starts going upwards

    STW sticker on the back of the bike so give me a push as you pass

    Full Member

    don’t waste your time looking at crime stats, house prices or google maps, just google image search ‘Whittlesea Straw Bear’ or look at this for an idea of what it might be like to live in the fens


    Full Member

    I can only assume that anyone getting towards Northampton or Stamford to / from Cambridge in an hour are either traveling by helicopter or at 2am when the A14 isn’t a car park

    AFAIK Wisbech has two plus points: they make Elgoods there and it isn’t Kings Lynn

    Full Member

    Vehicle braking has moved on massively and all the tech that goes in to it nowadays seems to be ignored.

    No arguments here. To the best of my knowledge the braking distances listed in THC haven’t changed in my lifetime, I’m reasonably sure that my 17-plate Octavia can out-brake a Ford Anglia.

    I’m no ‘making progress’ driving god but one minor indiscretion on the way out of village past the last junction, house and pavement but crucially before the NSL sign did see me doing a speed course a few years ago. The instructor tried to pre-empt that question by saying that although brakes had improved, this was off-set by ‘reaction time’ – I asked how reducing the largest part of the overall time to stop would be off-set by the smaller part staying the same but didn’t get an answer.

    I also asked if they could explain why DfT guidance in the form of Manual for Streets & DMRB had been updated to reflect the performance of modern vehicles rather than relying on the Highway Code (1960s?) but again no answer.

    Once they’d come out with bollocks about the most dangerous driver they’d ever known did the course and became an instructor themselves I knew it was just Bullshit Bingo / Adult Detention and nodded and smiled at the appropriate moments to go home as soon as possible

    Full Member

    Have you tried to invite Kate Humble round yet?

    I was going to give them another night or two to see if they unearth any bones and ask if Alice Roberts was interested

    by way of a badger update, it seems we’re now just playing host to one permanent resident (unless they’re taking it in turns to snaffle the peanuts we’ve put out)

    Full Member

    Bubs & Zilog – not saying there is a problem; as has been picked up our garden is more recreational than decorative space so not unduly worried about their snuffling around, but more wondering if a domestic garden with kids likely to be clattering around more as we get to summer hols is going to be an ideal home for them. But also if there would be any downside for us if they dig under the walls etc?

    Thats why I want to speak to the RSPCA or hear from anyone else with any advice…….

    Full Member

    I’ll agree that East Anglian low rainfall and two kids don’t seem to do a great deal for the lawn, but on the plus side the hedges have several nests of baby robins to keep us on-brand

    Full Member

    I thought it would be either the shed or birdbox that got the first comment, but yes that is on the to-do list too

    Full Member

    I’d always assumed the signs at the Tunnel were directly aimed at keeping Farage out of the place?

    No Faraging Allowed

    Full Member
    Full Member

    my first ‘proper’ MtB……..enjoy constantly picking the crap out of the rear brake

    Full Member

    Gnusmas – I’m the second rider through on your video………so everyone else was soon to ride past me as I followed the guy in front who went the wrong way right near the finish and we did a couple of laps of some picnic tables and rejoined the course where we’d left it

    I tried to say ‘cheers’ to as many marshals as possible on the Sunday; hopefully got you, but if not have one now

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I’ll be there again this year, and the speed I go at if you take your paintbrushes and a canvass you should be able to do a decent job of capturing me at ‘race pace’

    Full Member

    overlooking Albertville

    Full Member

    Fair cop, my personal view is he is a self-entitled cockwomble, not necessarily for his driving (although his claim of doing 15mph is of course his word) but more so for deciding to tell us what a driving god he was, how the girl he hit was lucky it was him and of course that despite everyone with a professional understanding of all the issues deciding otherwise he demands a zebra crossing / lollipop lady because he knows better.

    Re cars parking near the school, I’m sure we all know the maximum length of ‘SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR’ zig-zags is 43metres per access, so despite having had an extra set added beyond what was mandated this still leaves beyond 20m either side of the access as not restricted for parents to park………no matter how much we have done to make walking / cycling / scooting as easy as possible.

    Not saying child didn’t wander out from directly behind the car she had been in, we all know they haven’t got the same roadcraft as adults but equally wouldn’t bet against her having been startled by the sound of a skidding car as perhaps he jammed on the anchors realising the cars in front of him were stationary. Who knows?

    Re notifying the rozzers, I got the email this afternoon and will be doing so tomorrow

    Full Member

    Picking up a few bits from the responses:

    * Yes, ‘we’ are the school

    * Wasn’t planning on getting an angry mob with torches to pay him a visit, but more to check I wasn’t missing anything obvious before getting back to him

    * New school site; relocated from other side of the village and only opened in January

    * Access, parking, road signs & markings all been very recently scrutinised and agreed with highways authority, planning dept and plod. carriageway reduction & ‘give way’ features to allow for a segregated cycle lane has obviously proven popular with the local driving gods

    * Yes he hit the child, no he didn’t called plod

    * Child thankfully not injured

    * No witnesses to corroborate his tale, but child came from car parked on ‘school side’ of the road and was getting wellies out of the boot, so not (or shouldn’t have been) crossing the road as he says

    * EDIT – we also have a secure, covered cycle or scooter space for every child and encourage all to use them or walk as part of a shiny new travel plan

    Full Member

    my first week results can be considered somewhat skewed by having spent most of the week in bed (on the sick list not recreationally) without eating; seemingly effective in the short-term, but probably not a good long-term model for anyone to seek to emulate.

    On the plus side, there must be another bumper week ahead of me when I stop being mostly phlegm and finally cough it all up

    well done to all who made a more conventional start to proceedings……..

    Full Member


    Of course it did sir, no need to say any more

    Full Member

    Read an interesting tale “where the eagle landed” (IIRC) where claims of a small-scale landing (and abandoned kit) suggest Suffolk(?) coastline was being recce’d as part of Sealion planning

    Full Member

    Balls I can see it out the window now!

    thats no moon

    Full Member

    Just watched that ‘Lights out’ short and as she plugs the light in and goes back under the covers a pair of glasses fell off the shelf next to me and landed on the desk……… I hardly jumped at all*

    *This may not be entirely true

    Full Member

    Yes there are those sort of conspiracy theories where it would be easy enough to debase them, however there are others such as JFK murder which is not quite so easy.

    unless you actually read anything other than just the conspiracy theories………..

    Full Member

    for all that the occasional thread descends into a clash of ‘experts’ or whateraboutery, I thought I’d let you know this thread has just done some real tangible good; rider (of a certain age) blacked out whilst riding this afternoon and went down.

    Much post-incident ‘MTFU’ blokey type nonsense was shouted down by a lightbulb going on above my head and citing this thread and info within. At best he might have gone to the quacks in the morning (and even then only because of the cuts & bruising from hitting the deck) but instead is now in hospital

    pats on the back all round

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