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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • rhinofive
    Full Member

    My Tacx Flux ate itself a couple of days ago (and luckily just within warranty), was really happy with it until then and much prefer the Tacx app with real HD film of routes all over the world than any of the make believe underwater volcano types.

    I’m hoping it gets fixed or replaced as prices seem to have gone through the roof, and availability the other way

    Full Member


    Absolute hoot but wouldn’t want to have to spend too long in it as harsh and loud.

    Also, anyone putting one in sport mode +/or not being very careful with their right foot when its wet needs their head looking at.

    Still get people wanting to know what it is as the sound it makes just burbling in tick over does not seem right for something that size.

    Great fun, but my back much prefers the Disco

    Edit – without tyres, you can also get two 29 wheels in the ‘boot’!

    Full Member

    I was told the first twenty or twenty five years are the worst; not been proven wrong so far…….

    Full Member

    No cutting sharp angle junctions, turning right for instance where in real life you’d cut across the left hand lane for example etc.

    so no driving on the wrong side of the road where nobody should expect you to be then?

    Full Member

    I’ve got a pair of Northwave Celsius which are good for warmth & water resistance, but have the dreadful ‘speed lace system’ which is a shonky drawstring which means I can never get them tight enough to stop my foot moving around in the boot, with regular unclipping misadventures as a result.

    They seem to have ditched it and gone to Boas on newer models, so they should be much better

    Full Member

    yet this last month I’ve had, ‘use your bell’ every off road ride…

    yep, I have a bell but always give a ‘rider back’ or ‘on your left / right’ call but find an increasing number of people want to be told to get out the way by the ringing of a bell, perhaps they’ve become so accustomed to being bullied out the way by drivers that their brains can’t cope with being asked?

    Full Member


    as aP above, this is the correct answer

    Full Member

    anyone have this?

    statue removed by the Council

    Full Member

    thanks, and good luck everyone

    Full Member

    thanks…….thats where she is; 3 months notice within her contract would take her into another full year of service for calculating redundancy payment. Not a great deal more, but better than a poke in the eye and all that

    presumably agreeing any form of gardening leave so she doesn’t actually have to work out the notice period wouldn’t change anything?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I’m no expert but couple of things from me:

    after another knee re-build I thought off-road would be better (softer?) but physio said road would be better bet to avoid uneven surfaces and risk of twisting / stretching to avoid holes etc

    I sometimes carry a bottle, but find a running one (smaller diameter) or small ‘panda pop’ type (2/300mm?) bottle easier to carry

    20 mins of running is still a good effort

    Full Member

    train to London, Eurostar (to Amsterdam?), connection from there to Munich?

    I’ve always found trains and connection in Europe to be as good & hassle-free as you’d imagine

    hope you get something worked out

    Full Member

    …does it really get on anyone else’s tits that TV shows always seem to use the same bit of Millbrook road for any roadside action/drama shot!

    easy signifier that something requiring a stuntman is about to happen…….

    Full Member

    Surely the blade is the ‘business’ bit of the whole blade+handle setup? The handle is just a little metal stick with a clip on the end.

    ….or the handle (and how I come to have it) is the sentimental bit I mentioned and I’m happy with Mach3 blades but wondered if there was an alternative to getting stiffed for a couple of quid a pop

    As per PJ & Teethgrinder looks like I’ll treat myself to a trip to ASDA or Co-Op and see if they have something

    Full Member

    When will they learn indeed

    rather than give their ‘Hurrah’ headline as Exhibit A, how about the production of munitions in 1915…..

      Daily Mail attacks Kitchener

    A sensational version of the story was printed in the popular Daily Mail on 21 May, blaming Kitchener, under the headline “The Shells Scandal: Lord Kitchener’s Tragic Blunder”. Lloyd George had to warn Northcliffe that the campaign was counterproductive and creating sympathy for Kitchener.

    Full Member

    I’ve yet to see the printed edition of an MTB mag with a female on the front cover

    Honestly I’ve left this thread well alone, but you’d have to have gone out of your way not to notice. I’ve got three from the pile of just 7-8 in the smallest room reading material collection (2 from Singletrack Anka Martin on the front of 126, and a couple (man and woman) on the cover of 128), and one from MBUK (Manon Carpenter on the front of Jan this year) I can think of times either Tahnee or Rachel has been on the cover of various mags as well.

    this…and not just the covers; Mrs R has certainly noticed that both the editorial & advert photos seem to have a good mix of men & women

    Full Member

    I live and ride in a part of the country with both more game birds (mainly pheasants), rabbits and birds of prey of all shapes and sizes than you can shake a stick at; its only when I go riding in Yorkshire or Northumberland that it hits me that I never see them as roadkill at home as I do there…….either my local wildlife is so much better at not getting run over or something is keeping numbers of birds of prey* down up there?

    *yes I know about crows

    Full Member

    Mister P

    I love that film. Kinky Boots is the only one I know of that had any filming in Northampton.

    …….although I suspect the rail station with the fields behind it was filmed somewhere else?

    EDIT – google tells me they used the quiet sleepy village of , err, Wellingborough for that bit

    Full Member

    I rode Sandhill Sandpit, Sandy Lane, Sandy yesterday; can report it was quite dry

    Full Member

    Having looked at who took the kom (name rang a bell) it’s the vicar’s husband.

    Take it back, he’ll forgive you……

    Full Member

    on a similar note, delivery at PX showing at £19.99 or £24.99 for next day; no Royal Mail option?

    Full Member

    Same height and have been a stone (or two) either way and am now several years into an Eames that still feels boxfresh

    Full Member

    Has it (or anywhere near) been the subject of a planning application?…..will be ownership info within if so

    Full Member

    There seems to be a lot like

    This chancer

    Who seem to just make up their power (and who no doubt weighs no more than 12kg too)

    Full Member

    it seems the naughty word filter doesn’t replace each letter with a star

    Full Member

    I’m sure my 1996 GT LTS3 was £1200…..with original cantis immediately swapped out for Maguras which are still going strong to this day

    Full Member

    Harriet Jumper Jet


    Full Member

    no hard data on the bacon / bread / ketchup issue but Mrs R did once explain to the kids that sandwiches are called sandwiches because they were invented by the Duke of Wellington

    Full Member

    OP – kids exactly the same age and exactly the same concerns / thoughts.

    With about 1/3 of the kids already staying away (from the village primary of the youngest) and teachers staying away in similar numbers I suspect the Head saying she is staying at home too from today will be the final straw and they’ll close very soon.

    Both me & Mrs R are working from home and we have miles of (relatively) deserted countryside outside the door so hopefully we can fend off cabin fever for a while…….

    good luck everyone

    Full Member

    we have a boy with a cough (amongst other ‘common cold’ symptoms) but no temperature; kept him away as didn’t want him to be ‘shamed’ for putting everyone at risk even though we’re sure he has a cold and nothing else

    Full Member

    I’m hoping one will really bring the tea alive…..

    Full Member

    Linda Smith had it nailed: “the problem in the Middle East is that, somehow, our oil has ended up under their sand.”

    Full Member

    One is meant for short but intense rides, max 33mm tyre clearance, short wheelbase / nimble steering and the other for longer rides on 40mm+ tyres; so ‘specific’ bikes will be very different in feel.

    You can obviously use for either, but will be compromised in one way or another.

    Sounds like you have ‘gravel’ rather than CX riding in mind, so I’d suggest looking for a bike that might be comfier for longer rides, takes bigger tyres, has bottle mounts etc

    Full Member

    surely if it helps just one of the thousands of US military personnel, diplomats, bankers (and their family members) remember which side of the road to drive on over here and that forgetting to do so has consequences for them as well as the poor sods they will otherwise kill / injure / scare to death then some good will come out of it.

    Full Member

    5” wheels with wide 2.6” Maxxis tubeless tyres

    good luck getting it over anything larger than a small pebble

    Full Member

    On a (slightly) related note, CTT the pointy-hatted time trial body voted at the weekend to make rear lights mandatory for all riders in all events……so that includes daytime events, circuit events & closed road events.

    I will bet it won’t be long before some lawyer uses the fact a non-racing cyclist didn’t have a rear light on to mitigate blame after their client has hit them with a vehicle.

    A vote to make helmets compulsory was only just unsuccessful.

    The majority of non-cyclists see no difference between a yoof on a BSO, an old boy on a Hetchins, a tester on the E2 or one of us on our best Gnarpoon; we’re all just ‘cyclists’ so why shouldn’t we all be subject to the same rules….in the same way we all jump red lights because they saw one do it once.

    I have no strong feelings on e-bikes, but don’t think the OP’s thought process is too far-fetched

    Full Member

    its been a while since this particular aspect of law has crossed my radar, but I’ve got a distant memory of there being a ‘working assumption’ that six was the maximum number of pets a household can have to be considered as a normal part of ‘the residential enjoyment of a dwellinghouse’, beyond that number you would be considered to be undertaking some form of commercial activity and require the necessary consents from planning & licencing perspectives


    Full Member

    No deal better than a ……..

    Full Member

    sorry to hear that OP; Mrs R has been dealing with RA for a few years now and if her experiences are anything to go by there is no one-size-fits-all silver bullet which will make everything OK.

    If it helps, there will be good days ahead once they find a combination of drugs which works, but (in our experience at least) you probably do need to be set for a fairly lengthy process of (informed) guesswork / trial & error(?) before they get there

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