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  • Make Your October Better With Singletrack Magazine
  • rhinofive
    Full Member

    not read every single page but seems the take away message I can apply to everyday life is I need to educate myself that all the drivers who give me close passes are just playing and don’t mean me any real harm as only a couple of them have ever actually hit me, and none of those killed me.

    Furthermore, I should accept that every aspect of society and the environment needs to be designed to cater for their wish to impose their lifestyle choice on everyone else – thats it isn’t it?

    Full Member

    Veloviewer tells me that over many hundreds of rides, and with an average ride time within 8 mins of each other that my 1987 Vitus 787 Futural (8-spd, downtube shifters & alu box-section wheels) is 0.2kmph slower than my ‘best’ carbon road bike

    Full Member

    I desperately want to swap the bars on my bike, but won’t because of the “Hold my Cider and Watch This” sticker.

    I’ve kept a broken frame for similar reasons

    Full Member

    issues / arguments covered in a comic article

    Full Member

    no; it took just over 24 hours for the order to be processed, packed and parcel reach the UK……….and then nothing for 2 weeks until the letter wanting money came today

    Full Member

    you’re right; Excise Duty was £0.00, but in the fold on the letter

    Full Member

    probably not, but at least they have then in stock as nothing to be found here

    Full Member

    ….so after two weeks of silence on the parcel tracking front I got a bill from Parcel Force for Customs Duty, Excise Duty, Import Tax and their Clearance Fee


    Full Member

    I also ordered cranks and a rear mech at the weekend and had dispatch confirmation e-mail this morning

    Full Member

    ‘best wheels’ are tubs with something fast on (currently Michelin Jets, in green obvs) and then a spare set or two of clinchers for it its too muddy or the P-Fairy pays a visit

    as above, changing tubs for the conditions looks like far too much of a faff, especially as my podium-bothering days aren’t so much long gone as never really existed

    Full Member

    Full Member

    – nah, it’s an average photo of a cuttlefish in its winter roost😜

    well now David Attenborough has shown us what Cuttlefish get up to given half a chance I expect you’ll soon attract the attention of the dogging & dildo brigade

    Full Member

    bit more off this week, and for the first time last night had an epiphany of realising I was enjoying feeling hungry

    well done everyone, keep it going……

    Full Member

    ……and now with a “coming soon, Spring 2021” banner; looks like another batch on the way

    Full Member

    I haven’t managed to break my warranty-replacement Flux2; mainly because it hasn’t turned up yet, but you take your victories where you can…..

    Full Member

    Forgot about slightly disconcerting things in trees……


    Full Member

    I think if you combine everything already mentioned and add ripping up hedges and grass to replace with astroturf and always using your awful ugly BMW X6 to hoon through the village you’ve pretty much nailed our excellent new(ish) neighbours

    Full Member

    Blood-soaked knife on a very rarely used bridleway on a night ride; took it to the nearest farm and gave it to the guy in the house who had no idea where it came from (or was a very cool knife murderer) and called plod the next morning

    I’m now wondering having read most of the finds in this thread if it wasn’t someone’s terrible choice of emergency dildo

    Full Member

    1kg on the nose for me; lockdown, weather and replacement turbo still in transit means I’ve done almost nothing this week, so guess mostly due to it not being the festive feeding frenzy

    good work everyone

    Full Member

    The guy in Croydon who I think pioneered the ‘shark in the roof’ to annoy his neighbours and the Council after a planning dispute subsequently moved on to driving a tank* around the one way system as very slow speeds to bring the roads to a halt

    *OK, possibly an APC


    EDIT – bloody picture uploading

    Full Member

    why? simply unhappy with a decision or think they’ve actually erred in law?

    Full Member

    hopefully any non-limited edition versions will have that dynamo cable hidden somewhere a bit less shonky-looking. Other than that though I’ve got my heart set on one…….

    Full Member

    snap; they’re gone from the French website but still showing on the Belgie one (albeit out of stock)

    Full Member

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, lamb baste


    Full Member

    Our club put out an interpretation of ‘stay local’ that was to only ride in the county you live in; from home I can see (and ride into on normally empty trails) two other counties, whereas Google tells me the other end of my county is 54 miles away by bike

    I would consider a 50 min / 20km solo jaunt taking in 3 counties as considerably less of a pinkle-take than a 110 mile out and back which requires riding through several towns

    That said, and for the foreseeable future I’m minded to turbo in the garage and plod around the village for fitness rather than seeking exciting riding

    Please add this to the 43 pages of not having moved anything on in any useful way!

    Full Member

    My 1988 Rockhopper had that ridiculous rear brake

    Had a yellow Townsend the year before, so going with 1987 as my MtB start date

    Full Member

    we’ve just had to notify all parents we will be opening up the School tomorrow as planned unless things change before 8.30am tomorrow morning…… wonder if we’ve got enough time to agree a new Risk Management protocol for tomorrow before it needs to go in the bin at 8pm

    what a shambles

    Full Member

    apologies if already said in the thread, but the doc I linked to earlier contains these snippets re how kids might not often become seriously ill, but are very effective at passing it on…..


    Full Member

    We have a (Tier 4) County Council telling us its all good; meeting tomorrow with appropriate extracts from this to suggest that might not be the case or in the best interests of our staff, pupils or wider community

    Full Member

    OP – I’m the same height and a Ridley fanboy; I normally go for a size large frame but suspect medium would be a better fit on some

    Full Member

    Just about thawed out from getting over the line earlier. Max temp of -1° on the Garmin but mainly stuck to roads that had been gritted.

    Well done to everyone who saw it through


    Full Member

    Full Member
    We were once given the advice ‘never go into a supermarket with more kids than hands’

    yep, and as any centrehalf will confirm, it means you need to stop man-for-man marking and go zonal……which never works well

    Full Member

    I’m assuming my required weekly weight loss being coloured in blue is a marker for over-optimistic bullshine?

    EDIT – some magic seems to have happened and its now just over-optimistic but in black

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Near here is Bedfordshire and they’re on flood alert red. Had so much rain on the 23rd.

    …….and all flood gates opened earlier in Bedford to send it all downstream; St Neots & St Ives next towns in line

    Full Member

    right; I’m up to 60 but have nothing for the plaster on the trotter or the bath – they’ve got to be them?

    Full Member

    ….I’ve got two each for the apples & clock; was wondering if there was more on either?

    Full Member

    ….not sure if that makes it better or worse!

    haven’t got anything for the crisps either, that must be one

    Full Member

    58 for me, with the following looking like they should be where I need to focus:

    antlers top right?
    ram on the table?
    whatever the hell that is (with a plaster?) on the chair?
    the bath and whatever it is on top of it?

    don’t think I’ve made any use of the fish (apart from the unlucky one on the table)

    two on the clock & two for the apples?

    please send easy to get clues…….or beer

    Full Member

    I startled / was startled by deer, a badger, rabbits and some alpacas on my run. No goat action though

    Full Member

    basic first aid kit & foil blanket for me; I’m assuming the next time I do myself a bloody mischief in the middle of nowhere I probably won’t have the good fortune again for the next person down the trail to not only be a surgeon but also one who hasn’t gone tubeless and therefore able to fashion a tourniquet at the drop of a hat.

    Full Member

    So sorry. I know words from a stranger won’t make things better, so hoping it helps to know there are people thinking of you

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