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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • rhinofive
    Full Member

    Nazis are members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. This organization no longer exist. The term “Nazis” is now used as a slur to denigrate people we don’t like.

    Well I for one hope we can soon be told how “they were socialists actually, its literally in their name bro. Do your research”

    Full Member


    Cambridgeshire Highways love a gnarpoon

    Full Member

    without having yet read through all of the replies, so apologies if someone else has mentioned it but many years ago as a law student I relied on a House of Lords finding from about 1901 that someone pushing a bike on a footpath was entirely lawful and that ‘the bicycle was merely an appendage to the pedestrian’ (or somesuch)

    I’ll see if I can dig it out if not already provided by anyone else…..

    Full Member

    Weeksy – I don’t think I’ll have had anything easier than a 39/27, so 36/36 certainly won’t be a problem.

    I’m fairly sure for organised rides they take you down a ‘new’ tarmac road as coming down the steeper side (from the Angel down passed the ossuary) in the wet and with a couple of side roads once you’re flat out can be on the hairy side

    Tonyg – in fairness, I don’t think many at that end of the Flanders Wall have; Cassel being the only one that springs to mind?

    Full Member

    Full Member
    No cobbles to speak of on the G/Wev. The only real challenge is getting up the Kemmelberg and even then it’s not cobbled so it isn’t like the Flanders climb

    not cobbled?…..have I been riding a different Kemmelberg?


    Full Member

    Full Member
    Cambridge to London cycle would likely take you on some pretty scary roads, certainly until the Lea Valley path starting around Hertford

    I ride to / from London throughout the year from my corner of Cambs, and as long as you have no desire to go the same route you would in a car there are plenty of routes that see you on lanes and minor roads well into town (and onto the TFL routes) and thats not including riding down the Lea Valley path from Ware

    That said, I’d not be rushing to take anyone not that confident with me anytime soon

    Full Member

    466 done; an off-road metric ton, a couple of mostly-on-road imperials and a Boxing Day 10 on fixed.

    Will be doing no more than the bare minimum to get over the line tomorrow.

    Not sure if my current fitness or more to do with weather and winter set-up on bikes, but very noticeably 5 or 6kmph slower than normal

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Liverpool Leicester game is well worth a watch on the highlights btw – great comeback from Liverpool and some cracking goals including an absolute screamer from James Madison.

    Refs seems to have totally given up on stopping goalies come off the line before a penalty kick is taken though. There were a few saves in the shootout that looked well dodgy to me.

    I was stood immediately to the side of the goalpost (with the lino), it would also seem that the penalty-taker not stop / start stuttering their run-up is also perfectly fine…..

    Full Member

    Free Member
    OMG! Cars can carry the infection?!

    my mistake; we’ve definitely not been told for months to wash hands etc

    It sounds like the loopy old git would deserve anything coming his way, but surprised that line of mitigation wasn’t at least given some very serious thought if not used

    Full Member

    did his defence try to make anything of the cyclist spitting? I would have thought ‘being in fear of a deadly pandemic as such vulnerable old people’ etc would have been an open goal for a jury

    Full Member

    the crossover between fundamentalist Christians and the Q conspiracy might make GK Chesterton turn in his grave sufficiently to want to re-think his “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything”

    Full Member

    you want to watch that shoelace; you could trip and do yourself a mischief

    ps – linky no worky

    Full Member

    tu es Parisien et je réclame mes cinq euros

    If I had my way, all cars in cities would have to be tiny hatchbacks with massive bumpers. And you’re not allowed to claim from other people for twatty little knocks and scratches. That should be seen as part of the consequences of using your personal possessions in the street.

    Full Member

    interesting read, but still can’t see anyone came up with an answer to the ‘how does the camera know not just to flash anything going over 50mph in case thats the limit for that vehicle” rather than anything doing over whatever the speed limit for the road is?

    I don’t recall ever being flashed by a camera at over 50mph in my car ‘just in case’ I wasn’t allowed to drive at up to the 60 or 70mph speed limit of the road??

    Free Member

    May be a silly q, but if blazinsaddles has “2 identical Peugeot Boxers… my work van… speed limit 60, .. a camper conversion … allowed to do 70 as reclassified as motor caravan” how does a camera know which is which when it takes a photo?
    Is it linked to ANPR- sees it’s the work van doing 65 (ignoring “tolerance” for egs sake) so takes a photo, rather than takes a photo of everything doing more than 70 on a motorway?

    Not stupid at all.
    For all the discussion it’s really simple. It has little or nothing to do with making roads safer per-se and everything to do with what can be automated.

    Hence why stickers on the back and undisclosed why one van potentially carrying a bomb or one carrying school kids can do 70 whilst a lighter van with the same suspension and brakes is only safe to do 60. Adding the stickers just makes it easier to automate.

    Anything else is just over thinking it

    Full Member

    in related news, everywhere I went in Belgium last week was not only able to accept a UK Covid passport in-lieu of their own ‘Safe Ticket’ but were also happy to take a BC / UCI Race Licence as proof of identity

    also, nobody shot me or set fire to my bike

    Full Member

    Chair of Govs of a village primary; move to a new site a couple of years ago saw us make provision for covered secure bike and scooter parking (with cctv) for every pupil.

    I appreciate we were lucky both regarding available space and opportunity, but ‘build it and they will come’ and all that

    Full Member

    I’m carrying a broken wrist from a CX race mishap so confined to turbo for a while

    riding ‘no hands’ to avoid any accidental bar-interface I was feeling well-pro as I plucked mozzies out of the air with my good hand without breaking cadence …….until I gave the garage ceiling a Bruce Lee style one finger punch. Fortunately just a black nail today rather than another trip to A&E

    Full Member

    thanks; I think they wanted to wait until they’d had him for a week of treatment & observation before they made a diagnosis. Sadly it seems as though not a short-term Wernicke episode but the full blown Korsakoff Syndrome, and he’s not any more coherent / less befuddled than when he went in.

    Will see what they say in coming days, but happy to benefit from any experiences (good or bad) anyone might be able to share

    Full Member


    You’re scheming on a thing that’s a mirage
    I’m trying to tell you now, it’s cabotage

    I can’t stand it, I know you planned it……


    Full Member

    I’ve had the opposite; broke a finger opening a bottle of wine and was happy not to correct anyone who assumed I’d done on a bike

    Full Member

    not only isn’t there a day that couldn’t be improved by this but can also play without fear of the kids hearing any potty mouthing……

    Full Member

    Free Member
    OOchy! I have sat on a nut before in the act of jumping back on the saddle. That’s pretty painful!

    …..welcome to the world of Vets CX racing

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I never understood the point of leaf blowers. They don’t remove anything, they just redistribute shit. They’re the gardening equivalent of Izal toilet paper

    “Tory Gardening” – just ****s the problem off onto those without the resources to blow them back in your direction

    Full Member

    isn’t there a difference between ‘responsibility of maintenance’ between footpath and bridleway?….I’m sure this was recently given as a reason why a landowner opposed the proposed ‘upgrading’ of a footpath to b’way

    EDIT: quick bit of googling suggests that may be nonsense as per LB Enfield info below:

    The Council is responsible for protecting and asserting the rights of the public to use rights of
    way, including footpaths and bridleways. Responsibility for keeping footpaths clear of
    obstructions rests with the landowner as does the requirement to cut back vegetation and
    maintain gates and stiles.

    The Council is not required to maintain footpaths and bridleways to a defined standard (i.e.
    to provide a hard surface or ensure the surface is not broken) but must ensure that the ways
    are safe and, as established by legal precedent, “reasonably passable for the ordinary traffic
    of the neighbourhood in all seasons of the year”. Government advice on the matter states
    that “footpaths and bridleways should harmonise with the general appearance and character
    of the surroundings”. This is particularly relevant on bridleways and those footpaths outside
    of the urban areas of the borough. It should be noted that some footpaths and bridleways
    are not maintainable by the Council at all, including those created after 1949 that have not
    subsequently been adopted by the Council.

    Full Member

    Side Gallery &

    The Laing are my favourites

    cracking views from the Baltic but recent trips haven’t had anything on show I was particularly taken by

    Full Member

    me, every day: Audiolab 8300CD & amp

    Full Member

    ……so my Garmin has just uploaded the ride when I turned it on this evening. no idea but panic over

    Full Member

    thanks all; ride definitely ‘in there’ as shows on ‘all rides’ function with all ride info, map etc

    have tried all the cleaning, poking, twanging of USB pins so looks like the PCB route is the way to go unless someone can give me very idiotproof instructions on a ‘forced upload’ from ‘all ride’ route


    Full Member

    definitely not showing on Connect; have tried uploading from the garmin and tying to catch in unawares with a synch from Connect but no joy…….

    Full Member

    I’ve since uploaded subsequent ‘rides’ but it will not upload the one where it ran out of juice before being able to save it

    all the data is in there, just need to find a way of getting it out……..

    Full Member

    it’ll upload rides if I’ve pressed stop and asked it to save, but it seems that if this wasn’t done (because it shut itself down when running out of power) that the file doesn’t have the magic ingredient for an upload to Connect

    Full Member

    yep, tried a combination of leads and also pc & laptop so pretty sure it the USB on the garmin that has the problem

    might try sticking a pin in and seeing if that does anything…….

    ….nope, still ‘device not recognised’

    Full Member

    Monty Skips The Pellet?

    Full Member

    knowing nothing a stranger can say will make it all better, but hopefully it helps to know there are a lot of people wishing you well

    Full Member

    I was pleased with myself a couple of summers ago when one of a group of bobblehats standing around on a trail (defo a bridleway) told me I couldn’t ride my bike here; I reminded her that not only could I, but that she had just seen me do so and left her to her confusion

    Full Member

    he’s a Real Gone Rat

    Full Member

    I’ve got no time for people who can’t use a lawnmower safely……

    ….I’m lacks toes intolerant

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Our local newspaper ran a story about local residents in one part of the town being up in arms about their properties being tagged with chalk marks by criminal gangs DEFINITELY planning theft, murder, drugs networks, you name it…

    Turns out it was a local running club marking out hashing routes for which they apologised in the following weeks paper. 🤣

    we had something similar with a Hare & Hounds route being marked by little piles of flour……..or ‘clear evidence of an ISIS Anthrax attack on the village’ as the great minds of facebook had it

    Full Member

    Full Member

    When my missis car was broken into, (long time ago) the tape player was nicked, (see – long time!) but they ejected and left the Take That cassette that was in the slot at the time! Harsh.

    rust bucket Datsun stolen many a year ago with the Cramps cassette from the stereo left on the kerb.

    I say stolen, it might have just crumbled into dust and blown away overnight

    Full Member

    I’m guessing its all too late now for a Demi Lovato / Danny DeVito zinger

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