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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • retrogirl
    Free Member

    You could have more than one child but from what I have seen just because you are related you don’t have to like each other. In my I got pregnant when my daughter was 2 and shortly after I reached the 3 month mark our daughter was diagnosed with cancer. having a little brother gave her and us something positive to focus on and they were a great little team. Unfortunately she lost her fight so now we have Daniel who although he knows he had a sister is to all effects an only child. I get people asking me are you having another one? oh poor Daniel he will be lonely. But in my eyes our family was completed when he was born and I am not in the market for a replacement. He will not be lonely as he has lots of friends to play with and as I was pregnant when the shit hit the fan I feel abit scared of it happening again tho the probability is small but we are happy how we are and he is a well balanced little boy.
    I love my Brother but we hardly see each other due to location and also our lives are so different. When I go to houses where there are multiple siblings all I see is chaos and I do love coming back to the relative peace and quite of my house

    Free Member

    I find when you give birth everyone around you are still not satisfied as they start asking you when you are having the next one 8O

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone whos sponsored me it means alot for the support and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather gods will be on our side. Its been a few years in planning due to mr retro’s knee injuries but we are fighting fit and raring to go.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys it means a lot :)

    Free Member

    I have a 4 year old and he can test the boundaries at times we have found that the sticker chart has worked wonders we tell him how he can earn his stickers that day and if he plays up he gets stickers taken away. How do you react to him when he kicks off. I found the best way unless hes hitting is to ignore him and give him loads of attention when he is good. If you react every time he kicks off then he could be doing it for attention as you have said that he gets jealous so any attention even negative is what he wants. He will soon learn. My friend has a 7 year old who was a complete nightmare kicking, hitting and a PITA now hes lovely so it could be a phase.

    Free Member

    wolftrax is awesome I was there last year and if passing will go back if you go to bothy bikes they can tell you of good routes to find. If you want to drive a bit further than aviemore I was told that Golspie was good for riding

    Free Member

    I recommend this place it is 10 mins walk from keswick and is a private campsite out of the way and has a little ropes course you can play on if noones around. I was there at the weekend and it welcomes groups I rode the borrowdale bash from there and a 5 min drive takes you to whinlatter. For food the farmers arms is round the corner

    Free Member

    Not really when I was at school I wanted to be a vet but getting average grades put paid to that so I just studied science and went to uni not knowing what I wanted to do. Hind site is a wonderful thing I should have taken my time and gone to a college where I would be encouraged in finding what I wanted to do instead I drifted. Saying that I met some wonderful people one of whom is my husband.
    Today I should be a mother of 2 kids but that is another story. With the career I ditched science and tried holistic therapies however with the economic down turn that didn’t work out but it did bring out my creative side and I now draw pet portraits for a living and am getting a steady stream of work due to word of mouth so in a way I am working with animals.

    Free Member

    Some lovely dogs there. I still have a lot to think about. My friend is having to return her rescue dog as he developed a problem with her youngest child. He is mostly ok but sometimes he growls at her son and she doesn’t want to chance it which is understandable. Another friend adopted a choc lab 3 years ago and she is lovely and I get to look after her sometimes to get my doggy fix. The dog that is to be returned was supposedly assessed where the my other friend went to see the lab and took her home as soon as she met her.
    I know that dogs do have their issues my brother has had his dog from a pup but would have hum dingers of rows with his then gf and the dog now hates loud noise.

    Free Member

    Thoughts are with you and family sending you all a big virtual hug

    Free Member

    Bumped into 3 people I knew from home in Oz on seperate occasions. First one, I was sitting having a break at work and in walked someone who was in my class at school. The next one I had worked with a guy who had left work a few months before me to go travelling. I lived in Sydney for a a few months and when I wanted to move on I had to find someone to take my place in the shared house and this guy took the room which was totally random. The third occasion I was walking to the showers in the hostel when I heard someone mention my name it was a different classmate however he was hard to recognise as he had been to India and had lost alot of weight from food poisoning.
    I now live in Durham and when I meet someone new there is always a link to someone I already know

    Free Member

    I tend to lurk on the forum and post now and again but felt so strongly about this because of what happened to us. 5 years ago our daughter was diagnosed with cancer and inside while we were falling apart outside we put on a brave face and got on with getting her through treatment. What helped us was having our friends around us coming to visit and going out for a drink just to have a bit of normality and have a break. We developed a routine where friends would come to us with decent food and have a chat what we hated was people avoiding us as they didn’t know what to do or say. I’d say be as normal as you can with your friends daughter if she wants to talk then listen. It will also be important to support your daughter too esp if she knows her well and become distressed if she sees her friend get upset as her mother deteriorates.

    Free Member

    Beamish Oddsox go for a ride on wednesday evenings thet meet at the Shepherd and Shepherdess at 7pm and go out for 2-3 hours. Also check out Durham Mountain sports on the forum they sometimes go out for a blast on a Thursday night from 7:30 and if you are up for an early morning ride a few people meet at 7:30am on a saturday outside the Lodge on the A167 used to be called the Pot and Glass hope that helps

    Free Member

    sorry that they weren’t there I would have handed them in but everything was closed which you would expect at 10 at night I left them there thinking that the owner would come straight back once he noticed did you ask in wood n wheels as well as the visitor centre?

    Free Member

    now have 49 votes still a long way to go would really appreciate it if you could place a vote

    Free Member

    Thank you for voting for me. I still have a long way to go as am on 45 votes at the moment. I would really appreciate some more votes and if anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks again

    Free Member

    I have found that I am getting most of my business through my website. People have been doing Google searches and my business is the 3rd one down on the 1st page so paying for a website is worth it. MF I am thinking of what I can add to my website and will be adding photos to it soon as I know people want to put a face to the name and see what I do.

    Free Member

    Thankyou mastiles fanylion for the vote and advise. My husband did the website for me so will I give him those pointers but its not bad for a first website. And thankyou redthunder I really appreciate the votes

    Free Member

    Thanks donsimon I wasn’t doing this for some shameless plug tho free advertising is great. I won’t squander this money if I do get it as I’m stuck at 27 votes so have a long way to go It will be put to good use add therapies, marketing and this will help me to grow

    Free Member
    Free Member

    In answer to your question I am wanting to add extra therapies to what I already do so the money will go towards course fees and buying equipment. I will also want to advertise what else I do so the money will also be used for marketing materials such as business cards, flyers etc. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask and I will answer them . I will really appreciate you voting for me as I am really passionate about what I do. For the first time in my working life I am doing something that I enjoy and I get alot of fulfillment from what I do.

    Free Member

    Sad news sending hugs xx

    Free Member

    just got one from Comet but was the last 32gb we tried getting one on the net last night and didn’t work get to currys or comet as soon as you can

    Free Member

    I waited until my son was 2 and put him in pull ups kept taking him to the potty and once he mastered going for a wee and no 2 and kept his pull ups dry we just put him in pants and went for it. We were relaxed and there will be a few accidents but he took to it really well and only wears a nappy at night

    Free Member

    I couldn’t just read and not post. What an inspiration showing what can be done when the odds are stacked against you. I am so pleased for you and this story should be shown to other cancer sufferers out there to show them that there is hope.

    Free Member

    1. Bring my Son up to be happy, polite and well balanced
    2. Be successful in my business
    3. Be happy

    Getting married almost 7 years ago to the day to my long suffering husband.

    Without a doubt donate to a cancer charity and get rid of the cancer (neuoblastoma) that got the better of my Daughter

    Free Member

    Think I want to avoid Newquay for that reason

    Free Member

    thanks for the replies its helped me make up my mind and get the WIFI version and if I need internet access urgently then I do have the iphone to hand

    Free Member

    Try and look at the NCT site as they do nearly new sales and you can save loads of money. We bought a sterilser, baby sling, rucksack, travel cot and a high chair for knock down prices and the stuff they sell is good quality. They also sell loads of baby clothes. Entry is £1 and it is recommended to get there at least 30 mins early as parking can be a problem and all the best stuff gets snapped up quick. It was worth it for us as we saved loads of money.
    Good luck with the impending arrival and remember you don't need alot of stuff some people go mad and buy things that they will only use a couple of times.

    Free Member

    OOps didn't expct this response I just posted this to see if I could get some advise on opening a business. Some of the ideas I mentioned are just ideas at the moment and that could change. I am entering into massage as it interests me and after being stuck in jobs that I really detest I decided to just follow what I want to do and I like a challenge. I am under no illusions that it will be hard work and I am going to take a proffesional course next year in Bristol. I am not going into this thinking I will cure anyone what I want to do is make people feel good about themselves and feel less stressed. If I do help their aches and pains then that will be a good thing. I am no dippy hippy who claims to have healing hands. I will also be exploring other avenues and sports massage holds my interest so I may branch out into that but i'll have to wait and see. Anyway thanks for the advice I got some good pointers from someone who has just set up in business. Wish me luck.

    Free Member

    when i purchased some gloves for my son the other day I asked of they had some elastic so I could sew the gloves onto each end so we wouldn't lose his gloves. We were told that it was illegal to sew gloves onto the end of a cord and put it in his jacket as he could accidently hang himself. I never heard that before and I'll be taking my chances but surely when he has his jacket and gloves on it would be impossible :?

    Free Member

    There is also a book called beyond hamsterley that is available in bike shops or online and has a few good routes in and around the co durham area. The railway lines are good for getting about for an explore. If you like early mornings my husband goes out with a few friends for a blast for a couple of hours taking in local bridalways and some bits of singletrack. they meet on saturday mornings at 7:30 outside the pot and glass. Alternatively check out beamish oddsox or durham mountain sports they do regular rides and have alot of local knowledge

    Free Member

    Hamleys would be worth a look toys for young and old

    Free Member

    Thanks I have been riding and have been for some 6 mile runs but I just want to enjoy the event and feel that I have been putting too much pressure on myself. I think I will go for a run at the weekend and see how I feel before making any decisions its just hard when you have children and finding the opportunity to get out amd motivating myself

    Free Member

    I have been reading this thread over the last few days and really feel for you. You will get things sorted with your Dad he is coming to terms with the news and he is scared.
    You will find out who your real friends are in this situation and if anyone offers help take up that offer. Cancer isn't something I would wish on my own worse enemy after seeing what my daughter has been through and even though our outcome is not going to have a happy ending remember that the cure rates are much better than they were a few years ago and keep a positive attitude. You sound like a strong person and very determined which will stand you in good stead.
    Good luck

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