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  • retrogirl
    Free Member

    No problem caspian the link is thanks it’s much appreciated

    Free Member

    I don’t think you’re being selfish. Too be honest I think the last thing your sister needs is a load of visitors coming in at once for a look at the baby. What I appreciated and other friends too is turning up a couple of weeks later and having a lovely meal cooked. Go on holiday you’ll have plenty of bonding time later.

    Free Member

    We charge £17 for our club. We are affiliated to the BMC and most of the membership goes towards third party insurance. We pay for the website and run trips which are very cheap. I am a member of a cycling club and that is £25 and most of the fee goes towards the ctc and we go to events which is subsidised heavily by the club we also get a great pair of socks when it comes to enrolment time

    Free Member

    +1 for the retired greyhound. I’ve had mine a year and she is so laid back shes almost horizontal. I find some greyhounds have a higher prey drive than others. Mine happily lives with our cat and she is also fine with other breeds as I specified as my family and friends have dogs and I wanted her to mix with them. When I’ve let her off lead she will happily follow behind me. She does like to chase squirrels but then I had a retriever who also liked to do the same. The best thing to do is speak to whoever runs the rehoming kennels as ours matched us perfectly to Charley. There is also a great facebook group who is very helpful and friendly called retired greyhound owners group chat.

    Free Member

    I saw this post and didn’t want to read and run. I know how you feel as 6 years ago we were given the devasting news that our daughter had cancer. The first may bank holiday she was full of life and by the next she was having chemo. We were in bits as when you have kids you never expect to hear the words that your kid has cancer. The emotions I felt were of numbness, disbelief, feeling scared and also grieving for the change in our lifestyle.
    Kids are amazing and I met many who were so ill one day and the next running up and down the corridor with their parents following behind wheeling the chemo drip. Emma would regularly ride a trike up and down and would aim for the ward cleaner on a regular basis.
    We had long stays in hospital so me and my husband would take it in turns staying with her for a few days at a time while one of us would rest and come to visit later. Also CLIC Sargent were a great help with paperwork, money matters and also good listeners.
    We had a good network of friends who would regularly visit with much needed food and also would look after Emma so we could go and have a quick bite to eat, time out.
    My email is in my profile if you need to talk. Your son is in good hands and while times are tough there will be good times along the way. Look after each other and feel free to vent

    Free Member

    I’m so sorry to hear your news. We went through this with our daughter when her cancer relapsed after seeing her so sick with high dose chemo and then it coming back we were given the option of treatments that would prolong her life. We went for the gentler treatment which didn’t work but when told it would give us a few extra weeks we decided to enjoy the time we had left instead rather than add to her distress. We had support from friends and family and made the most of what time she had left. It was heart wrenching but in the end we made the right choice. I just want to send you my love and best wishes and have been following this from the start. You are incredibly brave and hope that there is a miracle out there for you. Xxx

    Free Member

    There is some great work on here I really love Mrs Toasts dog pictures they are different and I also love the life drawings too. I also love Samuri’s pictures such a high standard and i took a look at your flikr and love the bike pictures.
    I’ve been drawing pet portraits for a couple of years now and now get requested to draw pets for people by word of mouth. I’ve done a couple of exhibitions and have managed to sell some work that way. I’m now working on more drawings and paintings and want to add colour to my work too.
    I study websites such as wet canvas and get inspired by the high standard of work on there. There is a lot of talent in this forum and here are some of my drawings. Hope you like them
    [/url] 1391444_535502556537802_1941637709_n[/url] by sam_askey[/url], on Flickr[/img]
    [/url] 1397576_553821164705941_634082348_o[/url] by sam_askey[/url], on Flickr[/img]
    [/url] 1426647_546616055426452_64532778_n[/url] by sam_askey[/url], on Flickr[/img]
    [/url] 1185665_702192866466439_2122596062_n[/url] by sam_askey[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    My hubby is very laid back which is just as well as I can be a fiery cow at times. seriously though we have been together 14 years and it will be 10 years married this year. We have had our ups and downs the major one was nursing our daughter through cancer, where unfortunately she passed away but we have stuck together and we are stronger for it where most couples would split up under the pressure. We have a lovely Son who is the light of our life and he is very supportive of me trying to make it as an artist. He loves mtbing even when the bike throws him off and the sickening thing is he so good at riding up hills while I struggle up in granny ring.

    Free Member

    shes fine was worried that she had hurt herself but is ok. She did find some friendly dog walkers and extracted some doggy treats from them so no harm done :)

    Free Member

    Just want to say lets kick cancers butt. I know it must be a frightening time but I do remember bullhearts thread where it looked grim from the doctors point of view but his positive attitude and fighting spirit have ensured that he is here to fight another day and I’m sure you can do the same.

    Free Member

    I do have an update – About 60 people turned up for this which was a great turn out and from the start you could see he wanted to turn it into a fight. However we were prepared and our secretary made a good job of keeping things under control. The trouble maker came across from the start as obnoxious and with a grudge and each candidate was given 2 mins to say their piece to which my husband went slightly over and i could see the other was timing him and because of that demanded more time and started to say negative things about the club as to that we weren’t doing our jobs properly etc etc. He went on about an incident from 3 years ago which he twisted but club members in the room put him in his place and basically told him that.
    The upshot was when it came to the vote which was a show of hands everyone bar one in the room voted for my husband. So we were pleased and feel great that we have the support of the club. I know it sounds corny but we have promoted this club as a group of friends and invite everyone to contribute and we have many people who arent on the committee that do that.
    I do feel that we haven’t seen the last of him but hopefully he will look back on his behaviour and make changes but I doubt it. In all it was a very happy outcome. :D

    Free Member

    I will second a rescue dog. I thought long and hard about getting a dog and settled on a greyhound. She is the most gentle dog and the woman who ran the kennels worked hard to find us the best match as we wanted a dog good with kids, cats etc.
    What you need to consider is do you have the time for all the things a puppy comes with? My dog was easy to train and is so well behaved. Puppies you will have sleepness nights, toilet training and puppy proofing the house.
    As with the risks for children there are no guarantees with either a puppy or a rescue dog. The child needs to be educated to treat the dog with respect as if a child doesn’t do that then even the most mild mannered dog could turn if its been annoyed

    Free Member

    A group of us rode the 7 stanes last year and stayed at the galloway activity centre which was our base for raiding mabie, dalbeattie, Ae and kirroghtree. We They have yurts and teepee’s which was affordable and pretty cool. I also recommend the campsite at glentress and have stayed kailzie guesthouse too however take a sleeping mat as the matresses are very lumpy but they do a good cooked breakfast

    Free Member

    Sounds like what my cat had. He went off his food and had runny eyes and nose and a lump at the side of his neck. turned out to be a very juicy abscess. The vets lanced it and it was left to drain and he was soon back to his old self. What he didn’t like was being kept inside until the wound healed and he spent the best part of a week planning his great escape :wink:

    Free Member

    I got a greyhound 3 weeks ago and she is no bother at all. So quiet and sleeps all day given the chance coming over to who ever for fusses. She is also very gentle and apart from a couple of accidents when left she has been very clean. She can have selective hearing when off the lead but its early days and the only naughty behaviour was her chewing my Sons crayons and ripping up a cardboard box. i would check out the retired greyhound trust as they match the dog to your lifestyle

    Free Member

    This is Charley our new addition to the house from Wednesday in her favourite place. Oh dear can’t upload photo but she is a retired greyhound definitely enjoying her retirement at the grand old age of 3 :)

    Free Member

    I couldn’t read this without posting. All I can say is take things one day at a time. There will be some good days and there will be bad days. Be there as a sounding board as your Dad will want to talk about his fears and worries for his wife. Once you know what you are facing you can begin to plan.
    I also say don’t google as it will scare you. When my daughter was diagnosed the first thing the doctor told us was not to look it up on the computer and I stand by that. Everyone is different and reacts to treatment in different ways.
    Also tell your friends. Its important to look after yourself and have people to talk and vent to. Our friends helped us in our very dark days.

    Free Member

    Mini will have plenty of friends from dogs of friends but it was a big job getting mr retro to agree to the dog in the first place so 2 would be seriously pushing it. Looks like the cat will be Mini’s friend when he comes round :wink:

    Free Member

    Feeling very excited and also very nervous. When I do eventually get her home what do I expect? I am expecting to do house training as she has been in a kennel. Websites have told said to be hands off and leave her be for the first few days but some advice would be nice as I have looked after dogs for people but this will be my first ever dog for the family.
    ps would love to see some pics

    Free Member

    I have run with my friends labrador a few times. she would happily trot alongside me. However shes old now so her running days are over she prefers a nice leisurely walk instead. I had a retriever who I loved to bits but was hopeless as a trail running dog as he preferred to explore and sniff about instead. If you go to park run there are people there with dogs a few were terriers

    Free Member

    some great pics and love wylie prids what kind of lurcher is she? Its given me food for thought as any dog I get has to be cat friendly and good with other dogs and kids. I’ve been lucky with jess as she’s been so laid back and fitted in and is extremely good natured. I was fixed on a greyhound but am worried about their prey drive esp when out and about. So much to think about and also Mr retro is slowly coming round the idea so I don’t want him to say told you so if it goes horribly wrong

    Free Member

    Got a call and is definitely an abscess which has been drained and he’ll be on antibiotics so he’ll be right as rain and out stalking his territory before you know it

    Free Member

    He’s been admitted its likely hes got an abscess which is why hes been feeling rubbish and looking a mess so its going to be drained and hopefully he’ll feel alot better. I’m picking him up this afternoon and I’ll know more then but its looking hopeful

    Free Member

    appointment made so will know more later keeping fingers crossed he’s not happy that I’ve made him come in as I know when its time to go he’ll be nowhere to be found

    Free Member

    He does go outdoors alot so hope that its an infection thats treatable its heartbreaking seeing him like this

    Free Member

    Loving the picture of Rufus I had a Golden Retriever for 15 years and he had the most loving temperment and was a character. He died 14years ago and I still think of him.

    Free Member

    My user name gives it away ;)

    Free Member

    my vote is for Portishead. Close to the motorway and is a nice place with more things being added all the time. There is talk of reopening the railway line and when I was last there they were clearing the line so it would be worth looking into

    Free Member

    He joined at the AGM paid his subs we thought that once he had said what he had to say he would just get on with things and go for the walking trips as he used to. We don’t mind if he has a problem its just the way he goes about it. If he got in contact with one of us and expressed his concerns first then we would address any issues. We have a forum on our website so to try and and stir things by messaging all members and then message the committee afterwards is wrong. Plus after seeing him in aggressive mode I just don’t want to be in the same space as him

    Free Member

    Yes to clarify a few points he was a committee member who at the time was well thought of until he made a tit of himself at the AGM he then joined the club which I was surprised at but Husband says give him a chance. The club isn’t dying a death in fact far from it and we are very supportive of members of all abilities and never leave anyone behind. So far everyone i’ve spoken to has thought the same and the fact that no-one responded to the message he sent says alot as they are not bothered and realise its another pointless rant. Anyway committee meeting will be next week so we can discuss this further.
    In the past we’ve had people trying to cause trouble and when they realise they are getting no where they disappear so lets hope he does the same.

    Free Member

    thanks everyone for your advice. My husband seems to still be affected by the confrontation on Saturday and is losing sleep over it and its not great timing with work stresses adding to the mix. We are going to have a committee meeting in a couple of weeks and I’m sure this will be discussed. I’m away on a trip this weekend and will be having fun riding my bike and I’m sure this subject will be discussed. At the moment my gut reaction is get rid and block any means of communication with him. I guess only time will tell

    Free Member

    Its a multi-activity club so covers walking, biking, climbing etc. We have monthly trips camping and staying in mountaineering huts so no keys in bowls happening there unless there is something happening that I don’t know about and with regards to punching his lights out it would probably be me rather than my husband as he is calmest person I know

    Free Member

    [Repressed homosexual and he fancies the pants off your old fella? Or the other way round, he fancies the pants off you and is jealous?]

    Yuck! especially after seeing his taste in ties and high waisted trousers. Unfortunately I cannot let down his tyres as he is not really a cyclist and the bike he does ride is £150 forecourt job so letting down the tyres would probably improve it. He does walking and climbing. I guess I could let go of the rope :wink:

    Free Member

    A good reason to stay in the club is the trips they put on. We have trips away every month and its one of the most enjoyable aspects of the club. I’m hoping that he wont sign up for any trips away as I’m sure he’ll spend the whole weekend slagging us off and its as if hes got an obsession as its all he goes on about. The important thing is we have support from committee and non-committee members who all said ‘what a dick’ and I don’t see why I should turn around and say goodbye when its him that has the problem it should be bye bye for him.

    Free Member

    Thankyou you’ve all made good suggestions and I’ll show this to my husband when he gets home. I really don’t and won’t be forced to leave the club because of this individual and at the weekend when I let off steam and threaten to leave I got told that was not to happen and he is in the wrong. The club to us is our baby we started it 10 years ago and it has been going from strength to strength with new members joining all the time. We have also made some good mates through starting this up so I’m not going to let him destroy all that.
    He is a military man who has been a member of the TA and has been a carer for his elderly Mother who I’ve been told shes been having lengthy hospital stays so this could be affecting his state of mind. What is upsetting for me is he is directing his anger at my husband and my instinct is to protect him as he would do for me. If he wasn’t to target any individuals I would let this go over my head.

    Free Member

    I do like the sound of owning him with bombers and I’ll get my boy to wee in his shoes. We do have the support of the committee and other members and have had a meeting on how to deal with this. In fact some members who arent regulars turned up in case things were to turn nasty and I think he thought twice about saying something as most of the committee were there in force ready to shoot down any onslaught he was thinking of saying

    Free Member

    We have thought about kicking him out but feel that he may make things difficult for us if we do that and I don’t want to resign as that what he wants and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. My husband and myself are some of the founder members so don’t feel ready to let go yet. after the head cam complaint we sent him a written warning and he had a discussion with my husband were he told him that he was what was wrong with the club. We are debating sending him a 2nd warning to tell him that we don’t condone aggressive behaviour.
    We do have a constitution and club accounts get discussed openly at the AGM. We do everything by the book but i think that there could be something happening behind the scenes which is making him like this. Before this happened we got on well with him but now he has a hatred for us which is making me uncomfortable

    Free Member

    Candodavid so sorry about your wife sending you all hugs cancer is a bitch and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy

    Free Member

    What gets me is when I walk into Durham and I see these ladies holding a map of Africa trying to sell you a crap magazine to fund their trip to be a volunteer. Yes it’s a great opportunity but why should we fund your trip of a lifetime? About challenges raising awareness yes we are aware of cancer but do you know of the different types out there. Everyone is aware of Breast cancer because of the race for life and also its so well publicised and leukaemia from Ian botham walking the length of Britain but what about the lesser known ones? I never knew about neuroblastoma until my daughter got it and last month a team of us did the 7stanes in a weekend to raise money and awareness to some people in that team it really was a challenge as some had never ridden that far before. It’s like doing the great north run its been done before but everyone doing it has their own story and its an amazing atmosphere

    Free Member

    Hi everyone I thought I’d post an update. We are starting our challenge on Friday afternoon by riding Newcastleton and staying at Loch Kenn. Checking the site this morning we have £900 raised plus money we have been given and also from members of the team we will have raised over £1000 which I’m ecstatic about. It has meant alot to us and I would like to say thanks to the forum members on here who have donated even though you don’t know me. I’ll post an update after the weekend and the pink hair will be emerging on Thursday night thanks to Mum :)

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