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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • retro83
    Free Member


    Pay attention at the back – Engineering Geezer Second Class on Vigil said he’d be able to do rig the fire suppression and venting to do that but for whatever reason they just opted for a spray bottle and a nice shower.

    Ah thanks scuttler

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    Isn’t the water and the bleach supposed to try to remove the airborne particles? Very likely I’m wrong but thought that was the plan?

    I thought that was just to decontaminate the two in the suits in the makeshift decontamination tent, could be wrong though.
    If they spray bleach through the entire area, then presumably you’d still have to vent the area to get the chlorine out of the air.

    Free Member

    Yes please, apologies for the derail.

    No worries, not aimed at anyone in particular.

    I have a stupid question of my own to get it back on track – does each area of the sub have its own ventilation system?

    I know they sealed the doors and presumably the ventilation to the affected area but surely at some point they’ve got to clear the air of whole area to remove the nerve agent already airborne.

    Free Member

    any chance we can go back to slagging off the show instead of each other please?

    Free Member


    Yes it’s technically, politically and medically arse but it’s Sunday night unplug and relax fodder.

    For those calling out the flaws, there’s loads of OU lectures on the YouTube.

    Agree, but when it’s so silly that it takes you out of the programme, it does spoil the fun a bit.

    Did enjoy the final few seconds though, proper nightmare fodder!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Loads of good modern stuff on High Focus records

    yeah loads of good stuff. Illinformed is absolutely killing it on the production side of things at the moment.

    Free Member

    If Back To The Future was made today, the past they travel back to would be 1991.

    Free Member

    Riding into work on a very cold and dark winter morning, some **** had pushed a roadworks sign into the bushes at the side of the road. I didn’t see it, and as I went past I snagged my bars on the black metal legs that were sticking out.

    Bars turned 90 degrees instantly and I did a flip and landed tangled up in the bike, still clipped in.

    The horrific pain from my hands, sternum, knee and testicles was nothing compared to the laughter from the queuing traffic which saw it.

    At least I assume they saw it and laughed, I somehow unclipped, extracted myself from the bike and was and up and away in about a second without giving them the satisfaction of even a moments eye contact. The power of embarrassment 😎

    Free Member

    Vettel and Stroll confirmed at Aston next year. Guess that’s just Gio’s seat left up for grabs?

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    Yeah, if you watch the onboard, his steering inputs are fine for a wide radius on the first Retifilio and a very tight line on the second. Nothing wrong with his line through there in terms of making the corner, the only fly in the ointment is the fact that Hamilton is in the Retifilio too and is ahead of him throughout the chicane. Single frames rarely tell a fair story of an incident.

    Yeah but Max wasn’t ever making the second corner without running massively wide on the exit and into Hamilton. He stayed on that line instead of using the run off absolutely knowing there would be contact.

    As Brad explains a lot better than I can @ 17:08 on in this

    Free Member


    As for max he will get away Scott free by taking the inevitable extra engine change at the same time.

    I guess the only thing is that it forces his hand into doing so at a track where it’s very hard to overtake.

    Free Member

    So pleased for Danny Ric, hope this sorts his confidence out and marks a turnaround in his year. Really seemed like he had genuine pace in the car, opening a fair gap to Lando and setting the fastest lap towards the end.

    Regarding Max / Hammo – Brad Philpot on Missed Apex summed my feelings up perfectly.

    Max basically wants it both ways – being able to run people wide and force them off the track when it suits, but also him being left space when he’s trying to make the move.

    Free Member


    2021 – The year they ran out of ideas*

    Already happened, RoboCop(y), 2016 Ghostbusters, the Disney CGI remakes etc. All pretty lazy attempts.
    See also:

    At least the above look all look to be pretty decent attempts.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Saw this on twitter… 😀

    Ha, that’s great. Come to think of it, they did mention in the first movie that the matrix was created as a simulation of the peak of our civilisation. 🤔

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Where is Laurence Fishburne!
    Posted 5 minutes ago

    He’s done a few interviews saying he wasn’t asked to be in it. Could be a secret reveal I guess.

    Free Member

    Trailer looks great.

    Despite loving the first film and Animatrix, I have literally no clue what happened in either of the others. All I remember is some twins shooting cars, trinity falling and some stupid rave.

    Feel like I need to find a youtube video explaining it in dumb-dumb terms, cos I sure as shoite ain’t about to watch 2 + 3 again.

    Free Member

    I suffered so badly with this for years. For me the answer was simply to increase the cadence to 170-180 bpm.
    I’m still fat and slow, but did manage to complete a 10K the other day with no pain. It would have been absolutely unthinkable a few years back.

    To achieve this I just changed my playlist to one of the 170bpm+ DNB spotify ones and run to that, but you could equally use a metronome app if you ‘int a junglist

    Free Member


    There have been rumours of Alfa switching to Mercedes power, but I just can’t see that happening with a headline sponsor (Alfa) part of the same group (Stellantis Nee PSA/Vauxhall etc) as Ferrari. Put a direct rivals engine in you premium marketing race team? Doubtful, or the Alfa sponsorship will disappear! .

    Isn’t there a limit on how many teams an engine supplier can supply though?

    Free Member

    I’m pleased about that, always thought he deserved another crack at it.

    Free Member

    I honestly think there’s going to be fireworks between the two.

    Let’s hope so 😁

    Free Member

    Free Member
    I really like Bottas

    Same, I was a fan when he was at Williams. He has the speed for the most part, I just think he lacks a bit of killer instinct.

    If Lewis ended up at the back, I reckon he’d find his way back up to top 5, if not the podium. Whereas bottas would get stuck passing the mid field and end up about 8th. It’s just that extra little bit that he lacks.

    Free Member

    Thing is, if you are going to have to move to a low/midfield team, with the reg change it’s probably about the best time possible.

    They could even find something a la brawn and have a competitive car.

    Free Member

    Bottas confirmed at Alfa Romeo, multi year deal

    Free Member

    Boring race, best bit was norris getting the giggles after saying the word ‘blowy’in his interview with Natalie 😁

    What was the drama with Mick and maz? Must have missed that when I was snoozing

    Free Member

    Can’t wait for Top Gun 2 and the new Mission Impossible film. Think they’re both next year.

    Yep, pushed back to end of May 2022 now 😫

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Looks like the driver market is falling into place next year – and RaceFans usually have good sources of info…

    i think joe saward was saying something along those lines too. Albon would make sense for Williams- he has experience driving the current cars/engines/tyres, fairly quick, presumably cheap in terms of wages, potentially brings Thai sponsors.

    I’m really looking forward to Zandvoort now. THe banking looks incredible from the pics I’ve seen banded about. Not sure how many overtakes there will be though.

    Free Member

    I’d rather take a cheese grater to my nuts than sign up for FB to sell things.

    You mean you don’t want to wake up to 50 notifications saying:

    Is this item still available?

    Is this item still available?

    Is this item still available?

    Is this item still available?

    Is this item still available?

    Is this item still available?

    Is this item still available?

    Free Member

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    What do they offer above just using the password manager in a browser?

    Work on (almost) any device/browser, autofill inside apps not just web pages, can keep secure notes as hints to yourself about non-password but still sensitive data.

    I’m an ex-LastPass user. I actually had a premium account but as soon as Logmein got involved I switched to BitWarden as LogMeIn are bumholes. It’s actually a lot better than LastPass.

    Free Member


    That’s rather crap! Does that prevent you messaging them for a PAC code when you want to leave??!!

    No, luckily that does work!

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Sounds like a good option, but if you use wi-fi calling at all be aware that Plusnet don’t offer that despite being on the EE network who do.

    You also cannot reply to short SMS numbers on plusnet. I know it sounds trivial but it means you cannot reply to some automated services, e.g. my doctors want me to authorise logins to their website by replying to an SMS, and one of my banks, (I think Nationwide) sometimes send me a text where I have to reply Yes or No to authorise a payment. Pretty annoying not being able to.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Something that I don’t understand; in most sports, the male and female athletes have pretty much the same build, as that’s the ideal build for the sport. So, cyclists are scrawny, long distance runners are scrawny (and often tall), sprinters are pretty ripped, high jumpers are tall and thin etc etc. Male decathletes are all-overly athletic like the female heptathletes.

    However, in swimming, the men are all absolutely ripped and the women are not, they’re often kinda ‘big’. Why is that? Clearly, the body shape they have is the product of years and years of training to be at the peak of their sport, so why are the women not ripped like the men and/or conversely, why aren’t the men ‘big’ like the women?

    ** For the avoidance of doubt, I am NOT calling female swimmers fat **

    Yeah I noticed that, they’re obviously very muscular, but not anywhere near as low fat% as other female athletes.

    I just googled it and apparently there’s an advantage for female swimmers to do with buoyancy/drag and where they tend to carry fat. Plausible I suppose.

    A Woman’s Advantage in Fat Distribution

    Women tend to carry excess fat in the hips, thighs and buttocks. Hormones associated with childbirth and breastfeeding drive this storage to support a fetus and newborn. This means the lower half of female swimmers float more readily, and this reduces drag, according to Dr. David Costill, writing for U.S. Masters Swimming. A more buoyant back end greatly reduces the amount of energy — in terms of calories per pound of weight — a woman uses to swim at the same speed compared to a thin man.

    If male swimmers attempted to become more buoyant by adding fat, it would backfire, however. Men tend to gain weight in the belly, which would make their upper bodies float, but their legs sink, which would increase drag and slow them down.


    Free Member

    “Ericsson hit me” 😁

    bet it was twitching like a rabbits nose after that.

    Free Member


    Noice 👌

    Lol, managed to catch bottas mid torpedo

    Free Member


    Needs big run offs on both sides do cars that go off the track stay off the track. A big job with the trees and grandstands etc. but how else can they keep the layout there.

    They’re putting gravel in on one side to meet bike regs I think, not sure if anything can really be done on the other given the building is there. The real issue as I see it is that the top part is entirely blind.

    PS Anyone remember kimi going flat throguh the smoke there? People said it was brave at the time. I always thought it was pure madness.

    Free Member


    “wow, what a surprise, didn’t see that coming” Said no-one ever. Wasn’t he kicked of the Red Bull programme for…er…being a dick?

    Yeah, also known as Devon Butler if you’ve played F1 2019.

    His crash in 2015 should have been a lifetime ban imo. Proper 🔔🔚

    Free Member


    even with the battery depleated its still a hybrid, so it will shut off the engine when its not producing power and use regenerative braking to not waste as much energy when slowing down. Weight is pretty much free to move around once it is moving – its only accelerating it which is costly, and if you can re-claim that acceleration cost under braking, it becomes a negligable cost.

    Yes that’s probably it, just seemed like a big jump from 44 to 60.

    Free Member


    It does indeed, the angle of the dangle can be changed to invigorate the places that other oscillating appendages cannot reach. 😊

    Right, got the Renpho I linked earlier. It’s a big old beast. Plenty powerful/torquey enough for me. It’s hard to stall on the higher settings.

    Negative points
    – it has a slightly diesel-esque rattle unless held in one specific orientation.
    – it could use a lower power mode than the lowest setting. On sore muscles it’s a bit too intense.

    Free Member

    it’s zinser’s shellac primer

    Free Member


    I might just have been plain unlucky that two in a row went pear-shaped within the space of a few months; also possible that they had a batch problem – might explain why Renpho were so quick to replace? Also, at least buying from Amazon you’re well covered.

    Also, Renpho do seem to do very well in terms of reviews and ratings, etc.

    Yours looks like something out of Star Trek!!!

    It does indeed, the angle of the dangle can be changed to invigorate the places that other oscillating appendages cannot reach. 😊

    Free Member


    I have a Renpho but not sure whether I’d recommend… bought one from Amazon and it died several weeks later. Noticed that it was then £20 cheaper so got a refund on the first, ordered a new one at £80. That then died the same way a few weeks ago; only several months old but same issue.

    Got in touch with Renpho (special ‘VIP’ customer care for Amazon customers) and after sending them a short video and the serial number they came back a few days ago and said they were sending a new one!

    As in interim I bought a £30 one on Saturday as it was same day delivery and on offer. The Renpho one is quieter and more solidly built but two dead in a row..?

    Bolleaux. Literally seconds before you posted I just ordered this beaut on amazon. Only 60 notes.

    Should be here tonight so will report back.

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