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  • How to Thrive, not just Survive, this winter
  • Resin42
    Free Member

    Outstanding! Cheers folks.

    @ojom I might well be wanting to talk to you in the next couple of months about a new bfe frame. I’ll be in touch 😉

    Free Member

    Good stuff, cheers

    Free Member

    Fair enough, cheers.

    Free Member

    Bump! Anyone?

    Free Member

    The man’s clearly unstable.

    Free Member

    Not yet as far as I know. Really hoping they’ve done something interesting with all those switchbacks.

    Free Member

    Was acquainted with Tommy years ago, and I knew a few of the folk that testified against him. He’s guilty all right!

    He might just get away with it though.

    Free Member

    PVA watered down 4:1, apply with a roller, it’ll take 15 minutes, stabilise any dust, (which will stop new paint adhering properly) and kill any suction, (which might save you a couple of coats). You can get a 2.5L tub in B&Q for about £6 that’ll more than cover a standard size room.

    For such a small, inexpensive precaution and considering the existing paint has failed, it’s daft not to.

    Free Member

    andrewh – Member
    That post’s been up over an hour and no-one has suggested Singlespeed yet. Poor show guys.

    Fifth post in 😉

    Free Member

    @ DT78 – Dunno, these all went on new with the mech. I would have though that would affect shifting in both directions.

    @ dunstick – It crossed my mind but I thought it might be of a bit short term fix. 🙂

    Free Member

    Very useful link j_me, thanks for that.

    And everyone else of course 🙂

    Free Member

    +1 for Rosetta. Good wee place, I'll probably be there later this month.

    Free Member

    Did he win? 😯

    Free Member

    If you feel like giving an unsigned band some love, this is a chipper wee number.

    Pablo Eskimo – Bunny Boiler

    Free Member

    One of my Turns, (beautifully schizophrenic)
    Comfortably Numb (obvious but the second guitar solo is an exercise in emotional tragedy)
    Great Gig in the Sky (can bring me tears at will)

    Everyone always goes on about Gilmour's guitar (and rightly so) but Roger Water's lyrics are incredible too. I give you The Gunner's Dream, the way he plays with timing and meter in this is almost genius.

    A place to stay
    Enough to eat
    Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
    Where you can speak out loud
    About your doubts and fears
    And what's more no-one ever disappears
    You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
    You can relax on both sides of the tracks
    And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
    And everyone has recourse to the law
    And no-one kills the children anymore

    Free Member

    Isn't it possible the break bumps, especially on blue trails, are down to less experienced riders? I know I used to skid a lot before I learned not to.

    Free Member

    Spongebob – Member
    I'd use a foam backed plasterboard if you are dry lining, then spread it after taping the joints.


    Free Member

    Just out of curiosity, at what point is a hardtail considered "long travel"?

    Free Member

    Clifftop, Riverside, Windmill

    I suspect I know these three. Is clifftop the other route if from flux? The one with the cracking view of the campsies at the start?

    Free Member

    A lot of the suitable ground around the carpark has been fenced off recently, I suspect to deter wild campers.

    Free Member

    Oh and to give you further flaming ammunition I strongly believe all benefits should be via a voucher system for basic needs to exist comfortably and not doled out loads of cash to spend on fags booze and plasma tellies

    Being that I've just started back on benefits again, if I end up with another plasma telly in here I'll go fookin spare, I can't get moving for them. 😕

    Here's a thought, if a benefit cheat has other income, maybe they could use that for luxuries and buy essentials with the WW2 ration book you're suggesting. Maybe further demoralising the unemployed doesn't have any real benefit other than to fuel your sense of superiority.

    Free Member

    How long is a piece of string? It's a potential money pit. Only a full survey of the individual property will give you the vaguest idea what you're looking at.

    Free Member

    I am guessing she will get very annoyed with this one

    The very best thing about ex girlfriends is they can get annoyed all they want and you're not obliged to give a shit anymore. 😉

    Free Member

    A couple from last year's Megavalanche start line. More sky than riding

    It really is about time I dusted my camera off.

    Free Member

    Kojaklollipop – Member
    Resin42 – how did those come up sizewise, are they tight or spot on? I'm on the lookout for something other than my 5.10's, they had a good drenching in the alps recently and the cardboard sole thing is disintegrating

    A bit small on the sizing, I had to go one bigger. I've not gave them a good soaking yet so don't know how well they'll take it.

    Free Member

    As an experiment I just picked up a pair of these.

    Not as clumpy as 5 10s, possibly not as sturdy either, I'll tell you after the winter. They do stick like shit to an army blanket though, grippier than any skate shoe I've used or my Nike 6.0. Pretty much how I imagine 5 10s to be but with out the price tag. For £22 you really can't go wrong.

    Free Member

    coogan – Member
    Black is good. Quieter and not full of people in pressure suits and full facers. Mix it in with Broon Troot too, thats the best bit at GT.


    I love the black, well worth the effort and Broon Troot is an incredible piece of trail.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    It was 65 Days of Static for a while, which was just plain weird. Not as weird as Formula 1 soundtracked by Therapy? though

    Really? Missed that. What song?

    Muse had it particularly bad for a while, I don't what annoys me more, getting bludgeoned with their good songs or getting bludgeoned with the crap ones.

    Free Member

    technicallyinept – Member
    Had a topeak mountain morph for years – very good. Kinda tempted by the slightly smaller one (mini morph?) though,

    Avoid the mini, after a promising start it's given me nothing but grief.

    Free Member

    Worth a try once I've got it back up to standard. Still need to proof it in the meantime.

    Free Member

    I did give it some serious consideration but decided to stay home and sort my front shifter out. Didn't fancy GT with no big ring, I wasn't so bothered about the granny ring, honest. 😳

    Free Member

    Or "I'm a small man with a giant…"

    Free Member

    What did he actually say?

    [izzard]"It's all sticky!"[/izzard]

    Free Member

    Really depends what you're after. I've had a D40 for a few years and although it has limitations it mainly does what I need it to do. If lens compatibility was likely to be an issue you'd have already decided on more camera. There's more than enough lenses out there that are compatible with it, some have auto focus issues though.

    If you're planning on doing sports sequence shots it's worth bearing in mind that the D40 will only give you three shots back to back then it'll slow to a crawl.

    Other than that, it's a tidy wee camera for the money.

    Free Member

    stever – Member
    I love the way there's a big bit of cheese on offer

    I thought it was a Morrison's pizza. I like your prize better.

    Free Member

    Fantastic weekend, my first race of any kind. Did it as part of a pair, we got 5 laps in, I had two flats and a pump fail on my second lap which cost us about an hour. My third lap was probably my best, got to grips with the mud (well, kinda) and had a good blast on the last descent.

    Props to No Fuss for a great event, I'll definitely be up for 10 more at Moray.

    Free Member

    mossman_uk – Member
    I saw them in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago, they freakin rocked!

    Didn't even know they were back together. I'd have been at that. Saw them in the garage touring their second album, a loooong time ago. First class. 8)

    Free Member

    Why the hell not? I think I'm meant to be tapering or something that week anyway.

    Free Member

    your a lucky laddie falling down there head first and walking away

    Right leg and shoulder took the brunt, I saved damaging the bike by stopping it with my head. 8)

    Free Member

    Since I obviously don't heal very fast I tend to walk that little bit now

    Yeah lesson learned.

    I only took one photo, purely because I love to see grown men gather round to shake their heads at stuff.

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