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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • renton
    Free Member

    Other than the colour, is it the same material as the one in the shop and online? This can have an effect as some material just dont sit the same as others

    The material we have gone for is the slightly more expensive fabric. At no point did the salesman say it would look different.

    There was a different model of sofa in the showroom in the material we have chose and it looks perfect.

    Free Member

    There’s no buyers remorse to be fair.

    I just don’t want to be spending that amount of money on something that should have been perfect from the get go and needs repairs before its even been sat on.

    Free Member

    Sorry I haven’t explained it properly.

    We really liked the model we sat on in the showroom, it was apparently around 18 months old but to us still felt new and looked good too. There was no baggy or worn material.

    AS such we decided to order new ones in a different colour to match our lounge.

    Unfortunately the one that turned up yesterday is the correct model but looks worn out already, you can see all the material is rippled and saggy and it some places you can actually pinch the loose material.

    I sent them an email last night to say that under the consumer rights act we want to reject them and have a full refund.

    May be sitting on the garden furniture for xmas at this rate !!

    Free Member

    Good luck with the stress test. Fingers crossed you get some answers.

    Free Member

    They likely don’t have any in stock to replace them with.

    You could be right, in that case would it be reasonable to ask for a refund?

    Free Member

    The forks were fitted to my bike at the end of June, rode once and then the bike was laid up due to me having open heart surgery. I only got back on the bike in September so they’ve had very little use.

    I dont think over a month is reasonable to wait. Not sure others will agree but thats just my thoughts.

    Free Member

    Soooo….. The fork was sent off for warranty and RS have come back saying it needs a new CSU and air spring…. Delivery forecast on them is 22/12/22 !!!!!

    Not the bike shops fault at all (big shout out to Race co for helping me out !!) but a bit peeved that my £1120 fork is toast after less than 150miles.

    You’d think that RS would just replace them.

    Free Member

    This is the max travel I have:

    If I set the sag correctly for my weight and then take the weight of the bike off the fork I measure the stanchion at 170mm. however looking at the above pic with the O ring showing the max travel Im losing about 5-6mm of travel overall.

    Free Member

    It’s really bizarre. I turned the hsc and lsc to fully open and dropped the air pressure and it was still really harsh.

    If anything it got worse the more riding I did.

    Free Member

    Oh and the fork never bottoms out when riding, even with 30%sag it still has about 1.5cm of travel left. Despite having no volume reducers fitted it seems to really ramp up at the end of the stroke

    Free Member

    Hi all

    Sorry for any confusion. the fork is meant to be 170mm travel. With the air pressure set for my weight and to get the correct sag there is around 160-163mm of stanchion showing with the weight of the bike on it. Unweighted there is about 170mm so I guess that is right. However with all the air out of the fork and compressed all the way in the o ring doesn’t hit the crown of the fork and there is about 5-6mm of travel left.

    Ive been to Cwmcarn today and done the two red trails, had a horrendous time and had to stop on some of the descents as my hand and arms were getting battered. I tried lowering the air pressure and even put the hsc and lsc to minimum and the fork still felt really harsh and just crap. After the first Red I went back to the car and let all the air out of the fork. when there was nothing left in it I pressed both bleed valves on the back of the fork, Right one did nothing but when I pressed the left one it let a load or air out and sucked the fork right in.

    Something definitely not right, it just doesn’t feel composed at all.

    Bike isn’t new, I’ve had it since March but the fork has only been on for about 4 months. My previous bike was the carbon version of my current bike fitted with a fox 38 170mm travel. It felt completely different to this.

    Free Member

    Cheers all,

    Yesterday I did a ride around the woods as normal, about 19 miles over all sorts of trails and managed to get a good feel of what is going on with the fork.

    It seems to be sinking into its travel quite often, I can feel this in the amount of weight I am putting through my wrists becomes more as the front of the bike sinks down. However if I pull up on the bars it sits up higher in its travel for a bit then and then the cycle repeats.

    Sag is set at 40mm which is just under 25% of the travel.

    One thing I did do is decrease the rebound on the fork so its a bit quicker and this has helped with the feel of the fork a bit.

    A friend has lent me a shockwiz so going to have a play with that.

    Free Member

    Purchased from Leisure lakes.

    TO be honest I hadn’t even thought of the weight of the bike affecting the sag.

    Free Member

    Sorry What I’ve wrote doesn’t make sense.

    With the right air pressure in the forks to give the correct sag Im only seeing 163mm of stanchion when Im not on the bike. Obviously when Im on the bike it sits further into its travel to give the correct sag.

    I have to put a load of air in it to show the correct 170mm of travel.

    Free Member

    @Chrismac : The Helicopter compound was a separate compound within Bastion and quite secure so I never saw him with a security detail. He was quite amicable with me after the loo door event and even had a laugh about it.

    I was also there when the infamous “Battle of Bastion” took place and by all accounts he was whisked away quite quickly on that occasion !!

    @relapsed_madalorian : You are right about being able to smell it !! it was those loos or a thunder box outside the Chinny det …. No thanks :)

    Free Member

    Slightly off topic but my claim to fame is that I nearly smacked Harry in the face with a toilet door whilst out in Afghan. All the helicopter squadrons were in a separate compound at camp bastion and whilst Harry was on the Apaches I was based two hangars down on the Merlin.

    We all shared the same loo block and when coming out of the loos I swung the door open and nearly smacked him in the face. I think I actually shat myself !!

    Free Member

    Alright all,

    Im now 8 weeks post surgery and have been doing cardiac rehab twice a week. It all seems to be going ok but at high heart rates I was getting quite breathless. I mentioned this to the cardiac physio and she asked me about my pacemaker settings. Told her I had no idea what it was set too but that I have an appointment coming up soon so would ask.

    It turns out that they had set my pacemaker to give me help up until a max heart rate of 130bpm so anything above that and my heart was trying to do it on its own. As my heart isn’t beating on its own correctly this explained why I was getting quite breathy. They have now set it to give me 160bpm and said if I needed it higher they can quickly adjust it. Pre op my heart rate never got above 155 anyway and at age 46 its not far off max heart rate now anyway.

    It also turns out that since surgery I’ve had a few bouts of Atrial Fibrillation with the last one being 07 august. Apparently quite common after OHS and the pacemaker nurse didn’t seem concerned. Next check up scheduled for 18 months time.

    My INR levels seem to have settled now too. I’m sat at 2.0 which is perfect for my On-X valve. Hopefully they are going to extend the testing frequency out now.

    Ive a meeting with the surgeon on the 20th and hopefully will get the all clear to start riding again. The physio said no reason why I cant ride now but having tried to do a light press up and having a bit of pain Ive decided to wait and see what the surgeon says.

    Free Member

    I had to have a pacemaker fitted after OHS to replace my Aortic valve. The electrical pathway was damaged and I ended up with stage 3 heart block. Had it fitted about a month ago.

    My heart rate is doing funny things currently which I’m not sure if its down to the PM or the surgery beforehand.

    I can be sat at my computer and my HR jumps about from say 70 to about 120 for no reason.

    Going up stairs can raise my heart rate to 135 without even trying.

    Lying down in bed and my HR starts doing all sorts… missing beats, speeding up and slowing down etc.

    Ive my first pacemaker clinic next week so will see what they say.

    Free Member

    @natrix I’m working from home sat at a computer doing half days this week so relatively easy. I’ve got an appointment with the dr on Friday to clear me to drive and then hopefully start full time next week.

    Free Member

    Alright everyone, update time.

    I’m now 5 weeks post op and started back at work today. Its been quite an eventful few weeks that has seen me amazed at how well the body can recover from some serious surgery.

    AS I mentioned I had to have a permanent pacemaker fitted and have an appointment at the end of the month to have the settings reviewed, currently my HR is all over the place and my resting heart rate seems to be about 10-15 bpm higher than pre surgery. I’m also hitting high bpm around 145 just walking up a steep incline. Apparently as you start building fitness again it will improve.

    I’ve dropped a stone and half in weight since leaving hospital and haven’t really been watching what I eat as the surgeon said your body will consume lots of calories repairing itself so eat what I want for 8 weeks then look at the Mediterranean diet.

    I have my first cardiac rehab session Thursday to hopefully stat building up my stamina and strength again and my goal is to be fit enough to ride my bike again at the 12 week post surgery point.

    I hope everyone else is doing ok at the moment !!

    Free Member

    The noise of the valve took a long time getter used to – perhaps 3?ears in my case..

    Christ on a bike I hope it doesn’t take that long 😅

    Free Member

    Have you got used to the noises yet (thump, thump, click, click) ??

    Nope. It’s still freaking me out how loud it is !!

    I feel it tick at the bottom of my throat more than anywhere else which is weird 😃

    Free Member

    Hi all,

    Further update time ….. Managed to somehow pick up an infection and have felt extremely poorly over the last two days. Even managed to upset the wife last night and have no recollection of it?

    As it stands my heart is repaired but is now no longer communicatijg between the different parts. This in turn means i am going to need a pacemaker over the next couple of days once I’ve got rid of the infection I have.

    All a bit emotional really.

    Free Member

    My valve was leaking quote badly and this was the cause of me feeling knackered and light headed all the time.

    I would seriously be back at the cardiologist door

    Free Member

    Just echoing what Iainc has said above.

    Without alarmimg you my symptoms sounded very similar to yours. I know watches as HRM aren’t very correct but I could be absolutely blowing up and have to lie down at the top of a hill and my HR would be reading 150bpm max.

    Currently in hospital recovering from an aortic valve replacement and a ascending aortic root replacement.

    Might be worth getting checked out properly mate.

    Free Member

    Hi all. Update time.

    Surgery went as expected on Thursday and lasted about 6 hours. I had a metallic aortic valve and ascending aortic root replacement. Both bits went fine.

    Currently feeling like Ive been hit by a bus or two which is to be expected.

    Unfortunately I’m still in critical care as my heart has now decided not to talk to itself which means I have no regular heart rhythm. They are currently exploring the option of a permanent pacemaker which is fine.

    Hospital and all nurses and doctors have been absolutely amazing.

    Feeling quite emotional today on day four after the op.

    Free Member

    I think it’s more down to the face that ebikes make trails more accessible. Especially in the winter periods when riding a normal bike is hard work. Ebikes just blaze through stuff in that instance.

    Certainly where I ride the trails are getting more and more torn up and all the wear seems to happen in the wetter and colder months.

    Free Member

    Thread update:

    Well, my operation date of 23rd June was cancelled due to a couple of emergencies which is to be expected.

    I then had to go and see the surgeon as my breathlessness is getting worse and I am also getting more swelling on my legs despite being on water tablets. Currently I feel constantly tired and recovery from exercise is taking a lot longer.

    Anyway I’m due to go into hospital on Wednesday with a view to doing the surgery on Thursday. About 3-4 months off the bike follows that and then I can start doing some light riding. Hoping to be able to throw my bike around properly by the end of the year. This is providing surgery and recovery goes well.

    I’ll keep you all updated.


    Free Member

    This is the Magura lookup table for mount vs. rotor size, in case anyone ever needs it

    Now then that’s interesting. I’ve been using the magura adapter guide from the net but it looks different to the one you have linked too. It certainly doesn’t list a QM40 in the 220 disc column but it is reassuring that is does now!!

    This is the one I found…

    Free Member


    Cheers, Ive ordered one to try, hopefully it fits.

    How bad is the foul? Could just take some metal off the adapter?

    I’d need to take quite a bit off to be honest just because of the shape of the caliper. I would be worried about making it too weak. Not a bad shout though.

    Free Member

    Use the magura 180 adaptor. It should be the same fit for 160-180 as 200-220.

    Ben do you happen to know what the magura adpater number is that you mention?

    I was using a QM45 on my fox 36 and that is a mile off on the zeb.

    Free Member

    I’ve literally just left the show now.

    Pretty disappointed to be honest.

    My thoughts pretty much echo the OP post.

    I did manage to bump into Gee Atherton so there is that.

    Free Member

    Im on a 36 at the moment and find it quite spindly with the combined weight of the bike and me!

    Free Member

    How do Orbea manage to make these so efficient !!

    I get that I’m fat and unfit but my levo has a 700w battery and I reckon that would last around 30 miles around our local woods(Wyre)

    Nice looking bike though Mark !

    Free Member

    That’s monkey bum aids that is 😂

    Free Member

    Agree with the above. Great in the dry.

    I’ve been up today to have a blast about and due to the rain it’s as slippery as hell.

    Sniper roots everywhere on the good trails.

    Free Member

    I love the place. Been riding there for years and I’ve still been introduced to a load of new trails up there by @Z1ppy from these pastures.

    I’d be up for showing you around but am going really slow at the moment trying to keep my heart rate in check. Howpfully some of the faster riders might chirp up.

    As a starter it’s best to start over the button oak side of the forest.

    Free Member

    I was an avid Shimano fan until the other week when I put some Magura MT7 on my bike with 220 rotors front and back.

    Jesus wept they are strong.

    Free Member

    Too late to edit but:

    63, Gt Tequesta
    64, Haro Escape
    65, my dads old road bike
    66, Giant NRS

    Free Member

    Some of you lot make me look tame in comparison !! :)

    From the age of 12:

    1, mongoose supergoose
    2, raleigh burner
    3, another supergoose
    4, muddy fox rock and roll (First mtb)
    5, dawes road bike
    6, raleigh yukon
    7, dawes Mtb
    8, raleigh team banana road bike
    9, diamond back topanga
    10, merlin malt 1
    11, merlin something
    12, specialized stumpjumper HT
    13, airborne liberator
    13, Spesh stumpy FSR
    14, Spesh stumpy FSR
    15, on one inbred
    16, on one inbred
    17, on one inbred 456
    18, spesh stumpy ht
    19, norco fluid
    20, spesh pitch
    21, spesh enduro
    22, spesh pitch
    23, spesh pitch
    24, spesh enduro
    25, spesh pitch (Liked these a lot !!)
    26, turner 5 spot
    27, spesh stumpy
    28, spesh stumpy
    29, turner 5 spot
    30, cotic bfe
    31, norco range
    32, boardman hybrid
    33, another boardman hybrid
    34, orange 5 29
    35, giant trance
    36, genesis equilibrium
    37, another trance
    38, lapieere zesty
    39, voodoo bizange
    40, on one parkwood
    41, cube cross race
    43, giant defy
    44, whyte 529
    45, transition sentinel
    46, spesh stumpy 29er
    47, on one codiene
    48, spesh stumpy
    49, salsa horsethief
    50, whyte s150
    51, cube attain 58
    52, cube attain 60
    53, giant defy
    54, cotic bfe max
    55, santa cruz hightotwer
    56, orbea rallon
    57, whyte e150
    58, orbea wild
    59, spesh levo expert
    60, spesh levo comp

    Erm they may be some I have missed !

    I may have a problem lol

    EDIT:61: spesh sirrus.

    EDIT AGAIN: 62: Marin full susser

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