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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • redsox
    Free Member

    goddamn, I was kinda hoping to be talked out of it, now i’m even more interested

    Free Member

    As a sufferer of OCD, not much, but when i’m not thinking about that, my daughter and skateboards…….everything else is just white noise

    Free Member

    Being told to stop wearing a Metallica sweatshirt as it wasn’t school uniform

    I stood up for myself and asked why it was ok for all the other kids to wear MCKenzie jumpers, which were the fashion of the time, as they weren’t school uniform either. No answer.

    I kept wearing my sweatshirt……..**** the police

    Free Member

    “Hi there, I have no real clue what I’m talking about or have I ever studied anything relevant to building collapse or a jet careering into the side of a building that was never meant to withstand a plane full of fuel – but I made a video about it because I have no problem trampling over people’s grief in the search for (my moronic) truth”

    It’s not a game of “who has it worse” and perhaps if everyone put as much effort into realising this and treating everyone equally we wouldn’t have to mark any atrocities with an anniversary

    Free Member

    I’ve just been referred to a podiatrist for the same reason, had ankle pain for over a year now. Trying eBay bought insoles with arch support and it does take the edge off a fair bit.

    Free Member

    Bit late to the party, but…

    Great, another twonk using social media and the news to further a career that’s probably not going anywhere so try use their indignation over something that, again, could be handled in house, but the. That doesn’t get you the attention you so desperately crave.

    Yes, the guy was wrong, there’s no mistaking that, but running to Twitter is not the answer and you’ll now be forever tarred as the troublemaker nobody wants to work with.

    People need to get back to realising that their posts in social media have consequences once you put them out there, but then again, I’m pretty sure that was the sole purpose here.

    I’m willing to bet good money had it been a 29 year old, model good looks kinda guy, that had made the same comment she would have taken the compliment and we would never have heard about it. There’s an agenda going on here (what a surprise)

    Free Member

    Another **** car for **** that aspire to going to Dubai every year and Instagram pictures of themselves like they’re a brand.

    I thought it looked like an Allegro in that publicity shot, it’s put me right off my lunch

    Free Member

    Might as well give yourself every chance you can, sure it might not protect you much if you go under a bus, but if I hit a tree or go off the back I’d rather my head had something between me and the ground

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, this probably means I have no advice to offer – but felt I should chip in to explain why, rather than just keeping silent

    Not at all, if anything, it helps to know i’m not alone

    Free Member

    that floor is pure pornography

    Free Member

    From personal use, i am a fan of the MXR Distortion+

    I tend to buy the pedals that the artists I like use purely because those are the songs i tend to play…….in this case, I blame Bob Mould of Husker Du/Sugar

    But that’s just me

    Free Member

    Looks like something you’d see on B3TA

    Presumably this is another attempt to get something to go “Viral”

    Free Member

    not totally alone

    Free Member

    I want to see that on the Top Gear track pasting an M3/M4 (or whatever they’re calling it these days) with fancy camera tricks and possibly Audioslave as the soundtrack

    Free Member

    There was a guy at my work suspended for coming in to work sozzled, the papers didn’t give a shit

    True story

    Free Member

    Bonus? What’s that?

    A year of frugalness from us but at least the big boss was able to upgrade his supercar

    Free Member

    A wifi kettle? Well thank god my prayers have finally been answered

    Free Member

    While it may not be deemed as morally acceptable, and not something I’m interested in doing, but surely if it’s legal in that country then what’s the issue?

    I had a roll on bacon this morning, I just didn’t take a photo of me enjoying it to put on twitter

    Free Member

    MIL is fine if a little ditzy sonetimes

    Mother on the other hand? Batshit mental and a destructive force from which there is no escape

    Free Member

    As someone who’s been in the same boat for a few years now, I would say go speak to your doctor. I’ve had depression and anxiety and this sounds like similar symptoms.

    Saying that, I also believe that something has shifted in the past few years and people feel the need to bang on constantly about everything they’ve done or are going to do like life is some sort of Facebook and people need to be constantly updated in the latest bollocks that they’ve seen or done.

    I also get the financial stagnation. I’m like that, stuck in a job that doesn’t really make me that happy while everyone around me seems to be getting on and going further with minimal effort. Trouble is, that has a knock on effect with everyone else thinking they have to shout louder and constantly get noticed – things like that get pretty infuriating after a while.

    Anyway – I would suggest the doctors and counselling, it’s what I’m doing at the moment and even though day to day doesn’t seem to be getting any better, it’s nice having someone to listen to you

    Free Member

    I’m not a Daily Mail fan but I’m not a fan of this sort of indirect censorship either. I can’t help but feel a line has been crossed.

    +1, while the Daily Mail is a right load of old bollocks, I don’t need someone deciding what I do and don’t click on.

    Free Member

    at least the mountain bike community got told about it first :roll:

    Free Member

    wasn’t the internet intended to be free?

    Free Member

    Problem taps are all upstairs.

    Water board were out, nothing wrong with the pressure apparently. How long should I hold the hand over the tap. I was trying it earlier but only counting to 10 or 20

    Free Member

    This “person” is a human being just like yourself so nothing to be scared of.

    Sounds to me that this “person” is very insecure and, which is more likely the case, jealous. Not that you’ve had a leg fracture but that you’ve had time off work and they’ve had to pick up a bit of slack in your absence when all they wanted to do was play foxy bingo.

    I’ve been bullied a couple of times at work in my adult life. Humanizing the person doing to bullying has always worked for me. Then do a little digging, the internet is a wonderful thing. I almost always seem to find that there is something missing in their life or something going wrong for them. Right or wrong, i take some comfort in that and chose my moment very carefully before broadcasting it at the perfect moment “OH, I HAD NO IDEA YOU LIKED DOGGING”

    A good few years back, I was working in some horrible restaurant. the shift manager was a grade A twonk, a proper bully and possible sex offender. Long story short, I live happy in the knowledge that I’ve tripled my salary since then and he was done for trying to fiddle fruit machines at his last job.

    Unfortunately, some people are just born ****

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cost £4400

    Cost £4083

    You’ll find that one of these things will need serviced way more than the other, need parts replaced more often, and will be replaced a whole lot quicker.

    Everyone see’s the value of things differently

    Free Member

    Snap were once “as serious as cancer” relating to rhythm being a dancer

    Free Member

    Out of interest, anyone meditate to help their depression?

    This is something I have been meaning to try. I sometimes do have a problem finding a quiet space to try it.

    However…….a bit of a breakthrough has been had here. Having had a bit of a chat (not about this) with my mate yesterday (who stays in Australia) about nothing in particular. It has made me realise that I might be a bit lonely. I seem to have shut myself away from things a bit, lost my zest for life and for doing things…….I haven’t discovered any new music in years. The whole “I need to get out more” excuse. Even popping to the supermarket recently has become more of an effort than it needs to be.

    I also seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on the internet (yes, I am seeing the irony of me posting this on a forum) It’s become part of my daily routine to be online, looking at the same websites/forums expecting amazing things to be happening. My job is sitting at a computer, and my home life has become sitting at a computer. I honestly can’t remember the last time I just read a book.

    “Working on it” would be a fair description

    Free Member

    Felt better……. Currently flat out on the couch trying to muster up some energy to go out.

    More angry than anything else, hard to justify feeling like this when there’s nothing really for me to complain about.

    Free Member

    Wow, 51

    yep, suddenly I feel the need to go jogging and take skateboarding back up…….one life and all that

    Free Member

    I don’t deny that exercise is the best medicine, going out riding a lot more, but it seems to be very much a short term solution and it’s effects wear off very quickly

    Free Member

    I like the meaning behind the koi fish tattoo……been meaning to get one done for a long time

    There was an old fable that stated a koi fish could try to climb up the falls at a specific point on the Yellow River to become a dragon. The koi symbolizes a person’s ability to aspire to be a better, more advanced part of the universe.

    The Koi fish tattoo is an ideal tattoo for someone who wants to express their levels of strength and perseverance through the trials and tribulations of life. If you are a courageous person that has high expectations for your life and high goals for success and happiness, the koi fish is the symbol of everything for which you stand.

    More here:

    Free Member

    Dear God will someone please tell me this thread is one big joke?

    Every single one of those watches is hideously ugly, not in any good or interesting way.

    eye of the beholder and all that

    Free Member

    Welcome to BBC3

    Free Member

    Liking it, the first album that I’ve bought this year which hasn’t been a bit of a disappointment (Daft Punk, i’m looking at you)

    Makes me feel quite uneasy in places…….which is nice

    Free Member

    I’m a bit fat brute of a guy, and it suddenly got very dusty in here

    Awesome :D

    Free Member

    unplug the laptop, go outside

    Free Member

    a guy at work just gave the the heads up of what’s coming next……I think i’ll be giving up at this rate, seems like the writer has just thrown in every madcap idea he could think of

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