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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • RDL-82
    Free Member

    What’s people’s opinions on brushed vs brushless?

    Free Member



    If you find something you like that needs building, send it to me and I’ll do it. I had way more fun building mine than I ever did running it.

    TBH that’s the bit I’m more interested in! Probably let the kids have it after that.

    Tempted anyway at that price.

    Free Member

    Does that come ready built matt_outandabout?

    The instructions I found show an exploded diagram and a seller said built already.

    Really want one, but want something that need self assembly with costing many £’s at first!

    Sick of these threads :lol:

    Free Member

    Autoglym Interioir Shampoo. Good stuff. Can be used on pretty much everything bar glass.
    They do an odour killer spray too. Never used it but if anything like their other stuff should be good.

    Free Member

    Are you after frame only theotherjonv?

    Have a 19.5 Inbred 29 Ltd that I’m close to moving on but complete only so might be of no interest.

    Free Member

    Cool idea.

    This bit of the article however…

    MONA said medical waivers needed to be signed to see some of the art.

    Makes me seriously curious! Tell us more damn it!

    Free Member

    I’m 50/50 on the faraday method etc. If you’ve a car that’s likely to be targeted RS3/4/6, C63, Focus ST/RS etc then there is a very good chance they will do whatever it takes to take and if that means entering the house in the night then so be it. Story on Facebook the other day of another MK2 RS being taken by force after knocking on door.

    It’s just a metal box. That’s what insurance is for. And for clarity I’m in the above group of cars just the cheapest one!

    Just my opinion anyway. Little shits though aren’t they, people wised up to the OBD method so on to the next trick they move.

    Free Member

    We have suffered on and off for the past 18 months.
    End of a row of 5. All started after one of the properties was empty for a while. Called environmental health out treated, went away, repeat. Spoke to neighbours all swear blind they have no issues so it’s left to us constantly reporting.
    Said initial
    Empty property is on and off vacant and as soon as it’s vacant the problem dies down as soon as residents in it comes back. Assume they are running riot in the property when it’s empty.

    Trouble I’m having is restricted loft access and a lot of insulation. Blocked every access to living areas we can find and so far confident the issue is confined to loft. Starting to feel the only way forward is to remove all loft insulation and start afresh up there but that will have to wait till summer now.

    Seriously considering going to local MP over it. Environmental Health man says nothing he can do unless others report or he can see a probable issue with another property and as no one else wants to admit anything we are stuck.

    It’s gone on that much we almost accept it at the minute.
    Feel for you. It’s not nice but equally nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about as our neighbours seem to be.

    Sorry for the long post :oops:

    Free Member

    Enjoyed Daredevil so interested in this. Hmm, will have to subscribe to Netflix and binge it before cancelling again!

    Free Member

    Have it here. Family plan and using all 5 slots. Eldest and missus use it a lot so worth it just for them.

    Did have google music on previous android phone and at the time although I could have additional users we shared the same account and the same songs. Could never see a way to separate at the time, not to say it’s still the same but the Apple Music certainly separates everyone’s libraries.

    Free Member

    GrahamS do you play a lot? I’ve had it installed since this thread started and used a fraction. I have one of those apps installed that we can’t talk about however(!) but would imagine that only works in browser unless they block in the background too.

    Free Member


    Just checked mine. 200mb. I don’t ever ‘continue’ however. Have you been and maybe that’s why it’s so high with the ad you need to watch.

    Seems crazy high though.

    Free Member

    I’ve no idea what the hollow circular objects do other than remind you how much of your life you’ve wasted playing ballz

    They are ‘coins’ as such. You use them to ‘buy’ the other coloured ballz. Main menu and the 3 balls together button next to the no ads option.

    Free Member

    My best on Ballz is now 321.

    Damn you! That’s it no more work for today. I have a top score to work on!

    Best I’ve managed is 128 :|

    Haven’t noticed the ball thing. I just thought it was a choice of pretty colours!

    Free Member

    Yep. Manchester too. Especially bad around centre and out towards Oldham.

    Free Member

    Having a dabble at Kami2 at the minute. Good little puzzler.

    And muppetWrangler 450 at Ballz. How?! Driving me mad that one!

    Free Member

    I’d avoid the Pixel 2 at the moment. I’ve read reports of constant noise from the speakers, screen burn from the home page image and other associated issues.
    Shame, because it sounds a good phone.

    I thought those issues were only affecting the XL version? Sure that’s what I read at least initially.

    As I’m sure do many other phone’s now, my Note captures RAW images. I just can’t find the bloody things. Any ideas?

    Is it maybe like the iPhone. Capable of RAW capture but not using the native ‘app’?
    Using ProCamera gives me the option but without that it’s just JPEG or HEIF.

    Free Member

    On the iPhone at least the standard camera app is pretty basic. Buy something like ProCamera and you open up a whole host of control.

    I’d love a decent stand alone but I know I’d not carry it so the phone suffices for me.

    iPhone 8/8+ is much better than 6/6s we had previously especially in lower light situations.
    I think my old Samsung S6 edge was better at movement though but that melted itself so kind of lost faith in that!

    Free Member

    Plague Inc.

    Starts simply enough but gets challenging.

    Free Member

    Can we just let this thread die please. I really really dont want one!

    Always hankered after one as a kid but it never was to be. Might have to sort that out.

    Free Member

    Polar M400 (old) or M430 (new and with optical HR)

    Like my M400. App (Polar Flow) is good too imo.

    Edit: missed the cheap-ish bit :oops: M430 at least might not meat the criteria.

    Free Member

    Fair enough. I’m not clued up on warranty stuff. Do the repairer ‘have’ to be VW approved or does it not work like servicing where by as long as genuine parts are used the warranty stays intact or at least to my understanding.

    I guess that leads to the question of whether VW would even know anyway. Only the anti perforation part would be affected anyway would it not?

    Free Member

    Either way looks like I’ll probably end up £1000 out of pocket.

    You may have a much better outcome with your insurer however myself and a few I know have suffered increase through simply notifying them.

    What exactly is the £1000 for? Are there not parts that you could source secondhand and fit yourself to reduce cost? Or are we talking all replace/respray job?

    Free Member

    I’ve told them not sure whether going through insurance or not and I suspect there must be some sort of scam as I can’t see why it would make a difference to the quoted price?

    So have you notified your insurance that the vehicle has been involved in an incident?

    If so you renewal will likely go up regardless of them paying anything out or whose fault it was/wasn’t. Just another way of getting more out of you.

    You are now apparently (my understanding from what I’ve read/heard) more likely to be involved in a claim so quoted accordingly.
    A scam imo.

    Free Member

    Anyone else have any experience how much their insurance went up for no fault damage (but where the third party can’t be traced)

    Insurer at the time, come renewal said they could no longer quote.
    Got shafted elsewhere too. For what it ultimately would have cost to sort I should have sucked it up and just sorted it myself as over the following years it definitely cost me more. Lesson learnt on that one.

    Free Member

    Ours is in hall with one small radiator with no trv. It’s a fairly big space to heat and by the time the thermostat switches back off every other room in the house is an oven so we end up just controlling everything manually rather than relying on the hall being up to temperature.

    Free Member

    it would be interesting to know what peoples thermostats are. An old honeywell thats 15 year old might be set at 21 deg but only heats to 17…

    Ours is only a couple of years old but nothing fancy. Can’t remember name off top of head.

    Tempted by the Tado stuff at the minute.

    Free Member

    I assume my car just doesn’t implement the A2DP Bluetooth profile. (It’s a ten year old Ford Focus)

    You are correct. Been there scratching my head on why it wouldn’t work.
    You can get it to work though but it requires a different (later) spec BT module. Show up on eBay occasionally about £60+ and also gives the ability for usb too with the required extras.

    Sorry for the slight thread diversion(!)

    Free Member

    Hmm. About 23c mostly. The missus is soft!

    Tbh our rads won’t even come on till the thermostat is at least set to 21c but it certainly isn’t that in the house so not sure if we have an issue somewhere.

    The house does hold its heat well though. Always turned off at night.

    Free Member

    Never found Google hard to download what you’ve purchased. How long since you last used it?

    Tbh I’ve a foot in both camps. Apple Music family plan and still buy the tracks and occasionally albums I like.

    Streaming services both Apples and Google’s before I switched allowed me to sample so much more music than I would have come across beforehand and some of that then got my money so I don’t really believe streaming an evil as such. Yes the artists may get less than with a physical purchase but then it’s better than nothing when the likes of piratebay etc were so everyday to many people and not just the tech geeks etc

    Free Member

    This year and tail end of last I have struggled hugely. When I’m out I love it and when I get home I’m thinking when next. The trouble is the next time doesn’t come very often and then when it does it’s hard and kills some of the enjoyment etc. Stuck in a circle at the minute with it.

    Last ride was May and as a side last run was June. I’m just struggling full stop right now. Motivation no existent.

    Have been doing a lot of walking lately though either alone or with dogs and some of those walks are crossing through places I was riding. There’s a small seed growing to get back out again, I just know it’s got to be a big effort!

    Why not focus on another activity for a bit. The bike will still be there. Maybe mentally/physically your body fancies a rest from it. I suspect that was partly my issue. A lot of my rides became just doing it because it was Sunday or I was off etc. I started removing the fun and making it a chore.

    Free Member


    Had plenty from there before moving fully to streaming. Why not the two you listed out of interest?

    Free Member

    How far are you willing to travel?

    May be of no interest but I have some MA Bronze 2’s that I keep meaning to advertise but haven’t got round to. Excellent condition Have stands too.

    Free Member

    Used mine only a handful of times on ‘big’ days such as Snowdon. The trouble I have is watching the footage back makes me feel funny. I guess it’s the perspective or something.

    Only use it around the kids now. Filming them when we are out or as a waterproof camera/time lapse solo shooting.

    Ultimately was a bit of a waste tbh!

    Free Member

    We really need a like button. So much good stuff in this thread.

    Todays effort…

    ‘Springing’ along! by Robert Lawson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Nothing fancy. Just messing with iPhones ‘long exposure’ mode.

    River Medlock Weir (Park Bridge) by Robert Lawson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Like the leaves colournoise

    Free Member

    Some fantastic stuff in here, would live even half the vision to spot some of these shots.

    I’ll join in with a relatively poor phone shot that’s a tad over processed but I wanted a dark look…

    Manchester Victoria Railway Station Frontage. by Robert Lawson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Sometimes a regime is so wicked that it needs to be stopped, even when the price is high:

    Unit 731

    Nothing to add other than that’s seriously **** up. Never heard of it before.

    Free Member

    Can’t comment on sizes at the upper end and how big they go but I think the decathlon stuff is very good (l/xl here)

    Have used/use both the Kipsta (cheap range as far as I can tell but no complaint here and lasted better than the expensive Under Armour stuff I had) and the Kalenji stuff which is their running gear but find to be a really good fit and longevity and perfect for training beyond running.

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