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  • RDL-82
    Free Member

    Fell in love with the outdoors walking with my grandad as a child. MTB came later on life for me.

    Fell out of love with the bikes but not losing myself in the hills and it’s even better now the kids enjoy it too.

    Free Member

    I think by the time you factor in the near constant DFS style always discounted/sale nature of all of the usual suspects the prices are generally damn as near it identical.

    Have used. MyP, GoNutrition (set up by the guy who started MyP iirc) and The Protein Works. Currently using TPW as I like the flavour. I use nothing fancy though. Straight up Whey Concentrate, Creatine and Beta Alanine. And they work out about the cheapest give or take pennies.

    If you don’t mind paying a bit more Awesome Supplements look good. Very small range. Lots of interesting articles on their site too. Tempted to try myself but pretty well settled with what I have. is good if you want to do any reading up on differences in product types etc

    Free Member

    This thread is so full of awesome. Well done those involved.

    With regards to the car seats. Pretty sure you only have to have 3 in the back ‘if’ they fit safely. If not the middle is allowed to not use one. That might be dependant on it being a proper across the shoulder belt rather than a lap belt. Not sure what the Yaris has.

    Obviously double check but we had the same issue a few years back and couldn’t realistically fit 3 boosters and at the time at least isn’t wasn’t a requirement under the circumstances.

    Free Member

    Only ever done Whinfell and Sherwwood.

    Used to do Whinfell mainly then tried Sherwood. Found Sherwood better. Layout etc.

    Last time we did Whinfell again and Sherwood still preferred for us.

    The rest are too far for us really.

    Free Member

    Hasn’t the law/rules recently changed regarding knifes etc in the post anyway? May not apply with it being a multi tool.

    Sure Heinnie Haynes posted not long ago about having to pick knife orders up from collection points instead so you may not have ever got it anyway. (No consolation I know) Just a thought and I may be mis-remembering what I read.

    Free Member

    Had never heard of these till now. Look interesting. Especially Curve. Off to read some more.

    Free Member

    Once I win the mental battle I will.

    I am unhappy with myself now and want to change. Struggling to start again.

    Currently injured which is an easy excuse to do nothing.

    Free Member

    Well off imo.

    In terms of weight I’m roughly the same but I’ve just replaced muscle with flab.

    Haven’t trained properly for just shy of a year according to diary and I’d put myself at around a 5/10 now.

    Running wise I’ve lost a few minutes of my 5k but possibly more since I last did it. Can walk all day though, which is pretty much the only exercise I’m currently doing.

    Strength has gone to pot though. Sedatiary job doesn’t help.

    A quick ‘fitness’ test with my Polar watch just now shows I’ve gone from the ‘elite’ for my age group bracket to ‘moderate’.

    Struggling for many reasons to find the motivation to restart training.

    Free Member

    Nice one. 👍

    Need to get my back side in gear.

    Free Member

    Episode 6 now up.

    Free Member

    Informed my insurer a few years back of a non fault incident that was being paid for by the other party. Being all good and doing as I believe we should (t&c’s). Come renewal they would no longer inspire me and my quotes elsewhere were higher. Considerably. Lesson learned for me. If I feel I don’t need to tell them I won’t.

    Your view may vary but it’s a joke to penalise someone when you have done absolutely nothing wrong and cussed the insurer absolutely zero cost.

    Hope you get sorted.

    Free Member

    Can’t relax. To the point it drives my missus mad. Totally restless.

    The closest I’d say I get is messing with the R/C buggies and lately taking the camera out on walks. Both are just extensions to other activities mind.

    Free Member

    A good read. Respect for posting it.

    I, (like a few more here it seems) am really struggling to bother with anything theses days and if totally honest for the last 18 months or so.

    A multitude of things I think have been key but mainly my relationship was so so close to ending and that really wiped me out, fortunately we have been able to work it all out and if anything life’s better, but I can’t relax anymore. Various other things happened and over time I stopped riding, running, living. I have lost all my fitness.

    I built a new bike to try and rekindle the love and desire of being out. I’ve used it maybe 10 times in 11 months.

    I’ve gone from comfortable 20min 5k’s to absolutely blowing out of my arse and walking bits and being around 30mins when I can be bothered.

    My general strength and overall fitness has gone. I know I need to build it up slowly again yet just get frustrated and demotivated too easily.

    I’m extremely self critical and put myself down. I’m not enjoying riding (thinking of selling) hence so little of it, and running is almost non existent, because I’ve become so poor at them (in my eyes) that rather than enjoy I’m criticising myself.

    The only thing I’m enjoying right now and even that I’m struggling to maintain a regular thing is walking.

    Even though we worked it out, I am some times surprised looking at how I’ve been. Is that the irony? I can see just how hard I must be to be around and yet I’m struggling to change it.

    I’m I feel getting somewhere. The wake up for me to a degree was my youngest asking why I’m always so grumpy and mad and I had no answer.

    I don’t think anyone I know still comes on here but if so, discretion please, I found even that little bit hard to write and don’t want to take away from euanc’s post. I’ve been tempted to post so often but always bottled it.

    Free Member

    Pure fluke with this. Was just bored and messing.

    Free Member

    @matt_outandabout and @Sandwich

    Veey good, I guess I walked straight into those!

    Talked with missus not long ago. She’s not fussed either way. Neither of us want more kids though. Seems the best way forward to me.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough I’ve just been on their site and it actually says you can ask your GP to refer you to them in some areas.

    £500 private. There at least.

    Timescale and flexibility will be key for me so. Need to book in with GP and start the ball rolling.

    Awkwardness will be high I’m sure.

    Free Member

    Been thinking about this on and off for a few months now and bottled it.

    Who went NHS or private? And if NHS how long did you wait?

    Seriously thinking of just cracking on with it so going to book an appointment with gp but it will need planning around work for the op. My time off this year is already accounted for and I really don’t want to be at work in pain/distracted.

    Also, how long before you can get back to it? Obviously still chance of pregnancy if not careful at first/until all clear given. Do you have to wait a certain amount of time?

    Free Member

    Interesting read that.

    Not sure how I feel about it tbh. Certainly a very real risk of losing/affecting things we know nothing about which could have consequences unexpected.

    Free Member

    Cheers all. Plenty more useful pointers. Will definitely start with the priority modes and move from there.

    Couple of days of work next week so in between the million and one other things that will no doubt suddenly need doing I’ll hopefully get out for a play and also actually be at home the same time that the kids are actually still awake. Shifts, pain in the bum!

    Had a look at those links too geetee1972. Nice and more candid than I expected. Not feeling the last one but then that’s the thing with art. It speaks to us all differently.

    Thanks for all the help. I’ll be back for more I’m sure!

    Free Member

    I don’t personally see it as cheating. Certainly right now I’m sure the camera can work out what’s ‘right’ far quicker than I can. It was maybe a bad choice of word but more a case of interest in what those that are experienced do in such situations.

    Where I have the time to play I will. For everything else I’ll keep the stabilisers on for now!

    Free Member

    Oh yeah. I’m less worried about processing and more about getting out and comfortable with the camera and the settings.

    One thing I wonder, and I know that the point of these things is the extra control, but when in situations where you haven’t really the time to set everything up, do you ‘cheat’ and go auto or one of the defined modes such as ‘sport’?

    Say im in the park with my kids and they are all over. Is there too many little variables going on to be fully manual and still get the shot? Do you risk losing the moment because the setup was off?

    Also, how important do people find the lens hood? I haven’t got one and they aren’t exactly expensive, but do you generally use them?

    Free Member

    I think Nico was being sarcastic, as perhaps were you. Only ****puffins use the term ‘glass’, usually the same ones who also wet themselves over the glass’s bokeh.

    Indeed I was and yes I assumed Nico was too.

    Now bokeh, I know that term, not a total lost cause!

    Any alternatives to Lightroom that isn’t subscription based for the full package? Is it likely I’ll even need the full package?

    Only have the iPad at present so limited. Have Snapseed which appears pretty feature rich but in comparison to Lightroom I have no idea.

    Free Member

    Damn it. Have I made a mistake already, the shame!

    I’ll go figure out my glass then!

    I’m quite comfortable with using my feet to zoom. I was only using my phone these days so no other option.

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone. Appreciate the input.

    Free Member

    Lol. I’ve read very little. It’s what someone told me. I’ve no idea about crop sensors etc. It was just mentioned that it was a nice lens for out as about.

    I intend to learn the camera and techniques the question was more would the lens I have be a hindering factor beyond skill/ability.

    Free Member

    Now that’s something I need to get my head around. Why it needs consideration and pros and cons of going one way or another.

    A lot to learn, but first I need to get out there.

    Free Member

    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 16px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”>Does the 1100D kit lens really not come with IS?  </span>

    As far as I can tell on this lens. The pictures I’ve seen of the newer lens have a switch on the lens body below the af/mf toggle whereas my lens hasn’t. Unless it’s built in and is un  switchable.

    Free Member

    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 16px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; background-color: #eeeeee;”>My advice would be to spend some money on a photo processing program such as Lightroom. This will make a far bigger difference to your photos than any lens, and it will help you to learn about your photos, photography and any eventual shortcomings in your equipment.</span>

    Need to sort a computer back out first. Stuck with the iPad only at the minute, but something I will look into.

    Free Member

    Cheers. Some bits for me to investigate further there. Focal length etc.

    Hopefully be able to get out soon and just start playing with what I have.

    Plenty more q’s will surely follow!

    Free Member

    Oh I intend to learn the camera. Will be freeing myself of the Auto mode as much as possible once I’ve got to grips with it.

    Trying to figure out if that’s a decent enough lens or whether something smaller/newer might serve my intended use better.

    I appreciate it was never a high end camera and that it’s a few years old too but already I can see it blows both the iPhone and point and shoot away in the situations it’s been used, especially where poor light is concerned anthe speed seems silly fast.

    For what it cost me (£0) I don’t mind swapping a lens from the off if it’ll better suit me.

    I fully intend to get out and about when off work and get to grips with it and may find this lens works fine for me but hoping to understand what their options might suit and where to go looking for them.

    I imagine like bikes there’s a group of must have the newest so there must be some decent sources, beyond eBay for used kit.

    Free Member

    Retirement. Seems so far away. At least 24 years (60) to get my full 40 years in on our final salary scheme, plus my AVC’s.

    I don’t plan to do full time till then however. We can job share so (as it stands) I’d do 2 days a week. Couple that with pension I’d be on pretty much the same as fulltime but with a greatly reduced work load and a much reduced physical and mental impact on me as I age.

    Thinking 55 for that move (still another 19years, so possible it’ll no longer be an option of course). A lot can change between now and then obviously that’ll make that no longer an option but if I do need to work full time till I’m 60+ then my pension estimates should allow me a comfortable life if they come off.

    I will add however that the thought of doing my job till I’m 60+ doesn’t appeal. Even now as I’ve aged I find the shifts are draining me more than they did and occasionally I need a ‘wasted’ day to recharge whereas I used to be fine.

    I fully expect to never recieve state pension.

    Free Member

    And if anyone feels like putting some figures on here what then? Are you hoping to compare?

    I know two people who will never have money worries. One is so obsessed with work and his career he basically has no life. When he’s not working he’s thinking about work. He could have retired years ago and is knocking on the door of state retirement age yet he can’t bare the thought of it. He wants more all the time.

    The other party is only happy spending. Totally materialistic and shallow. When they aren’t spending they are at each other’s throats.

    Money doesn’t buy happiness as has been said although the latter would argue it does and the former can’t enjoy it as he’s too busy chasing it.

    Still. I’m curious why the OP wants to know? Or have I missed that explanation?

    Free Member

    Cool. Added to watch later. I hope it gets used and not just stored (may mention is video)

    Free Member

    2/moderate apparently. I’m surprised! Just outside Manchester centre.

    Free Member

    We strap absolute bottom end lipos to our bodies to go night riding without a worry and then ride into trees and such

    What’s this thing called ‘riding’ you talk about?!

    Hobbyking is the best place for lipos

    I shall have a look, cheers.

    Free Member

    So what’s a good brand(s)?

    Can you recommend a charger/discharger for me to investigate. I understand you charge/discharge them to about 50% or a certain cell voltage for storing.

    Storage is cool and in a tin?


    Free Member

    Only issue with Family sharing if you count it as one is the main account holders payment details are used for everyone else’s purchases (at least I can’t see a way for that not to be the case) but we just set the kids accounts to have all purchases free or paid to need approval.

    Free Member

    Quick one for the electric & Lipo crew.

    Are the Lipo batteries as volatile and dodgy as some sites etc make out?

    I’m currently building a kit up and was leaning towards NiMH but would rather the benefits of Lipo. As I understand it is probably need a new ESC as mine doesn’t have a low voltage/power alarm/cut off for the battery of running Lipo.

    How are you all charging them? Are they really that bad they mustn’t be left alone and need to be in fireproof bags etc?

    Free Member

    Argh. Another thread that’s got me looking at spending money!

    Some really ace finishes in here. I used to love building them when younger but was rubbish at painting them.

    Free Member

    Well I’ve finally succumbed to the temptation and hold you all accountable!

    DT03 Racing Fighter on it’s way. Rather excited!

    Just ordered the kit for now, will sort all the transmitter etc out in new year. Any recommendations?

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