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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • RDL-82
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    @lunge @mogrim

    Thanks for the input.
    Unfortunately no bike at the minute so no chance of easy spinning. Noticing the lack of commuting on fitness and recovery tbh but that’s another story!

    I’ll go with the 3-4 miler on Thursday as is been thinking.

    As for Saturday I’ll see how I feel. Regardless of running or not I’ll be out for an hour with the dog anyway.

    Haven’t done the full distance but did a 10 miler and could have happily carried on so not worried about the distance or potential extra time.

    Free Member

    Wanting to pick the minds of you all again.

    Got my first half on 5th January.

    Now obviously we all different and a half is probably nothing to some however when would you be looking at doing your last run before the day (a Sunday in this case) and what sort of distance would you be considering?

    I was thinking a 5k ish sort of distance on the Thursday then rest but tbh no real idea.

    Free Member

    I love it (Santa) for the kids. Two of ours are now old enough to no longer believe. We went along with it for as long as they were happy too and didn’t push it when the told us they no longer beloved.
    The eldest probably took longer or played the game back for longer. The middle one a bit sooner. Suspect the youngest will be quicker still purely because she questions everything.
    Even though the older two know it’s all just a nice little fairytale they both go out of their way to play the game for their younger sister. Moving the elf and all that stuff. It’s fun for them too now but in a different way.
    I’ll be sad once all three of them know the truth.

    Free Member

    Nice one @bob_summers I fancy going after a sub 50 10k next year as just a little target. Got to 52mins 2yrs ago on a trail race.

    Had a little milestone of my own today. Did a 10 miler. Never gone over 9 before. Nothing major but felt good. Took me 1:30hr with about 4 mile being off road. Slippy!

    Got my first half in January and have set myself a small goal of going sub 2hr. Should be doable based on today if I don’t mess it up and get carried away.

    Free Member

    Had a few UPS deliveries. One went ‘wrong’. Customer service were great.
    Tracking updated to delivered. Definitely wasn’t as I was in. Turned out driver had took it to a local shop/click and collect place. Off his own back mind as wasn’t requested. Was near the end of his shift apparently and probably couldn’t be bothered.
    Wasn’t the end of the world and was dealt with quickly.

    Free Member

    We decided and told everyone a couple of years back that it’s kids only (ours and theirs). Caused a few raised eyebrows as we were not being in spirit of it. It’s worked so far.

    We buy our kids exactly what they want within reason so no unwanted gifts/waste and unless something specific we haven’t got them it’s cash for them off everyone else which goes in their bank accounts until needed.

    Doesn’t bother us in the slightest it’s for the kids anyway.

    Free Member

    Well in answer to last nights question, it’s still free to park before 10am so long as you leave before that as well. Only likely an issue if you fancy a brew afterwards I guess.

    First ParkRun in over two years done anyway. Hardly my greatest with a 25:30ish time. Only been back running for 5wks but feel I’ve a lot of work to do to get close to old times of around 22mins. Shouldn’t have stopped last time.

    Free Member

    Wondering if any of you wonderful lot attend the Heaton Park ParkRun and can advise whether you have to pay to park?

    Not been for a while but believe it’s all new ticket machines and such and the free period may or may not still be on.

    Not bothered about paying just want to make sure I have some change if needed and not on Facebook or such to check/ask.

    Obvious answer is take some anyway I know, still curious though!

    Free Member

    Ha, no worries @Nobeerinthefridge

    Intention is to keep increasing mileage and hope the pace comes with it. Seeing slight improvements already.

    Free Member

    Cheers. Not until June so plenty more training time.
    The half in January will give me an idea too.

    Need a goal and the ‘Tour’ fits the bill.

    Free Member

    @Nobeerinthefridge I’m not concerned regarding the short one just the half at present as it’s my unknown.
    Getting 3-4 runs in at the minute currently topping out around 8 miles.

    I think I’ll do some consecutive runs just to see how it feels.

    Free Member

    I have been slowly (being the operative word here, lost so much speed) getting back into my running as I’ve pretty much lost the cycling love these days.

    Wondering if any of you have done the Tour of Tameside?
    I’ve done the first day (10k trail) of the four a few times but work commitments in the past have meant I’ve never been able to do more than that.
    For 2020 it’s looking like I’ll be able to commit to the full four days (Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun) and I am seriously tempted to just go for it.

    For those that have done it, or something similar (it’s a 10k/6m/half/7m on consecutive days and a mix of trail and road) how do you go about training?
    I’m doing my first half January 5th and have no issues with the other distances but on consecutive days with the fatigue etc I’m unsure how to proceed if indeed I need to do more than just suck it up come the time.
    For those sorts of short distances would people just start to do consecutive days running in training or would you go about it some other way?

    My google skills are only bringing up stuff relating to ultras etc.

    Free Member

    Yep. Had a rollercoaster last 12 months and the last 2 have been frustrating to say the least. Just wiped out right now.

    Got a week away with the kids next week. Can not come soon enough. Hopefully refreshed a little afterwards.

    Free Member

    Rigid might not want to die but I thought I was going to earlier! Nearly two years since I last rode. Destroyed me.

    Free Member

    I would recommend a visit to Decathlon and try some of theirs so long as brand doesn’t bother you.
    I got some of their Quechua (MH500 iirc) about 18months ago. Been up Snowdon twice, done the Winter Fan Dance (Pen-Y-Fan) and countless other walks in all weathers and at all times of the year (I don’t find them too warm or anything during summer so perfect for all year personally) and they are still going strong. I definitely paid less than £100 for them.
    I’ll definitely be having a look there again when I replace.

    Free Member

    @finbar no problem. Glad it worked.
    Was going to delete the email anyway so at least someone got some use from it although I was sorely tempted buy something for the sake of it!

    Free Member

    You could try this…


    I got it in a welcome back email after re-subscribing to emails.

    It’s for £10 off over £60.
    Email didn’t specify any conditions and don’t know if it’s linked to my email but I won’t use it so feel free to try.

    Free Member

    Took me ages to figure out how to save a photo from messages!

    Plus they’ve moved “move to folder” in email…..

    Same but with ‘request desktop site’. No longer a long press on the reload icon you press the ‘AA’ now for a new context menu.

    Music has had a few tweaks too.

    Free Member

    Safari has a download manager now. PDF for example don’t auto open. Default save is files I think but can be changed.
    Can deal with zipped files too.

    It has partially broke the Bluetooth functionality with my car. Can stream but can no longer access phone book etc although will still answer/end calls.

    Free Member

    Does it have a timer to switch the radio off after a set amount of time?

    Yep. Still has that.
    So far found it fine for what I use it for. Nothing appears to be missing. Only thing I’ve noticed is it logs me out occasionally.

    Free Member

    We have two Sonos 1’s (the voice ones) in bedrooms. Great for the room size.

    We were in ikea recently and spotted the collaboration ones they’ve done with Sonos. We were toying with the idea of some downstairs and at £99 each bought two to run in stereo. More than happy with them considering the pair cost the same as a single Sonos 1.

    Being critical:
    No voice control (not bothered where they are tbh) but you can tell one of the voice activated ones to control it.
    Not as sleek as the Sonos 1’s
    They’ve got an Ikea tag on the front should such things bother you.

    The available brackets look good too. An extra £10. Didn’t get any though as not needed.

    All in if you or indeed anyone are Sonos etc curious for the price I’d highly recommend the Ikea offerings.

    Free Member

    Posting fail. Insta private can’t be bothered to change it for a picture.

    Anyway. I agree. Rigid is fun!

    Free Member

    Could never get on with them on the Langster and ended up swapping them for some aero/base bar/bullhorn things and felt much better. TT levers rather than bar/normal.

    I think for me though it was a lack of flexibility at the time plus confidence whilst in the drops, never felt ’safe’. Ended up on the hoods or flats all the time hence it made sense to go with what I did.

    I am tempted to try some drops again but I’d go with the compact drop this time I think. Tbh though. I probably just needed to preserve a bit longer.

    Free Member

    Loving these. Thanks for all the recommendations folks.

    That Oakenfold Goa mix is great.

    If not already posted. Pretty much all of them here…

    Free Member

    So is there any definitive way to figure out if you have SMETS1 or SMETS2?

    We had ours fitted last year by EON and clearly remember the installer having to do a network search for the best signal which ended up being EE for us. Would that indicate it’s most likely SMETS2 based on an earlier comment regarding SIM cards?

    Google search not overly helpful or I’m crap!

    Just to add to the actual thread(!) if the install is anything like the one EON did for us beyond the issues of not mentioning I wouldn’t worry it was certainly neater than the original install from whenever.

    As to another posters comment regarding elderly relatives turning things off when they see the cost. That’s exactly what one of our relatives has done even though for years she didn’t bat an eyelid. Nothing will now make her revert to her old relaxed behaviour. Personally I’d say for her it’s had a negative effect.

    Free Member

    It’s available now or at least I’m seeing the option to set it up via the app.

    Had a device update last week followed by an app update and it appeared then. Website updated to show it too.

    Tbh, beyond controlling music and a few other simple commands we don’t use the voice so the ability to accurately answer random q’s is for us irrelevant. Still, curiosity and all that!

    Free Member

    Meant to ask when I originally replied.

    Seeing as Google Assistant is now available has anyone used it? How does it compare to Alexa? Better/worse/much-a-muchness?

    I’ve personally had no issue with Alexa just curious more than anything.

    Free Member


    Yeah voice working fine with Apple Music.

    Say ‘Alexa’ then ‘play my music’ and that’s exactly what it does. ‘My music’ could be replaced with an artist/genre/specific song. Had no issues so far.
    Skips forward/backward. Pauses. Plays. Adjust volume all as you’d expect.

    I have yet to add any other family meme era accounts to it but assume it will just be a case of saying ‘play oikeiths music’ or ‘play mrsoikeiths music’

    We use the voice a fair bit in bedroom to turn up/down or set a sleep timer as well as the typical commands and it has so far had no issues correctly responding to different voices.

    As for the app. I use a mixture tbh. Just depends what I’m doing.
    If I’m on iPlayer or soundcloud for example I’ll use the iPhone airplay controls.
    Use the Sonos app sporadically tbh as can do most things I/we need without opening it. The app seems to be more about setting up and adding services then a dedicated player.

    Overall I’m certainly happy with them and am considering a set up of some description downstairs as since having Apple Music and personal listening trending more towards streaming services we no longer use the separates downstairs.

    Free Member

    We have two of the newer ‘ones’ with Alexa built in (recent update has added Google Assistant).

    Find me and the missus use the voice a lot whereas daughter doesn’t.

    We have Apple Music family but only my account attached at the minute. Need to figure out how to add individual accounts if possible.

    As for radio it has TuneIn built in. Ask for a station and it does it. No phone needed. Same as with Apple Music and no doubt others. Once set up a simple ‘play x’ has yet to fail in doing as we’ve asked.

    I’m impressed. We listened to a few including the smaller Naim one but didn’t rate that as much for the price.

    Haven’t tried them in stereo yet as they are in separate rooms. Great for bedrooms as we have set up. No doubt as good in a kitchen. In living room I’d probably have two.

    Free Member

    Can’t comment on other companies.
    We can’t have Virgin and after being with Bulldog many many moons ago and then ending up with Talk Talk after they took over we moved our line back to BT.

    Have never had any issue with BT price matching. No haggling or anything. Last year was a simple ‘PlusNet is whatever’ they matched with no messing.

    Happy with BT here, for us, it just works.

    Free Member

    Haven’t noticed myself. Only used eBay recently.

    Have you a preferred payment type set up? A specific card or account?
    Maybe it’s just acting on that and skipping a step.

    Free Member

    Personally a Sennheiser fan myself although I did love my AKG’s but they seem to have disappeared at the minute.

    Have you got a big Curry’s/PCworld close to you?

    I know our local store has pretty much all of the higher end ‘on ear’/‘over ear’ headphones out to try.

    And in true ignore the criteria fashion. Just bought the missus some Sennheiser Momentum 2 over ears from Curry’s. They are Bluetooth but can be run with cable. A bit more than your budget at £189 but I think they are stunning and wouldn’t mind a pair for myself. I’m sure you can get non wireless versions for less and in budget. I’d certainly recommend trying a set if possible.

    Free Member

    Not the most use in this case but my only experience on Sony/PlayStation customer service was appalling.

    My daughter was scammed/tricked into paying for £20 of credit by someone using her phone (yep she was stupid and had a suitable conversation afterwards etc and phone account locked down, hindsight and all that!) and when we found out and contacted Sony to explain we didn’t even have a PlayStation or any Sony devices and that she had been conned/scammed/tricked/whatever they just basically stonewalled us. Had zero interest in helping but were quite ok taking the money and said speak to phone operator as the Sony account the money had gone to wasn’t ours.

    Maybe standard practice but left a sour taste at the utter unwillingness to deal with it in anyway.

    Anyway, as others have said, I’d imagine son has an idea what’s happened here and ‘maybe’ he’s tried something similar to what my daughter experienced but got caught. Either way it sounds more than just name calling when losing.
    Going off my experience though, good luck getting Sony to help you figure out what’s going on.

    Free Member

    I would have pressed the button ages ago were it not for the subscription required for the auto assist stuff. I struggle to justify the investment for something that then requires (admittedly small) ongoing costs.

    I know what you mean. Was a shame they changed it.

    Having looked into it though I reckon it’ll still work for us.

    I have got the starter kit and several thermostatic valves and was the same bar pennies as Amazon plus hopefully easier and better support as it’s direct if needed.

    Free Member

    Another Cetirizine user. No side affects. Some days need two even though it’s one a day but that’s rare and typically when I been up at the crack of dawn and then burning the midnight oil so presumably the first tablet has worn off.

    Took Piriton for years too with no noticeable side affects but they are on the ‘no no’ list at work so stopped.

    Lotaradine works for me but not as effectively as the Cetirizine.

    Free Member

    I’d echo what Windyg says. We have both although a few years old but the LG is so much better to use.

    Free Member

    Our cat sat and watched 20 minutes of the Lion one.

    She’s not normally one for watching telly ,god knows what she was thinking 🙂

    She has no interest in the TV usually. She was transfixed though.

    Sure she was thinking she’d love to be running with them!

    edit: quoting nearly worked!

    Free Member

    Caught bits of them but all of last nights.

    Really enjoyed it as did our Springer. She couldn’t take her eyes off them!

    Free Member

    I can just about manage not to drown!

    Never learnt when at school. It wasn’t taught. Annoyingly when we moved to central Manchester it was but only in the years now below what I was.

    ‘Learnt’ to do breast stroke after a fashion later on but crawl is just a thrashing mess. I don’t bother.

    Its definitely something I’d like to improve. With work/life commitments I’d struggle to make more than one session a week at the minute and coupled with the embarrassment of being a near 40yo learning to swim properly means I’ve been putting it off.

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