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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • ratswithwings
    Free Member

    if you had to push people on it alot would say they believed in a god or gods.

    believing in little baby jesus is a totally different matter.

    Free Member

    I dont think little germany (england) will do very well.

    Big gemany might do pretty damn good.

    polish hools will do some stuff.

    Free Member

    Darn, one of my mates is the shop manager there. I’m gutted for him and for howies. Was a cool shop. No need to go to Carnaby st anymore.

    Free Member

    Total white out on the top of winn hill. Snowy and icy aswell though not much snow atall. Snowing whilst we were there today, up on the hills and in the bottom of the valley but as you can see in the picture – its all green on the lower slopes. Pretty wet out there. Today’s bonus was that I found a new trail that some naughty people have built.

    Free Member

    Bringing this thread back. Finally got around to taking a photo of the one I built in October. Gonna get some better slates when II see a roof being replaced. Gonna make the roof a bit steeper aswell.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh yeah that was yesterday that I rode. Snow up on the tops – kinder, mam tor etc but not a full covering. its snowed today in sheff so I guess it may have been snowing heavier out there!!! Going out tomorrow so fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    Quite alot of water about. Rode Lockerbrook and Hagg Farm particularly cos they would be drier that alot of other places. Lockerbrook was tops. Though I wore goggles and needed em.

    Free Member

    Christian Hosoi – skateboard pin up of the 80s.

    Free Member

    Snowing on Kinder since sunday!!! Ferk how much snow is there on Kinder at the mo? How deep is that stuff – I need to snowboard it!! Anyone been up an over snake pass, whats it looking linke on Bleaklow?

    Free Member

    spoonynot – is that first link for the md80? Am I reading the price right £10.99 ! Thats cheap!!

    Free Member

    Just been up on Blacka Moor this afternoon and down into hathersage. Kinder looks to have had a covering as have other peaks of a similar height – stanage, blacka moor etc. About an inch in places though hathersage and some lower areas/peaks were snow free. Most of kinder had alot of heavy cloud over it, couldnt see down the valley much from surprise view towards hope. I gather snake pass was blocked for two days this week until they reopened it.

    Free Member

    Seems that snake pass was blocked for 2 days this week with snow. Might be a fair bit up there then unless this wind has done some crazy stuff!

    Free Member

    Yeah I’ll do a couple of emails. No, no merino. Winter = summer for me in the footwear dept. Skate shoes and wet feet.

    Free Member

    I’m happy to see an end to free trade and a franco DM kick people’s butt. Trade barriers now! Bring back protectionism.

    Free Member

    ferk!! that last posting is way more than cheeky!!! Is that in the peaks?? Holy sheet. Heard about some new stuff being built in wharny this aint it is it?

    Free Member

    Someone I know has just left port with Sea Shep. All I can say is good luck girl!!!

    Free Member

    oscillate wildly …… sent you an email.

    Free Member

    Crimethinc collectives[/url] are pretty rockin!!!

    If you wanna talk about counter revolutionary revolutionary groups then these take biscuit – The National Bolsheviks or as they sometimes like to call themselves – National Anarchists. They be pretty crazy and laughable but then again this is Russia and its a freaky crazy kgb/mafia country.

    They seem to think they are an artistic girl lovin revolutionary direct action movement saving mother russia but they are just nazis trying to do the hitler thing of replicating leftist/autonomist tendencies. Detour – detournement manifestation or just a bunch of bitter goths?


    Free Member

    West Papua and Bougainville freedom armies.

    Free Member

    Are those trks eyam abney way? Hmm like to ride that 3 miler!!!

    Free Member

    James – Doctor’s Gate in one of those pics. Many say nay about doing that I’m tempted to do it.

    Here’s a couple of other faves this year!!






    Free Member

    Nice Benman – high speed trail?

    Free Member

    Lowey – its above ladybower. the trail drops down to the bridleway that takes you to ladybower inn. thats bamford edge in the distance.

    the steep section can cetainly be tricky!!! the bracken has died away from the trails that go to the right towards yorks bridge and they are great fun to ride. ahem!

    FMC – I havent a clue where that is… is that kinder in the distance? Not the trsail down from hope cross towards edale is it? aint done that yet if it is.

    Free Member

    This stuff is being built right next to the main road in full plain view and even has marker poles for the rest of the track that hasn’t been built yet – hence the ‘this must be official’ reasoning on my part. I’ve been down enough illegal/secret/hush hush trails to make a valued judgement. Heck I’ve only taken 3 people to Narnia in the Peaks and have been going there for some time now.

    Oh yeah it were ferking windy on Blacka Moor today!

    Free Member

    Northshore? Well guess I was being lazy than rather writing ‘lots of wooden things – drops, balance beams, berms etc etc.’

    Free Member

    Acquire a cat of the street for a while and stick it in the attic.

    Free Member

    Did a month in Iceland. Awesome place make sure you go to Dimmu Borgir – great place!! We mainly travelled on the ringroad of iceland calling in at Hofn, Akureryi, Egilsstaoir, Selfoss and obviously the capital.

    The landscape between Hofn and Selfoss is just amazing!!!!! So is the route between Egils and Akureryi. The latter feeling like another planet in places – Mordor in particular!!

    You can swim in alot of the hot water though look out for signposts cos some of them will cook you alive!!

    Free Member

    If you’re fine on your skateboard then you’ll have no probs on a snowboard. Using your edges to control and stop your board is pretty much like doing a grind. Heel side is like doing a frontside grind while toe side of your snowboard is like doing a backside grind. You gotta exert the pressure either through your toes or your heels accordingly and have your body angled as if you were doing a grind. Don’t be afraid to get aggressive with your edges.

    Learning to ollie on a snowboard is alot easier if you’ve skated. As with ollies on a skateboard its all about the pop and lift. Its so much easier with your attached feet as you suck your knees up.

    shoveits and 180s are pretty much like doing it on a skateboard.

    Watch other people ride for hints and tips!!!

    Free Member

    Heh! Its a bit heavy though!!! Might try a thinner one next time!! Was a bit tough with the old stanley knife!!

    Free Member

    Mini Mal seems to be it! I’ve got a Roger Cooper mini mal, check out his website. Based in wales near Afan Trail. Gonna get a short board off him in the future. Nice boards

    Free Member

    Seriously thinking about doing voluntary work at the mo. Looking into it. Feel like being a driver for blind or old people. Will be looking into it sooner rather than later.

    Free Member

    If you’ve skated before then you should go for the snowboard option. I skated in my teens and early 20s and took up boarding in my 30s. Boarding is way easy when you have skated – heck the damn thing is fastened to your feet … that makes is 10 times easier than learning to skate.

    I didnt even bother with lessons. Call me a cheap skate but I just went and watched others have their first lesson and watched how you stopped and moved forward and understood the concept of edges and using pressure with your feet.

    Do it!!! You’ll have a blast and be popping ollies and 180s in no time at all !!!! it will come back to you straight away and you’ll think …. why didnt I do boarding before.

    Have a blast!!!

    Free Member

    surrogates. decent sci fi. coupla good ideas, let down by a limited plot but not a bad movie. 7/10

    Free Member

    Oh! I’m up in Yorkshire so ROW is a bit far!!! Thanks though!

    What were you doing with 20 pallets??? Aren’t they worth about a fiver each?

    That slate roof has given me an idea though!! I’ve got a box of slate up in the top of the garden and I reckon I’ll use that. Thanks for posting that pic as its given me some inspiration!!

    Free Member

    Wow McMoonter! That second pic is quite stunning!!

    Free Member

    Ex maoist Stephane Courtois would hardly give a favourable view of Marx would he? Especially since considering the neo-con circles he moves in now. Nothing like an ex-leftie moving over to the right whilst floundering in a self-conflicting view of being anti-totalitarian and citing Islam as being the greatest danger yet supporting Jewish extremism and a Pax Americana hegemonic agenda.

    I guess the best example of the ultra leftist to ultra rightist transition would be Il Duce though alot of those ‘commies’ in Russia today are giving him a run for his money. You only need to look at National Bolshevism in Russia to see how laughable it is.

    But there is a genuine thread of totalitarianism throughout strains of leftism and rightism. But doesnt nearly every ideology have strains of totalitarianism and fantaticism. You usually find infighting more within political factions/allies than you do of fighting the enemy. The communist versus socialist infighting in Germany in the 1930s that paved the way for national socialism is a classic example. You could argue that Bolshevism influenced national socialism more.

    But I guess there is a strong case of many of those regimes named as being unsavoury though arguing that we need a more free market when the free market has proved to have failed is classic bonkerism. Self regulation is a pipe dream.

    Free Member

    Wow that’s a huge store stoner!!! I’m making mine from odds and ends. Though I have two on my allottie made out of pallets. Trying to do this one a bit tidier as its nxt to the house.

    Some nice pics there.

    I’m looking for more pallets though when you want them you never see them!!

    Free Member

    Bloody hell read the postings. Why would I be from the far right and complaining about references to the use of the word ‘gyp’.

    Travellers are not the same as Gypsies. Travellers are Irish. Gypsies came here from India 500 years ago.

    ‘Giving you Gyp’ is used as an expression by non-gypsies to refer to trouble, pain, hassle etc. It’s in direct reference to whenever Gypsies are around there’s always trouble/hassle etc and therefore used as an expression to refer to pain, trouble etc. e.g. ‘oh my tooth is giving my gyp’

    Being ‘Gypped’ is used by non-gypsies to refer to having been conned. “I’ve been gypped.” Similar to above but obviously in relation to the stereotypes of Gypsies being con artists etc.

    Many Gypsy words have been taken into the English language.

    Gadgie – in the north of England.
    Pal – all over the UK.
    And I guess the latest word used is chav.

    Romany words have fallen into local slang or as you put it, colloquialism. Hence, NE people claiming gadjie as local slang while it is descended from Romany. I’ve had many NE people claim it is their local slang word.

    It goes the same with Gyp. I’ve had a few friends use the word infront of me and knowing full well I’m Romany but did not realise ‘Gyp’ referred to Gypsies/Romanies. And they were using it as a reference to pain. And guess what, they were from the south, the midlands, and the north so bang goes the theory of it being local northern slang.

    If you can stand there and say truthfully that you weren’t using it in cultural reference to Gypsies then fair enough I’ll be happy to say you weren’t being directly racist and that you were using it without the knowledge of the cultural baggage associated with its use. Just because its claimed a word is of local use, it doesnt mean its the case.

    We used to use the word Jew in reference to people being tight with their money. Only later when I found out what a Jew actually was did I stop using it in reference to money.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the 1936 Olympics to me.

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