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  • ratswithwings
    Free Member

    Yeah thanks for that. I’ve waxed it to go.

    Think I might take my iron with me though feel like I’m gonna make a mess stripping the excess wax off … starting to sound a whole lot easier to take it into a shop. I’ve got a Rome board and it seems to get dry pretty quickly. Was looking at the Bataleon Anywhere as my next one.


    Free Member

    Off out for a week soon to La Plagne. Looking at Scotland in February as the snow looks to be getting well good. Hoping for another Alps trip in March.

    May sound like a dumb question … How often do you wax your board when you’re out for a full week session.

    Free Member

    BLITZ (New Mills) Razors in the night.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    RAW POWER (ITALY) **** AUTHORITY ……… Those vocals.

    Free Member

    I thought Chill Factore was pretty cool, wider and longer slope than xscape at castle ford.

    Hoping to get up to Aviemore maybe twice this year, possibly before xmas if things work out.

    Hoping to make the mainland twice as well. Thinking of Tignes or Innsbruck.

    Free Member

    Cheers. They broke in to the garage.

    Free Member

    Tis is the best piccie we could find so far.
    Oh yeah … Fox forks.

    Free Member

    Ha! No. Just a rucksack and the three times I’ve seen him he’s been going through doors into his workplace.

    Free Member

    Ah cheers. Bribes it is then mixed with a bit of pushing and riding as the situation arises.

    Taking AM bikes rather than DH bikes as we’re riding south wales for a week so I guess we could ride the uphill trail. Just looking to save energy, the knee and aiming to do 3 days there so wanna not waste energy on the uphill stuff too much but I’m game for a bit of up stuff, just dont want it to take away from the fun down stuff.

    Free Member

    Could southerners be charged twice as much to enter northern universities and to ride northern bike trails?

    Free Member

    cheers. looked at a couple of reviews for it and it looks quite a neat bike. I’ll pass on some info for that one.

    Free Member

    Yeah. I started thinking that an old dh bike is essentially an AM bike these days and that a more suitable fork would be in order.

    Free Member

    Still planning to go to Scotland next week.

    Here’s our end of season last day in the Peaks just over a week ago. Tshirt weather indeed.

    Free Member

    Nice one Debaser. Walked up there myself. Great view from the top. Gonna hit Scotland later this month.

    I’ve been hitting areas in the Peaks for the past couple of weeks. First two pics are slopes next to Higger Tor and Stanage. Third pic is a tree run at the bottom of Rushup Edge above mam tor car park.

    Free Member

    Peak District this weekend.

    Porter Clough Valley

    Tree run Limb Valley

    Free Member

    Peak District gonna be mega for days. POW POW POW

    Free Member

    Peak District tomorrow. Gonna be awesome!!! Hours and hours of snow forecast from 2am this morning. Give it some!!!!

    Winnats Pass and Mam Tor here we come!!

    Free Member

    I agree with UR. 1st EP and 12″ – total stonkers!!!!!! Saw em with Biohazard on first tour as well. Cracking stuff. ….. clutch that is not biohazard.

    Free Member

    Just spent a week in Cairngorms. Couple of cracking sunny days, couple of cloudy days and then the wind came….!

    Free Member

    Fab pics of scotland. Just booked a holiday there!! Should be hitting Aviemore and The Lecht. Looks like the snowline isnt too low as we’re thinking about taking our bikes aswell.

    Any good trails near to avimore/lecht area?

    Free Member

    Peak District this week – Monday before the bigger snowfall on Wednesday.

    Free Member

    Peak District this week.

    Free Member

    I’d deffo give eighteen bikes in hope a call. They’ll be able to give you top info. This sun over the next couple of days should clear quite a bit.

    The snowfall on wednesday was incredible, nevermind the fact that there was still snow on the hills from the week before. We made a few jumps for snowboarding, seshed a couple and went back to another we had built and seshed that day and we had to dig it out as so much snow had fallen. Even with the rain over the past few days there is still a ferk load of snow and its still a lot colder higher up. Jacobs ladder is pretty high and a friend told me on wednesday that there’s 3 foot of snow on kinder.

    Give eighteen a bell, they’ll have spoken to people who have been up on the hills and will be more in the know.

    Free Member

    I went out to Blacka yesterday, late afternoon, 5pm – and while it has cleared in sheffo its a very limited melt higher up. Fields are clearing a bit but anywhere that snow has collected into drifts, you’re looking at 2 foot approx depth. From Blacka looking towards mam tor, bleaklow, derwent, lose hill all looked still covered. But I guess that’s signif higher. The wind was a big factor on wednesday and anywhere that had a dip in the geography you were looking at high volume snow – 2 to 3 foot.

    Free Member

    I boarded in the peaks on wednesday and there was alot of snow alot. 2 to 3 foot drifts. Nipped out yesterday to Blackamoor and while theres been a melt there’s still alot about. The wind created a lot of drifts and if its collected in jacobs ladders I could imagine there’s still a lot there. Its still cold though warming.

    Perhaps check with eighteen bikes.

    Free Member

    Edukator, where did you fly to to get to Lourdes. Thinking about cow tourettes. Went biking there one summer. Pretty cool. Heard the boarding is great there.

    Anyone been taking advantage of the snow in the UK recently?

    Free Member

    Last time I was in Scotland they had 20ft of snow. Was a spectacular year though.

    Hitting the Peaks again this afternoon so hopefully there’s been a bit more snow. Off to Scotland at the end of the month.

    Free Member

    Rode cliff side of Mam Tor looking towards Winnats pass, guess that’s frontside? Followed the footpath down mostly as more snow had collected there into little drifts. Drifted off the path a bit and started getting a bit stuck. Touched a few rocks on the way down but thats the risk you take. Worth it though. Been a long wait to ride the Peaks this season. Saw someone boarding down winnats pass as we went home.

    Free Member

    So dat is wot de Brownshirts wore under dere Narzi uniforms circa 1933.

    Free Member

    MAM TOR yesterday ….. bit fookin tufty.

    Free Member

    The mains are lose a bit of weight and get fitter bigging up core fitness and become more time efficient.

    Ride more.

    Snowboard more.

    Learn first aid.

    Start a record label.

    Start a zine/blog.

    Tour with my band – particularly Sweden, Brazil and Japan.

    A month in India.

    Get better at DJing.

    That’ll do for the moment.

    Free Member

    Ah I think its looking really bleak as my mate said. Think they’ll be turning the life support machine off at the weekend if no change. The brain has been starved of oxygen for too long.

    Really sad for them all.

    Brings home the reality of solo riding in a way aswell. Bikes, boards or skis – soloing has its risks. I’ve solo boarded around Burbage and stanage when all the roads have been blocked with snow. Had to walk from Norfolk Arms – no one else around. Always in your mind that if you come a cropper out there then you are seriously screwed.

    Free Member

    Gah!! Mate’s sister in a real bad way in Chamonix. Send out some posi thoughts for her!!


    Free Member

    Hmmm. Not sure yet, sorta saving up for 6 months in the Alps 2013-14. But hoping for lotsa snow in the Peaks and maybe a couple of breaks to Scotland if the snow is good this year. Might do Chamonix in the new year.

    Free Member

    M & S cover for bikes locked to racks on vehicles. Had mine stolen out of my van, not on display and M & S offered me a new bike of equivalent value. Of course I had to provide bike spec and a photo if possible.

    Free Member

    Oh I thought you said belts.

    Free Member

    Chavvy kai my boi – kai means where. But chavvy is more likely to be chavi/chavvie – meaning small child, usually female while chavo is the male equivalent but is less used and chavi has come to represent both genders. Boi doesnt mean anything in Romany. Roughly – where’s your children my boy.

    Sorry Karin I didnt accuse you of saying Gyppo.

    I agree with some of the things said and disagree with other things. But still it’s not a lifestyle – Romany have been travelling for 1,000 years since leaving Northern India. Gypsies have adapted over the centuries and will do so over the forthcoming ones. This two hundred years has seen the Romany move from living in tents to wagon life and then onto motorised life. All suiting the occupations that they were involved in, predominantly fruit and vegetable picking and general labouring. Transport was required to follow the seasonal fruit and vegetable picking routes and other activities that utilised or required transport. Romany/Traveller life will not change just because they become sedentary, yes there is some marrying out but Romany/traveller life is a community and that includes marrying each other.

    But not all Romany are settled, some still travel. Others settled because they had a business to run or had decent long term employment rather than seasonal work that required them to move between different farms within a large area.

    More Gypsies and travellers started roaming again once the caravan sites act was repealed in the 1990s. Before that, councils were obliged to provide transient sites for travellers that had not already bought their own land. Councils encouraged travellers to buy their own land as the council sites were being all closed down. This many did but then the same councils refused them planning permission on the land and then evicted them off their own land they had bought and then usually confiscated the land in payment for eviction costs.

    Romany were first reported in this country in the 1500s. There have been several waves of Romany to the UK. The ones that have been here the longest are the ones most likely to have married the occasional non-Romany and look less like the Roma in Eastern Europe who remained concentrated and sedentary as slaves until the late 1800s. After the 1800s many Romany came to the UK from the East after being freed from slavery, some stayed in the UK but many moved onto the Americas and other British colonies. Many Romany from the UK also went to the USA and there are many British Romany (also known as Romanichals) there with the same family names as the Romany here such as Smith, Lee, Heron, Loveridge, Hearn, Boswell, Stanley, etc. Many British Romany also migrated to Scandinavia where they are know as Romanishals or Kale which is what many of the Welsh Romany are known as.

    Irish travellers came to this country in three main waves the 1850s, the 1960s and the past couple of years due to changes in the law in Ireland. The 1850s wave most probably see themselves as English Gypsies/travellers now, perhaps even some of the 1960s wave do aswell???? But many of them still self identify as Irish/Pavee/travellers and many of them still talk with an Irish accent as they are an isolated community, even if they have been here for generations and never been to Ireland, they will still have the accent.

    Some Romany self identify as Travellers, they see it as the umbrella name for all travellers – Irish, Scots, Welsh, Romany and Travellers. Fair Ground people are seen as separate and are called show people. Some Romany don’t like the name Gypsy and don’t use it and prefer traveller while some are still happy to use it.

    Romany/traveller life is very traditional with set gender roles. Some do find the life quite suffocating but those tend to marry out. If you stay in the Romany/traveller life then you know what you are getting but is this no different from the traditional tribal lives of bush people of africa, the amazon forest tribes etc etc.

    Free Member

    But moving back to the programmes. This is the crux of the matter, they use the word gypsy when virtually all of these people are Irish travellers. Most Irish travellers dont even call themselves Gypsy as they are Pavee. They dont speak Gypsy (Romany), they speak Gammon, Shelta or Cant. If they speak with an Irish accent then they are Pavee – Irish Travellers. Its a bit obvious.

    So before you moan about people with caravans leaving litter, perhaps you need to ask if they are Irish travellers or Romany before you make a rash statement about Gyppos.

    Reminds me of a refugee in the late 90s here in the UK that had been attacked by some racists and their ignorant name calling ‘They called me a pakki’ he exclaimed, ‘but I’m Afghan!’.

    Stop lumping us all in together and using the same old myths about litter and tax avoiding. I know loads of Romany that have bank accounts, pay tax, run successful businesses that have been passed down the generations. There’s plenty of Romany millionaires and they done it by the book, legally. Then again I know some that have committed crimes (and been punished), avoided paying tax – just like the rest of society. Most live on their own land and have since they stopped being nomadic but still live in caravans and pay council tax, rates, electricity….. guess what… just like everyone else. And guess what, I know plenty of Romany that are illiterate but still run successful businesses. State education is not for everyone.

    Telling Gypsies that they need to do certain things to be seen in a better way is like the Government telling Muslims they need to police their own communities to temper extremism. Well, shouldnt the ‘white’ British community police its own and root out extreme racism? If one section of society has to do it, why shouldnt the other. How many BNP members and nazi affiliates are in jail for arms caches and bomb making equipment? Quite a few – it just hardly gets reported but the great Muslim threat gets maximum exposure.

    Free Member

    Gypsy is not a lifestyle is a racial group that came to this country in the 1500s from northern India via the Balkans , Spain and Russia and turkey. Our languaged maintained its Indian base but also loaned words from the respective countries that we passed through. Don’t confuse us with Irish travellers who are British (though some have married into Romany). Most Romany are settled while a lot of Irish travellers still roam. Irish travellers speak a different language to us. they are not gypsy. Funny how a few get in a hissy over the gorger word when I’ve seen gyppo and pikey thrown about with wild abandon for years on here. All I hope is that you are coisistent in your language use. So Jeremy I hope you use words like ****, pakki and yid as you use the word gyppo. Why should we integrate. Some have a lot haven’t. Do you tell Brits living in Spain to become Spanish. Assimilate…. ?

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