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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • ratadog
    Full Member

    I used to pick them up for not much on ebay as people rushed to replace them with “proper” disc brakes. Unfortunately, threads like this have woken people up to how good they are and you can’t get the bargains you used to. Not had any issues in about 4 years and don’t seem to go through pads that quickly either.

    Full Member

    So Brit called M?rray is the first British winner at Wimbledon for 76 years.

    [Pedant mode]Apart from Virginia Wade,Ann Jones and Angela Mortimer, also Ann Shilcock and Angela Buxton, Not forgetting John Lloyd, Jeremy Bates, Jo Durie and Jamie Murray.[/Pedant mode]

    Still absolutely great for Jonny Marray and Frederick Nielsen and thoroughly deserved.

    Full Member

    I was astonished to read the hustler’s post, but:

    That quote does go on to say that if the driver is driving a bus/HGV/tanker then it would probably constitute being in the overriding public interest to report them to the DVLA. Not terribly reassuring.

    It is bad enough when there is a clear cut unchanging risk e.g. epilepsy or permanent visual damage. Much more difficult if it is a question of whether someone is weearing their glasses – although in this case I assume that the driver had poor vision and didn’t have any glasses hence the successful prosecution at a later date.

    I must admit that my approach is to make it clear to the patient that I am advising not to drive and to contact the DVLA, that should they not take my advice and have an accident then when a medical report is requested and the truth emerges it is likely that their insurancve company will refuse to pay up and they will suffer the financial consequences. Not much help if they believe it will never happen to me or alternatively are the sort of driver who sees a licence or insurance as an optional extra.

    Full Member

    Agree, a mixture of FSA orbits and Cane Creek S3/S8 in the shed – all seem to cope well and give 2-3 years plus.

    Full Member

    Armed with the Book, a spoke tension tool and some sort of wheel jig. I should be able to get the job done ?.

    Worked for me

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    Full Member

    I started wheelbuilding when I realised that building up whole frames was getting expensive. Like others above, I can’t recommend Roger Musson’s book enough. More to the point he not only gives a pretty much foolproof guide to wheelbuilding but the book also includes guidance on building your own tools and truing stand. I have now used those tools to build 8 pairs of wheels.

    The total cost of all the kit to build the tools and the stand was around 20ukp plus my time. Any competent bodger with a saw and a drill should be able to build the stand

    Full Member

    Used both. Agree with pretty much all of the above and like others tend to stick with the BB7.

    Full Member

    Named after our elderly black lab, currently snoring on the sofa….at least I think the noise is coming out of that end rather than the other. I’ll know shortly.

    Full Member

    Used all 3 and currently on a mixture of Mary and Carnegie. They differ in degree of backsweep and I do find the Carnegie more comfortable than the fleegle or the Mary, although the fleegle and the Mary have the advantage on price. Mary came on my 456 complete bike and is still there. Mary is a riser and like someone else above I find it more comfortable if tilted back slightly so that needs to be taken into account when planning stem length/rise. Fleegle is flat and I had it on a 29er. Eventually replaced it with a flat Carnegie. Difference was fairly marginal, but I find all of them more comfortable than a standard flat or riser bar.

    Full Member

    You opt out, and then get run over – you end up in A&E unable to communicate and then they give you something that you are allergic too, which if they had access to your data, they would know…

    Anyone that opts out is saying “I’m prepared to take that risk and and assume ALL responsibility of the consequences in order to protect my privacy”

    I imagine it will come to a head when the family of a patient without an SCR try to sue a hospital trust for giving them penicillin.

    Couldn’t have sumarised it better myself.

    Hasn’t this already been tried, and was a huge expensive IT failure that is costing millions to fix ??

    Depends whether you believe the Daily Mail or not. The SCR is still rolling out at minimal cost because, as someone above said, the information is already there anyway. There was/is a program called Lorenzo which was a hugely ambitious clinical records program intended to be introduced in some areas of the country, which has never worked and in all likelihood never will BUT the digitalising of xrays has gone pretty much without notice but allows rapid access to images from pretty much anywhere in the health service including the ability to compare with previous images and get specialist opinions form other hospitals. In short it has revolutionised care, saved lives and reduced the level of unecessary misery. The similar systems for biochemistry results etc have done the same. Computerised systems to record and monitor simple observations pick up early signs of deterioration and notify the clinical teams so they can get in early and avoid disasters. Finally, the fact that almost all GP records are being kept on one of 2 programs means that, with the patients agreement, a specialist can access the GP record and make informed decisions on the basis of all the information and then the GP can see what the advice is before the patient can find their car in the car park. My guess is that in 5-10 years both GPs and specialists will be accessing the same electronic health record, in our area the hospice and the diabetes service already do, and the need for an SCR as such will have become obsolete.

    Feel free to opt out, it is your right and you will still be looked after to the best of the staff’s ability on the basis of the information they have available, but inside normal working hours your GP will in all likelihood print out a summary of your record which contains far more than the SCR shows, or A&E wish to access, and will fax it to the number they think is the A&E department thus avoiding the risk of A&E logging on in a secure and traceable manner and leaving an audit trail of the access to boot. Out of hours, well, they will do their best but it is not unusual for there to be a delay of 24-36 hours before old notes appear and lots of evidence to say that despite the best of intentions, decisions made in the absence of relevant information continue to harm people.

    Of course there is a simple solution to this which is to allow those with a duty of care to access currently available information in a controlled, audited and secure manner which will undoubtably improve care and save lives. Ah……that’e where we came in isn’t it.

    Full Member

    So either

    1: You can’t drive
    2: You’re lying
    3: You *wish* you could have a BMW and feel emasculated by those who do, so you spend time making things up on forums because it bolsters your fragile self-esteem.

    I’ve had a number of BMWs over the years, some have been amazing, some more run of the mill. One thing they all did was drive well, even the midrange diesels.

    Of course as well as making rational decisions about suitability, mpg, reliability, longevity etc. there is also the question of image and what a car says about the person who owns it.

    Can’t work out how much of this comment was genuine and how much was irony but it neatly illustrates all the reasons why BMWs have never been on my shopping list.

    Full Member

    Have G-form knee and elbow and they certainly meet the lightweight and comfortable requirement. Haven’t landed heavily on them yet. They basically serve the purpose of thin arm or leg warmers as well although still a lot less sweaty than heavier weight pads.

    Also use race face Dig knees and find them very comfortably. They also make a decent XL for the large kneed amongst us. D3O ones didn’t work for me, tended to twist with movement and then do their going hard trick and dig in.

    Full Member

    Yes, I am familiar with the VAG group’s engines liking for oil. I have a 1.8Tsi and travel with a bottle of the relevant oil in the boot. Goes through about 500ml every 4 months ( so every 4k miles ). Doing slightly better than was suggested it would when I bought it new.

    Full Member

    Another happy user here. I couldn’t get on with the faff of hydraulics and couldn’t spot the difference foir the riding I did.

    Full Member

    I have a Ventana El Rey and I agree that it is measurably faster than it seems and a lot less tiring.

    Full Member

    Just wait until he eats a scouring sponge or some string, as that’s always a highlight of dog ownership.

    Or my namesake, the dog Rata’s, classic variation on this which was to eat a bobbin of very expensive metallic sewing thread. This emerged in dribs and drabs over the next week or so. On a practical front, it enabled you to tell whether she had finished her business in the courtyard of a winter’s night by leaning out the kitchen door and shining a torch down the yard. It was a good week before the heaps lost a distinctive reflective twinkle. Mrs Ratadog was not impressed. I have never dared ask how much the thread cost.

    Full Member

    Scout was beyond my budget at the time too so we went with the Octavia 4×4 which is same size just a little nearer the ground (although not as near as the standard estate) and without some of the body kit. It swallows bikes, family, dog, work kit, luggage etc. We went petrol so cannot comment on the mpg/diesel reliability but on that front a million cabbies can’t be wrong – or if they are you will never get them to admit it.

    Full Member

    So, I’d recommend before cutting your steerer down experiment and see what feels right for you.

    Agree, I ran mine for a while with a variety of spacers but eventually switched to less spacers and a stem with a rise.

    Full Member

    Another 6’4″ with a 34″ leg. Running a 20″ 456 with about 190mm of seatpost showing. Running an 80mm stem with 25 degree rise and Mary bars.

    Full Member

    Out for a club ride last night. Was still a fair amount of slush/snow in places. Bits of the red route I saw looked rideable. Track doubling as a mountain torrent below Blakey Topping was an interesting exercise in blind faith and weatherproofing.

    Full Member

    First shown 2 nights ago. I remember marshalling the RAC in 1986 at the overnight halt at the Albert Dock and seeing the whole of the dock road in Liverpool filled with Michelin Tyre lorries. By the time I started working on the safety side Group B was gone but it still brought back lots of memories.

    Understandable that Fiorio said that driver’s safety was paramount but my memory is that there was talk at the time that the S4 was built to the weight limit first and foremost and the reason the Metro and the Audi were heavier was because their teams were not prepared to go so minimal on the structure.

    Full Member

    Used Rampages front and back in 26 and 29 variants and still got some of them in service. Good all round tyre.

    Full Member

    Basically @£252 the Reba is untouchable value for money

    +1 if you needed it

    Full Member

    They did a 2 for 1 deal for me. One for Rata Dog, and one for Dog Rata, if you see what I mean.

    Full Member

    I have one on the front of my 29er. It worked Ok in the mud 2 months ago and it is now working OK in the dry. I am very happy with it as an allrounder and may get one on the rear when the current rampage wears down a bit more.

    Full Member

    rang Jinglby on the way up to check they were open, only to be told they’d closed. Now I’m hoping I got the wrong end of the stick and they’re closed this week only (Stumpy or any of the other Dalby locals – do you know?),

    There is a post on one of the local club sites saying that they have closed for good.Here

    Full Member

    I think that the very fact that you have felt the need to ask the question is telling.

    There is precedent here in Kidderminster where in 2001 a local doctor was elected with an 18000 majority in a previously “safe” seat ahead of a junior minister of a government that was otherwise in the process of being re-elected by a landslide.

    The main reason that the Labour government tried to avoid all further reconfigurations of local services and part of the reason that the Tories seem to want to be able to create a service where they can blame GPs or big business for any changes is the fear that the local MP for wherever might go the same way again. As such I think this is a very clever political move on the part of the doctors who have organised it.

    Full Member

    Universal advice seems to be that stuck down shocks have a fair bit of pressure in them and taking them apart if you are an amateur, however gifted, may not be a brilliant idea. I had this problem last year and Mojo sorted it out by return – mind you that was in warranty so no issues with cost and as a warranty claim I wasn’t going to fiddle with it myself anyway.

    Fox does have some advice on their website, but basically say if it is stuck down then send it in. There are easy to find procedures for checking and dismantaling but all seem to stress the possibility, and need to avoid, turning the air can into a projectile. Loco contributes to the forum and may be able to offer more advice and I have found both Mojo and TFTuned extremely helpful on the phone in the past.

    Full Member

    Agree, extremely comfortable. Never worn 5.10s so cannot compare.

    Full Member

    My thinking is as he grows i will upgrade the frame and transfer old bits from my bike when I need to upgrade

    Also built up a frame for son. Got a 14 inch on one. Used a lot of bits I had lying around – but you can go down the ebay route. It won’t be particularly cheap compared with buying a 24inch kids bike but chosen wisely the bits will transfer to larger frames in due course.

    Main problem I found was finding a 165mm crank, shorter than that was impossible. Shimano do one in XT I think bit too expensive. Found a TA crank on ebay but still not cheap. My daughter has an Islabike with 1×8 and a gripshift shifter so I went 1×9 with a 32 ring up front and a 36 tooth cassette at the back. I can easily add a granny if I need to but for the moment am saving weight on the front mech etc. Modified the avid brake levers with slightly longer grub screws to reduce the reach. Other problem was a chain device. Finding a crankset with the double ring chain device found on kids bikes was impossible so I went for a bashring as the outer part and an N gear jump stop for the inner support.

    Son just in process of switching to it – still riding old bike some of the time. Should be fully converted come the summer.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I have just started using a pair of the Teva links. Not got them too muddy yet, but they are very comfortable. As above, if its very wet I tend to use a pair of goretex walking boots/shoes.

    Full Member

    Another +1 for the BB7s.

    Provided you set them up OK they give minimal faff. I have steadily converted to them across a range of family bikes including an inbred, indeed my original pair came on one of the first 456 complete bikes.

    Full Member

    On the plus side it does superficially look nicer, and i do like the drop down menu so that you can find any menu page with a single click.

    On the negative side, I can’t actually find anything easily and once yoou get into the detail it is terribly bitty.

    Full Member

    Mixture of snow and ice at the moment with the accent on the ice. Snow earlier in the week compressed rapidly. Allegedly a thaw later tonight. I am at the other edge of the moors so rides in the SW corner are not my area. DAlby supposed to be pretty all weather and should be OK if it thaws.

    Full Member

    <edit>The Vasa museum is also good. Think Mary Rose but sunk on its maiden voyage</edit>

    Think Mary Rose but with 75% of it intact

    Full Member

    The big boat thing is the Vasa museum – it’s very impressive if only for the fact that anyone ever believed that it wouldn’t immediately turn turtle and sink.

    The folk museum is Skansen – agree it’s well worth some time.

    The medieval centre is the Gamla stan and also worth a wander

    The Opera cafe used to be the late night haunt but I am well out of date.

    Alcohol is incredibly expensive, although I seem to remember that there was a very weak beer that beat the tax regulations. How little alcohol it had can be judged by the fact that it was cheaper volume for volume than the bottled water.

    Links to everything on the Stockholm visitors site here[/url] which includes suggested to do lists for short stays.

    Full Member

    If you have 14mm nipples already you may be ok I guess if you went to 12

    Hmmm. Not sure whether you will get away with this.

    According to Roger Musson’s book if you use the same hub and the same cross pattern then the difference in spoke length needed will be half the difference in the ERD. In your case around 1.7mm less, although it depends on whether the original wheelbuilder rounded up or down (he should ideally have been within a milimetre). How much difference different nipple lengths make depends on the manufacturer. DT swiss nipples do make a difference, although Musson reckons that for practical purposes it is nearer 1mm in spoke length for every 2mm difference in nipple length. For Sapim nipples, the nipple length seems to make no difference.

    I suspect the answer is that you may find there is too much difference.

    Full Member

    Can I say Ventana before enyone else gets in? El Rey just been redesigned, not sure if the El capitan is still the old model or the new.

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