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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 5: Lazer Kineticore Helmet
  • ratadog
    Full Member

    +1 for SDG Bel Air, and I am nearer Ton's wwight than that of the OP. Also have an SDG Grand Prix on a different bike. Not sure they still make the latter.

    Full Member

    I'm well over 16 stone and use them on both bikes. Couldn't get my head round the faff of hydraulics – accept that BB7s also come with added faff so I guess I just prefer their brand of faff. +1 for the above namely set them up with the inboard pad as close to the disc as you can get away with and be prepared to adjust as pads wear.

    Full Member

    My wife drove into an overhead carpark barrier with my bike on the roof on Saturday morning.


    Full Member

    MTFU, effectively, from the doctor.

    Safer than MTFU from yourself or any of us.

    Go get checked out.

    Full Member

    I find it particularly annoying that a national newspaper would show such one sided prejudice but as a scouser im used to it!


    Full Member

    Gone for what was on the old frame it replaced. Seemed the most cost effective.

    Full Member

    Statistically, we are living longer as a nation, but it doesn't matter whether the odds of you dying/getting cancer/ having a heart attack etc. are 100 to 1, or 100 million to 1, it's still bloody irritating if you are the one I am afraid.

    Full Member

    As above, used them several times, no problems.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I thank you. Now off to finish painting the kitchen and get the curtain rails vaguely horizontal.

    Full Member

    And somewhere here should be?

    Full Member

    I am just dragging this out to number 22 obviously.

    Full Member

    That's two fanatical fan groups offended in one post.

    Full Member

    Mind you, I just never got the point of the programme and as I got older thought it was complete tosh. Bracketed in that category with Star Trek. Probably owe my current living to them however as my dad used to put one of them on when it was time for me to go and do my homework.

    Full Member

    Sadly, probably not. i stopped watching Dr Who when my parents sold the sofa.

    Full Member

    Copper tube wont work – I tried it yesterday

    Worked for me. Certainly easiest to make and no problems x3 for me. I guess if it doesn't work then move on to one of the numerous plan B options here.

    Incidentally, I was after buying one from one of the internet retailers and they emailed back and said – not in stock and frankly not good value, get yourself some 1 inch copper pipe and make one – so I did. They gained future sales from me for honesty as well.

    Full Member

    Came with my 456 and moved frames when I upgraded. Use Ergons with conventional risers and find Mary's just as good for avoiding wrist ache. Would need runway of heathrow proportions to get properly airborne so can't comment on suitability for low flying. Stem length is probably no different to normal risers as double bend forwards then aft cancels out.

    Full Member

    I have a couple of pairs of the Planet X dog hubs mentioned above and have run themn for a couiple of years with no problems. Now have a Revolver rear and a hope pro2 front on one bike. Decided to save money and avoid the excess niose on the rear. Time will tell whether that was a giood decision but I googled the revolvers when I first looked into it without finding much adverse comment – before this thread obviously!

    Full Member

    Who's organising the 21st by the way?

    Full Member

    No. Not while the Independent/Guardian/BBC are effectively free and definitely no to Murdoch.

    Full Member

    Have been using one for a couple of months and think it is great.

    Already been a couple of threads on here


    Which I found useful

    Twidroid as a Twitter reader, Chomp SMS for texts and most importantly advanced task killer to keep excess programs from running and messing up battery life.

    My tracks is a gps app that gives you details of where and how far/fast you have been – I have found it really useful for tracking training rides

    use the widgets for Bluetooth/GPS/wifi and only switch them on when you need them – again saves battery life.

    Come summer the app from Google that shows and identifies the night sky ( and shifts to match where you are looking 0 will give me endless opportunities to annoy the family

    Other than that have a play and when you have a look to the home screen ( all 7 sections of it ) remember to save it or be prepared to set it up from scratch again if you forget and reset.

    Full Member

    I used Wheelpro's book to get myself wheelbuilding and have built wheels for most of the family bikes, but recently bought a front Hope hoop from Winstanleys because I could get it for half the price of the hub, rim and spokes bought separately. I didn't buy from Wheelpro because he is now only doing Flows and I had a mavic on the rear wheel and wanted to match.

    When I got the hoop I checked it out and the spoke tensions were all over the place. Took me half an hour of fettling to even things up and get rid of 2 potentially loose spokes. Moral of the story therefore is that if you aren't happy with your wheelbuilding skills and you are happy with the flows then having Roger Musson check them over is probably an advantage, and you save some money. If you are happy with your wheelbuilding skills and happy to sort out the SP hubs/rims then it's only the money/bling/are they reliable? equation to sort out.

    Full Member

    We have 4 hybrids ( 1 Black rock, sole survivor of first intake, and 3 Rhode/Light sussex crosses ). They are in a Forsham ark, house upstairs and run below, which stands on a piece of weldmesh and gets moved to new location on the lawn every 3-5 days. Lawn gets scarified and manured all in one go and grows better than ever. We have local foxes, but with run and weldmesh they can't get in and the birds take themselves up to bed at night.

    Full Member

    Fine, solo effort it is then.

    Full Member

    Recent issues aren't as interesting as those from a few years back though.

    Reminds me of the old Punch tagline

    "Not as interesting as it used to be", since 1841.

    Full Member

    Okay, I'll bag the point for the assist, and someone else can have the 700th.

    Full Member

    +1 for SDG, Bel Air or Grand Prix ( not sure they make the latter any more )

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Oops I just bought a 4th bike, but it's a folding bike so it doesn't count.

    Thank God for that, that means I only have three as well.

    Full Member

    Wrong, the risks of T2DM with familial history are very clear

    As I did some of the T2DM family research back in the day, I had an attack of natural british understatement when I came to rebuttal and maybe didn't put my views as clearly as you. Happy to agree with your views however

    I also agree wholeheartedly with the rest of your comments as well. Welcome to the STW Diabetes Care group.

    Full Member

    nothing there that shows anything more than coincidence based on the percentages imho

    NOT coincidence, but could be either nature or nurture. Twin studies suggest that there is a significant element of genetics but I can't quote chapter and verse there because they were done after I left that particular branch of research. In Type 1 you almost certainly inherit a predisposition but need a trigger – probably viral. In the case of Type 2 there are probably a multiplicity of couses and diseases working under that banner and the percentages quoted only apply to high risk families. Some types have 100% inheritance but are related to mitochondrial DNA abnormalities and don't really count as Type 2.

    Full Member

    "Sometimes you've just got to find what you like and let it kill you"

    Yeah, I approve of the Kinkster ( Anyone who can rile the US womens movement as he did with his seminal feminist hymn "Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed" can have my vote any day ).

    Other advice posted above while I was typing is very reasonable i.e. Diabetes UK local group and website as a source of information.

    there is nothing concrete to suggest it is passed on generation to generation

    Depends how solid you like your concrete. Newcastle family study a few years back ( :oops:) found families where non-diabetic mambers had early and irrevocable changes in the way they processed glucose, although those tests are not done clinically. Women who have diabetes in pregnancy usually go on to develop type 2 in later life, and whereas if none of your family have Type 2 your lifetime chance of developing is about 10%, if your parent/sibling/child has it the risk goes to 40% and increases with increasing numbers of relatives until if it is your identical twin who has the disease then the risk is well over 90%. Nevertheless, what you inherit in most cases is still probably not the full story and lifestyle certainly accelerates or retards the progress.

    Full Member


    Not uncommon for people with newly diagnosed diabetes to go into denial and think that if they carry on normally it will all somehow go away. I am assuming that this is Type 2 diabetes ( later onset, treated initially with diet and tablets ). I suppose from the psychological point of view the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that keeping good levels of blood sugar and blood pressure hugely reduces the risk of complications including heart attacks and strokes gives you an in along the lines of – I want to keep you around/healthy so can we find out what we both need to change -, but my main advice would be for both of you to talk to the practice nurse about diet, lifestyle etc. and if necessary get advice from the local Diabetes Specialist Nurses and Dietitians who deal with this full time.

    Most areas run patient education courses, its a NICE requirement, (google as needed for this and what follows)- but whereas for Type 1 there is pretty much universal use of DAFNE, for Type 2 there are a variety of approved courses. Locally, we use Xpert, but others use DESMOND and there are some others that I know of as well. Find out what is available locally and look to get a place. Xpert is a half day a week for 6 weeks, it's small group teaching and everyone else is in the same boat, they answer a lot of questions quickly and give access to the nurses and dietitians who are specialists in this field and partners/spouses are often welcome so you get a heads up as well. Practice nurse should have all this information.

    Full Member

    Tall blokes, long legs, long arms, bit more room for manoeuvre in sorting out optimum geometry for the bike and the rider e.g. not worried about a comparatively tall front end. Certainly, from a rider's perspective I feel more like I sit in the 29er and more like I perch over the wheels of the 26er. If you want an engineer's answer I am sure someone will be along shortly.

    Full Member

    Suspect it is called Levo-thyroxine. If you are on replacement and in any doubt get your GP/specialist to check your blood levels if they haven't done so recently. Level of thyroid hormone controls tick over rate of most of the body's systems. Answer, therefore, to the question – is this caused by my thyroid? – is invariably "It could be."

    Full Member

    Have a 19.5inch scandal and a 20inch 456. As above, 29er is my choice for smoothish long rides and the 456 for trail centre/rougher stuff. If I had to settle for 1 I'd probably go for the 29er but that reflects the bulk of the riding I do and also my height as the 29er seems to make more sense the taller you go.

    Full Member

    Not that I have found. I bought a second hand revolver 20mm front hub on ebay after seeing conversion kits on CRC etc. for QR. Those kits seem to no longer be available and although the current model of 20mm Revolver hub does seem to have some conversion kits available as long as you like red, I haven't seen a 15mm kit in my trawl. In the end I found I could buy a hope hoop complete for less than the bits needed to finish the wheel and went down that route.

    Full Member

    But is it illegal for Joe Blogs to take them?

    Not illegal to take them AFAIK ( although not that bright either ), might be illegal to have them ( see above ), can't immediately think of a way to supply them without a prescription that wouldn't be illegal and prescribing them for sports related purposes as opposed to a medical treatment for a specific condition may still be illegal and certainly wouldn't play well with the GMC.

    Not sure that most of the medical hormone replacements would benefit one anyway. Oral contraceptive pill won't help you confuse the gender testing; thyroid hormone will make you stay up nights, sweat, eat like a pig, have a fluctuating weight and make your heart race; most classes of steroids unhelpful/harmful. Some people have used insulin as an anabolic agent but its relatively easy to tell the artificial from the real and the potential side effects are offputting ( and much more likely in the non-diabetic ). EPO etc. well documented and well detectable ( and I find the use of what is a relatively scarce medication for cheating in sport, at the cost of it being available for those who need it, shameful ). Growth Hormone has anabolic effects in theory, but we still haven't worked out whether replacement actually helps those adults who are deficient, never mind what effects it has on those who already have sufficient.

    Thanks, rant over, but useful in keeping the work related bit of my brain ticking over whilst I am stuck at home with a chest infection.

    Full Member

    Wheelpro spoke calculator aims to give longest ideal length IIRC ( don't know about DT Swiss or the others) so in an ideal world this looks like 3 lots of 260 and one of 261. However, calculator usually looks to get end 1mm from end of nipple so I agree that all are within 1mm of 261 and you should be fine. Even if you cut a few new threads in the nipples this is apparently OK. Check the dish regularly and correct towards it as you go if possible.

    When I bought approx 1mm under what I calculated for reasons of spoke availability and then unfortunately discovered that I had probably measured the rim 1mm or so under as well and finished up with some thread showing all round, I switched to 14mm nipples instead of 12mm to get my extra 1mm back, at which point the build went together fine, so there are ways around the problem if you were to finish up with threads showing and were concerned.

    Full Member

    Panaracer Rampages – see write up in recent WMB – a bit on the heavy side but good rounded edges and good on just about everything including hardpack/ tarmac. Had them on 29er all winter and now sorting out a set for 26er as well. About 40psi, but I am a Clydesdale.

    In the end its individual preference as the numerous "what tyre" threads show. Having said that certain tyres come up again and again and that's a fair guide.

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