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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • rangerbill
    Full Member

    For the gate nerds out there, most of the gates we put in on the PBW are specified to have an adjustable bottom hinge. This means every so often you can lift them when they inevitably drop (about every 6 months).
    Unfortunately on some gates the pins are set in stone or old telegraph posts which means you can’t fit an adjustable bottom hinge. Most of the gates mentioned fall into this category.
    For info a 30mm spanner is all you might need to tweak your most hated gate.
    We have found some money so some of the most hated gates will be being ripped out and replaced soon…ish

    Full Member

    Ooft, another herniated disc sufferer here (with a knackered back/sciatica suffer) I was put on Gabapenatin, I recommend you DO NOT take it, it messes with your head and is pretty manky
    I had physio and osteo which kind of worked, but acupuncture sorted me out eventually. I now keep my back as mobile as I can with daily stretches and if I don’t do it I can feel the pain come creeping in again.
    I found Ibuprufen didn’t get anywhere near the pain. the Codeine paracetomol mix worked well though
    I do a Pigeon pose (apparently, I just had to google it!) for both legs and then stretch to touch my toes (leg out 1 at a time). I struggle to touch my toes so don’t try this until you are better and only when your physio has gone through it with you!
    Good luck and hope you heal soon

    Full Member

    Its pretty hard/impossible to get grants for repairs or maintenance of a project. Whoever takes it over will have to be very creative in their grant applications!

    Full Member

    None of the sites will be closed, they will be sold or disposed of through asset transfer. The key for sites like Lee and Cragg is to find an interested community group that can take on the trails. I understand the bigger liabilities would be kept by LCC through asset transfer (what this means I don’t know, rockfall rather than gravel rash?). So who ever takes over, as mentioned by Mark, Big n Daft and Harry the Spider, will take on the ‘duty of care’ which given that Lee Quarry pretty much has a guaranteed Air Ambulance reserved parking place, could be quite off putting for small community groups.
    The Council cannot close the sites because they still would need people to check the sites. There will be no staff to check no sites

    Full Member

    Those chips in the original photo need at least another minute. Golden Brown not flaccid pale.

    Full Member

    I looked into replacing an inherited, very out of tune, upright piano years ago. I spent along time researching and then went and bought a Korg SV-1 because I like the look of it. So ignore anything I say! Although I love it the RH3 keyboard does have a heavy, clunky feel to it, and even though I play (badly) with headphones in, the keyboard action can be heard!
    If its for an 8 year old do you need to worry about keyboard action just yet?

    Full Member

    Vauxhall Brava, we used to have them at work *shudder. It got scrapped because the chassis rotted away. They made the Landrover feel like a RollsRoyce. I’m sure the newer isuzu’s are better, but then they couldn’t actually be any worse, wind noise, gutless, dreadful off road…

    Full Member

    I seem to remember doing a first aid course and learing about getting people with panic attacks to breathe out properly.
    I’d previously been to the Drs some years ago with shortness of breath, he said it was sports asthma, signed a form, gave me an inhaler, which kind of worked. Then did the first aid course at work and now when Im plodding up a hill wheezing like a train I just make sure I exhale properly. The basic principal is its no good trying to breath in if you’ve got lung fulls of air allready

    Full Member

    Used to live in Mytholmroyd, great riding, pubs, shops, primary schools and High school, petrol station, Englands longest ascent, canal, station, cheaper the Hebden, near enough to walk in to Hebden but far enough away from it 😉

    Oh and mountain rescue are based in Mytholmroyd as well if you are accident prone!

    Full Member

    I always assumed it was called a French drain because of Pierre-Marie-Jérôme Trésaguet, the french road builder who put ditches either side of his roads……?

    But im probably very wrong

    Full Member

    Just a couple of pointers by someone who spends to much time digging up old and ineffective french drains!

    Make sure you test the fleece that you wrap the drain/pipe in. When you pour liquid on it (water/coffe/urine..whatevers to hand) it should soak straight in. If it beads (as many will) it is the wrong type, some are designed to work only with sufficient water pressure

    Have a look at this: Ive got a couple of jobs next year where Im going to use it. Water soaks straight through the fleece then down the plastic membrane into a pipe (not supplied) You do not need any stone. Dig a trench, put sheet in, backfill

    You can also tank your walls with a dimpled product that will stop water coming into house. Google ‘tank cellar’. Very similar idea to the above. Put it on your wall floor before boarding and flooring, it doesnt stop the water but allows it a safe passage behind and under your walls/floors

    Hope that helps.enjoy

    Full Member

    Badgers, snuffling/rooting for food.

    Full Member

    Monkeysfeet…I went to the Dr for something stronger as Ibruprofen never got anywhere near the Sciatica pain. Good old Paracetoml (or codeine paracetomol mix is good)works at stopping the pain and doesnt knacker your stomach. The problem with Gabapenatin or Vallium is just knocks you out for a couple of months. I found the private acupuncture was better than the NHS acupuncture, but I had more needles in and was wired up to a Tens machine. If you are anywhere near Skipton Ilkely I can highly recomend Angela Pegg

    Full Member

    I had the very same problem. I was off for a few months on Gabapenitin (?) and that didnt work, lots of exercises and painkillers later and I tried acupuncture. It has not ‘cured’ me. I do not feel like Im 20 again, however I do not take any pain killers now, but I still have to do the stretches. I can thouroughly recommend it. I had 3 session privatly and went from being constantly in pain to feeling pain/uncomfrtable only if Ive been sat down all day.
    If they hit a pain receptor on the surface you’ll feel a small prick (no sniggering) but its nothing compared to the pain you’re already in.
    Get it done

    Full Member

    Voted…although I did cause confusion by going to the wrong polling station first!

    Full Member

    I used to use RH insurance (Me and Mrs fully comp with European cover 120 squid) but have gone with Adrian Flux as we need business use for t’wife. Have read lots of good things about Glynwood….but forgot to ring them 🙁

    Will send emails soon to those who requested

    Full Member

    Good pump for tyres, it helps on some sites to let your tyres down to get a bit more traction off site.
    Jump leads for when youve had the lights on too much whilst wild camping.
    Get your van serviced by someone who knows them inside out. A big service before the holiday season gets them ready to go.
    Baby wipes
    by a cheap money box with a lock and screw it down under the rock and roll bed to store stuff (although MV Engineering do an underseat one or is it Campervanculture?)
    If your going to France get one of those dibbers that you put in the windscreen so you can fly through all the tolls
    Plastic boxes with snap lids that fit UNDER your van, so when you get to site you can store stuff outside of the van
    Get your fridge and heater serviced before you go away, ready for the season
    board game compendium (magnetic)

    Im selling my VW T3 Westfalia hightop 🙁 so if anybods are interested PM me

    Have we mentioned wine?

    Full Member

    What wwaswas says. You want chapter 8 Highway maintenance stuff. As a cyclist who does nothing but commute by van my points would be:

    1 Highway spec 2 inch scotchbrite stuff on all vertical surface, legs, across your arse and arms. In horizontal hoops, so you can be seen from front back and side. Do not rely on manufactures claims of reflective panels if they are piping or less than 2 inch, I (and other drivers) can not see them (Altura night vision is OK but its nowhere near as good as highway spec stuff).
    Get the Highway vest but DONT put a rucksack over it because now I cant see you. Humps are OK but if you are on the drops its not reflective. Highway pants with reflective hoops around the ankles are brilliant as they catch your eye from a long distance away.

    2 Bright front light but angled down. Ive just had LED beacons fitted to the truck and they are not allowed to have them at eye level

    3 Bright rear light. It has to be brighter or different to a brake light. Otherwise you just look like brake light refraction on my windscreen. Powerful and flashing. Saw som lads yesterday powerful rear light under saddle, one on helmet one on arm, top marks. Have seen peolpe with a little knog one stuffed in the back pocket….bad idea.

    4 lights on in the day from September it helps people spot you quicker

    I see some commuters and I do fear for their safety, get some cheap highway overtrousers and vest and job done. This not a rant at cyclists this is just a concerned Dad!

    Full Member

    Sunny, post ride? There can only be one:

    Timmy Taylors Golden Best. Not as strong as Landlord, very drinkable and with a packet of pork scratchings contains all the essential minerals and vitamins to help you rehydrate*

    *utter boollacks

    Full Member

    I was told that to convert off road miles to road miles you need to multiply off road 2-3 times. I do the Mary Townelely Loop regularly (47 miles) and have done the Fred Whitton route (110miles?) both took similar amount of time door to door (not GPS). So Im sticking with it.
    I also find most people sit and twiddle on mountain bikes if they are not used to road bikes. With most road bikes you just dont have that option so you have to get out of the saddle. I used to get more saddle sore on mountain bikes than road bikes due to ineffective granny ring twiddling

    Full Member

    Danny the champion for me, read it to both my kids and I loved reading again. Devoured Robert westall (machine gunners) books, Arthur Ransome also. My kids have really enjoyed the Michael murpurgo books.

    Full Member

    As others have said, reverse bleed with the Shimano kit works a treat. I got fed up of doing mine, then the seals went, cant buy new ones. 🙁
    So I bought HOPE. Happy now 😀

    Full Member

    +1 for Leku and Tomthumb. Lada Niva and a Volvo 240 (estate) for me…oh and an early Unimog

    Full Member

    I spent ages trying to carefully take out my old cleats, then I realised that its quicker to drill the heads off and change the cleat nuts and cleats–plate.html
    The old cleat nuts were rusted badly and stripped when the new cleats were fitted 🙁
    For the sake of £4 quid its worth fitting new ones with your new cleats

    Full Member

    Im in as Ive found my snow chains (good weather now guaranteed)

    Full Member

    The first bit of the Buttress in Hebden is stoopid steep, and cobbled and slippy! I’ve tried hardknott once before and just remember looking at it and thinking (whimpering) that’s a wall. I’m doing the Fred Whitton route a week on Friday….I’m wearing comfortable walking/cycling shoes

    Full Member

    cuckoo pint or lords and ladies. Berries might turn red. Please dont like them if they do!

    Full Member


    There is a grey import XT223 available as well, never ridden one but Im sure someone on here has.

    GS500: used to have one, nice handling bike, but wheezy and rusted very quickly

    Full Member

    I was recently looking to buy a bike (MLC rather than necessity) but was looking at the old XL125 250/500s. I reckon a 250 would give a good mix of mpg to mph to cheap road tax etc. In the end i bought a CB600 hornet for £1850 as the XLs I looked at had sadly fallen in to the classic tax bracket.
    10 miles on a 250 would be a piece of piddles.
    An xt/xl/dt would suit your height better than a CG125 and would soak up the dreadful road surfaces. I find my Hornets budget suspension a bit crashy on Calderdales crap road surfaces.
    You should get about 80mpg from a 250 commuter enduro
    Or stick with the CG125 if its about saving money you cant beat the little CGs. Remember wear a full face helmet and no one knows its you 😉

    Full Member

    Campag is a caged bearing with the cups in the frame, the crown race pushing the bearings up? Your right about the cane creek one being for a cartridge though.
    Bum flaps 🙁

    Full Member

    I started of in the ‘bit of a plodder’ class, then was moved back to the ‘probably will die’ to make way for the elite. Finished 102 and had a great time….in a masochistic kind of way

    Full Member

    Just buy some snow socks and stick them in the car. Wife focus 1.8tdci is useless in the snow but after five minutes to put snow socks on it will climb hills easily.
    Put them in your car in Oct, take them out in spring. Cheap, practical

    Full Member

    A big grit bin in the organizer car park…..or a big Unimog

    Full Member

    Great day out, no hideous cramp this year. Think I managed an extra lap as well. Anyone know when were results are out? Thanks to all the car pushers, once the gritter came it was a piece of the proverbial to get out. Just off out for a dinner party, hopefully won’t leap up and yell in pain when the cramp sets in.
    See you next year

    Full Member

    Sat in bottom car park waiting for grit. Pushed a few up but its to slippy to even walk on.

    Full Member

    If anyone needs a lift I’ve got space for 3 bikes and 3 people. Leaving from Hebden Bridge (ish) calling at littleborough milnrow, tickets please

    Full Member

    for the following reason

    My pension is the Local Government Pension scheme (LGPS).you can opt into it or not.
    I opted in and pay a contribution every month. At retirement age the LGPS adds another 2/3rds to it. This is done by giving MY money to Investment Bankers who are supposed to invest it. However it turns out they’ve been to busy buying bottles of wine as expensive as my house and snorting white powder off young ladies buttocks for them to care about people’s money.

    The moneys not there because of the Bankers nothing to do with the Public Sector

    My pension is NOT paid for by everyone’s NI contributions. We are being asked to pay the equivalent of a 3% tax on our pensions. That’s fine if it’s the same for everyone, but its only the Public Sector that’s being asked to contribute.
    So you can see why people are a bit cheesed off.
    I’ve worked in the Private sector, been self employed and now the Public sector. Every time I’ve opted into a pension or savings.

    I earn less than the UK’s average wage.

    Sources from the BBC

    If Goldman Sachs paid their Tax bill like everyone else has to…….(the sound of piss boiling)

    Full Member

    Just a quickie about the strikes.
    My pension is the Local Government Pension scheme (LGPS,you can opt into it or not.
    I opted in and pay a contribution every month. At retirement age the LGPS adds another 2/3rds to it. This is done by giving MY money to Investment Bankers who are supposed to invest it. However it turns out they’ve been to busy buying bottles of wine as expensive as my house and snorting white powder off young ladies buttocks for them to care about people’s money.
    My pension is NOT paid for by everyone’s NI contributions. We are being asked to pay the equivalent of a 3% tax on our pensions. That’s fine if it’s the same for everyone, but its only the Public Sector that’s being asked to contribute.
    So you can see why people are a bit cheesed off.
    Sources from the BBC
    I’ve worked in the Private sector, been self employed and now the Public sector. Every time I’ve opted into a pension or savings.
    If you haven’t, that’s not the Public sectors fault.

    I earn less than the UK’s average wage now and am on a 12 month contract.

    Self employed I could earn about £700-£2000 a week but that had to include running costs and materials etc, however these could be offset against tax with a good accountant. In winter that money could go down to £0.
    Like for like Ive been offered jobs in the private sector with pensions and holiday + £10Kish. Ive not taken them due to the usual childcare problems that most of us suffer from.

    Full Member

    Just a quick reply, 3m is the minimum for Bridleways as it allows two horses to pass side by side safely. Unfortunately we bikers are way down the list in terms of consideration. Horses are top. Horses don’t like deep long puddles boggy ground and loose rocky ground. Crusher run or DOT type 1 is a preferred surface material due to its ability to compact predictably. Grass gravel (as used on PBW) is preferred for horses. Horses can struggle with grade reversal and rolling grade dips (IMBA specs) they prefer to step over small obstacles like stone cut off channels (which I hate with a Passion as I have to clean the buggers out all the time). What can you do, sign the ePetition about footpaths, set up a group like Singletraction and volunteer to help you ROW team to keep the eater off the trails.

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