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  • JoGo Straw review: decent coffee on the move?
  • randomjeremy
    Free Member

    I don’t even know where my socks are from. They’re socks, they go on your feet, you throw them away when they’re knackered. Do people really think about this stuff?

    Free Member

    Aye that’s a good point – although it’s quite important that the site doesn’t look awful, as long as the mechanics work you should be ok. Sites like ebay, CRC etc don’t look great but they do work.

    Free Member

    No man between the ages of 21 and 70 should wear a hat

    Free Member

    yeah 42a or slow reezy’s tend to die very quickly, the 3C ones are great though

    Free Member

    Snowcard or Dogtag

    Free Member

    I use the 3c HR dual ply in France usually and they are great; this year I will start off on rubber queen 2.2s though; I wonder if I will die, they are about half the weight.

    Free Member

    Buy your domain from $COMPANY1, point the DNS using $COMPANY2, host the website at $COMPANY3 and your mail at $COMPANY4. Believe me when I say that if you put all your eggs in one basket and the basket goes, you are completely and utterly farked, so spread the risk.

    How do you plan on monetising your idea? Adverts? Referrals?

    Drop me a PM if you want to chat, I’ve launched a few companies over the years, some have even made money.

    Free Member

    Vegemite is Marmite’s poor inbred convict cousin

    Free Member

    flow – Member

    5’10 here 16″ perfect

    Really? I’m 5’11” and tried both, 16″ felt very cramped.

    Mmm possibly a little on steep climbs but I’m a fat shit so I’m usually walking by then. Flat / down it’s spot on.

    Free Member

    5’10 here 16″ perfect

    Free Member

    I had a set of flows for a while on my DH bike, taco’d one rim and stuck ex721s on instead. Might just have been unlucky though, they were really good trail wheels.

    Free Member

    hah look at those selfish ****, some people

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Hey good stuff, we should agree to disagree

    Free Member

    No at risk of being hit by a motorised vehicle while attached to a pushbike on the road. You do realise that a bike / bike trailer is not a car right?

    Look I don’t really give a shit about your kids, I find it odd that you don’t seem to though.

    Free Member

    I find it amazing that people are willing to put their children at risk like that – each to their own I guess

    Free Member

    Do you people ride on the roads with your babies in tow?

    Free Member

    You know what happens to an adult when they fall off or are knocked off a bike. Imagine what happens to a baby. Some **** people

    Free Member

    Sell it and give the money to charity

    Free Member

    Wait what, so youtube, BBC, countless other content providers are wrong?

    Free Member

    I’ll be at Erlestoke 12 next Saturday and I’ll be aiming to reach 65km/h down that long chalk track on a hardtail 29er. I’ll post the GPS evidence here afterwards. I challenge anyone, on any bike, to post evidence that they went faster.

    I need to meet this guy

    Free Member

    OP try one, buy one. FS bikes are better than hardtails in every conceivable way, you’d be crazy not to. There’s a lot of gibberish spouted by HT nerds all over the internet, ignore these ‘sperglords though.

    Before this thread descends into a hardtail jihad, here are a few myths and truths to get you started:

    – HT teaches you rad gnar skillz, FS makes you lazy.
    – FS makes things “too easy” (har, yeah ok if you’re Steve Peat maybe)
    – FS will “roll over anything” (It’s a pushbike, not a range rover)
    – FS are a lot of hassle to keep running.
    – You should “learn to ride properly” (whatever this means) on a HT first
    – A HT can turn an overweight IT consultant from Reading into a biking hard man (extra gnar awarded for lack of gears and boutique brands from Northern England. Blokes on fully rigid 29ers are so masculine they manage to impregnate women at 500 yards)

    – FS is faster than HT downhill.
    – FS is more comfortable.
    – FS allows you to attempt more rad gnar things because it’s better offroad than HT, because it has suspension both ends.
    – Bike nerds are easy to wind up.

    Free Member

    Be careful; it’s very likely that your employers own the information in your inbox. Doesn’t hurt to ask the friendly local IT bod.

    Free Member

    Yes you can do this, I think the card is £20 from SKY. You can’t record anything though unless you pay them £10 /month.

    Free Member

    Bushwacked – Member

    RJ – you enjoy the view of Turkish lads washing your car?!

    Yup they’re really fit, too young for me though

    Free Member

    Get some Turkish lads round to do it for you; sit back and relax with a beer, enjoy the view 🙂

    Free Member

    Junkyard, genuinely interested to know why this is such a thing for you.

    Free Member

    davidtaylforth – Member

    If you drive a German car then theres a good chance you’re a cock I’m jealous of you so I call you a cock to gloss over the aching sense of inferiority you give me.

    Free Member

    NZCol – there’s nothing like a nice car to bring out the green eyed monster in other people. If I see someone driving a nice car I usually think “nice car”, not “what a t**t”.

    Free Member

    Our first line drooling windows monkeys earn that

    Free Member

    Pretty much all high end German and Italian when I go in to the office. There are a couple of Maybachs too *puke*

    Free Member

    humorous aside passes right over binners’ head *shocker*

    edit: humorous aside passes right over randomjeremy’s head *shocker*?

    Free Member


    A search of the London Fixed-gear and Single-speed forum (LFGSS), home to more than 24,000 cyclists from all over the UK and beyond, shows that attacks like this are more common than we would like to think.

    So roady SS/Fixie Londoners are getting beaten up. Come on, we’ve all thought about it 🙂

    Free Member

    I got rid of my hardtail last year, wasn’t riding it any more, FS bikes do everything better IMO.

    Free Member

    Cardiff metal polishers

    Free Member

    Use OpenDNS DNS servers, the filtering is done on their network rather than your pc.

    Free Member

    Christ there are some bitter people on here with economic nous learned, I can only assume, via The Sun.

    Free Member

    Like it or loathe it London does have an incredible buzz about it. I lived there for years, I drive in a couple of times a month now for work. I wouldn’t really want to live there again, it’s too busy and now I’m used to clean air and countryside.

    Say what you like about London and the people in it, and bankers and what have you, but The City generates huge amounts of tax revenue and is a massive contributor to the nation’s GDP. These TAX THE RICH people don’t understand business, or tax.

    Free Member

    We’ve seen all of this before with TV shows like 90210 and The OC. As much as I confess to enjoying the voyeurism, I wish this show would stop focusing on the rich and successful members of Scottish society and highlight the issues faced by those who aren’t quite so fortunate.

    Free Member

    I recently went up to 780mm but my arms and back started to ache, so I think I’ll be going back to 750mm

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