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  • Singletrack World 150th Issue is coming!
  • randomjeremy
    Free Member

    Nobody (except the exceptionally wealthy perhaps) buys expensive cars with cash, for a number of reasons. Mine include:

    1: Using cash to invest in things that make money, not almost definitely lose money (in some rare cases you can make money on a car, I once sold an M3 CSL for a couple of grand more than I paid for it after ragging it for six months, crazy).

    2: Some people want a new car every year or two. This is very easy to arrange with finance as you can often port the finance to another vehicle without much hassle, and don’t need to put up with idiots coming to test drive the car you’re selling; the dealer or finance firm will come and pick the car up.

    3: Liquidity. If I suddenly need money, I can hand the car back and stop paying for it. Sure there is likely to be a penalty and a credit score hit, but I won’t have an expensive lump of metal sitting on my drive that I can’t afford.

    If the rate I’m paying on the finance is greater than the rate that my savings are attracting, for sure I’m losing out, but financing makes “owning” a car pretty much stress free, and you can get some really great deals. I currently drive a Merc S65,you could argue that this sort of car wouldn’t exist without financing, as nobody in their right mind would pay that sort of money up front on a car. The monthly payments are surprisingly low and the interest rate on the finance is just 1.8%, while my investments are earning more than this.

    Oh and just to add some more fuel to the fire of this thread 🙂 I’ve owned loads of BMWs over the years and they are absolutely fantastic cars to drive. The engineering is massively superior to the junk that VAG (excepting the skunkworks AUDIs) or the frenchies churn out. RWD makes for a better driving experience.

    BUT THEY ARE RUBBISH IS THE SNOW AHAHAAHAHA? When it snows stick winter tires on if you really need to get out and about for the three days a year there’s actually snow on the ground, for the other 362 days of the year enjoy the brilliant driving experience RWD gives you 🙂

    BMW envy (well any nice car really but BMW seem to suffer from it the most) is a curious thing in this country; back home in the states on more than one occasion I have had strangers come over and start a conversation about a car I’m driving, and the attitude is almost always “Wow I love your car, tell me about it”, whereas here in the UK I’ve had no end of small minded plebs driving aggressively and looking at me with hate in their eyes. Hey it could have been someone from this thread, reading some of these green eyed posts!

    Free Member

    nmdbase no idea, you can guarantee every single Orange thread will end up the same way though 🙁

    Free Member

    Whenever there is a Five thread there are always people banging on about how expensive they are. Look if you can’t afford it get a better job or make more informed financial decisions or something then it wouldn’t worry you so much

    Free Member

    CountZero congratulations I guess?

    Free Member

    Now look here I’ve learned enough about dubstep from the Guardian to still wear trainers

    Free Member

    barons for dh, rqs for everything else

    Free Member

    Anyone over the age of 25 shouldn’t wear anything with a big logo on it

    Free Member

    This sort of thing is why womens shouldn’t be allowed in a place of work. Can you imagine the cost to the economy?

    Free Member

    You shut your whore mouth, that guy played Jimmy Mcnulty, the best character in the best TV show ever. EVER.

    Free Member

    Make a note of how much money you’re saving by not having to travel to work every day.

    Scan the traffic report websites / radio and bask in the knowledge that your life isn’t being drained away stuck in a tailback on the M25.

    Get up at 0850 to start work at 0900.

    Working from home is the best!

    Free Member

    740s at the moment, they were 780 but just felt too wide so I cut them down, this seems perfect.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member

    email= Blackberry.

    Why on earth? iPhones and other smart phones all handle email just as well as Blackberries.

    Not sure if troll or stupid.gif

    Free Member

    At 45 all the tidy women are already shacked up, and you’re too old to be going out with a 20 year old. Try the brown side?

    Free Member

    It doesn’t really matter what you use, it’s washed off or clogged up with mud within 5 minutes anyway. GT85 here

    Free Member

    Is golf the new MTB?

    Free Member

    Buying cans of coke for young men what next STW, puppies in the back of your Octavias?

    Free Member

    I would get a laptop instead, something like a lenovo g560 will do everything you want, ans won’t be as limited as a netbook or tablet. Maybe more than you want to spend but if your daughter has an aptitude for technology it could be a wise investment?

    Free Member

    The cheap XT brakes “PSA” was just that, bargain brakes.

    This time though with the “free” rotors:

    1: Any reasonable person knows the price is a mistake, yet you order anyway
    2: You know the transaction will cost the supplier time and money, yet you order anyway
    3: You encourage others to do the same knowing that this multiply the costs to the supplier
    4: You imply that you would go and physically threaten the supplier if they don’t deliver / refund

    Also I know it’s all tongue in cheek but:

    5: Someone suggested going to the shop with weapons
    6: Someone else made a fake account pretending to be Dave Hinde

    The supplier could well have a case is all I’m saying, you know how litigious some people are thesedays! 🙂

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like Dave Hinde might have a case to sue STWers under some kind of conspiracy to defraud. It’s all here in black and white and already in the Google cache.

    Free Member

    The price is obviously a mistake. Why are you being assholes?

    Free Member

    5’10 here and got a 16″, 18″ felt too big even with a short stem. Try both?

    Free Member

    No shit sherlock, I used to work for Sun. What I was alluding to was that installing Oracle only ever tends to be done by people who are either DBAs or sysadmins in large corporate environments, not by people who don’t know very basic stuff. *whoosh*

    Free Member

    Ok I have to ask, what is someone who clearly knows very little about computers doing installing Oracle? Not trolling, genuinely interested.

    Free Member

    Brush if you want to paint your fence, sprayer if you want to paint your fence, yourself, and everything else in a 10m radius.

    Free Member

    Wait you support Liverpool? I thought you were London born and bred. I’m sure you’re a proper “fan” 🙄

    But yes bloody Arsenal it must be time for Wenger to go.

    Free Member

    I have to ask: why?

    Free Member

    Take the job and browse STW for an extra hour per day

    Free Member

    Awful website but the concept is the same as when you lease an expensive car, could be a good way for people to afford an expensive bike…

    Free Member

    It would be ok if Ferne Cunton wasn’t presenting.

    Free Member

    Carpet could do with hoovering

    Free Member

    Here’s a question for the STW pension experts: can you start pensions for young children? I have some young nieces and nephews who I would like to support financially and a 50 or 60 year long pension fund might be a good way to do this; is this a stupid idea? Would I be better off just paying into a savings fund / bonds?

    Free Member

    Peterfile yes they are wonderful things aren’t they? I have a great wifi signal all over my house and garden thanks to these and some extra access points, and all my media jazz is wired in too.

    Free Member

    I drive in the fast lane at 95mph and flash all the plebs if they won’t get out of my way, don’t they know that I am a very important businessman of international business? 🙂

    Free Member

    Nice one man, I have a chickflick and a good bottle of wine for tonight, it is going to be awesome!

    Free Member

    Try the usual stuff IE make sure the aerial(s) are vertical (if they are external), not next to thick walls, as high up as possible, try a different channel, but I’m guessing you’ve already tried these things.

    Might be worth buying another router and some powerline adapters and extend the signal that way?

    Free Member

    Amateurs, baconnaise is where it’s at.

    Yea that’s right baconnaise

    Free Member

    I can’t work out whether these people are elaborate trolls or whether they are actually homophobes. On the other hand, vehement public denouncement of “the gays” is often the first stage of coming out….

    Free Member

    Is your WAP trying to give out DHCP addresses as well as the Belkin?

    This is a good guide Extend your wireless range , it’s not exactly what you are doing but the principal is similar.

    Free Member

    US GAYS ARE COMING TO BUM YOU run for the hills

    jesus christ

    Free Member

    Junkyard that website is very sobering, thanks. I guess most of us don’t appreciate how fortunate we are!

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