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  • randomjeremy
    Free Member

    Yup I’m a serial entrepreneur, most of my startups have specialised in the pharma industry; recently in contraception. I tend to take an idea from inception to IPO or private buyout then bail on to the next thing.

    You win some you lose some, I’ve made a small fortune over the years but lost a big one 🙂

    Edit: My advice would be not to worry too much about the rigidity of the business plan, they very rarely end up anything like what you originally envisage. Also don’t rely too much on “experts” – you can do a lot of the donkey work yourself. Oh and don’t spunk your investment money on toys and expensive crap for the office that you don’t need 😳 Oh yeah and don’t worry too much about having a USP, there is room in most markets for a number of players. Oh and be prepared to lose friends and alienate people if it’s successful, it’s weird how relationships can change due to the the pressures of work etc.

    Free Member

    Are you business core?

    Free Member

    Elfin, yup it’s weird isn’t it, they’re just tools to me but some of my mates obsess over their phones and always have to have the latest blingest model of whatever is available. I thought phones stopped being status symbols back in the late 1980s 🙂

    Free Member

    It depends on what you want it for I guess – web browsing, app availability etc the iPhone takes it (or maybe even an expensive Android phone like the Galaxy S2) , but if you have to use it as a business tool, none of the other smart phones come close. Just picked up a 9900 Bold, it makes the Iphone 4 I had before it look like the toy it is. I’m an old grumpy shit though.

    Free Member

    Anyway what p**** me off is the use of Sea Bass on menus.
    We don’t have fresh water Bass so all are sea bass.

    Er, there are freshwater bass

    Free Member

    Too easy

    Free Member

    I know it isn’t what you want to hear and I do wish you the best of luck, but what will likely happen is it will be snapped up by another big landlord with a large cash reserve ( if not the very same landlord trading under a different Ltd company ) 🙁

    Free Member

    Hey limeys you realize you don’t have an empire any more, right? What a sad state of affairs for you guys, Europe hates you, us “septics” don’t consider you to be relevant, the best thing you can do right now is become the 51st state 🙂 USA USA etc 🙂

    Free Member

    @Ernie_lynch you’re pretty clearly a repressed homosexual. You should bite the bullet and come out, it’s much better over here on the brown side xxx

    Free Member

    Women will buy anything as long as they think it’s a bargain. Men will pay anything as long as it is exactly what they want :p

    Free Member

    If it’s tabular data, then use a table – we’re not saying they’re bad to use. Just wrong to use to layout a page design.

    Great, thanks (and thanks to all the other posters too) – I have some tabular data I need to present as part of a webpage (14 rows x 12 columns) – it’s currently done using a HTML table but I can’t help feeling there is a more elegant solution out there 🙂

    Free Member

    As an aside could one of the web experts tell me how to present a grid of information on a webpage without using html tables?

    Free Member

    “I’m Business Core”

    Free Member

    “Work to live, not live to work” someone once said, and it’s true.

    Free Member

    As in nature where the dominant male mates with the most females, rich guys get the hot women, it’s always been this way.

    Free Member

    “business core” hah brilliant!

    Free Member

    Why would anyone with money lying about spend it on an asset that is guaranteed to depreciate? Stick the money in an investment that attracts rate X, finance the car at rate Y, make sure X>Y ?

    Free Member

    @aracer no my main transport is an S65, but I also have a RRS for knocking about in, that should raise your hackles a bit 🙂

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    So what does your X6 say about your status, random? I’m struggling here due to not seeing cars as status symbols.

    I don’t drive an X6?

    Free Member

    🙄 Yes quite, the point being that something like a Cayenne (and perhaps to a lesser extent an X6) can go very fast round a track and also carry you and your luggage across continents in comfort and also fit a bike or a dog in the boot. So, not really pointless.

    Free Member

    @amedias but that’s not right – an x6m is quicker round a track than most 911s or Astons, and has a nice high seating position for good visibility, plenty of ground clearance and 4wd for when the conditions are poor. A Cayenne Turbo is quicker round a track than a Lotus Exige but you could still get 5 adults and a couple of dogs in the boot.

    Maybe the reason people dislike these types of car is because of what they represent – conspicuous consumption and a brash display of wealth – something that doesn’t sit well within the British psyche because it reminds people of their own status? 🙂

    Free Member

    @thepurist – maybe, but I’d be willing to wager a pretty penny it’s true 😉

    Free Member

    Ever notice these “pointless” or “stupid” car threads are always about cars the OP and subsequent posters can’t afford?

    Free Member

    Class Traitors!

    Free Member

    I do, mine does a great job and does the ironing too. I also employ fit Turkish lads to wash my cars and someone to do the garden. This may sound extravagant or wasteful but the one thing I don’t have is TIME, anything that gets me more time to do things I enjoy is worth the money.

    Free Member

    Scumbag universe. Already infinite; keeps expanding

    Free Member

    There may be a gap in the market but it’s there for a reason – the demand profile is probably too specific to make it worthwhile for any company to enter the market.

    – Must be a mountain biker
    – who lives somewhere where it’s wet/cold
    – and rides flat pedals
    – and their current needs aren’t fulfilled by Shimano/FiveTen/whoever

    I’d say the market for something like this would be small.

    Free Member

    Luckily even though I’ve got a daughter and the wife’s pregnant I can go riding whenever I like.

    Have you got your priorities right?

    Free Member

    Yes the more expensive cables are better than the cheap ones, it stands to reason, as anyone who uses gold-plated telephone, USB and network cables can attest 😉

    Free Member

    Yes of course I do, doesn’t everyone who isn’t a sociopathic ****?

    Free Member

    Well see first you need to get rid of that fancy-dan Turner, and get some old knackered cheap thing, “hardtails” I think they are called. Make it your mission to “hunt down” “power rangers” and act all affronted when someone suggests that a tracksuit and old reeboks are not the optimum cycling attire.

    To make the transition to working-class warrior, don’t forget to stock up on sour grapes. These sour grapes will eventually turn into vinegar, which you can sprinkle liberally on the sizeable chip on your broad working-class shoulder.

    Free Member

    Yes it undoubtedly works but found it hard to stick to as the “proper” Atkins diet is very rigid.

    Now I just try to stick to reasonably healthy food with a carb content of less than 15% and the weight is coming off nicely.

    Free Member

    I use a neoguard and a pair of magic Oakleys with hydrophobic transitions lenses, they work wonderfully well, much better than I ever expected. Before that I was using cheap bolle safety glasses with rainx but these Oakleys are quite a bit better at shedding mud and water.

    Free Member

    Great combination, stick a CCDB on the back and you have The One Bike To Rule Them All.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    5/7 I didn’t get the lettuce one and don’t see the relevance of the film one

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I can’t bring myself to take it seriously. My work life is stressful and competitive enough, biking is my release and the last thing I want to do is be competitive or serious in my fun time. I don’t care how slow or fast I am, I don’t care if you overtake me or I overtake you, I just enjoy the ride.

    Free Member

    So how is everyone doing? I’ve kicked the fags for 15 days now, apart from this nasty man flu I have, it’s all positive 🙂 It may sound odd but I’m in a better mental state as well as physical, probably due to no longer loathing myself.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a spicy but i stuck a ccdb on my 5 and it transformed the bike, it’s better up ( despite the considerable weight over an rp23 ) and massively better in the rough stuff on the way down. So good in fact I got rid of my other bikes, this thing does everything brilliantly be it mincing round trail centers or mincing dh uplift days or mincing all day alps rides. ( disclaimer; i am a fat git and slow uphill anyway ).

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