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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • randomjeremy
    Free Member

    @cookeaa The modern slacker probably works in a knowledge industry where they use cerebral function more than brawn. You overrate “practical” skills; manual labour isn’t very taxing on the brain, which is why it doesn’t pay very well.

    Free Member

    @cookeaa It’s got nothing to do with thinking you’re too important to learn how to do things, it’s more to do with a time/money/enjoyment equation, at least in my case.

    Other things I don’t want to do so I get other people to do them for me:

    – Car washing and servicing
    – Garden maintenance
    – Anything to do with housework, maintenance, painting etc
    – Shopping (a nice man delivers stuff to my door after I press some buttons on the computer)
    – Washing and ironing of clothes

    I end up doing pretty much nothing else but earning money and then spending it doing stuff that I enjoy, it works for me 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t know why you’re having a go at the OP for not knowing much about the mechanical intricacies of his bike. Not everyone cares to service their own bike or learn how to service forks or set up a derailleur or whatever, there are bike shops for this sort of thing.

    If a service existed where my bike was collected, fixed up and returned to me in perfect working order every month or so I would use it.

    Free Member

    721 on Pro 2 is the standard choice for me.


    Free Member

    A friend’s outlook:

    “I don’t even think about work when I’m in the office. They’ll rightsize my headcount in a heartbeat the moment that they think it’ll add a penny to next quarter’s bottom line, so I’m getting my retaliation in preemptively. Curiously, the more I slack off, the more they over-value my skills.”

    Free Member

    Dogtag and Snowcard usually come recommended – I use Snowcard myself as it lets you specify up to £3k of biking equipment cover. Never had to claim yet though…

    If you’re relying on a more standard travel insurance policy I would recommend getting in touch with the insurers and asking whether they will specifically cover DH riding – if you get stuck up a mountain you will need a heli-lift.

    Free Member

    1: download StarWalk
    2: go outside
    3: be amazed

    Free Member


    Free Member




    Free Member

    Tj you bang on about wealthy people but you yourself are wealthy compared to most. I wonder how you would react to someone suggesting a punitive tax on those with, for example, more than one property. After all, by taking more than your fair share, you are oppressing those people who now have to rent rather than own a property themselves.

    Free Member

    the rich usually have got their money thru abuse of power not from hard work.

    Says mr-two-houses

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy you don’t seem to get that 30% of a big pot is more than 50% of a pot that doesn’t exist.

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy I don’t think you don’t understand “maths”.

    Free Member

    @Junkyard why do you have so much negative energy? It can’t be good for you, let it go. Why do you think that “rich” people are any more amoral than the rest of society?

    The politics of envy I believe it’s called, alive and well on STW, which I thought was a bastion of middle classiness…. 😉

    Free Member

    Except the 150K already earned taxed at lower amounts and at present the first 8100 not taxed at all…

    What is it you’re trying to say?

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy no again you are wrong. There’s a difference between a percentage and a total, I.E 30% of a bigger pot is more than 50% of a pot that is untaxable because it’s offshored in a tax haven.

    So tax revenues will increase, not decrease.

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy no that’s not right. The reason the “rich” find ways of exploiting loopholes and avoiding tax is *because* the taxable rate is too high (50% of all earnings over 150k with no initial allowance I believe).

    The thinking behind a less punitive 30% rate is that people will feel this is fairer and pay up rather than try to find ways of avoiding tax, although this would only work if the loopholes were closed.

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy you’re going to have to explain that one to me ❓

    Free Member

    31 trolls surely. Ebay seller will be faced with a big invoice and probably have their ebay/paypal accounts suspended. Not such a clever dick idea really.

    Free Member

    OP I’ve found that some kind of base layer (under-armour summer or whatever) and a thin plain black t-shirt work well. The sweat wicks away, the base layer keeps my fat in place and I don’t end up looking like a walking billboard.

    Free Member

    I tried the freeriders and they are “ok” but went back to Impact 2s. They look a bit funny but are the best biking shoe ever IMO.

    Free Member

    The great ernie_lynch happy to be a subject. Who knew?

    Free Member

    @toys19 thanks for the headsup, I know of someone stung in a similar manner. Perhaps calling crikey an asshole and a prick was a bit OTT but even so I think some people on this site need to get a thicker skin, there have been a few threads recently where people have grassed to the mods and asked for threads to be closed because they can’t take a bit of a ribbing. We’re all adults aren’t we? Let’s at least try to get along.

    Free Member

    Oh my, that m9 is rather nice.

    Free Member

    . I recently tested a SB66 in the Lakes. Good bike but the descents were a piece of cake on it. You didn’t need to think about lines or anything, just point it down the hill.

    You should enter some World Cup races, you can’t fail to win.

    Free Member

    @LoCo yes that is pretty bad, but to play devil’s advocate, what’s stopping the LBSes forming a super company and doing the same as CRC et al?

    Free Member

    Maybe the LBSes could form a co-op and set minumum and maximum prices, so wherever people buy from in a particular locality the prices will always be reasonably stable. The LBSes could also use their new improved purchasing power afforded by being part of the co-op to buy from distributors at a better price and compete online with the big players like CRC.

    This is what my local golf clubs do and it works well.

    Free Member

    Do people really expect their frames to last forever? Where do you ride them, around the house (but only on carpet)?

    Free Member

    TNF is considered “chavvy” just about everywhere. With a few notable exceptions (the duffles, tents) their kit drifted away from being “serious outdoors kit”

    But most people aren’t “serious outdoors” people, they just want a waterproof coat or whatever that will be ok for walking the dog or climbing some hills, not camping in Nepal. Not niche enough for STW I agree, I guess I won’t be wearing my NF coat to ride my Saracen to the local park lest I incur the wrath of the STW massive 🙁

    Free Member

    Yeah they are great, I have used them for years, tough, pretty much waterproof and light. There are probably other bags just as good though, ymmv

    Only on STW could NF be considered “chavvy” 🙂

    Free Member

    Nice theft of my photo there Kimbers, I’ll email you an invoice for usage of it.

    Photographer in misplaced sense of entitlement *shocker*

    Free Member

    Staple a £20 note to the CV – it’s not a bribe, think of it as an investment in your career.

    Free Member

    @Messiah me too, RQs and Barons depending on what I’m riding. Brilliant tires, Conti have really raised the stakes.

    Free Member

    I rode my DH bike on the Cwmcarn XC course once, it was a push up but the descents took on a whole new dimension at speeds previously unattainable – it was fun.

    Free Member

    Buy a CCDB, know that you have the best shock in the world, and enjoy your riding 🙂

    Free Member

    I always take half the CVs out of the pile and throw them in the bin. I don’t want anyone who is unlucky to work for me.

    Free Member

    I would ban the use of “, no?” tagged on the end of sentences.

    It’s pretty grating, no?

    Free Member

    You can’t live in the peaks near Hope and not have an Orange 5.

    Free Member

    I think it’s funny that the “we are the 99%” mob are the 1% compared to the rest of the world’s population.

    Free Member

    Ignore it and turn off the alerts, they don’t mean anything. Any device with a public IP will get plenty of background noise, automated scans, botnet probes etc, it’s just part of the Internet and can safely be ignored.

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