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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • randomjeremy
    Free Member

    These threads are a great motivational tool.

    Roughly this time last year I was 15 stone, smoked 20-40 cigarettes a day and drank ~5 pints every night. I was a mess and looked and felt like crap. Had a word with myself ( ok I had a bit of a breakdown ) and now I’m 11 stone, no longer smoke and only drink a glass or two of wine a few times a week. It was tough going but my outlook has changed dramatically, I’m much happier and more confident now. I feel great.

    No real trick to it either, just eat more intelligently and exercise. I eat a lot of oats ( just plain oats with sometimes raisins or chopped banana on them, my preference is for Scott’s old fashioned porage oats ), plenty of salmon and chicken, lots of salad and protein shakes when I train. Training consists of 3 or 4 gym sessions a week; squats and free weights, maybe some crunches.

    Aim this year is to put on a stone of muscle.

    Good luck on your journey all!

    Free Member

    Bought a couple of these nitrotek lizard trucks for my nephews for Christmas – for the price they seem very well made and testing reveals them to be super quick 🙂

    Free Member

    I would just wait until you have content before publishing; reason being if the site is indexed by the search engines with just a holding page, it will be ranked as irrelevant and you will have to wait until it is reindexed – better to start with some relevant content IMO.

    Free Member

    I had two, both TDV8s – brilliant things really. Fast, comfortable and handled well for such big vehicles. With mud tires very good offroad too if that’s your cup of tea.

    Not the most reliable so would be very wary of running one out of warranty, I had air suspension failures on both plus overheating issues on one. LR service was OKish I suppose but something to think about.

    The biggest issue is almost everyone thinks you’re a t**t and treats you accordingly; if you think people are aggressive towards German penis extensions you should try driving one of these things. The hatred is palpable.

    Free Member

    Real men don’t need GUIs, call yourself a nerd?

    Also vi 4lyfe, yo

    Free Member

    Toshi does some very nice straps to compliment a watch like that.

    Seconding this, I have some lovely Toshi straps on my Pams, reasonably priced compared to some too!

    Free Member

    NATOs look good on Rolex, I get mine from watchworx – cheap enough to buy a bunch of colours. OEM Oyster bracelets are expensive for what they are in my opinion, I would look at the generic clone ones on ebay and the like for under £50.

    Free Member

    Be aware that Hunters are made in a Chinese sweatshop instead of Scotland these days; up until about 2006 I swore by them but the last two pairs I had both split after less than a year. Aigles or BOG hunting wellies for me now!

    Free Member

    Well I am gay

    Free Member

    @jambalaya you’re doing it wrong

    Free Member

    I don’t have much income now but I do have a number of investments that I don’t intend on touching; they’re for my nieces and nephews and something for me when I retire 🙂 I spent a ridiculous amount of money on drugs, cars and gambling though – something about the culture of where I worked meant that most of us would spend spend spend because next month there was always more money coming in. It’s stupid I know but even if I was taking home £25k a month I could usually spend most of it on being a horrible self indulgent jerkoff!

    Free Member

    I’d say it’s whatever enables you to live a lifestyle where you’re happy. I spent most of my 20s and 30s earning a lot of money in the city where the average salary for my team was around half a million a year, some years our bonuses would double that. This kind of work took its toll though, 14 hour days, I was very lonely, had drug and drink issues, couldn’t sleep, high blood pressure the lot. The money was great and the toys I bought were fantastic but I was a shell of a person.

    Had a meltdown; moved to Wales and now work from a small office in my house a few days a week. I haven’t got much money compared to the old days but I do have lots of time and almost zero stress, I love it!

    Free Member

    God is a gas.

    Free Member

    I don’t mean to urinate on your chips but there is only one teabag and that is Marks and Spencer’s LUXURY GOLD. There’s no going back after trying these.

    Free Member

    Usually when I’ve finished my beer.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ah thanks, I never realized that! However £60 is hardly a deterrent if you could save a few £hundred from your family holiday is it? If they made the fine £500 I bet most people would think twice…

    Free Member

    Are the schools legally able to enforce the fines?

    Free Member

    Eh? Call into the shop to get fitted, come back next week and we’ll have a packet of 3 for you…?

    Haha not quite, you measure up at home and they send them via post 🙂

    Free Member

    One of the most surprising things I discovered recently were custom fitted condoms. And then I thought “why didn’t I think of that?”

    Free Member

    I miss the time when your posts were funny – what day was that again

    Mañana amigo, mañana.

    Free Member

    I kind of miss that fake scottish chap and the bloke with the fastest diesel estate in the world.

    Free Member

    I have a couple of pairs of Hiuts, they’re great. £230 for a pair of jeans may seem a lot but they’re probably the best jeans I’ve ever worn. Mine were made by a lady named Elin, she signed her name inside them.

    Free Member

    Maybe there’s some backup software on your PC that’s trying to take copies of the stuff on your 500GB drive?

    Free Member

    I think as long as you stick with the top brands IE LG, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung you’ll be OK OP. If you think bike forums are full of sperglords then you should try some of the AV ones, the mind boggles. Just replaced all the TVs in my house with Samsung smart TVs, they’re great.

    Free Member

    I’ve switched a few times in the last five years or so and don’t think I’ve ever actually saved any money. It seems I switch to a “cheaper” deal but then everyone puts their prices up. The energy industry is nothing but a cartel; privatising what is quite obviously a natural monopoly was always going to end this way.

    Free Member

    There’s not much that beats 20 nuggets or a fistful of cheeseburgers halfway through a pub session. Or a few of the breakfast muffins and a milkshake the morning after for that matter.

    I don’t know why people are so down on McDonalds, they provide cheap food in a clean environment. It’s not exactly gourmet dining but honestly who cares. I’d wager that the stuff served there is no worse for you than anything served at the likes of Starbucks or Subway. Actually you could check yourself, they provide a full nutritional breakdown and ingredients at

    Free Member

    So, is my spreadsheet that is password protected with a really (what i think) quite difficult password no good?

    Crackable in minutes unfortunately.

    Free Member

    It’s an M3 convertible. Utterly obnoxious and totally camp, suits me down to the ground 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve used “laptops direct” before and they’ve been fine. Not sure about after-sales service as I’ve never had to use it though. Some good looking deals at

    I think it’s quite important to get a feel for a laptop before buying though; some have strange key feedback, oddly-placed trackpads etc so might be worth looking about the likes of JL anyway.

    Free Member

    Bake unleavened bread, you will find no rising costs for this.

    It doesn’t have to cost that much bread if you go for the yeast expensive retailers.

    Free Member

    He he he, they saw a cock-mobile going slowly and grabbed the opportunity to abuse the driver while they had the chance.

    Been thinking of getting an “It’s OK, I’m gay” sticker for the car to stop the poor darlings from feeling inadequate and threatened by the “pussy wetter” as one of my female friends so delightfully calls it 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks all, you’ve helped put my mind at rest. If I’d have been in my knackered old vectra I would have been straight up the kerb no worries, but no chance in the cock-extension.

    Free Member

    Snickers bar + Cheese and Onion crisps

    Free Member

    @OP just be aware that unless her profile explicitly states that she’s slim and athletic she will be without fail a bit of a chubster *

    * And even if it does, she still might be.

    Free Member

    Freedom from what? living in a horrible place you need a car to get out of? imagine the nice place you could live if you didnt spend money on 2 cars….

    I live in a lovely place already. Having cars gives me the freedom to go wherever I choose in comfort and at my convenience without having to brave public transport. Go and see friends and family maybe. Sometimes it’s nice just to get in the car and drive somewhere though, there are some great roads in this country.

    Free Member

    To rule out internal interference try unscrewing the master NTE5 faceplate and plugging the router directly into the socket this reveals, with no other devices attached to the line. If you still have issues it’s either external or your homehub could be knackered.

    Free Member

    I kind of applaud you for ditching your cars but I couldn’t do it myself. Cars represent freedom to me, so much so I currently have two and I’m a single bloke.

    Free Member

    Why do you need redundancy?

    RAID is not backup; you’ve be far better off putting a second disk in a caddy and backing up to it periodically, rather than putting both disks in the same box and having a problem which affects both at once.

    I don’t think OP is after a backup solution Cougar, just something to stream his pirate backup movies from. RAID1 is what I went for as it offered a bit of data protection if a disk popped; if I lost all of my movies it would be a pain but not the end of the world though so a mirror is sufficient. Swings and roundabouts though innit, I guess some people would want the extra space offered by a concat.

    Free Member

    OP save yourself a load of time and effort and just have “I will regret this” tattooed somewhere prominent.


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