In addition to that, it sounds to me like the new slackline would be right up your street, not as slack as the switchback, can take plus tyres if your little heart so desires, but if you’re not adverse to the old 29″ thang, the Sherpa is a magnificent uk trail bike, I’ve owned a ti slackline, a ti mk2 switchback, and currently own a 853 steel mk1 Sherpa, if you’re local ish to me, you’re welcome to have a play on it if you want to meet up sometime. Also, if you’re on Facebook, check out the Stanton owners group, we have 670 odd members, were a helpful bunch,and you’ll probs be able to blag a ride on any of the models from one of the members on there, and get lots of good advice, and probably a bit of banter and piss taking!