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  • Win this Lazer Jackal KinetiCore helmet worth £180!
  • Pyro
    Full Member

    Best one I ever got:
    When discussing any points on a slide, press the B key on your keyboard. This blanks the scree, and means people concentrate on YOU, not what’s hovering above your head on the screen.

    Full Member

    I have one, because under a drysuit when winter kayaking they’re ace.

    However, I still wonder why the frnk anyone would want to wear one around the house/in public/for any other reason than UNDER something else. They look horrific! Even my better half in her comedy snowman one…

    Full Member

    In the loosest sense of the word, yes

    Full Member

    Pints/beer session – grand
    “night out”/dancing – absolutely poo.

    Full Member

    IR_B – see you there! A comment from last year’s Deerstalker sums it up nicely. First hill, just after the first water obstacle, runner in front of me turns to his mate with the words “So much for the frigging waterproof shoes”. You’re much better off with fast draining than waterproof, and after the “Outward River Saunter” (waist depth in places )wet feet will be the last thing on your mind…

    Full Member

    Oh, and Edinburgh Bike had the Deflects reduced last week as well…

    Full Member

    I’ve just got a set of the Spesh Deflect gloves and they’re pretty darn good. I use the BG Ridge gloves over summer, and find that the BG padding suits me really well.

    Full Member

    The feel of the cold water splashing on my face as I dropped off Low Force yesterday.

    Full Member

    Happy. Awesome weekend of kayaking and house party, the sun is shining and I’m tired and achy for all the right reasons.

    Full Member

    I thought this was going to be about Heston…

    Full Member

    I ordered a double entendre in a pub once.

    The barmaid gave me one.

    (I’ll get me coat…)

    Full Member

    Will keep an eye, Headingley/Hyde Park/Meanwood area, but check Recycle Engineering, off Victoria Rd in Hyde Park as well. They bought a mates bike after it was stolen, thief had got a dicky receipt run up to make it look genuine.

    Full Member

    As an addendum, yup, what the others said. I went from 5k to (slow) 80k in 8 months…

    Full Member

    Have a look at something like the Runners World soite, they often have suggested training plans. Basic idea is not to increase distance too rapidly – no more than a 10% increase in weekly mileage/longest run distance per week is an oft-used figure – and work on distance OR speed at any one time, not both.

    Full Member

    Not a hard case, but I use a little Jansport holdall. Was about £20 on Amazon and is cracking.

    Full Member

    Yup, I’d agree with that, spacemonkey. I dropped the riding since it was my first Ultra and needed testing with some respect. Going back there this year but aiming to mix the summer up a bit more since I’ve gor a better base to work off. Both will come back, gradually, I’m sure.

    Full Member

    I trained hard all of last year for an Ultra in August. Finished that, had a layoff for a while…

    Now in the same boat as you on two counts, lost the running fitness in a few months and lost the biking fitness since I started running… Ho hum… :)

    Full Member

    Multisport – 2004 and 2006 Hebridean Challenges
    MTB – Sleepless 2008
    Running – Grand Raid des Pyrenees 2011

    Full Member

    Or, actually, if it’s in columns, Hlookup…

    Full Member

    Vlookup is what you need, I reckon.

    Full Member

    My favourite in our old works canteen was sausage, mushroom and two hash browns, with ketchup. Set me up a treat, that did.

    Full Member

    Agree with cp, map board on the bars is a very good idea, taking a map out of your pack for every decision is a massive faff. Boards are great, tough it seems to take some people some time to adapt to not being able to see the front wheel on techy downhills. Oh, and bear in mind that GPS are usually not allowed.

    Aside from that, have fun. If it’s Trailquest/score format (pick your checkpoints) try and avoid climbing on singletrack. If it’s MTB-O/linear format, remember the shortest route isn’t always the fastest!

    Full Member

    The Alpkit Gamma’s are good, for night running and riding I use a Black Diamond Icon. Bly the cheapest but cracking features, brightness and battery life.

    Full Member

    At the Kielder 100 this year, there was a bit of a consensus that the Clarks pads were the ones lasting best. This was, presumably, un-bedded, straight replacements.

    Full Member

    It’s snot.

    (See what I did there? No? I’ll get me coat…)

    Full Member

    I have a scar on my left eyebrow from being hit in the head with a WWII army helmet.

    “Come here darling” is a fairly acceptable phrase to have to veto, though. I had to ask my mum to stop saying “now you be careful” when I went out on my bike. I only ever crashed when she’d told me to be careful… (No idea what my excuse is now, mind)

    Full Member

    I’m sat quietly in the living room avoiding my loves-to-vent-her-righteous-indignation-at-full-volume sister. Her fella and I are hiding out with a couple of white russians. It’s very peaceful in here…

    Merry whatsits, everyone. :)

    Full Member

    Oh, and sorry gents, but Kylie all the way.

    Full Member

    I occasionally admit I’m wrong. But sometimes I’m just lying to keep the missus quiet.

    Full Member

    < Sees aracer’s been on RGB again… >

    Full Member

    Carrick, and I’m absolutely fine with it.

    Full Member

    I was a guitarist, then got a mandolin then the banjo – the latter are pretty similar so I kind of knew how to play already. Depends how she wants to learn, but I would reckon on banjo, a chord book or “for beginners” book and a few plectrums if she wants to play strummed rather than picked. Maybe a tuner. That’s about it.

    Full Member

    (More seriously, Eagle Music Shop was where my missus bought both my banjo and mandolin. Both Ozark ones, not hugely expensive but decent enough to learn on)

    Full Member

    Just watch out if she snaps the string…

    Full Member

    No-one. It’s wendyball and I fail to see why I should cheer 11 overpaid tossers mincing around a field.

    Full Member

    Nice sweet-but-sharp dessert wine also has it’s place.

    Babybel should be allowed at Christmas, since we’re celebrating the birth of the little baby cheeses…

    …I’ll get me coat.

    Full Member

    I’ll be bimbling around in the Lakes for a few days over Chrimbo. If anyone fancies a gentle spin around Whinlatter on the 27/28th, gimme a reach around yell…

    Full Member

    When they start screwing my knees/ankles up.

    Full Member

    I’ve had one for years, for wearing under my drysuit when kayaking. I wouldn’t wear it in public, though…

    Full Member

    Cup of tea?

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