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  • DH World Cup Round 5 – Vallnord – The new track delivers! (Spoilers)
  • Pyro
    Full Member

    Probably a Larsen TT, I would reckon. I used to use 1.9 Mach SKs and they were fast, if a touch sketchy in the wet.

    Full Member

    *can’t work out if thread was only started to get snow white and the seven dwarves gag on to the forum*

    And yet, you were the first to rise to it… ;)

    Part ^ that, part just plain being facetious. Seem to have been a lot of “how happy are you with…” threads, so it was partly joining in the general mick-taking by starting another one, as so often happens around these parts. The appalling humour was a bonus…

    For what it’s worth, I’m fairly happy. There are things that play on my mind that would be less play-on-my-mind-y if I was paid more, but you can’t win ’em all. I’m probably 9/10 as well, though how you empirically measure happiness, I’m not quite sure. What would be the SI unit? A Dwarf? Dodd? Bluebird?

    Full Member

    I may end up hating myself/others for this…
    iDave, could you send me some info on the diet?

    I’m wanting (and struggling) to shift a chunk of beer gut – could ideally do with dropping a stone (5’9″, 13.5 stone). I’m a very active runner, biker and kayaker but also eat like a horse and don’t always pay attention to exactly what I’m chucking down my neck…

    Full Member

    Nirvana’s “Lounge Act”

    Full Member

    Either! Roads are pretty clear and generally in decent nick, but the west coast beaches and the tracks through the machair are great as well. If you time it right with the tide going out, there’s no need for a fat bike at all – last time I raced up there in a Hebridean Challenge, it was on 1.9 Mach SKs….

    Full Member

    Chilean Sauvignon Blanc.

    Full Member

    Regional Div 2 canoe polo tournament tomorrow, maybe a bit of whitewater on Sunday.

    Full Member

    I remember travelling over the A69 towards Newcastle when I was a kid, my mum driving, my gran in the passenger seat. Up on the skyline, just past Hexham, there was the silhouette of what looked like a camel, which I excitedly pointed out to my mum and gran…

    …as we got closer, it turned out to be two horses, having it away.

    Full Member

    Pound shop for some stuff. Climbers tape works a treat as well

    Full Member

    Darn it, I hate it when pictures don’t work…

    Full Member

    I bought my Fisher Tass for not very much off here and tweaked it to my liking, found a magic ratio (32:18 on a 17.5″ frame), ditched the tensioner, added a rigid carbon fork and switched odd bits around. I reckon the whole lot’s still cost me less than £300.

    Full Member

    Done. Good luck with it!

    Full Member

    Got 160 front and rear on my SS and they’re more than enough. Bit fiddlier to set up than i’d expected, but flipping awesome once they were sorted!

    Full Member

    She puts up with me. That’s enough for me :)

    Full Member

    I run 32:18 on mine (26″), grand for most of the shorter rides I do (Leeds/Dales/NYM area)
    Main reason is that it’s a magic ratio for my frame, so I don’t need a tensioner.

    Full Member




    Taking pics of stuff:

    The reason they call me Pyro:

    Full Member

    All i can say is that the event is clearly badly run. tbh most events shouldnt require any medica certificates,

    Depends where the event is and what it is – it’s not a sign of being “badly run” at all. French events you MUST have a medical form, it’s part of their insurance policy and nothing else will do, not EHIC, private policy, nothing. Most short events in the UK allow you to self-certify but I’ve been to a couple where a doctor’s cert is mandatory and they WERE checked (I was one of the ones doing the checking! Not of the “did you, Dr X, sign this form?” variety but of the “could you confirm that this patient is registered with your practice”).

    That said, mine have been faked once or twice, when a GP either wasn’t happy to sign or wasn’t available.

    Full Member

    I’ve had that with a riml where the weld had cracked. Every time I hit a bump, pothole, cattle grid etc, I embed up with a flat. Might be worth checking for that or for burrs on the rim itself.

    Full Member

    Specially if you build a decent kicker, K23:

    Full Member

    Didn’t see the thread, but we “upgraded” a home-made sledge from a few years back with skis bought off ebay for a tenner to replace the cracked plastic runners it had on it.

    It’s now in the realms of “scary fast”

    Full Member

    I rewired a house for a mate 5 years ago. Was nervous as hell doing it but just made sure I followed the old wiring pattern as I stripped it out (lead-sheathed 2 core!) and made sure everything was double and triple checked. I had a working knowledge but nothing more, some of the lighting stuff, multi-way switching on the stairs etc, took some thought and planning, and obviously the final connections into the consumer unit had to be done by a professional, but nothing’s blown up and the house is still standing, so I guess I did a good job. When we finally wired in and tested it, I went round plugging a lamp into the various sockets with my mate standing on a phone book, holding a broom with 999 ready on speed-dial just in case…

    Full Member

    Weld is awesome, as is Rust Never Sleeps. Studio-wise, Harvest is pretty much essential.

    Full Member

    Can someone pass me some mindbleach, please?

    Full Member

    Scuzz, I know it wasn’t Santana’s best album, but it’s not that bad…

    Full Member

    I’m flattered, Derek, but sadly you’re not my type, and under the beard I’m plug ugly.

    Anyway, you’re only after me for my hat, you rotter.

    Full Member

    Yes Derek, that is me and that is my hat. and my beard. and my perennial expression of confusion.

    Full Member

    You can’t tell me I don’t look like a perfect gent with my gentlemanly facial adornment.

    Well, you can try, but I might not listen…

    Full Member

    It’s the message therein, Derek. Not that you SHOULD have it away with a bearded man, just that everyone should CONSIDER it. It’s an option always worth considering.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I am a man with a beard, and I ride a full-suss, geared Rocky Mountain*

    Many Some people trust me.

    I am not warlike, there aren’t lots of people dying around me, nor crowds of refugees fleeing from my atrocities. I’m not especially aggressive, even from behind the safety of a keyboard. I prefer tea and sticky buns to punch-ups.

    I may not be wholly typical, but I would say your hypothesis was a pile of wobblers.

    (* I also have a rigid singlespeed, but that’s beside the point)

    Full Member

    The random clangy piano bit at the end of Anthony & the Johnsons “Hope there’s someone” would get my vote.

    Full Member

    Sticky Bones Jackson if I use the middle name on my birth certificate
    Sticky Back Jackson if I use the pseudonym that has become my surrogate middle name.

    Full Member

    Baby Darling is the one I’ve got. Like I say, stand-out tracks but as a whole album it’s a bit “meh”

    Full Member

    Downloaded an album (first one?) on the basis of “Death by Diamonds and Pearls”. Not really got into the while album but love that track. Will have to give it another listen.

    Full Member

    Not completely unpadded, but I use a set of iRule Ninjas sometimes. There is a pad but it’s a very minimal one. Any Tri shorts wil be similar.

    Full Member

    I was on Fifteen-to-One many moons ago. Auditions were just a normal version of the show but in a hall rather than a studio, all pretty much as you’d expect. On the actual show recordings I felt very tense the first time round, more relaxed/used to it in the later rounds. Was always treated well and looked after by the crew, who (presumably) are used to dealing with the clueless. There’s the usual air of unapproachability amongst most of the staff but they were all happy to answer questions or direct you if you asked.

    Full Member

    Possibly. Damn phone browser… :)

    Full Member

    < double post, just ignore this one >

    Full Member

    For a more in-depth definition, read Dr Kate Fox’s “Watching the English”.

    Full Member

    Z-11 – very much with you on the A’Bunadh. Although my ‘livet 15 and Jura Superstition are going nicely as well. The Jura was £15 in Morrisons over Christmas!

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